
©Capítulo Nine: "".

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—Where to? — She questioned nervously.

I fixed my eyes completely on his and said: "I think it's about time you know who I really am, I can't wait to hide this from you anymore." Let's go to my neighborhood; Mouth.- I finished and extended my hand for him to go up.

She looked at me doubtfully. Slowly, he walked up to me and took my left hand. I calmed down, I felt relieved. I was very afraid that he would say no to me and that he would never want to see me again in his life. She kept getting closer to the bike while I guided her and helped her up. She got on and wrapped her arms around my waist, holding on.

—Are you ready? — I asked unsure, watching her out of the corner of my eye; waiting for her to agree.

He rested his chin on my left shoulder and nodded.

—Yes I'm ready.

—Okay, I'll try to go as slow as possible. — I warned him and Helena nodded again. I started the motorcycle and accelerated, I could feel her squeeze my waist more and more because of the fear of the motorcycles that she has. I smirked, and tried to slow down.

To get to my neighborhood it takes about forty minutes at most. I always arrive in fifteen or twenty because of the speed I'm going, but this time it really took those forty minutes for Helena.

God, I hate going slow.

—How much left? — Helena asked, raising her voice.

I turned my head a little and looked at her sideways.

—Look to your right. — I indicated. She listened to me, turned her head and was able to visualize the two bridges of La Boca.

I felt her smile.

—No wonder your neck tattoo, I never understood —. River.

His laugh caused mine, it is too cute and tender. It is very glass. She is characterized mainly by her sensitivity and intuition, she is a compassionate, loving and transparent girl who only seeks to live in harmonious and balanced spaces. And that scares me a bit, because anything can break and I know that it will never be the same as ever. It's fragile.

A few minutes later we passed the bridges and arrived at the "secret lair". I decided to hide the bike in an alley and we got off it. I put a black cover on top of the vehicle and it went unnoticed. Without realizing it, Helena took my hand nervously. I turned my head and looked at her in fear. It was obvious that the place was going to give him a bad feeling.

—If you want we can go...

She interrupted me.

—Do not.

—Okay, calm down. Nothing will happen to you, trust me. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise you —. I hit me and we walked towards the exit of that dark alley.

I think I regretted leaving the bike there, not for me, but for Helena. Shit. As we were about to leave the alley, we saw how a figure stood in front of us and interrupted our walk. I quickly hid Helena behind me and faced the stranger.

Within seconds I was able to see who he was, so much so that because of the darkness it was impossible to see him. And dammit, what does this idiot want now?

—What do you want, idiot?

He smiled.

—Hey, easy on my friend! — He raised his hands peacefully, smiling maliciously in his gaze.

I looked at it wrong.

—Coqueéin, what do you want? We told you a thousand times that we don't want you around —. I demanded angrily and felt how Helena leaned her chest against my back, becoming more and more nervous.

I squeezed his hand indicating that everything was fine.

—And who is this beauty? — He asked amused, and tried to approach Helena. But I quickly faced him and looked at him with the worst ortho face I have.

I interrupted him.

—Don't touch my balls and I won't touch yours, brother. Leave or I'll kill you. And you know I'm not kidding —. I threatened him, seriously.

He raised his eyebrow in disbelief but malicious at the same time. Shit, I was very obvious, the fucking mother. I think you now know my "weak point".

He gave a fake laugh.

—Well, I'm going. But be careful, I'm just going to tell you that — he looked away at Helena —. And you, beautiful, when you want to have a good time, come with me —. He extended a card. And about to snatch it from his hands, Helena was faster and grabbed him, saying absolutely nothing.

I pushed it.

—Out of! — I pointed to the street.

Coqueéin laughed.

—Oh, bro, don't think it wrong — he said sympathetically, as he stepped back to leave once and for all and continued saying: — I'll tell you about something else... — He smiled at me wickedly and touched his nose three times, leaving.

I clenched my fists and groaned. Watching him go I turned on my heel, coming face to face with Helena.

—Are you okay? — asked.

