

(Reupdated Story) Aiden White now living with his father in the small town of Forks, Washington. as mysterious things keep happening around him and the people. as unexplained deaths, and attacks keep happening. all centered around a group of teens, one he can't seem to keep his eyes off of.

_ANANSI_ · Autres
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23 Chs

5, 4, 3, 2,1... (2x)

"Aiden, what have you got your ass into now?" I questioned myself, before sighing. as I couldn't find the obvious answer. 

Placing my hoodie jacket on top of my head, shielding myself from the light rain coming down. 

I whipped the lightly wet cold metal seat before sitting down, to look around for good measure, but I still could not see shit, through this heavy fog. only able to see about 30 steps in front of me. 

Replaying the events that lead to this moment in time. From the day I got caught by the police, to the day in court and sentenced to 6 months in juvie. To find out that I have a father in an unknown town up west, and last to be shuffled off to God know where. 

Life has come full circle in the last few moments. Placing my headphones in to play some music, [Soccer Dad- Schl-Boy Q]

30 Minutes Later …

The winds had changed as the fog no longer covered the long road. As a slight wind brushed across my face and wind the road I had previously come from. 

Slowly I could feel an ominous presence, as if it was standing right behind me. I looked up from my phone quickly, turning my head to the rear. finding nothing but stiff trees that swayed to the wind.

Standing up, I circled around a bit to get my nerves in to check. Laughing it off internally. But before I sat down, I got a feeling of fear waffling my senses. Goosebumps covered my entire body as I instantly looked down the road.

In the middle of the road, stood a dark figure surrounded by mist, as the makeup was inextinguishable. 

"Hey, is everything ok, you need help or something." I called out, not to leave my eyes off the dark figure's silhouette for one second. 

Saying that, the person stopped in place, not moving. As it was now closed, I could now see the formed silhouette of a woman about "5,5" in height, before stepping a little closer to the light I was now able to see more distinct features.

She wore a long flowy dress that showed off her curves and made the situation more alluring and mysterious. 

But the most distinctive item was her long curly light and dark brown hair with red-ish undertone that covered her face. And arms, like a siren on the beach side, that has come to land to find a mate. As she did not sing, but a song could be heard as if it was just for him. [AURORA- MURDR SONG]

Realizing my headphones were still in, I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Moving back a little, waiting to see what is going to happen. 

As I could hear a low growl and a hiss coming from the women. As she crouched down in a predatory stance.

"Naw, ah hell Nah, fuck this shit" I said before booking it down the road. Not looking back for one second. because if I do, I don't think I would ever survive. 

But a feeling of death loomed around me, as the back of my neck I could feel a cold clasp, as if I was about to be eaten by the most dangerous animal in existence. 

Death was not an option for me, at this point in my life as I ran with all my might. 

But then nothing, as if the feeling was never there, as if nothing ever happened. 

I kept powering down the road for a good half a mile, before finally having enough courage to look back. 

The howling of wolves could be heard in the distance, as I couldn't find them before. 

"I hope I'm not imagining things" I said, realizing this whole situation was crazy, as if people would believe that a crazy woman in the woods came and attacked me. 

Shaking my head, I looked back at the dark road, wondering if it was just travelers' fatigue from staying on the bus for too long.

But the feeling of fear I felt from the action was so real that I could not shake it. That this whole situation was not a hallucination. 

But in the midst of my thoughts, the headlight of an approaching vehicle shone bright in the night.

A police cruiser slowed right next to me, showering the darkness in the red and blue light. as a man of medium build got out of the car.

A sign of relief as the blare of a police horn caught my attention, making me drop the subject for now. 

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