
DBZ: Ascending

JAzure · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

1 - Unknown Child Awakens

Everything felt wrong inside. No there was in fact something wrong with him. There was a moment of curiosity when having first opened his eyes and glanced upon the blue sky with clouds having somewhat separated as if something had come crashing down and created a hole.

From the direction and angle of how such scene looked, it was clear that he must have been the cause of the anomaly of the giant hole that appeared from the clouds. The reasoning towards this was becoming more evident when he suddenly felt his body ache in pain which couldn't be described. The only good thing about all this was that he could still turn head and look around.

Why was the pain only felt now? Was it simply a late reaction or did his body just not actually react before he came out of his dazed state. He didn't know what the answer was, only that he was stuck here and couldn't move. He forced out sounds to come out from his mouths and all that coiled be heard from himself was a slight gurgle.

Now that he thought about it, after seeing glimpses of his arms, he was small. Not in the general speaking of a grown man being physically small but on the concept of him actually having the same size of a typical child. The sound he made which was now focused on more thoroughly only indicated of his tone being childish and immature to be that of an adult.

What was happening? He found that he was in a child's body when he could remember that he was…actually what was he before. The memory was vague but he apparently had the intelligence of someone beyond his age if he was to take it to this body's age perspective. There was no memory lane that came washing upon him into figuring out who this body previously was nor was there any remembering of his previous states of things that could have occurred into causing this to happen in the first place.

Before the now boy knew it, the blue sky began to turn twilight before darkness came into existence as the boy was still stuck from his laid position. It was fortunate enough that the pain previously was simmered down that before to the point where he could at least feel more part of his body and move them even if he couldn't get up still.

The main scenery before him was that of him being in a forest no doubt due to the amount of greenery and forestation along with the amount of noises possibly coming from wild animals that was perhaps scavenging. He could only hope that the animals would not notice his presence before the coming the next day.

The growls and shrieks continued far longer than the boy expected before it died down allowing him to feel at ease and close his eyes after feeling the fatigue beginning to overlap as the pain over his body lessened even more. As if the method of his body healing was using his energy as a fuel, the boy couldn't stay awake and could only feel his eyelids become heavier and fall asleep.

The last brief notice of his surroundings being that he was far from civilisation and that he was but a child somehow injured, stuck and powerless.


"Hmm…" A cloaked figure looked at a certain direction to the abnormal amount of energy that was leaking out during the night sky. The figure hummed as he felt it continuously follow a certain rhythm which acted as a sort of deterrent of coming closer.

It was a great distance away from the current location which was all rocky and lifeless in comparison but silent and undisturbed from others of entering an ruining his concentration. Standing up, he pulled his cloak away along with the turban to reveal his green skin upon the moonlight wearing the only a purple sleeveless Gi and a pointy orange shoes that traced towards his ankles. The long pointed ears slightly twitched as did the two antennas upon his head and began to strength his muscles.

Whoever was causing the disturbance was unfortunate that it was near his proximity even if it was a different altogether.

The green skinned being slowly ascended to the sky with his feet leaving the ground before he flew straight ahead towards the energy. It had only taken a few minutes having noticed the energy only stay in one position without moving which specified of the being not having the ability to sense Ki as he was doing. What caused him to falter upon reaching the final destination was the small figure that was at the centre of a partly destroyed forest with the being having probably caused a small crater and was stuck there unconscious.

"A child? Absurd." Even as he responded negatively to his own thoughts, the green skinned being could only notice the energy coming from the small child. Descending down and having come closer to said unconscious child, the being noticed the different features the boy had compared to the normal humans across the world. While the earthlings only had round ear, the boy had long pointed ears as his own green one. The speculation of the child being someone like him was thrown off the table when he saw the boy having white hair. While more or less not human, he was partially similar to human even with the different features and feeling of energy from what he could tell. Looking around, he noticed the sky having split apart from where the boy laid meaning he had fallen from the sky. That was even more weird. The scratches and scars the boy had was healing from a short glance similar to that of the mystic arts that had peaked his interest before shaking his head.

"Urgh…h-huh?" The green-skinned being watched as the boy began to open his eyes and notice a shade of purple from his eyes as before focusing his attention towards him. "What the…a Namekian?"

