
DBZ: Human Gaming Dojo

Yamcha had obtained a cube with a demonic voice that promised to help him in his quest to make humanity rise against Saiyans, angels, demons, gods, and omnipotent beings. Soon, all of them would come to know about the rise of humanity with the help of Yamcha or is it still him? Or Watchdog Man? Or someone else?

Lucky_Punch · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Father and Son

From Vegeta's perspective, Yamcha proved to be an unexpectedly formidable opponent, defying his initial expectations of the human warrior. 

The Saiyan Prince found himself in a precarious situation, on the verge of being incapacitated by Yamcha's assault. 

However, quick thinking and a touch of deceit allowed Vegeta to apply a subtle layer of Ki to his face, mitigating the impact of Yamcha's attack earlier. 

This made him still conscious, because if did not do it, he would be defeated. 

As a surge of memories flooded his mind, he was transported back to his youth, when he was an inquisitive child seeking answers from his father, the illustrious King Vegeta. 

In the grandeur of the throne room, bathed in ethereal sunlight, the young prince approached his father with curiosity burning in his eyes, his voice echoing with innocence. 

"Father, we have dedicated our entire lives to honing our Ki and elevating our power levels. But what would become of us if our Ki were to diminish? What if we were to encounter a supremely skilled martial artist while in a weakened state?" he inquired. 

Soon, King Vegeta leaned closer to young prince Vegeta, showing his face clearly.

He has a strong and defined jawline, giving his face a sense of power and determination. 

His facial structure is angular, with high cheekbones that add to his regal appearance. 

King Vegeta's eyes communicate his authority and strength, reflecting his position as the leader of the Saiyan race.

As he leaned, he effectively shrouded the radiant sunlight, and imparted his wisdom to young prince. 

"While martial arts undoubtedly hold significance, it is those who possess prodigious amounts of Ki and wield formidable power levels that ascend to the pinnacle of dominance, much like Lord Frieza. 

"Even without an extensive understanding of martial arts, Frieza could effortlessly exert his rule over the vast expanse of the universe." 

The young prince, however, remained unconvinced, his thirst for knowledge unquenched. 

He pressed further.

"Is there a possibility of an individual possessing both profound martial arts prowess and an exceptional reservoir of Ki or power level, rivaling that of Frieza?"

King Vegeta, his gaze distant and contemplative, held his silence for a few lingering seconds before finally responding. 

"Should such a scenario indeed unfold, Frieza would undoubtedly find himself outmatched when faced with an adversary of comparable power level but possessing superior martial arts technique." 

With a renewed focus, King Vegeta redirected his gaze to his young son, emphasizing his next words. 

"Nevertheless, martial arts demand unwavering dedication and consume one's life force, diverting attention from the pursuit of power levels. It is therefore prudent to prioritize the cultivation of power levels above all else," he concluded, his tone weighted with a sense of finality.

"Still, they are rare, incredibly rare to the point that some of them would only possess a miniscule of Ki or low level power level.

"Some would even forget all their knowledge of their other Martial Arts and focus on one. So if you meet one, do everything you need to learn from that person. I'm sure it would give you a high amount of knowledge in combat…"

In the present moment, Vegeta's gaze was fixed upon Yamcha, who stood before him on all fours, assuming the stance of a canine. 

Yamcha, wearing an expression of unwavering seriousness, met Vegeta's gaze without flinching.

Observing this, Vegeta took a moment to swipe away the blood that stained his face, his mind filled with thoughts and impressions. 

"Well, dear father," he spoke aloud, his voice laced with a mixture of awe and realization, "I must admit that I have encountered one such as this. Initially, I believed him to be an ordinary adversary, but now I see that you were correct in your assessment. 

"This individual has forsaken the conventional rules of combat, instead focusing on mastering a singular technique, that of the wild dog martial art, a primal and unfamiliar style to my eyes..." 

A grin slowly spread across Vegeta's face, his confidence beginning to resurface. 

"As the Saiyan prince, I acknowledge that continuing this battle without relying on our power levels would not result in my victory. 

"Therefore, I must harness the full extent of my Ki and defeat him at this very moment! 

"However, rest assured, I shall return, stronger and more formidable than ever before. 

"I will intensify my training." 

Suddenly, he froze as he thought of something. 

Soon, Vegeta contemplated why Yamcha, out of all people, had chosen to reveal this particular form to him; he couldn't shake the feeling that there was a deeper significance behind it. 

Although it seemed unrelated at first, he sensed that there must be a reason why he had been singled out and challenged in this manner. 

Gradually, all the pieces of the puzzle started to converge in Vegeta's mind, leading him to a singular conclusion.

"Could it be because of Bulma?" 

He pondered silently, his eyes shifting back to Yamcha. 

It appeared to be the most fitting explanation. 

With a hint of disdain in his tone, he declared.


