

(Reupdated Story) Aiden White now living with his father in the small town of Forks, Washington. as mysterious things keep happening around him and the people. as unexplained deaths, and attacks keep happening. all centered around a group of teens, one he can't seem to keep his eyes off of.

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23 Chs


Aiden is still in a daze after talking to Rosalie, still trying to figure out her motives. As I only had about 20 minutes to grab something and sit down to eat.

Opening the door to the lunch, having Rosalie walk through and I behind her. The increase in noise apparent by how many people were moving around in the large room.

I walked past Jessica's table as I saw a new addition to the friend group. heading to the other side of the cafeteria. Where I grabbed a sandwich and an apple and some water, heading back to the table.

"Aiden, over here come meet Bella" Jessica said, waving her hand in the air.

I walked over to find Jessica sitting next to a skinny pale girl with brown hair & chocolate brown eyes. As she was short("5,3") and wore a forest green bowling shirt over a blue long sleeve shirt with a pair of jeans.

She was cute, but like I said about Angela she is not my type, but if I had to choose Angela would be a better choice.

I said hey to Angela on the other side of Jessica, after Angela snapped a quick photo, leaving me a little surprised.

"What was that for?" still trying to get rid of the flash in my eyes.

"For the paper, what you did yesterday is kind of not worthy," Angela said.

Not, really, so I would rather leave yesterday's news." I said, finally able to see. "But if you want, I will stand down" As I looked at Connor on the other side of the table, he looked a little peeved.

Hey I'm Aiden white, yesterday's News" I said. Looking at the brown hair girl.

"Bella Swan," he said, looking away.

I disregarded Lauren and Connor, before looking down at Bella who shyly waved and went back to looking into the distance, toward an empty table that was now full.

As a group of beautiful teens sat there talking, and picking at food. I turned to the clock before it was time to leave.

"Nice to meet you" I said before heading out.

"Aiden, you're not going to sit with us?" she called out.

"Na, don't have enough time, I'll see you after school though" pointing at the large clock on the wall, passing another table to the large double doors.

The time was almost to the end of lunch, so I hurried up to get out of there. Walking to and out of the double doors, going into the halfway. Looking around to find no one there as the next class started.

But I was soon mistaken, as something bumped into me, from the size. To find it was Ben, coming from the bathroom. As he was drying his hand in the air.

"Motha Fuckah, what's your problem?" I said, getting ready to attack, but stopped as I saw a teacher walking from the other side of the walkway, and I didn't want to cause trouble.

"Fuck it, just stay out of my way." I said, walking away.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, as I went down the hall. Everyone flooded out of the cafeteria.

So, I just let it go, waiting for the next time I see him.

As I hurried to class, sitting down in my seat, I could see the super pale boy from history class come in as I quickly ate the food from lunch, as he sat down in his seat, one of the empty ones from yesterday. Mr. Banner turned on the fan in the front of the room. As the air conditioning to the room was off.

More students piled in, as the small room became filled. As after, the girl from lunch walked into the room, talking to Mr. Banner, taking out her slip and giving it to Mr. Banner.

Just after passing the fan. Edwards' body convulsed, becoming stiff as he covered his mouth. from the invisible smell. The girl noticed his reaction. Making her way to her seat, which was right next to Edward.

"Today we are going to be observing the behaviors of… ". Mr. Banner said, droned on, passing out all the small open jars to everyone. As two jars, one for each person.

I sat in the back looking at the awkward situation unfold, between the two, wondering what happened. But as time went by, and right before the bell rang Edward got up causing a little commotion, racing out the door.

I had gotten up from my chair and placed everything back into my bag. Walking out the door. As today was the weirdest day I have ever had.

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