—Who was he? — She answered me with another question, looking where Coqueéin had gone.

I sighed.

—An idiot guy, who just wants to annoy. There, come on —. I took her right hand and made her walk fast just in case.

The secret lair was two blocks away. So, we walked a little more and arrived. Through the security camera I made a Comuna 4 with my right hand while I watched it and the alarm was heard. The gates were opened and we entered, in seconds they closed again.

When they saw us enter, they all left us seeing, well, actually, the complete stranger to them; Helena. Everything was silent and in harmony in quotation marks. I suppose because I had arrived and because of the brunette girl behind me. They didn't know what to do or what to say, it was understandable. I gave them a bad look and they kept doing their thing. I walked over to Valentino and we bumped our fists, grinning at each other. When he finished greeting me, he turned his gaze to Helena, and smiled at her with kindness. I could see how this one blushed, it's very embarrassing.

—It's her? — He asked me softly, amused. But she will have heard it anyway.

I nodded down at him, still smiling. We gave each other our space and I looked at Helena to encourage herself to say something, but she was very shy.

—Hi, I'm Valentino but they call me Wax — he introduced himself —. And I suppose you are Helena, right? — He extended his hand. She hesitated to accept it, but within milliseconds she finally accepted it.

He smiled at her too.

—Yes, it's me. How do you know my name? — Asked innocently.

I swallowed dry and Wax cleared his voice.

I looked at him threateningly and he nodded at me respectfully.

—No, it's that Matt called you; You do not remember? It was a few seconds ago, so now I know your name now —. He justified himself, amused.

Helena frowned but nodded.

—No, I don't remember. But, okay —. She was going to say something else but a male voice behind her interrupted.

—What's up the band?! — Camillo exclaimed happily as he approached us.

Helena smiled wider. He turned quickly on his heel and locked his gaze against Camillo's.

—Camillo? — Asked surprised to see him to see. He smiled and nodded at her. She quickly walked over to him and hugged him tightly. They both laughed — God, I thought I was never going to see you again, bro —. They separated.

He laughed.

—I did, I knew that at any moment I was going to see you again. You are divine, how you grew up, ehhh —. He gave her a spin in his place, while she let out a laugh too.

—Okay, now, separate.

I spoke, approaching them and separated them quickly, serious. They looked at me strangely and within seconds Camillo began to laugh at me, understanding why I was serious. I scowled at him and Helena walked up to me.

—If it weren't for distancing ourselves, I could swear you're jealous —. She whispered in my ear, amused.

I looked at her defiantly and faced her.

—You are mine, precious. And that's not going to change, so shut up —. I nodded annoyed and turned away from her.

I could swear he opened his mouth in an O shape and was offended. He started chasing me and my friends too as they giggled at our mini and future discussion.

I smirked, satisfied. I love getting her off the hook.

—You're not going to shut me up, dear! You are totally misplaced. Get off the pony; Who do you think you are? — He stood in front of me.

Buffet. And now it begins, the fucking mother.

—Thunder himself, queen. So, here, you lower your attitude, because I'm in charge, whether you like it or not —. I told.

He fell silent. I did not know what to say to me, I left her speechless and I am not proud. I didn't want him to know this part of me, but I couldn't look like an idiot in front of the guys because of how he refers to me. I have a reputation, and if they see that they pass me by or exceed my authority ... They will lose respect for me and they will do the same. And it is not like that. But I also wanted to tell Helena the truth about me, I couldn't take it anymore.

—You are stupid, did you know?

I laughed.

—And you more for playing along with me. Come on —. I took her shoulder and turned her, starting to walk towards the north of the place.

I carried it over to the large weapons closet and opened it. I turned my eyes to hers and she was shocked. I saw how he swallowed dry and fell silent. I looked up and looked at the boys. I waved them away, they nodded and listened to me.

Helena wasn't saying anything to me, and that started to worry me inside. I slowly started walking around her and analyzed her.