"Such weakness. 

"I shall demonstrate to him that his pursuit of mortal feeling was useless and becoming the strongest human warrior should be his priority. 

"Perhaps, by some stroke of luck, he may one day attain a fraction of Kakarot's power, even though I hold no expectations, for he lacks the lineage of a Saiyan like us, the blood of a warrior.

"But, the dragon ball can do just that…"

Then a strange aura exploded from his body, like a yellow fire, affecting the surrounding area.

Suddenly, a strange sensation tugged at Vegeta's awareness from above. 


He muttered, his gaze shifting toward the source of the disturbance. 

"Who dares intrude upon our battle?" 

Yet, before any warning could be given, Vegeta's eyes caught sight of a familiar light hurtling downward, directly targeting Yamcha, who remained steadfast in his Demon Dog form. And then, with a resounding explosion, chaos ensued. 


Before the extraordinary events unfolded, Future Trunks and the group of Z fighters comprising Krillin, Piccolo, Tien Shin Han, and young Gohan stood gazing down at the arena while they are floating at the expanse of the sky. 

Bulma had informed them that Yamcha and Vegeta had inexplicably gone off together, but the reason behind their joint excursion to Papaya Island eluded her completely. 

Little did they know what awaited them there. 

In a shocking turn of events, they bore witness to Vegeta mercilessly pummeling Yamcha, although the battered form of the latter seemed unrecognizable due to his peculiar appearance—a hybrid of human and a furry creature reminiscent of Lord Sesshomaru's demon dog from the show, Inuyasha. 

"Who is that?" 

Trunks inquired with genuine bewilderment. 

Being from the future, he had no knowledge of this mysterious being, a curious amalgamation of human and white fur, who now stood before Vegeta. 

The Z fighters struggled to gauge the power level of Vegeta's adversary, but it was evident that Vegeta himself was not using his Ki.

Piccolo wore a grave expression, Krillin mirrored the seriousness, Tien Shin Han maintained a calm demeanor with his arms crossed, and young Gohan, showing no signs of worry, bore a visage marked by utter cluelessness regarding the identity of the half-human, half-white creature. 

There's a lot of anthropomorphic creatures in this Island so they are not sure, but they are sure that the furry creature that was facing Vegeta was one of them.

"We must summon Vegeta at once, for the Androids are drawing near," young Gohan urgently suggested. 

Yet, Trunks halted Gohan's impending action with a subtle motion of his hand, silently urging him not to intervene—after all, it was Vegeta, and who would dare to impede the business of Prince of Saiyans? 

"It appears that this confrontation will soon reach its conclusion," Piccolo observed with a somber tone as Vegeta steadily advanced toward the furry creature. 

The gazes of all the Z fighters became fixated, their eyes narrowing in anticipation as the furry creature initiated a circling motion around Vegeta. 

Without warning, their eyes widened in astonishment as the creature's hand made a thunderous impact, forcefully slapping Vegeta and propelling him through the air, crashing into a distant wall far beyond the confines of the arena!


As the victorious furry creature, its fur glistening with sweat, began to circle the grand arena in jubilant celebration of its hard-won triumph, Future Trunks, felt a sense of unease creeping over him. 

It was an instinctual inkling, a whisper of foreboding that tingled in the depths of his being. 

The atmosphere within the arena began to shift, transforming subtly yet undeniably, as if the very air itself held its breath in anticipation. 

Though he possessed the knowledge that his father, Vegeta, was ascending to the legendary form of Super Saiyan, a surge of apprehension washed over Trunks, engulfing him in an icy grip of fear.

The creature's mouth opened wide, its jaws stretching to an unnatural extent, and at that moment, Trunks could see the concentration of Ki, a vibrant aura pulsating with raw power. 

The sheer magnitude of the impending blast filled him with an overwhelming dread, maybe a trauma from his loved ones when they died at the hands of the Androids, causing his heart to race and his muscles to tense.

In a swift and decisive response, Trunks tapped into his own wellspring of power, his dormant Super Saiyan transformation erupting forth in a blaze of golden radiance. 

The Z fighters, his group that gathered to fight Androids, were taken aback by the sudden and unexpected surge of energy emanating from Trunks, their eyes widening in astonishment. 

Seizing the opportunity presented before him, Trunks propelled himself skyward with remarkable agility, soaring through the air with the grace of a celestial being.


As the furry creature prepared to unleash its devastating attack, swallowing the concentrated Ki within its gaping maw, Future Trunks descended upon it like a streak of lightning, hurtling towards the creature's exposed back with an indomitable resolve. 

The world blurred around him as he descended, the wind roaring in his ears, the adrenaline coursing through his veins. 

With a fierce determination, he struck the creature's vulnerable spot, his fists crashing into its hide with the force of a meteor plummeting from the heavens.
