
DBZ: Human Gaming Dojo

Yamcha had obtained a cube with a demonic voice that promised to help him in his quest to make humanity rise against Saiyans, angels, demons, gods, and omnipotent beings. Soon, all of them would come to know about the rise of humanity with the help of Yamcha or is it still him? Or Watchdog Man? Or someone else?

Lucky_Punch · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


In the afternoon, in the vast wilderness, Yamcha's posture remained upright, his slender and strong physique emanating a sense of power as he confidently wore the familiar Turtle School Uniform.

His right hand stretched out, palm facing upward, radiating a brilliant beam of life energy, which converged into a single focal point.

This beam of energy was aimed directly at an object firmly embedded in the ground, emitting a foreboding and malevolent aura.

With determination etched across his face, Yamcha declared with utmost seriousness, "You must be destroyed!"

Before arriving at this specific location, Yamcha had been searching for a place to train and develop his abilities.

During his journey, he unexpectedly stumbled upon this mysterious object.

Initially unaware of its true nature and perplexed by the voice that whispered into his ear, curiosity compelled him to investigate further.

To his astonishment, the object directly addressed him, speaking his name. "Yamcha, right?"

This instilled a sense of fear and apprehension within him.

Sensing an intimidating aura emanating from the object and observing the dark, vaporous substance seeping out of it, Yamcha deduced that it harbored malevolence.

Therefore, without entertaining the idea of unraveling its mysteries, his immediate inclination was to annihilate it.

"Reveal your true nature, or face the wrath of my wolf blast!" Yamcha sternly demanded, as the concentrated life energy on his palm grew larger and brighter.

However, the voice retorted confidently, "No... you won't! I understand why you have come here, and our encounter was destined..."

Upon hearing these words, Yamcha directed his attention towards the enigmatic marble, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"What do you mean?" he inquired, his voice tinged with bewilderment.

"I know you came to this place not to seek training or find solace, but rather to dwell in the depths of your own perceived inadequacy, comparing yourself to the ever-evolving Goku.

"Are you tormented by the widening gap between your abilities, even in his absence? 

"Do you worry that he will grow even stronger? 

"Or perhaps, it has been three long years since you last saw him and you are worried that he was now a towering mountain?

"How powerful could he have become this time?

"And what about Vegeta, who now stands on Earth, who was supposed to be an enemy, representing the Saiyan race and intertwining his fate with your beloved Bulma?

"Doesn't the sting of such betrayal and unfairness pierce your heart?"

The voice emanating from the marble dripped with derision, its tone mercilessly mocking Yamcha.

In response, a surge of fury twisted Yamcha's expression into a contorted mask of anger.


As a loyal companion and steadfast ally of Goku, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pride and admiration for the tremendous growth in power and the remarkable victories achieved by his comrades.

He genuinely respected the immense effort and unwavering determination they had poured into their relentless pursuit of strength, all in the name of protecting their beloved planet from Frieza and his forces.

However, alongside this admiration, Yamcha couldn't shake off the persistent feeling of being left behind, overshadowed by the monumental strides made by his friends.

Witnessing Goku, Gohan, and Krillin rise to unparalleled levels of power and emerge victorious in their epic battle against Frieza's forces stirred doubts within Yamcha's own heart.

Constant questions plagued his mind, doubting the adequacy of his own efforts and the extent of his contribution to their ongoing conflicts and grand adventures.

Therefore, Yamcha engaged in intense training, pouring his heart and soul into the pursuit of self-improvement.

However, despite his unwavering dedication, each passing day brought him no tangible sense of progress.

The nagging feeling of being left behind by his comrades grew gradually, casting a shadow of despair over his spirit and slowly breaking it. 

Just as Yamcha was about to release his condensed life energy towards the dark marble, his expression shifted, a mix of confusion and disbelief washing over his face.

"What do you mean? Bulma? Vegeta? What are you trying to say?" he questioned, his voice heavy with uncertainty.

Even though Yamcha didn't know what was happening, he had unresolved feelings about Bulma.

So, he struggled to understand the meaning of the mysterious object on the ground.

What is he saying? 


What did he mean by those words?

He felt shocked and couldn't fully understand the message or the knowledge the dark marble possessed. 

It spoke with confidence, as if it knew so Yamcha well.

"Oh... You don't know? How sad," it said, enjoying revealing the truth.

"She will leave you and choose Vegeta, a stronger Saiyan. 

"He will be Goku's ultimate rival, the powerful Saiyan prince who can easily defeat you. It's natural that she would be attracted to his strength and manliness, so you can't blame her.