—Now do you believe me? — I stopped, placing myself in front of her. I took two steps towards it and we connected glances —. I am this, Helena. Since my parents separated, I have followed my dad's path. At first, I don't know, I did it because I had a lot of anger on me and I wanted to unburden myself, but now I got the hang of it. That's why I walked away from you and I am like that. I didn't want something to happen to you if you found out about this, but I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to confess it ... I'm sorry. —. I apologized, crestfallen.

—Now it all makes sense, Matthew. Although I do not justify you in the times that you treated me badly and left me alone. But what hurts me the most is that you didn't trust me - his voice cracked a little -. I know that you surely think that I live well, and that I have everything. But not. Yes, she may be the perfect daughter perhaps, but that means she had no problems. And you know what? You were the only person who made me happy when the world fell apart, but you also let me down and I will never forget that — he reproached me and I felt a dagger in my chest —. Besides, you didn't join this out of anger... — I raised my head and we looked at each other again. He advanced towards me and we stood very close. He looked into my eyes steadily — . You did it because you felt lonely, that was why. I know you, and that's why it hurts me that you didn't trust me. This is wrong, Matt.

I interrupted her, taking her by the arms.

—And what would you have done, eh? Run away, leave me alone? — I attacked her. She lowered her head — See? That's why I preferred to leave you, so they wouldn't hurt you and you wouldn't get involved in this. Sorry.

—Likewise, this is wrong...

About to answer him, someone else jumped into the conversation.

—What's wrong, cute? — Gala appeared, hateful as always and approached us. When I didn't respond, he looked at me and said — What's a new member, Matthy? — He stroked my hair, cargoa.

I buffet, rolling my eyes.

—It doesn't matter. Go do your job —. I got it off me.

She was offended. He ignored me and looked back at Helena.

—Hi, I'm Gala. And are you, my dear? — She extended her hand maliciously.

I snorted again, crossing my arms.

—My name is Helena, but I like it when they say Lenna. A pleasure —. She accepted her hand and they greeted each other.

—Yes, it's more preferable if they call you Lenna, because Helena. - She made a nauseous face as she stuck her tongue out and stuck her finger in her mouth —. Sorry, but she's old, fat.

Helena was puzzled. The fucking mother. I calmed down and sighed.

—Okay. It is done? Ready?... Okay, you can go now, daddy's daughter —. I threw her out, annoying.

Gala laughed self-centered.

—Ha! But this daddy's daughter is dangerous as a bullet, my love...

—And a stupid one too, my love — Nicole approached with a couple of boxes in her hands and left them on the counter, talking like her. When he finished leaving things, he advanced to us, canchera and looked at us — Don't you get tired of being so obnoxious, Galita? — She narrowed his eyes.

«Shit. God, I want to kill».

—And you? Can't you get tired of being so fat, Nicole? — they faced each other.

Nicole laughed sarcastically.

—Gala, leave the poor girl alone. I don't think I want to hear your typical "baby daddy" idiot problems, sweetheart. You are not the center of the world, and... Don't you get tired of being you sometimes? Because I say, it will be very fat to be so hollow and empty inside, right? You are here for a reason, I suppose. Or not, queen? — Nicole arched an eyebrow at him maliciously.

I smiled, but hid it. I love that they close the ortho, it is unbearable. Although, I think I did well to integrate her — it is worth clarifying that when she joined she was dating me —. Because believe it or not, it is played for us.

Without saying anything, he lowered his head and muttered under his breath. Finally. I saw how Nicole smiled maliciously, as she watched Gala leave, and then she looked at Helena, serious.

—I'm Nicole. Your?

He smiled kindly at her.

—Helena, Lenna.

I was waiting for Nicole to say something bad about me, maybe because she was jealous. But no, instead he smiled at her and nodded.

—Nice name, — she complimented her. Helena smiled at her again and she continued saying: — Welcome, I hope you last — Nicole kept smiling at her, until —... As long as they give you the ovaries and don't play dirty with you —. She changed his smile for a straight one, and gave him a bad look. But on the point of leaving, he deflected it to mine and glared at me.

