
DC: Dark Monarch

A Man is defined as Good and Evil by the choices he made but those choices are not always given. He pulled the switch that ended Humanity. The Last Survivor of a nuclear war. A single button created out of fear made an entire race go extinct. Was he Evil? Maybe. But what would happen when he finds himself as the Bruce Wayne. Doubt about his existence or live the life. Follow his journey as he become the Dark Monarch. ----- Disclaimer: I don't own any characters of Dc. Support me on patreon, if you wish. Link: patreon.com/Darkwolfest 1. You will get 20+ additional chapters in total. 2. Exclusive voting power and special shout outs. 3. Sponsorship for my latest chapters. 4. Exclusive content, exclusive access to upcoming stories and much more

Dark_Asmodeus · Films
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19 Chs

14: The Choices On A Battlefield [1]

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The gusty winds buffeted the aircraft as it initiated its final descent through the stormy weather.

The turbulence jolted me awake, the plane landing with a thud at Korean Airport. I blinked, gradually peering out the window to witness an impending storm.

"We've arrived, Bruce." Talia informed, having taken the seat next to me.

The past month has been incredibly hectic. My training under Sandra had escalated to a new level of difficulty, while Ra's remained committed to imparting his specialized skills.

Talia and I managed to meet daily after my training sessions, although our time together was often limited to an hour, and sometimes even less. Many times, we found ourselves simply gazing at the stars in comfortable silence.

I wouldn't say our relationship had taken any big steps. We both recognized each other's attractiveness and shared an odd kind of companionship in each other's presence, but that seemed to be the extent of it.

On the other hand, Ra's and I engaged in extensive conversations. We exchanged ideas and debated topics ranging from history. I have to admit, he's quite engaging—that is once you overlook the fact that he's a genocidal misanthrope and the leader of an assassin group.

Anyway, I retrieved my jacket and proceeded to leave my seat, trailing behind Talia as she made her way towards the exit. Ra's joined us from his private quarters as we descended the stairs and disembarked from the jet.

A luxurious limousine awaited us, with a chauffeur ready to drive. I stepped into the car, followed by Talia and Ra's.

The vehicle gradually pulled away from the airport, and my view changed to the lights of Seoul city.

I couldn't help but scowl, the memories from this place are still in my mind fresh as a Christmas snow.

The last time I had been here, things were significantly different.


Amidst the surrounding chaos, the buildings stood as solemn witnesses—scorched remnants of a recent rebellion. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke, the fiery aftermath evident in the charred remains strewn haphazardly—testaments to the recent conflict.

In the distance, the sound of gunfire echoed, a grim reminder that the battle still raged on in the waters of Korea.

"Chief, they've taken hostages inside." A communication officer reported, passing a file to the Commanding General.

The Commander shifted his gaze away from the UN consulate visible through his binoculars, focusing on us. His face bore a grim expression as he perused the report.

"Are there any alternative entry points?" He queried, his attention fixed on a blueprint of the consulate laid out on a table.

"Negative, sir. They've detonated the tunnels and fortified the walls. There's a direct approach, but it might be a trap."

"What about rooftops?" He inquired.

"Snipers have been positioned in adjacent apartment complexes with smoke cover. We could enter, but without aerial support, it'll be a challenge." The officer responded dutifully. I observed the conversation, finishing loading my semi-automatic.

The chief's attention seemed to drift, his eyes narrowing as he pondered the available options. He clicked his tongue and turned his focus back to the squad.

"Attention, boys!" the Chief's voice boomed, capturing our full attention as we quickly stood up.

"Those fucking Imperial cowards have retreated into the consulate like spineless snails retreating into their shells." He exclaimed, his Russian accent thick. "We're going in there and wiping every last one of them out."

He tossed the blueprint before us and pointed to the rooftop of the building with his Bowie knife.

"We'll zipline to the roof and clear each level from there." We all absorbed the layout and strategies as he elaborated further.

"Zeke, you're in charge." He addressed a tall, scarred blonde man. Zeke was our powerhouse—a man of few words, he followed orders without hesitation, and he wasn't one for excessive thought.

"Arjun, provide sniper support. Neutralize the snipers and ensure the windows stay empty. I don't want a soul visible." He instructed, and Arjun nodded, his gaze already shifting towards the rooftops. He gripped his sniper rifle and departed the camp, understanding his role and its urgency.

"The rest of you, follow suit! Move it! We've got no more than two minutes!"

We all nodded and began gearing up. The chief, however, singled out two of us.

"Kira, Theo, step forward!" He commanded, exiting the camp. I watched as Kira, a blonde woman, shrugged and followed his lead, walking out of the camp.

