
DBZ: Human Gaming Dojo

Yamcha had obtained a cube with a demonic voice that promised to help him in his quest to make humanity rise against Saiyans, angels, demons, gods, and omnipotent beings. Soon, all of them would come to know about the rise of humanity with the help of Yamcha or is it still him? Or Watchdog Man? Or someone else?

Lucky_Punch · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


As soon as Vegeta uttered those words, a sudden and chilling sensation cascaded over the left side of his cheek, sending shivers down his spine. 


In an instant, he was propelled through the air, the force behind the blow causing the wind to whistle past his ears as he hurtled towards the frigid surface of the arena floor. 

Gradually, his vision cleared, and his gaze met the expanse of the cerulean sky, adorned with billowing clouds. 

Abruptly, the sound of rhythmic jumps and skips reached his ears, though Vegeta's senses remained muddled, his body unsteady and feeble. 

Despite the struggle, he mustered the strength to rise, though it proved to be no easy feat. 

As his eyes focused on the spot from which he had been launched, he caught sight of Yamcha, leaping and gesturing with an inviting wave, as if he were issuing a challenge for a bare-knuckle brawl. 

"Come on, Saiyan prince…"

Yamcha challenged with his beckoning his hands to come.

A surge of anger and humiliation coursed through Vegeta's veins upon the receipt of that devastating punch. 

However, instead of succumbing to his rage, a realization dawned upon him, prompting a query to escape his lips, "Could it be purely physical power?" 

There had been no discernible fluctuations in Ki, and even the enigmatic energy he had sensed prior seemed absent. 

There was only one conclusion to draw: it was raw physical might. 

This revelation struck Vegeta like a bolt of lightning, leaving him utterly astounded. 

How could he, a Saiyan, be injured by a mere mortal? And also he didn't sense it.

In his understanding, the disparity in physical prowess between Saiyans and ordinary humans was vast. 

According to his knowledge, the average adult human without Ki possessed a power level limit ranging from 7 to 10, while a skilled martial artist could reach up to 100. 

In contrast, the power level limit for an average Saiyan stood at 50, while Saiyan warriors like boasted a staggering 300. 

Thus, it was only natural for Vegeta to be taken aback. 

The punch delivered by Yamcha seemed to exceed even that of a Saiyan warrior. 

With a swipe of his hand across the corners of his mouth, Vegeta formed a wry smile and uttered a single word, laden with intrigue, "Interesting…"

As he observed Yamcha's figure in the distance, a realization dawned upon him - the opponent's presence loomed larger once again, a sight that had become all too familiar. But this time, Vegeta had anticipated it, his senses sharpened and his muscles primed for the impending clash. 

With calculated precision, he employed his shoulder as a shield, expertly defending his left cheek from the impending blow. 


The impact reverberated through the air, a resounding bang echoing in the arena, as Yamcha's fist collided with Vegeta's deltoid near his biceps, only to be swiftly redirected, slipping past him. 


Seizing the opportunity, Vegeta swiftly retaliated, his fist finding its mark with a devastating blow to Yamcha's chin, another thunderous bang filling the air. 


And in that fleeting moment, as Yamcha's head was gradually lifted by the force of the punch, Vegeta's mind raced, his internal thoughts a whirlwind of calculations and anticipation. 

He knew he had mere seconds to further exploit his advantage, and he wasted no time. 

Unleashing a flurry of punches to Yamcha's gut, each impact resonated with a resounding bang, sending shockwaves rippling through their surroundings, a purely physical manifestation of the raw power being unleashed. 

Bang! Bang! Bang! 

Then, in a display of sheer agility and strength, Vegeta propelled himself into the air, his feet leaving the ground in a synchronized leap, his target locked on Yamcha's stomach. 

The collision was explosive, a resounding kabah reverberating through the arena, as Yamcha's mouth expelled a violent spray of acid and saliva, propelled by the sheer force of impact. 

The hapless warrior was sent hurtling through the air, his body launched to the other side, like a mere pawn in the relentless dance of power and skill.

Vegeta stood there, his features etched with disappointment, his gaze fixed upon Yamcha. 

"His physical prowess surpasses mine by a considerable margin," he thought, "but his combat technique is woefully lacking. It seems all he knows is how to throw a straightforward punch. Can he truly be considered a martial artist?" 

Initially, earlier when Yamcha's fist connected with Vegeta's face, a smile graced the Saiyan prince's lips, for he relished the opportunity to test his own skills against a formidable opponent, an opponent with greater physical Attribute.

However, in that brief moment of engagement, it became abundantly clear to Vegeta that Yamcha possessed only a single approach and was predictably transparent. 

Even his reaction to pain was excessive, betraying a lack of discipline that a true martial artist would not display. And so, a profound sense of disappointment settled upon Vegeta. 

Now, with purposeful strides, he advanced toward Yamcha, his voice resonating with a mix of disdain and admonition. 

"Perhaps your transformation has bestowed upon you a greater physical strength, but without skill, that is the extent of your arsenal. 

"You will not emerge victorious, and you will even fail to invoke within me the exhilaration of true combat. 

"So if this is all you got, then you truly disappointed this Saiyan Prince!" 

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the battlefield, Yamcha lay sprawled across the ground, his body aching and battered from the relentless barrage of Vegeta's fierce attacks. 

Exhausted and gasping for breath, he struggled to push himself upright, only to be met with the weight of his own fatigue, causing him to slump sideways and roll onto the unforgiving earth. 

Gritting his teeth, he strained to lift his gaze and caught sight of Vegeta steadily advancing towards him, a grim determination etched upon his face. 

The realization struck Yamcha like a lightning bolt, piercing his thoughts with a jolt of apprehension. "My passive ability is not working anymore," he acknowledged inwardly, the truth weighing heavily upon his consciousness. 

"It means that I already surpassed Vegeta's physical prowess, yet his mastery of skills far exceeds mine. How can I hope to overcome him in this state?" 

A flicker of uncertainty danced in his eyes as he pondered his next move. 

"Should I tap into my Ki energy? But I don't even possess the slightest knowledge of how to harness it. 

"What options do I have?" 

The weight of his mission, bestowed upon him by the enigmatic system, pressed upon his mind, threatening to unravel his resolve. 

Transforming his thoughts into action, Yamcha mustered his strength and rose to his hands and knees, though still unable to fully rise from the ground, his posture mirroring that of a humble canine. 

In that very moment, an unexpected occurrence unfolded before him—an interface materialized in front of his eyes, emanating a soft glow. 

The screen bore a message, delivered with a resounding familiar sound. 


That echoed through his consciousness. 


The host now assumes a position akin to that of a dog, and as a result, the host's resilience has been further fortified!


The message proclaimed. 

A question lingered within the text, tempting Yamcha with a choice. 


Would the host prefer to channel Ki energy or rely solely on raw physical strength?


Just as he absorbed this information, another notification materialized, blending seamlessly with the first. 



Important Note:

As long as the host emulates the movements and behavior of a dog, wolf, canines, etc. 

Both physical might and Ki potential shall be magnified manifold,

corresponding directly to the authenticity of the host's canine mimicry…

The host's can invent attacks too with this ability…
