
DC: Dark Monarch

A Man is defined as Good and Evil by the choices he made but those choices are not always given. He pulled the switch that ended Humanity. The Last Survivor of a nuclear war. A single button created out of fear made an entire race go extinct. Was he Evil? Maybe. But what would happen when he finds himself as the Bruce Wayne. Doubt about his existence or live the life. Follow his journey as he become the Dark Monarch. ----- Disclaimer: I don't own any characters of Dc. Support me on patreon, if you wish. Link: patreon.com/Darkwolfest 1. You will get 20+ additional chapters in total. 2. Exclusive voting power and special shout outs. 3. Sponsorship for my latest chapters. 4. Exclusive content, exclusive access to upcoming stories and much more

Dark_Asmodeus · Films
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19 Chs

9: Talia al Ghul [2]

If you want to read up to 5 chapters ahead, go to-https://pàtreon.com/Darkwolfest.

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After spending the early hours with Bruce, Talia al Ghul was returning to her chambers at the east end of the temple. Her face, usually poised and calm, was now tinged with a mixture of doubt and carried an air of deep contemplation.

The passing warriors paid their respects with bows, yet they seemed oblivious to the turmoil evident in her expression. Talia, on the other hand, was too absorbed in her thoughts to take note of their gestures.

She entered her resting chamber without much awareness, her preoccupation dulling her senses. Consequently, she failed to notice the silhouette sitting in a chair, patiently waiting for her amidst the shadows.

"I take it things either went well." the figure broke the silence, prompting Talia to instinctively reach for the blades concealed in her ankles before adopting a battle stance to face the intruder. "Or very bad."

Talia let out a sigh of relief and relaxed her guard upon recognizing the voice.

"Did you have to do that, Sandra?" She inquired, her annoyance evident.

"I thought you would sense my presence." Lady Shiva emerged from the darkness, her face displaying a hint of amusement. "You usually do."

Talia remained silent and merely shook her head.

"Sooo..." Sandra drawled as she stepped closer to Talia, who looked at her old friend with a hint of confusion.


"How did it go? What do you make of this Wayne?" Wu-San asked, her expression serious.

"He's more composed and open than I anticipated." Talia sighed, taking a seat on her bed. "If Father deems him the heir, I wouldn't be opposed to accepting."

Sandra let out a sigh, placing an arm around the young heiress's shoulder as she took a seat beside her. "You do realise that if your father names him the heir, it would likely lead to a marriage between you two?"

"If my father believes that our union could bring about the perfect heir, one capable of harmonising the Earth, then why not?" Talia replied.

Sandra sighed again, her concern evident. "You're so consumed by your father's legacy, Talia. But what about your own wishes? What about what 'you' want?"

"What I want is irrelevant, Sandra." Talia's tone turned resolute, reflecting the reality she had long accepted since her childhood.

Wu-San sadly shook her head and stood up from the bed, giving her friend's back a comforting pat. She began to leave the room, but halted just before exiting.

"It's not wrong to have desires, Talia." Sandra stated firmly. "But it is wrong to never act upon them."

Talia smiled and nodded, understanding the depth of her friend's words. Her situation was indeed complex and uncommon, a challenge few women ever faced.

'What do I want?' Talia questioned herself, her gaze fixed on the distant mountains. The answer to that question remained solely within her heart.


The Temple of Shadows served as the venue for meetings among the League's elders. While Ra's decrees were final, these meetings allowed the masters to express their individual directives.

Ra stood at the centre of the hall, encircled by the elders. The diverse assembly bore expressions ranging from discord to scepticism, all reflecting their shared concern about Ra's recent decision.

"Well?" Ra's voice rang out, directed at the bickering faces surrounding him. "Does anyone have something that requires my attention?"

"Not necessarily, Master Ra." an elderly figure replied.

"Then why have you all been summoned?" Ra inquired.

"We're unsure why you've chosen an outsider as the successor when there are capable members within the League." a man in a black jacket stepped forward, straps of guns crossing his chest, a sword holstered on his back. His greying hair cascaded over his face.

"I've made my choice, Cain." Ra's tone was firm, a glint of amusement flickering in his eyes.

"But I question whether he truly possesses the qualities of a leader." David's voice grew louder, his frustration palpable. "What does he have that I lack?"

"I never made any promises to you, David."

"Of course you didn't." Cain hissed.

"What do you expect, then?"

"What do I expect?" David's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Oh, I want nothing less than to challenge him, to prove myself worthy of the position."

"If this Wayne is as great as you imply, I'm sure he would be more than able to defend the Honor or do you fear he would lose?"

"Fear huh?" Ra clicked his tongue as his eyes narrowed sharply. "You have no idea about it."

Ra's lips curled slightly, his eyes fixed on David, who stood his ground with a smirk, confident he'd ensnared Ra's attention.

"Lazarus accepted him, a challenge most succumbed to." Ra's voice held a glimmer of amusement as he spoke to the masters.

"Fine, what do the elders propose as a test of worthiness?" Ra inquired.

Cain's eyes gleamed with triumph, confident that Ra had fallen into his trap just as he anticipated.

"I suggest a duel." Cain declared, his smirk growing. "Me against him."

"If he prevails, we accept him as our new leader." an elder added.

"And if he falters, I take his place." Cain's voice was resolute.

Ra scoffed, a deeper smile tugging at his lips. He drew closer to Cain, the demon head leaned in, whispering as he clutched Cain's neck. "Remember your place, Orphan. And make sure you don't lose, for if you do, I'll ensure your death would be brutal for bringing dishonour to my name with their doubts."

The fear in the masters' eyes became evident as they recoiled from Ra's gaze, except for one figure.

"Pathetic." Ra muttered, his attention returning to Cain, who met his gaze unwaveringly. "You fail to recognize when you're already losing, as you just did."

With those words, Ra released his grip and pushed Cain back.

"Do you fear The Wayne?" Ra asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"...No." Orphan growled.

Ra's smirk widened as he turned away, making his exit from the hall.

"I'd suggest you start." He called over his shoulder.

The room remained silent as Cain's frustration and determination clashed.


A/N: Check out the riddle.

Suggest me some good songs to hear while I write.

I have taken my inspiration of Talia al Ghul from the pre-Morrison version, which I still believe is Canon and here is a fun fact, many might not know, Talia's story of drugging Batman and conceiving Damian is actually retconned by the writer himself but people still cling on it.

Comment your thoughts about the chapters.

Have a great day. ┌⁠(⁠・⁠.⁠・⁠)⁠┘⁠♪

I have hands but I cannot clap, I run but I do not have legs, what am I?- The Riddler.

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