'Namekian? Said person being called as such raised a brow before noticing the child return to sleep.

"You're no mere human, but that doesn't matter." Extending his hand and placing his palm in front of the boy, a pulse of energy began to appear across his palm and readying himself to release it upon the small figure before stopping immediately. "No, if the brat can heal himself, then he's just the perfect sparring partner to defeat Son Goku." With such words, he disabled his attacked and pulled the boy out of the crater and slung him from his shoulder before flying away. The silent gurgle that was felt on his shoulder told him the child was probably hungry. "Hmph, mortals. Always required to feast just to survive."

Pointing his hand at a wild animal that popped out from the trees to notice the strange energy face away, it was late to react before it was killed by a blast made out of Ki and carried by the green being. "You better make all this worth it you brat."

As soon as the day soon appeared, was only when the Namekian open his eyes and stand up before towering over the child. He waited patiently after noticing the slight rise in Ki which gave confirmation that the child had woken up and was acting. "You better wake up now. Otherwise you can stay asleep for eternity."

That had caused a reaction causing the boy to flinch get up and notice the injuries he had sustained being fully healed. "You can thank me for healing you properly, brat." Said brat slowly looked up and stared at the Namekian's who wore his turban and cloak. "I have some questions for you and you will answer, understood?"

The boy having no reason to decline nodded his head and gave a silent, "Yes."

"Good," having nodded his head to the correct reply, he looked at the boy up and down before returned his sights back towards his face. "You're not human, are you?" The sudden shift in the child's widened eyes only caused the Namekian to hummed in curiosity after noticing the child check himself again. The man gave a brief notice for the child as the boy continued to look around for any weird appendages that didn't exist in the first place. "You may have similar appearance to a human being, but you give off a weird feeling that is different compared to them." He waited for a few seconds for the child to get his bearings and wait for a response.

"I am human, or was?"

Piccolo hummed once more at the word. "Was, As in this was not your original body?"

"I'm not sure, I have no memories of what I was, nor if what I am now." The boy gave a clear explanation which caused the Namekian to click his teeth.

"Then what did you mean by Namekian? You called me that when you first saw me."

"I don't know, but I kinda remember there being people similar to how you look, different sizes and faces. That the name of your race, Namekian."

"Namekian…I see." Hearing the sound of gurgling come out from the child's stomach. The boy looked at the Namekian before the green-skinned man pointed towards the dead animal that was behind him. "Cook yourself something to eat. I still have some questions for you." Turning away, he began to sit down on the ground once more with his eye closed. The sound of small shuffling of boots stomping towards the animals told him.

A few hours later after the boy finally having eaten and recovered some energy, he looked back at the Namekian and stood behind him and thought about what to say first, there was simply no reason to lie to the man before him as he had the ability and power to kill him without a second thought.

As he was contemplating as to what to say, the Namekian stood up and turned to face the boy before placing his hand on top of the boy's head so quick that he was unable to react to any of the sudden movement. "Hold still, this'll be better than just waiting for an answer to my questions." It was weird seeing the different shift in expression coming from the man's face before he grunted and pulled away and took a step back to allow him to take a glance at his face. "Your memories are indeed fractured. I guess all I can say is that you're a mystery. A being with so much untapped potential and you were in stasis upon birth. Perhaps if I had an ally like you before than I would have…"

"What do you mean by that…sir."


"Right, Piccolo."

"It means that you'll be training with me until I finish my mission and take over the world." Piccolo gave a smirk as he looked at the boy looked at him surprised. "Do you have anything against that, brat?"

"I…can't say I'll be much help from what I know."

"Heh, don't be so sure, if you are truly something like a reincarnation and from the short knowledge I know from those fractures memories I just saw, It'll be beneficial to have you with me rather than have you dead now." Placing his hand again on top of the boy's head, a short glow began to pulse towards his head before a sudden sting erupted inside his mind with memories of techniques he didn't known embed itself. "And last but not least." Firing a small beam at the boy, the bright flare began to envelop the child's body before his tattered clothes was replaced with a similar Gi to Piccolo's own. "Good, now we can get started."

"What did you do to me?" The boy felt a sudden shift in weight from the clothes he wore as well as the unconscious feeling of pulse which came from within his body."