"Chief?" I called, breaking his train of thought as he lit a cigarette.

"You two are going to draw fire and advance." He ordered, his tone leaving no room for discussion. He knew as well as we did that he was sending us on a suicide mission—effectively, we were bait.

"Once you've made a path, start breaching the dome. It has natural defenses. If they're inside, we can't take them down without reinforcements and artillery support."

Without waiting for a reply, he moved away. I exchanged a glance with Kira, her eye roll and shake of her head communicating her shared exasperation.

It wasn't the first time we had been assigned this role, but this time it promised to be more challenging.

"If we make it through this, we're fucking all night." She declared, her words carrying an air of grim determination, as she turned and began to prepare herself.

"Sounds like a plan to me." I agreed, trailing after her.

Within minutes, we were on the streets, approaching the barricades cautiously as we kept a vigilant watch on our surroundings.

Zeke eliminated two patrolling guards, and we were suddenly under sniper fire—until Arjun neutralized them. We scaled a building, then shot a zipline up to the consulate's rooftop. Zeke led the way, with me following and Kira behind me.

With the squad assembled at the rooftop, Zeke cautiously opened the door, and we were met with immediate gunfire. We scrambled to take cover, Zeke tossing a grenade into the stairwell before shutting the door.

Amidst the resounding blast, we found ourselves descending the gore-strewn stairs, blood splattered everywhere with bodies missing, swiftly moving down. However, the ease wouldn't last—we had alerted the enemy, and now Kira and I had to draw their attention to prevent them from ambushing us.

While the remainder of the squad cleared floors via the standard stairwell, we opted for a fire exit leading us downwards.

"Watch out!" I shouted, pushing Kira away just in time to fire at an approaching assailant.

She grunted as she regained her stance, acknowledging my assistance. "Thanks."

"Focus." I muttered, my eyes already tracking our route to the dome, with Kira covering my rear.

Progressing towards the dome was relatively uneventful—a few skirmishes here and there. The soldiers were fewer in number than reported, which meant fucking trouble.

Soon, we laid eyes on the hostages and the soldiers within. The grim conditions of the captives struck me profoundly.

"Fucking hell." I muttered under my breath, my gaze fixed on the distressing scene.

The moment the word escaped my lips, a series of explosions reverberated, followed by the collapse of a section of the building.

"T1, come in." Chief's voice crackled over the comm. "T1, report."

"We're here. Chief. We've identified the hostages." Kira reported.

"The suicide fuckers threw themselves with a chain of grenades, our routes were blocked. Zeke's out and half the team is injured, Can you handle this situation?" Chief's voice conveyed urgency, and frustration on his end was palpable.

"Doubtful, Chief. The hostages are rigged with Heartstoppers, even the captives. Should we risk triggering a chain reaction?" I responded. Heartstoppers were C4 explosives triggered by the heartbeat, if one of them flatlined, every one would die.

"Theo, hostages are secondary. We need the building secured before reinforcements arrive. If you think you can do it, I leave the decision to you. Over and out."

"Roger that, Chief." I sighed, releasing the mic.

My focus returned to the hostages—children, all of them, not even teenagers yet. Around a hundred, held at gunpoint with their families behind them.

I had a choice, take the shot and end the battle, at the cost of those young lives, or don't take the shot and struggle for weeks with minimal supplies and ammunition.

"What's your call?" I asked Kira, hoping for a response. She didn't disappoint, a wry smile gracing her lips.

"I say, fuck 'em, kids!" She replied with a shake of her head and a grin.

I sighed, shaking my head as I pulled the pin from a smoke grenade and hurled it.

Soldiers barked orders while children screamed, older ones offering hopeful glances. We raced for cover, seeking a vantage point from which to initiate our entry.

I shattered a window, pistol raised at the nearest child.



"You seem a bit tense, Bruce." Ra's said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Are you ok?" Talia asked, a bit worried.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I confirmed, offering a nod. My gaze drifted toward the window, where the storm was gradually subsiding.

"Everything's just fine."


A/N: Yeah.. Ugh we need to talk...

I don't think this is gonna work anymore.

Kidding. Sorta.

Guys, I might have to go on a month of hiatus.

Extremely sorry about this but truth to be told, I'm trying to pile up the chapters for Patéron.

I can really use the support.

So support me. who knows maybe I might just speedrun this thing and come back in a week.

I seriously need to catch up on some comics stuff at this time too.

So ya...

See you later.

Don't you dare Fúçk with any other authors while we are on a break. Just kidding... Or was I?

love ya. [No Homo]

Seriously No homo, in fact kill that shit with fire.

Dark_Asmodeuscreators' thoughts