

(Reupdated Story) Aiden White now living with his father in the small town of Forks, Washington. as mysterious things keep happening around him and the people. as unexplained deaths, and attacks keep happening. all centered around a group of teens, one he can't seem to keep his eyes off of.

_ANANSI_ · Autres
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25 Chs


"Mademoiselle Hoff, est-il possible de faire cette mission par moi-même?" as I spoke in french to her, as she sat at her desk.

(Miss Hoff, is it possible to do this assignment by myself?)

"Pourquoi Aiden, tu veux faire la mission seul?" She said, curious with another question.

(Why Aiden, you want to do the assignment alone.)

"Je ne travaille pas bien avec les autres, la plupart de mes cours auparavant, beaucoup de gens n'aimaient pas travailler à l'heure ou le faire à la dernière minute. Pour atténuer cela, il vaut mieux me laisser travailler seul et changer de sujet." I said, blatantly.

(I don't work well with others, most of my classes before a lot of people didn't like working on time or doing it last minute. To mitigate this, it's better to let me work alone and change the subject.)

"Et la plupart des étudiants en classe sont en dessous de mon niveau en français, donc cela va à l'encontre du but de leur parler, et de toute façon, ils ne comprendraient pas ce que je dis.'' I said looking around the empty classroom.

(And most of the students in class are below my level in French, so it defeats the purpose of talking to them, and they wouldn't understand what I'm saying anyway.)

"Aiden, if you think that would be best, I would like for you to complete a 5000 word essay in french and an apology letter to your partner for flaking out, then I will consider." she said, in plain english, clearly a little annoyed by me as she looked straight into my eyes.

"What, Why?" I said, confused about why I had to do an essay, as Mrs. Hoff sighed and looked at me.

"Aiden listen, I specifically choose each partner, specifically for each assignment based on the level that they show from the test and in class assignments, as unlike you, some are lacking in learning the advanced class we take here. And other's excel."

"So you're saying that she is slow to learn?" I said, trying to get more clarification.

"No not at all, She is great, but as for you on the other hand. You lack challenge, and I think Rosalie

Hale will give it to you. She is one of my brightest in this class." she said, giving complete admiration for the girl.

"Let me tell you Rosalie Hale is knowledgeable, and sometimes I don't know if I'm the student and she is the teacher. So please listen to me, you won't regret it." She said, for what it sounded like she was pleading from me to heed what she said.

I nodded, heading her words before walking out of the classroom, opening the door to bump right into the very devil which she had spoken of, like a curse that has just finished.

"Why don't you want to be my partner?" she said in a cold tone. Still appalled by her actions, I quickly got myself together before answering.

"It's not that, I just have a hard time with my teammate that I just decided to do it by myself anyway." as I gestured to walk down the hall.

"And what does that have to do with me? I'm not them." still with a cold tone.

"Nothing, you're great, it's just that I'd rather work alone." I said, not trying to offend her, as we walked out the building headed to the lunch room.

"Or you think you're better than the rest of us" she said right after.

"I did just a few second ago actually, mais à vrai dire, il y a toujours quelqu'un de meilleur." I said, realizing that fact. as she nodded to the statment.

(but truth be told, there's always someone better)

"Et je ne veux pas écrire un article de dix pages et une lettre d'excuses" said as we came up to the lunch room door.

(And I don't want to write a ten page article and an apology letter.)

"Uh ooh, pas si vite… tu devras peut-être y remédier après tout." she said.

(Uh ooh, not so fast... you might have to fix that after all.)

"Pourquoi?" I said, curious as to why I have to write one.


"Et ça tu devras le découvrir, Aiden White" she said, turning away and heading through the door to the lunch room.

(And that you will have to find out, Aiden White)

But unknown to Aiden a small smile laced her lips, before disappearing forever.