"She will choose him because he's stronger, and you can't do anything about it…

"After all, you're only human…

"Limited, weak, at mercy of powerful enemies and protectors…

"What if those Saiyans decided to turn against humans? 

"What if those Saiyans were missing? 

"Who will protect the world? You? A normal human? A mere human?" 

And then, as if it already knew the future, the dark marble continued its cruel prediction.


"I remember, Vegeta and Bulma will have something that you will never have too…

"They will have a son named Trunks, and they will have more children. Their names will be remembered for a long time—Bula..."

Yamcha felt scared, and he couldn't understand the strange voice was saying, but he could feel like this voice had invaded his senses already.

A part of him wanted to believe what the voice said because it already knew his name without any introduction.

But he fought to control his trembling body and spoke up despite his growing panic.

"What do you want?" 

He asked, his voice shaking.

"And why are you trying so hard to convince me?"

In response to his question, the chilling voice stopped its unsettling speech and was replaced by a whispering wind that brushed against his ears.

Then, in a barely audible whisper, it replied, "Ah... I'm glad you asked."

After pausing for a moment, it continued, "All I want is to prevent humanity from becoming weak and disrespected, used as pawns by stronger races like the Saiyans or any dominant species. 

"Just like you, being at their mercy, is really really disgusting to me…"

The voice stopped talking for a moment and then continued, "You felt it too, right? The pain of your death, and then Bulma broke up with you just because you didn't text her for a month, leaving you for Vegeta, the same person who caused your death, the same person who ordered your death. And it won't stop there.

"This will keep happening until all humans are gone, and women from your species will be taken by other races... so if you don't set me free, humanity will be destroyed, from within and outside. 

"Also, I have a way for you and humanity to become stronger, and it's through playing games. You won't have to train hard anymore. You'll be stronger than all of them! Stronger than any alien races that aren't humans!"

The voice kept complaining, talking endlessly, while Yamcha stared ahead, unable to look away.

At that moment, Yamcha thought about his own life and realized how similar it was to the voice's prediction.

At first, he thought Bulma's actions were a cruel joke, but now he understood that she was serious, and he couldn't change his fate.

Fear kept him paralyzed, and he couldn't stand up to Vegeta either.

After all, he was only a human, lacking the strength and abilities against the Saiyans and other powerful beings.

Yes, he was just a human.

Just a human, that's all.

Seeing Yamcha's shocked and awakening state, Soon spoke to him again, his voice filled with authority and disrespect.

"Here's a proposal for you," he said with disdain.

"Stop your energy blast or whatever you were doing, don't touch me, and find someone else to help me. 

"You see, if you touch me, you'll gain power that surpasses Goku and Vegeta, the Saiyans.

"But you're not suited for that power. Your mind is weak, and you're passive. 

"Even the women in your life disrespect you, like your ex-partner finding comfort with someone who killed you. It would be a problem if someone as weak as you had control over my abilities."

After Soon finished speaking, Yamcha stopped his energy blast and cautiously reached out to touch the mysterious black marble that had a strange energy.

As soon as his fingers touched its smooth surface, his expression froze, and he was overwhelmed with memories of the future.

In these visions, Yamcha saw a series of unfortunate events, some of which were disastrous and showed a lack of respect.

In this world, Yamcha's role as a powerful fighter became smaller compared to Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo, who were stronger than him in the DragonBall series.

This change in dynamics wasn't rude, but it made it clear that Yamcha seemed weaker compared to his friends.

Yamcha saw a scene from the Cell Saga where he bravely offered to join Earth's fighters against the strong Cell during the Cell Games.

But he was quickly defeated by one of Cell's children, the Cell Jr.

Yamcha's defeat was shown in a funny way, highlighting his vulnerability and the big difference in abilities between him and the other fighters.

Another vision showed the Tournament of Power arc, where Yamcha couldn't get a spot as one of the representatives of Universe 7.

Even though he wanted to participate, he didn't meet the requirements and had to watch from the sidelines while others fought for their universes.

This made it even more clear to his friends that he wasn't good enough.

Yamcha's romantic relationships were also a source of funny misfortune in these glimpses of the future.

He had a series of unsuccessful relationships, especially his well-known breakup with Bulma.

These instances of heartbreak and disappointment continued the idea that Yamcha was unlucky in love.

And Bulma told everyone that he cheated? Really?

His dream was to find a dragon ball to overcome his fear of women, and now he was seen as a cheater?

How could his friends betray him like that?

He was happy for them, even though he was jealou

s and disrespected. 


Do they really have to do that?

Yamcha was broken hearted, like something pierced his heart.

But what could he do?

Fight them?

He's just a human!