
Dark Archive Necromancer

Skalain, a man from Earth, abruptly awakens in a dimly lit stone room, disoriented and bewildered. As he gathers his senses, he realizes something is drastically different about himself. The world around him feels infused with an inexplicable aura, and he senses a powerful presence within him. Before Skalain, a mysterious system materializes, shimmering with arcane symbols and pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Skalain, driven by an insatiable thirst for understanding, delves into the depths of this newfound necromancer's system. - System, Villain & Chaotic-Neutral & Evil MC No Harem -

Adenlia · Fantaisie
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74 Chs

Chapter 44 - Battle - Part 2

With a deep breath, Skalain focused his energy and commanded his remaining four skeletons to engage the enemy mages. The skeletons moved with precision, their clattering bones and relentless advance adding an eerie atmosphere to the already tense encounter.

"These moving bones are a pain in the ass."

The enemy mage man, with a clear, annoyed expression on his face, spoke as he puked on the ground.

As the skeletons closed in, the enemy mages swiftly reacted, their movements fluid and calculated. They deftly dodged the initial strikes from the skeletons, relying on their agility and magical prowess to evade their attacks.

"Too much energy is being wasted!"

The woman shouted out to her friend.

Skalain, aware of his limited resources and the need to conserve his magic energy, made a mental note to time his actions carefully. He knew that it would take him approximately ten seconds to gather enough energy to summon two new skeletons, and during that time, he needed to rely on the skills and abilities of his existing forces.

"As long as I don't get hit with a strong spell that would kill me, There should be no problem."

Skalain thought.

The battle ensued, with the enemy mages employing their spells and evasive maneuvers while Skalain's skeletons pressed on with relentless determination. The clash of dark magic, bone, and energy filled the air as the combatants fought for dominance.

Skalain remained focused, strategizing his next moves and calculating the best course of action. He knew that every second counted and that he needed to make the most of his resources to overcome his adversaries.

"I still feel good!"

Skalain started feeling the joy of battle. He knows that his life is on the line, and it gives him a different kind of rush that he has never felt before.

Time seemed to slow as Skalain's skeletons clashed with the enemy mages, each side locked in a battle of skill, wits, and raw magical power. With every passing moment, Skalain's anticipation grew, and he counted down the seconds until he could summon reinforcements and turn the tide of the battle in his favor.

Skalain's determination fueled his actions as he swiftly closed the distance between himself and the mage casting the Vine Magic. With a surge of power, he unleashed the Dark Burst spell, a concentrated blast of dark energy, directly at his target.

The mage, taken aback by the sudden onslaught, stumbled backward, fear evident in his eyes.

"Oh no, he is too fast!" Realizing the imminent danger he was facing, the man shouted in his mind. However, before he could finish his plea, the destructive force of the Dark Burst engulfed him, leaving no trace behind.

As Skalain's attention shifted to the remaining enemy mage, he braced himself for the next encounter.

"Against one enemy mage, I am confident that I will be victorious." He he he."

Skalain thought. If others looked from an outside perspective, they would think that Skalain is the one who is a villain and attacked two friends to kill them.

To his surprise, the woman quickly unleashed a forbidden spell known as Tree Guardian. The air around them seemed to tremble as a massive, sentient tree materialized, armed with a wickedly sharp and barbed dark sword.

Skalain's gaze hardened, understanding the gravity of the situation. The Tree Guardian loomed before him, its intimidating presence ready to strike. He knew that defeating such a formidable opponent was not easy at all.

"The air it gives is mixed with the calmness of nature and the cursed energy of the dark. This tree-like creature is stronger than I think."

"I am not sure if I can take it."

With his remaining skeletons by his side, Skalain assessed the situation, strategizing his next move. He acknowledged the strength of the Tree Guardian but refused to let fear overcome him. He searched for any weaknesses or vulnerabilities, determined to exploit them to gain an advantage.

"I am not sure my six skeletons are able to deal with this creature. It makes sense to escape in this kind of situation."

Skalain thought.

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