
Dark Archive Necromancer

Skalain, a man from Earth, abruptly awakens in a dimly lit stone room, disoriented and bewildered. As he gathers his senses, he realizes something is drastically different about himself. The world around him feels infused with an inexplicable aura, and he senses a powerful presence within him. Before Skalain, a mysterious system materializes, shimmering with arcane symbols and pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Skalain, driven by an insatiable thirst for understanding, delves into the depths of this newfound necromancer's system. - System, Villain & Chaotic-Neutral & Evil MC No Harem -

Adenlia · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 45 - Sun Lords - Help From Jareth

Skalain quickly turned his attention to the approaching figure of Jareth, relief washing over him as he saw his familiar ally. Jareth's swift arrival provided a glimmer of hope amidst the intense battle against the formidable Tree Guardian and the woman from the Death Tree Organization.

Breathing heavily, Skalain briefly exchanged glances with Jareth before starting to explain the situation in haste. "Jareth, it's the Death Tree Organization. They're after me. This woman here, she's one of their mages. We need to be careful."

Jareth's eyes narrowed as he assessed the woman, sensing the dark energy emanating from her. He had encountered the Death Tree Organization before and understood the dangers they posed. With a steely determination, Jareth readied himself for what lay ahead.

"Death Tree Organization !, Now that I understand. everything makes sense, they are attacking you with two mages, from energy of the woman and her summon, it is clear that they are not weak mages too."

Skalain listened as Jareth started talking.

Jareth laughed loudly and looked at Skalain as he added.

"Skalain, your investigation mission is complete."

"The murderer is from Death Tree Organization, they have used soul-type magic spells to blame to Void Star, which will result in problems between The Tower Of Black Sun."

Skalain nodded and then added.

"It is good that my investigation is completed. Can we take out this woman before we continue to speak."

As Skalain finished his words, Tree Guardian started moving towards to two, Jareth smiled and nodded as he whispered.

"Summon Sun Lords"

With the whisper of Jareth, three fire-beings have manifested in front of himself. Each had humanoid body but made up completely from fire itself.

Skalain did not hesitated and six skeletons manifested from the ground. The talk between him and Jareth was more than ten seconds and he was able to recover his magic energy.

Jareth looked at the skeletons and thought in his mind.

"The power of these skeletons are not weak at all."

The woman mage from the Death Tree Organization, sensing the imminent threat, prepared to launch attack with her own spells aiding her summon Tree Guardian, her eyes filled with malicious intent. The Tree Guardian swayed ominously, ready to strike.

"That man is stronger than me and first target Skalain is not weak at all, at this point, the chance of succesfully killing the target Skalain is almost zero."

Skalain and Jareth coordinated their efforts, utilizing their summoned allies to confront the woman mage from the Death Tree Organization. The Sun Lords, with their fire-manifested humanoid creatures, unleashed a torrent of flames that engulfed the Tree Guardian, its barbed form slowly succumbing to the intense heat.

Meanwhile, Skalain's skeletons, reinforced by the fiery onslaught, pressed forward, their relentless attacks chipping away at the Tree Guardian's defenses. The combined forces of Skalain and Jareth's summons proved to be a formidable challenge for their opponent.

Sensing her imminent defeat, the woman mage frantically tried to conjure a countermeasure, but before she could complete her incantation, Jareth swiftly intervened. With a simple yet precise spell, he sent a surge of energy towards her, knocking her off balance and leaving her momentarily incapacitated.

Skalain and Jareth wasted no time, closing in on the fallen woman and quickly apprehending her. They bound her hands with magical restraints, ensuring she would pose no further threat. Breathing heavily, Skalain and Jareth exchanged a brief nod, acknowledging their victory.

"We need to interrogate her," Jareth stated, his voice firm. "We must gather as much information as we can about the Death Tree Organization and their motives."

Skalain nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We need to understand their plans and any potential dangers they pose to us and others. Let's take her back to a secure location and proceed with the interrogation."

Together, Skalain and Jareth escorted the subdued woman away from the scene of the battle