
Dark Angel, White Demon

Disclaimer: the photo was made by weiiiss using customized picrew images by the artists @tokiyo10,@7_7Iliq, and @_U_run. No money was exchanged in the process of making this cover, and permission was also granted to use this images

RG_Martin · Fantaisie
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20 Chs


Raquel walked towards the table ignoring all the stares that he was receiving from his surrounding. His body released a very suppressing aura that made everyone around him shudder. Some of the seniors threw Aqua a very pitiful glance which she was obvious about.

She gave all her attention to her food. She didn't want her mood destroyed this early. Raquel was aware of the ruckus the he had made this early in the morning but he just didn't care. When it came to punishing those who went against his own rules, he never picked on the gender whether it was male or female he treated them with the same vigour.

But when he was about to reach near the table somebody made him halt his steps. Aqua was suddenly distracted by a towering shadow that stood in front of her. She moved her eyes upwards to see the pest that decided to irritate her. Her eyes met someone who was wearing white clothes that one would think that he was an angel. But Aqua knew better. When their eyes locked, she found herself staring back at the most green eyes she had ever seen. She could see the mischief hidden behind those green orbs. Aqua ignored him and went back to her breakfast.

"Ehhhhm. " Theo looked at the girl infront of him who didn't seem gazed by his presence. Actually she looked bored and was ignoring him.

"Are you ignoring me. "The asked getting impatient.

"Typical. "Aqua answered without even raising her head. Raquel who was standing afar decided to watch the drama unfold. Theo felt like hitting some sense into this girl's head.

"Do you know who I am? "Theo asked through gritted teeth.

"I hate history so I never got to study the history of all superstars in the universe. "

'Geez, is there any one in this university that knows how to mind their own business. ' Aqua was groan internally. She could almost imagine herself face palming due to the irritation building inside her right now. See she was getting in trouble even by doing nothing at all.

Theo was so dump founded in by her response. Aqua ignored his surprised look. Theo snatched her tray and gave it to one of his lackeys that were standing beside him. Aqua finally raised her head to face him completely.

"Bro if you don't have anything to do please look for someone else to irritate because as you can see. " Aqua was not aimimg to get in trouble but this boy was not having any of it. Being timid was something she didn't think she possesed.

"Well don't think too highly of yourself when you don't know what you are messing with. " Theo said smiling. To someone who was far away from the it seemed like they were having a very sweet conversation.

"Between me and you who is thinking highly of themselves? If you have a brain instead of cotton candy I think you have already processed the answer. " Aqua said as she stood up and left the cafeteria. One of the lackey tried to stop her but Theo told him to let her pass.

"You even look more hungry than I am to snatched my food away. You can have it no need to shy from borrowing. " Aqua said returning his smile with the same vigor.

"Don't think this is over Mrs smarty pants. " Theo told her before she completely strode past him.

"I never said it was, did I? I can see you are both deaf and stupid. " Aqua knew she was adding ethanol to an already lit fire and she might burn along. She knew the reason he didn't act rashly was because there was a teacher nearby.

If she could have delayed a little longer talking to that idiot, she knew for sure that she would be late for her first class ever. The lecturer did not look like the typical friendly one who wears a smile on the first day to welcome all the lost souls. Russet caught up on her as she was entering the first year student block or the white block.

"Whoa i'm so jealous for you Aqua. It's already your first day and you already have a crush. "

'What the heck are you talking about do you know that my neck is on the line now. '

"If you want him you can replace me. I don't want anything to do with him. "

"Stop lying you think that no one so the way you two we're smiling at each other "

'Yeah sure. That's called the smile of death. ' She almost yelled her thoughts out.

"It was just a friendly gesture, maybe people just misunderstood. "

'Yeah friendly my foot more like I want to kick some sense into his frozen brain. '

"Do you know that he is a senior? Yeah I almost forgot there was this other guy that qaa approaching the table and he didn't look happy. "

'Just great now I have two idiots to look after. I've already become a babysitter without even doing anything. ' But Aqua just nodded as she was entering hee lecture hall.

"Ohh and thank you for the alarm clock thingy. " Russet said before she skipped off to her class.

Some of the students had already settled down when she entered. Aqua sat at the furthest row near the window. There were still ten more minutes remaining before the class began. Well thw first day was usually considered as the introduction day for all the new batch.

Her first class was Physics. But to their dismay and hers to, it was a young looking woman who entered the class. Well don't blame her but the female teachers tended to be overly petty sometimes. An elegant smile adorned her face as she introduced her name. Well Aqua found her smile quite uneasy, for her maybe. Well maybe she won't be thaaaat bad now that she looks at it.

Well it was better being stuck with the most boring teacher than the green eyed goblin she met today. The rest of the lesson were all about the same thing and so far nothing bad had happened to her. She even skipped lunch so that she could not have to meet that idiot.