

5:30 pm

"wow!, you've really outdone yourself Mack, this place looks stunning", Jane complimented while taking in the whole scenery, it really was a beautiful house. Briana dropped her purse on one of the couches as she walked to the hallway of the mansion, touching the walls and surveying the place closely, while the others settled down.

she came across a grand clock, she looked closely at it, wondering why she was soo pulled to it yet afraid of it at the same time, this was an ordinary clock right? so why did she feel like it had a mind of its own and was beckoning on her to explore it? she reached for it slowly......."hey, you coming?, or are you gonna make out with a clock?, Justin might not appreciate that very well" Mack joisted her back to reality as he smiled and winked at her.

"jeez, you scared the crap out of me, you're an ass, you know that right?, Briana smiled as she went with him to meet the others.

  "alright boys and girls, let's get down to business shall we?, as we all know, nothing beats a haunted house on Halloween day", "wait!, haunted house"? April cut Mack short with a quizzical look, "you heard that right dear, now 40 years ago, this house we're in right now was the exact place where eight teenagers were brutally murdered, all eight of 'em, the police never found the killer, they say it's like the killer just killed them and went out of existence, there was no trace of anything, no fingerprints, no follicles, nothing!" Mack said with much zeal like this was all good things. "you freaking brought us to a murder site? what the hells wrong with you?" Benny shouted, suddenly conscious of his surroundings, "yeah, that's messed up dude" John added, "relax guys, it happened 40 years ago, the house has been on lock ever since, the landlord only rented it to me cause no one ever moved in again, but let's look at it this way, a house where a bunch of teenagers were killed are bound to be filled with restless spirits, if you believe in ghosts, so if we can stay here till midnight, we might be able to catch some paranormal activities here, plus we get to have the most fulfilling Halloween ever, you know it's our final year guys, we need this, it might be our last time together", Mack finished, as they all nodded reluctantly. " sweet!, now all we have to do is wait till midnight, then we'll see if we can capture anything on camera", Mack beamed, "alright then, what could go wrong?" Justin said.

11:05 pm

  "well so far we haven't seen anything out of the ordinary and I'm beginning to think this was all a waste of time", Mack said, trying to pass it on as a joke, but it was very evident in his expression that he was truly disappointed.

"well then, why don't we play a game or something"? maybeeeeeee......truth or dare" ?, Jane offered, "sounds good".

They all gathered round as they took pens and papers to write their truths and dares, then they shuffled it up and placed them on the table with the contents of each paper concealed. "alright!, I guess I'll go first", Briana said as she took a paper from the fold. "seriously guys?, make out with April?, I thought I said nothing erotic, alright then," she concord as she went to kiss April passionately, they all looked on in excitement and cheered as she completed her dare. "guess I'm next" April said as she picked a paper from the fold, suddenly her face went pale as she saw its content,. " what the hell guys, who fucking wrote this!?, April yelled in anger as she waved it in the air for all to see, a question was written in bold letters ¶ DID YOU SLEEP WITH JUSTIN? ¶ 

suddenly the grand clock in the hallway sounded off, startling everyone in the room,

"Mack are you doing this? cut it out man, it's not funny anymore!", Justin yelled, " I didn't do shit guys, I Know how it looks, but I assure you, I'm not doing anything!," Mack countered exasperated, " well did you sleep with him April? John asked facing April, " NO!!!" April yelled, suddenly, a message from an anonymous contact all came into their phones at the same time April finished speaking, shakily, they all took out their phones to view it's content, Mack stared at his phones screen in horror as he read what was written "¶ YOU LIE, YOU DIE ¶"