

(Reupdated Story) Aiden White now living with his father in the small town of Forks, Washington. as mysterious things keep happening around him and the people. as unexplained deaths, and attacks keep happening. all centered around a group of teens, one he can't seem to keep his eyes off of.

_ANANSI_ · Autres
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The bell rang and we all headed to our next classes, heading out the door. And almost bumping into a short pixie-like girl,  thin in the extremes well as pale with small features.

Her hair was deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction, as she moved gracefully back into a tall is 6'3" tall and lean guy, as his honey blond hair that falls just above the collar of his jacket. As they both pale like the others that I saw today.

"Sorry" I said, moving around them headed to my next class, as I thought nothing of it.

Pixie haired girl turned to the boy behind her holding him as if he was about to do something bad. As she calmed him as he stared at my back, in a very quiet voice. Waiting for when I turned the corner before continuing on.

I walked into my French class, sitting at my assigned table, at the back near the wind looking out the rain-covered sky. The dark clouds past each passing minute. Placing my head down, as the music flowed from the headphone, [ASTN - Happier Than Ever]

I heard the bell ring from amongst my music, as I sat up taking one of the headphones out and looking at the teacher writing on the board.

"Hello class, …today we will be starting projects on French history and inventions, as you know, we will be having assigned partners. As at the end of class, you and your partner will come up and pick from the box what topic you will be studying from this box here" Miss Hoff said, holding a small colorful box. 

I never liked class projects due to other people, as the teammate never did enough and left me doing most of the work or did nothing at all. So I always opted to do assignments alone. 

We started class and did another day of learning words and utilizing the words in conversations, as the girls next to me were pretty talkative like Jessica, but less annoying, as I went along with her with her enunciating the  given words, and trying to create a sentence with it. But ended up failing so she made up some words to look less dumb. 

As I quickly corrected her and showed her how to write and say the words properly, without sounding stuck up.  As she took my corrections with an open mind. 

The ended quicker than usual, as Miss Hoff pulled out the colored box, full of topics to discuss and research. to start the class project .

"Alright class, as I said at the beginning of class, we will have assigned partners, as you come up, one of you will pull from this box and get your prized assignment, so let's get started" she said, grabbing a clipboard to read out the names. 

Miss Hoff called some names as each of them came up and pulled from the box, revealing some of them had boring or exciting assignments, as a couple had gotten food, others actors or other famous people of the past. 

"Rosalie Hale & And Aiden White" Miss Hoff said, revealing that another girl and I were next in the list of names, as I got up and made my way to the front. I stood by waiting for my partner.

Looking back it was a girl with long wavy blond hair that fell halfway down to the middle of her back. As she walked She was moderately taller than most girls like Angela standing at "5,9" feet, as she wore a nice designed gray pantsuit, with  a white shawl and a beautiful silver and black broach. 

And walked in designer heels that clicked onto the hard stone polished floor, as she was stunning like a model.

But her face was as cold and unemotional as the depth of the polar ice caps. Showing no interest in the situation. 

As she walked up to the teacher and dug her hand in the box filled with mysterious assignments for us to do. Pulling out one and looking at it before handing it to me, before gracefully turning around and walking back to her seat. 

- Famous French Love Poems:

  * Please write a love poem inspired by an author.

  * Please Perform in class.

Looking at the paper as I walked back to my seat. I could see that our particular assignment had more requirements than most. As the topic of discussion was love, which was a broad topic to begin with, as there were different parameters depending on the circumstance. 

And I was not one hundred percent on this topic, as to say I had it all figured out. No I did not,  as I had a non-existent love life, so far.  Due to the lack of family and trust, I don't think I could commit to a person.

Which left me fearing my relationships I did have, Like I said before. Love was not a strong thing in my life. And I don't think it will be. 

The bell rung, signaling the end of class, and time for the lunch started as all everyone gathered their belong before heading out of class. 

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