
Dark Angel, White Demon

Disclaimer: the photo was made by weiiiss using customized picrew images by the artists @tokiyo10,@7_7Iliq, and @_U_run. No money was exchanged in the process of making this cover, and permission was also granted to use this images

RG_Martin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"Well at least the day is going on smoothly, " Aqua thought to herself. It was almost lunch time and she was yet to see that idiot. Well the only problem is that they are in the same school with no place to escape.

Theo could not believe that a girl would humiliate him. He wished he could sweep the smirk off Raquel's face.

'I will make that stupid bitch pay for it. '

"Theo would you mind answering the question for us. "

'Ohh great. 'The whole class turned to look at Theo. He was too engrossed on thinking about ways to punish Aqua that he forgot about the class. He looked at where Raquel was sitting with a grin adorning his face. He was obviously trying to infuriate him.

"Sorry miss I missed the question. "Theo replied between gritted teeth. The grin on his foe's face widened. If Aqua knew that skipping lunch would lead her in trouble, she would have been the first one to arrive at the cafeteria.

The bell rang to indicate that it was already lunch time. She was already starving but when she imagined that she would have to share the same cafeteria as the green goblin she decided to pass. She decided to wait ten minutes after the bell rang to make sure there were no souls left in sight.

She took her bag and walked towards the field for her next class.

'Can you believe with the size of this school they still have to put physical education as a lesson for real. '

That was not the worst part. All the laboratories and gym were all in the same building at the furthest end of the field. Since it was their first day they would have to use the field. Aqua was walking through the seniors block as it was a shortcut to arrive at the field faster. But as the saying goes 'the shortcut is always the longcut'.

The corridors we're so gloomy without the noisy chit chat of the students. What she was not aware was that a few pairs of eyes have been following her. Suddenly out of nowhere a pair of hands grabbed her suddenly. If she was allowed to fight she would have retaliated. She was pulled, well more like dragged anyway upto the second floor. She totally looked bored and she wished she could kick some senses into that green goblin's head.

But she had to be weak. Well this was just plain stupid, well that was according to her. The two dummy's threw her on the ground smiling gingerly at her.

'I swear I will totally get you for that.' Aqua thought as stared infront of her while trying to stand up.

"Who told you to stand up? " Theo arrived and stood infront of her. You know like in those horror movies where the bad guy stands infront of a shaking with fear damsel in distress. Well the only difference was that our damsel here was not shaking in distress.

"No one told me to sit on a cold marble floor in the first place." She said as she stood up even more straight than a ruler and wiped some dirt off her skirt.

"Let's see how smart your mouth is after I'm done with you." Theo said as he took some steps towards her. He expected to see fear in those eyes but he saw nothing at all. This girl's courage was driving him nuts, well let's stick to bananas.

"Well I can see that your touch of fear is diminishing, right Theo?" Raquel arrived just before Theo would destroy Aqua, not like she was waiting yo be hit without hitting back.

"Well I can see that you decided to join the fun Raquel." Aqua could see how much those smiles were forced, well the only things remaining were veins popping out of their smiles. Aqua saw this as the perfect chance to dissapear before the hurricane starts.

She took her bag that was still lying on the ground. She had no time to stare at the two figures starting a staring competition. She started tiptoeing away from them. The other two dummy's who brought her here had already scurried away showing that nothing good came from this two.

"You should watch your pet rabbit before she hops off. But I would lie yo borrow her." Raquel replied while ignoring his invitation. Aqua stood rooted on her ground. 'Did that stupid duck billed platypus just call me a rabbit?' Aqua turned to look at him.

"Did you just calk me a rabbit?" Aqua asked him completely throwing the last rationality she had about not fighting. Theo did not look happy at Raquel's disturbance at his small party.

"I did, oh my bad?" Raquel said while feigning guilt.

"Go look for your own pet to play with." Theo was already irritated to the blim with Raquel's annoying face. Theo just wanted to wipe that smirk off his face and launched an attack at him. Raquel knew this was to come and blocked his attack with his own punch.

Aqua could not believe that this two idiots just insulted her and then completely ignored her presence. The two we're fighting like mother gooses over one egg. She was wondering what she had done to the other guy,Raquel. She pulled both of them causing them to fall down their butts first. At first they looked astonished at what she did. Unknown to them some students had already arrived to find the sino drama in continuation.

"Did you just throw me down?" Theo was the first to recover from the shock.

"No I pulled you." Aqua answered nonchalantly as she stared at the two giants seated infront of her.

"See how weak you are Theo?" Raquel asked while staring at her. You could have thought that he was the one standing.

"First you called me a rabbit and you called me a pet. Does that ring well in your brains?" The stood up and stared at her like they wanted her dead. Well they did but not infront of people. A teacher arrived before Theo would jump on Raquel for calling him weak.

"The three of you follow me." The two guys followed suit without even asking a question. When Aqua saw their reaction, she knew better than to open her mouth. That was if she was not looking for additional problems. She took her bag and followed the professor to wherever he was taking them.