And he left, leaving Helena and me alone.

—Is this a joke, Matthew? They treated me badly. God, are you such a fox to walk with both? — She discovered me and my eyes widened — Yes, I noticed, Matthew. I'm not an idiot. And me thinking that... Agh. You're a bloody...

I interrupted her.

—If it weren't for distancing ourselves, I could swear you're jealous —. I smiled seductively at him.

I could see how it was going to explode in a matter of seconds. She was about to reproach me for more things, annoyed. But, I turned my head several times to realize that no one was watching us and no one was. Well, it was my chance. Quickly, I grabbed her by the waist, pressed her to my body, and placed my favorite weapon at her lips to keep her quiet. She fell silent with shock and looked at me puzzled.

—Shh, stop it —. I said in a soft tone and lowered the gun slowly.

He swallowed dry.

—You're a fucking crazy, how are you going to do that to me? Do you want to kill me with a heart attack, stupid? — He pushed me.

I got serious.

—You're right, sorry. But if he didn't, you were going to make a dramatic scene and I didn't want that — I apologized and took his right hand — Come, join me —. I pulled this and was forced to follow me, snorting.


We were at the shooting range of the hideout. Helena was puzzled, she was very surprised by the place where I brought her. Still holding my gun, I walked over to her and she looked at me seriously.

—Well, here we train and practice our shots.

She nodded.

—Why is there a log there?

I laughed.

—For this... — I walked to the log and placed a couple of cans on top, six in all. Then I returned to my respective place, and Helena analyzed the situation.

—Matt, what are you going to do? — She asked me nervously.

I looked at her and smiled at her.

—I think I'd better start, right? — His eyes widened and he distanced himself to give me my space. He stared at me from afar, and I focused on a fixed point. I raised my pistol and got into position. The silenced weapon went off, taking the first can with it. I was lucky, I am still practicing. Slowly, I lowered the gun and looked at her seriously — Do you dare to do that? — asked.

She made a face at me, unsure.

—I don't know how to shoot, but I can try. I surpass you in everything, I can surpass you in this —. He said, playing the diva. I handed him the gun, while he bit my lower lip, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. And without warning, with his pistol raised, he fired.

The bullet went low.

—Pff, of course —. I laughed.

I looked at her without a trace of mockery but with a big smile. He made a face.

—Okay, I admit, I'm lousy at this —. Was justified, surrendered.

I started to laugh. He narrowed his eyes at me and handed me the gun.


—What? Do you give up like this no more? Wow, Lenna. As soon as you throw in the towel? I'm surprised of you, huh —. I approached her, challenging her and took her.

As soon as he handed me the gun, she snatched it out of my hands, annoyed.

—No wait! — I ordered him late.

She shot like she was the fucking mistress. And I could visualize how the recent bullet took the second can. I was stunned looking at the place where the second can had been before and then I looked at her.

—When handling the pistol, always point it in the direction of the target. Imagine that a magnet connects the tip of the barrel of your pistol to your target, and while you have the weapon in your hand, always point in that direction — he looked at me —. I am not only good for study —. He winked his right eye.

I closed my mouth but my eyes were still wide. Well, let's just say she was always smarter than me. When we were kids, she always helped me study or gave me homework. But come on, do you also know how to shoot now? God, he's a genius.

—I still don't understand, you had failed the other time —. Also, you told me you didn't know how to shoot.

He smiled at me.

—What trick, right? I like to find out about everything, but I really don't know how to shoot. You just pissed me off, like always, and I had an urge to shoot — he laughed — Do you want to try again?

I nodded, stunned. I took the gun back, gently. I positioned myself again, raised the pistol, and fired. The bullet flew up. Shit. I shifted my gaze to Helena and she laughed.

—What an idiot? — She continued laughing.

I looked at her seriously.

—Teach me — I said, and then I was distressed —. It can't be that I practice hours and you get it the first time. Teach me, to see —. I asked him.

