
Dark King

Catastrophe erupted, it was the end of the world. Survivors were surrounded by the impregnable wall, a new order was established... The desire for power, faith, and darkness pervaded each other, layer upon layer of brands imprinted in every corner of the heart. The virus wreaked havoc, were these humans' true colors? "I unexpectedly survive, I want to live." –Du Dian

Ancient Xi · Romance
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1280 Chs


Ruby suddenly froze and broke into a cold sweat.

"Damn!!" Dean roared in his heart and couldn't wait to scold. He immediately rushed out. As matters stood, he naturally didn't expect that this Shadow Hunter not to hear. It was better to run at full speed than to hold such an illusion — at least there was a slight chance to escape!

After a moment, Ian, Martin, and Rosemary also reacted, rushing forward in anger.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The four people ran at full speed, causing the wind to whoosh along with the footsteps sound. Along the way, some monster bones were trampled to pieces and made loud cracking noises.

Seeing the four people fled in a hurry, Ruby hastily followed up.

When Dean was about to overtake Ian, his eyes were filled with killing intent as he saw Ian's arm was getting bigger. Without pausing, Dean stretched his hand out. Bang! As he passed by Ian, Ian raised his arm and threw a blow at him, but Dean had been prepared — the blow was deflected.

Ian was surprised.

It caused his body to be out of balance and almost fell.

By the time he was stable, Dean had passed by him, even Martin and Rosemary — who were farther behind — started to close in on them.

Everyone knew that when you met a monster, you didn't need to run faster than the monster — you just needed to run faster than your companions.

At this time, Ruby had already caught up from behind.

Ian's face was terrified. He looked at Dean's back with hate, then raised his arm again, swinging it back toward Ruby.

Ruby didn't expect this blow, and he was too late to react. Bang! His face was hit by Ian; his nose was broken and bleeding; his body was also knocked back. Ian, on the other hand, took advantage of the blow's force to accelerate and caught up with Martin.

Ruby endured the sharp pain. Both anger and fear filled his heart as he was running forward violently.

In this dark cave, several people's shadows flitted past. In a flash, they left the Shadow Hunter behind and got closer to the cave's entrance.

Dean looked at the entrance; he could see the dark green vines and the sunlight outside. A glimmer of hope appeared in his heart.

Sunlight always seemed to bring hope.


Dean ran straight out of the cave. Stepping outside, his heart relaxed slightly. As his body was bathed in the sunlight, he shifted his eyes to the rear. Previously, he couldn't take a look. Ian, Martin, and Rosemary ran almost side by side; Ruby was about ten meters behind them. As for the Shadow Hunter... It didn't move?

Dean was stumped.

At this time, Ian, Martin, and Rosemary were quickly approaching.

Dean came back to his senses and suddenly changed his mind. He didn't follow the previous plan to fly away; instead, he turned and quickly ran down the mountain. There were doubts in his heart — was this Shadow Hunter really sleeping? If Ruby's previous movement didn't wake it up, the sound of them running at full speed would wake it up, wouldn't it?

In a flash, Dean had reached the foot of the mountain by following the path they previously used.

When he passed by the Corpse Pecker1's corpse, he saw several colorful insects were gnawing on the corpse. It was a common bloodthirsty insect that lived in the mountainous and forested area. Its hunting level was low, but it could secrete toxins; if not careful, even a high-level Hunter would suffer.

Dean saw Ian, Martin, and Rosemary coming down one after another, but his attention was put behind them. He didn't see Ruby coming, nor did he feel the Shadow Hunter's movement.

He was a little relieved. His eyes fell on Ian. What he did was understandable, but if he had not reacted quickly, that action would have him killed!

Seeing Dean's unfriendly look, Ian looked rather pale. If not necessary, he was really unwilling to be an enemy of Dean.

"You guys come here quickly!" Suddenly, Ruby's scream was heard from above the mountain, but it wasn't full of fear like their imagination; it was full of shock and pleasant surprise.

The four people were startled. Looking at each other in blank dismay, then looking up on the mountain, but they still didn't move. No one was sure if it was a trap set by Ruby.

"Come quickly! This legendary monster is dead! It is dead!" Ruby's voice came from the deep grass. Along with the rustling sound, the thick patch of grass was pushed aside by his burly body. He was full of sweat, but his face was flushed and looked very excited.

Dean was stumped. All of a sudden, a lot of information flashed through his mind. His heart was racing. Bypassing Ruby, he quickly rushed back toward the cave.

Ian, Martin, and Rosemary were stunned. They didn't think that Dean had so much courage to return to that horrific cave just by relying on a few sentences from Ruby. If he deliberately lied to retaliate Ian's previous action, wouldn't it be suicidal if they went back to the cave?

When these three people hesitated, Ruby saw Dean going back to the cave; he immediately turned and went back with him.

Seeing this scene, they were taken aback and looked at each other; they saw shock in each other's eyes. Was Ruby telling the truth?

They couldn't think too much and quickly followed Ruby back to the mountain.

Just as they arrived at the open space, they saw Dean standing in front of the cave and looking inside. The Shadow Hunter, however, didn't rush out of the cave to chase them.

Thinking of this, their faces showed a little bit of excitement, then immediately came to the front of the cave.

Dean stared intently at the Shadow Hunter; his eyes were filled with shock. His judgment was good — Ruby didn't lie. This Shadow Hunter was really dead! On its back, there was a hole about one meter in diameter, which completely smashed the silver scales; the damage was extremely serious. From his analysis, it was a fatal blow!

It was really dead!

Shadow Hunter, known as a legendary monster that excelled the best in lurking, unexpectedly died in its nest!

Dean was shocked. The reason why he dared to come back was mainly that of his previous inference that the eggs underneath the cave were Shadow Hunter's. Shadow Hunter had no reason to sleep here this time, and it didn't chase them when they rushed out of the cave. If "it was dead" was added to the inference, everything could be explained.

He suddenly thought about the movement he heard when they fell into the nest hole five days ago. At that time, the last thing he heard was a roar, and then it stopped completely.

"I should have thought of it earlier, what monster would have uttered that roar when sleeping? It had to have suffered an attack, and it was a fatal attack! In other words, it was dead then!" Dean's expression fluctuated erratically.

Although this Shadow Hunter's death was a good thing for them as they didn't have to escape from it, this meant a more horrible thing — at that time, there was something more terrible than this Shadow Hunter in this cave!

What thing could kill this Shadow Hunter with a single blow?

You know, this was a mature legendary monster. Although the hunting level was only about 64–67, the actual fighting ability was comparable to the average monsters with hunting level over than 100! Moreover, what that thing killed was Shadow Hunter that was known for its superior lurking ability. It's simply incredible!

If it was said that that thing had prepared an ambush before Shadow Hunter entered the cave, it would have been impossible. After all, Shadow Hunter was the best in this aspect!

Dean's expression was ugly. For the first time since he went outside the wall, he felt that his life wasn't in his own grip. Fortunately, that thing wasn't interested in them; otherwise, killing them was simply a breeze!

At this time, Ian, Martin, and Rosemary had also arrived and started to probe into the cave. They were overwhelmed with shock.

Dean saw them coming then pulled a little distance from them. He turned to Ruby and said, "How did you know that it was dead?"