
Days In Beautiful World

Embark on an enchanting journey where a regular girl finds herself in a beautiful world, unexpectedly becoming the mate of a lone lion. Despite the odd situation, her unique talent and notebook help her thrive in this charming world. As she explores this beautiful world, she use her skil to making delicious food, and fancy clothes, and a grand mansion, she encounters various non-human creatures—a cunning fox, a friendly gray wolf, and a gentle black panther, each adding their own flavor to the story. Amidst these adventures, a confident lion announcing her as his mate, roars: "You are my mate!", leading to a heartwarming story. The narrative unfolds as a delightful mix of close connections, surprising joys, and the resilience it takes to start fresh in a world brimming with charm and challnges. Come witness the happy life of a girl surrounded by cute creatures, and join in the fun of this easy-to-follow tale blending whimsy, adventure, and the joy of finding happiness in unexpected places.

ShadiScribe · Fantaisie
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249 Chs

Chapter 71: Beast men Brawl

Tensions flared as Jimmy faced off against John. John, accustomed to being a bully within the tribe, always considered himself a hero. Today, however, he had lost a tooth to a younger member, and the indignation lingered.

He was determined to beat Jimmy to teach everyone a lesson. John charged forward, swift and fierce. As a beast in his sixties, he showed no inferiority to the younger generation in their twenties and thirties. Jimmy dodged his punch and retaliated.

The scuffle left Clara feeling bewildered. Disgusted by John's actions towards her, as a vulnerable female, she couldn't confront him. Jimmy's intervention increased the pressure on her.

And looking at the situation in front of her, Jimmy was obviously in a weak position. "Gloria! Go find the old tribal patriarch!"