"A head start in my martial arts. Now's its just about patience until you can actually help me reach a higher level." Corking his fist back, he struck the boy's abdomen which caused him to do a spit take and fly towards a rocky pillar. "Time for some lessons in fighting."

Looking at his fist, he clenched it tightly and gave a slight grin when he felt the amount of force he used against the boy who is beginning his training. 'He jumped back slightly to at least reduced the follow up of the attack.'

"This'll be an interesting training method."


It had only taken the boy approximately eight month or so until he had become adjusted to the weights which continued to increase until it was around the weight of his. While he would never imply that he had made no improvement which was worth mentioning, it led a bad taste to his mouth in how long it took for the boy to reach a suitable power around Son Goku's when he first fought against the Demon King.

One thoughts in having trained the body from the beginning step by step with the knowledge granted had made Piccolo believe that he was pushing him too much due to the astonishing healing ability that was slightly on par with his own regeneration.

While it was not tested if the boy could regenerate limb, it was already speculated that the boy could at least recover attacks and damage to the point where he was able to move without any slight discomfort. In the process of being abused for the first few months and forced to heal himself, the procedure became faster to the point where each bruise, scratch and damage he received healed to the point where it only indicated a shallow mark as if he was merely scrapped. However, that was in terms of when Piccolo himself was allowing his attack to be followed for the boy to recognise in what to do.

Each attacking method begin slowly for the boy to register and find a counter before performing another attack. The intensity continued to increase day by day, months and so on until Piccolo's arms and kicks attacked the boy ferociously to the point that his limbs could not be seen to the naked eye due to the speed while the boy continued to dodge and weave through the attack with only minor marks which suggested he did not dodge all the attacks clearly.

Nevertheless, the amount of damage that could be dealt was becoming smaller as time went on which led to the Namekian's satisfaction towards his teaching method having led to a successful result and for a warrior to have been melded by him.

At first, when it came to the boy simply performing his own attacks which was simply a copy of Piccolo's own fighting style, it was flimsy and pathetic to the point where he felt embarrassment in having someone use his style without understanding in moving their body the correct way. Such action was fixed over time with his snark comments having caused the boy to grunt in pain with each mistakes he did. It was a brutal method of teaching and not something to be done with the weak such as the boy was however, the child's healing ability allowed the risk of the pain to linger much longer than needed and for the Namekian to abuse while correcting each fault until they became minor and was now instinctive as fighters should typically have.

Each attack that was slow and weak which bored the Namekian continued to speed up over the months until it was required for him to parry attacks which would land upon him. There were times when even he purposely allowed opening in his guards for the boy to utilise only to be left dissatisfied until he realised the common theme in each attacks the boy performed which was becoming slightly different to his own style.

The boy was focusing too much on certain parts of the body, that became more evident when a swift kick towards his leg became faster than usual and impacted causing Piccolo to feel his leg end up numb from the sudden hit.

The damage was doable to handle and yet the impact caused him to not have enough control over that leg. 'Impressive. He's attacked the pressure points and trying to slow me down.' It was becoming evident with each days and months trained to test the current limit of the boy's mastery of fighting that he had picked up the ability to use Ki well due to having an innate mastery of it which was similar to his own. Perhaps it was due to his use of knowledge having been implemented to the boy that caused such action to occur. Nevertheless, it was a boon for such things to happen and he allowed the boy to embrace the ability to enhance his fighting style.

Due to only having only used the fighting style which he had created himself, it was typically understandable when a growing fighter would adapt their teachings and perform moves that would lead to a more suitable outcome compared to the original results.

It was a newfound feeling having someone use his technique and attempt to improve which allowed a better time understanding the flaws and weaknesses used against another fighter. 'Letting the boy live was the best choice after all.'

In order for him to take over Earth, he knew that he needed to become stronger than he was now. No doubt in his mind that his nemesis was growing stronger by the day and that only caused Piccolo to continue to improve himself. And in order to do so, he couldn't allow the boy before him to only master his fighting style but also master the art of controlling his Ki better as well as the ability to utilise the mystic arts which he inherently has. It was a hinderance in itself if the boy could not handle the lackey's while he was busy with Goku himself.

"Good, looks like you can keep up better with this speed." The boy stepped back when he noticed the slight shake coming from his arms and legs due to the overwhelming force that was washing onto him.