—From what I saw and analyzed, — he laughed, — you have to raise your arm, straight, that the weapon covers your target with respect to your right eye and boom —. Answered me.

I did that.

—Okay, close your eye. Now aim with respect to him left and shoot.

I fired and carried the third can. I smirked and handed him the gun.

—Well, you're very smart. Now you too should learn.

—Teach me, master.

I laughed at how he called me and I approached his respective place.

—Okay, spread your legs a bit, like this, — I indicated and he listened, — fine. Now grab the gun with both hands, aim and shoot.

She did what I told her, but still, the bullet didn't hit where she expected. I heard how she sighed in disappointment.

—Don't worry —. I said, moving closer to her —. I couldn't the first time either.

I look myself.


—No —. I answered behind it.


—Fine, like this — I said and raised her arms from behind, encircling her. He flinched and I could swear he blushed slightly —, spread his legs. Very good. Now shoot.

He fired but the bullet passed right by. She stared at the frustrated can, and I stayed there.

—Agh, it will be...

I put my feet right behind his. I clung to her fully and she felt my abdomen on her back. I rested my chin on his right shoulder, and began to breathe close to his ear and neck. He blushed wildly. We both breathed like our hearts. I ran my fingers slowly over hers and sighed.

—Let's see —. I murmured.

A chill ran down her spine and her hair stood on end. You could tell that speaking into her ear was torture for her. We fired, and the can finally went flying. Go.

—Okay, queen. Now without me —. I told him and put my hands on his. She sighed before I gave him something to be listening to me behind him.

He fired and the fifth can fell.

—Yes! — She exclaimed happily and I laughed.

—One more and that's it —. I moved his arms in the direction of the sixth can, placed all my fingers on his and finally, my finger on the one he had on the trigger —. One, two, three — we fired and then there were no more cans to throw away —. Good —. I approved.

—Wow, thank you! — She laughed and turned to look at me.

I didn't know if I regretted it or not, but at that moment, Helena and I got too close. Her emerald green eyes were watching me intently, and then we began to narrow our own. I moved closer to her lips, wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to my body and kissed her slowly. She accepted my kiss a second later and wrapped her arms around my neck. Our lip movements were slow, we wanted it to be that way. I enjoyed and enjoyed feeling her lips on my lips, they were exquisite. Helena takes hold of me like no other, it is her and only her. Only with her do I like to treat her gently. She is unique and incomparable, she is my crystal princess ... We were still with a slow and deep kiss that left us both breathless. The minutes passed and we needed to stop to breathe for a few seconds and after that, we kissed again. And to end our big kiss, we gave each other three shorter kisses and then a long one. We slowly parted and I smiled sideways at him.

—You are beautiful —. I said, without thinking.

She blushed. And about to say something to me, he interrupted the door, opening abruptly. I cursed myself for interrupting us. I saw how Camillo looked at me anguished. I frowned at him and he swallowed hard.

—What happened, Camillo? — I arched an eyebrow.

I sighed.

—The superior boss arrived. We have to go —. Answered me.

My eyes widened, surprised. Damn it, my old man is here and he didn't tell me anything. I want to kill myself, he is going to think that Helena is involved in this. It never comes and just now that I brought it, it appears. If my dad finds out that I brought someone who is not from the side and he does not become a part either, he kills me or kills him.

—Damn! Is it coming right now? Camillo, I have to go. Come on, Helena.

Camillo stopped me.

—Matthew! You know how things are, if Danger doesn't see you here, he's going to kill you. In addition, we all have to be in the center in view of him. The rules are like that —. He clarified.

—You think I don't know?! But he can't be here, — I exclaimed. I turned my head to look at Helena and she was gone. In other words, while he was arguing with Camilo, he left —. Where the fuck is he, Camillo ?!

He raised his shoulders nervously. We both look at each other and get frustrated.


I said and ran out of the shooting range. Camillo chased me and we ran towards the center of the place, meeting everyone. I could see how Helena was there and my father turned his gaze to mine.

He wanted to kill me.