"Let me guess, you want to go faster now?"

"Hmph, that's a given already, no. You'll be learning how to magic from my knowledge." Extending his hand, the boy nodded his head before walking close and allowed the Namekian to place a hold of his head while the flow of energy as well as the newfound knowledge and utility was received. "Magic is by far versatile to many things but less compatible in terms of usability in fighting. Use my knowledge and figure out methods that can give you an advantage against foes that are perhaps stronger than you."

"Why didn't you teach me this a few months back?"

"It was simply a procedure in making sure you had the basics in fighting as well as being able to use your energy properly. While your healing in simply autonomous, it'll be in better hands if you knew the proper understanding as well as the maximise its ability for certain usage."

The boy nodded his head at the answer and hummed in confirmation. "Wouldn't my knowledge of magic be just the same understanding similar to your own since you granted me the understanding of it?"

Piccolo smirked at the boy which meant that what he was thinking was true. "Yeah, but you have something that I don't have."

"And that would be..?"

"Your intellectual knowledge from your past life if you can call it that. I know that the memories of the past is basically nonexistent to begin with, however, there was moments from my time in looking through your memories that indicated of techniques which was never fully extended upon. You may be the only one right now in using those creativity from such memories to you as an advantage against your opponents, now it's time for you figure out what is and isn't possible before we have an bout. You're the best person for the job in creating new methods with magic."

"Even so, I wouldn't say I've reach a decent level for being a good sparring partner for you."

"Hmph, don't count yourself short brat, just follow my instructions and we'll see if my teachings haven't made you a worthy fighter."

The boy sighed and nodded his head before walking some distance away before turning back, "By the way…" Piccolo looked towards the boy who scratched his hair roughly. "You wouldn't be good at naming people, right?"

Piccolo stared at him blankly before grunting at the question. "Give me a break, I thought you just didn't want to tell me your name in the first place…" Looking at the sky and remembering the crater that had occurred due to the boy, he hummed as he looked upon the bright clear clear which was similar that day even if there was a contrast between the day and night.

"…Satori, that's your name."

"My name…"

"What, you don't like it?!" Piccolo flushed slightly as he watched the boy give him a weird look. "If you don't like it then think of something your own!"

"No, it'll have no meaning if I named myself. Satori, that's my name, thanks." The now name Satori left and dashed away to practice his magic with a slight smile to his face while the Namekian stood there with a slight groan to his face.

"Damn brat."


Satori sat down crossed legged as he focused on his energy and focused upon wielding his magical ability. Having been abused physically by Piccolo with the amount of torment he received through their 'sparring', it was simple enough to grasp the feeling of what he was mean to feel if he found the correct source.

If using Ki was the physical manifestation of power, then it was a completely different situation when it came to magic as it did not revolve around the usage of the wielder's physical strength by their mental strength. The usage of Ki is basically a life force that was found in every being across the world, including animals as well. It uses the person's stamina and willpower into real physical power allowing the ability to exude the ability to shoot out Ki blasts as well as empower themselves to their upmost limits.

Magic was completely different in the concept of empowering the wielder as it is was not based upon the person's life force but actually outside it. Although typically the source of consumption that is required would perhaps be lesser than what is true to using Ki. The results is less destructive and contains little to non physical effect to the user themselves unless it was to say do something minor as change appearances to another being. Even with the knowledge that Piccolo had, it had very little upon where the sources of magic truly comes from and was simply indicated to be similar in terms of using stamina. The magic ability that was called The Evil Containment Wave was a technique which seemed to have caused a major strain in stamina consumptions from using it but even then, it was not destructive but versatile as a whole.

Magic had so many potential. While Piccolo himself did not realise such facts and simply only uses it for common training as increasing the weight of his cloak and relating damaged clothings, it also had the opportunity to disrupt the opponent's focus if used correctly. Perhaps that was the reason Piccolo himself said that he was indeed the best person in figuring out ways to implement magic with Ki in a fight.

If he was only given the knowledge of the method in using magic, Satori would have struggled but the Namekian himself had also given the understanding and methods of how to control such energy correctly which allowed the process to lessen overtime and bring about an increase different methods that could be used to give him a higher chance of victory.