
©Chapter Ten: "".

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Without understanding why Matthew and Camillo were arguing, I left the shooting range and walked to the center of the place called "shelter." And shit, I shrunk in my place when I saw them all gathered there. They all turned their gazes towards me and frowned upon seeing me. More than anything, Mateo's father frowned more.

—Sorry, but... who are you, dear?— Peter spoke dryly, showing his seriousness to the matter. He was never that friendly, over the years he got more bitter, until I stopped seeing him... Until now. And I will never understand why he chose this path.

I was speechless. From one moment to the next I felt like they took me by the arm suddenly and I turned my head. It was Matthew. We both looked at each other and walked to the center.

—You don't remember her, fa...— he clarified his voice better and corrected,— Boss?— His son asked, approaching him.

Peter looked at me more intently and I frowned more when I heard what he called.

—Helena? Helena, dear? God, how you've grown. Wow, I didn't recognize you. Incredible how time passes...— He replied, seeing a smile on his face again. On the one hand I was relieved to see him a bit distressed, it was less intimidating.

I smiled at him.

—Hi Peter, how good to see you again—. I said politely.

He got serious.

—Why is he here, Matthew? —He gave his son a bad look. Knowing me well..., it seems strange to him that I am here— What happened; joined or what? You know how things are here...

His son interrupted him.

—She's already in the band, you just weren't aware of it yet!

I heard a couple of murmurs behind me and Matthew gave them a dirty look, causing absolute silence from the band members all of a sudden.

—Or not?— Matthew spoke to them and the others nodded their heads down.

I frowned.

—But I...

Matthew shifted his gaze to mine, squeezing my arm a little: —But nothing, I didn't give you the right to speak, and no one did. So shut up, please—. He ordered me, raising an eyebrow. God, is that how they handle themselves here or what?

What a big lie.

I didn't say anything, I just kept quiet keeping my head down.

—Well, welcome then—. Peter spoke to me, still not so convinced.

I raised my head and smiled at him.

—But I didn't...— I was going to tell him the truth but Matthew took my arm and squeezed it secretly while he muttered me not to say anything, and that caused me a lot of nerves. I decided to choose to shut my mouth and Peter looked at me oddly.

—You don't what?— He arched an eyebrow.

About to respond, someone from the band was heard shouting into the place, drawing our attention. We all turn our eyes to the blue-eyed man, bald I suppose, wide nose, and with a cap on his head, and we worry. It was noted that he had run, because he was very fatigued. His face showed a set of anger, fear and concern just like us.

—Danger...— Called out to him in a nervous tone, taking a huge gulp of air after so much agitation.

Peter advanced demonstrating his leadership and authority in the situation, and faced the guy, with a lot of character and chest.

—Stoke, what happened? Why so much scandal when entering?— He asked without understanding the reason for his striking entrance.

He sighed.

—The Gangsters. They are in the port with the other gang, which is an accomplice and they are plotting to send one of their own. A tugboat is waiting for you to transport weapons or drugs in our area. We have to stop them. He warned him.

I frowned. Who the fuck are the Gangsters? I would not be understanding anything. I looked at the others dumbfounded and they just stared at Peter and Stoke, attentive and obnoxious. I shifted my gaze to Matthew's and he slowly looked at me seriously. He swallowed dry.

—What is it, Matt? I want to go—. I whispered fear in my voice and he caressed my right cheek, shaking his head in response.

I panic.

—You heard! Get your luggage and the truck now! I give you less than thirty seconds. Run, run, run!— He gave us an order, angry and the others paid attention. I saw how everyone ran to I do not know where. I was scared again.

Peter looked at us without understanding.

—What are you waiting for?! Come on, Thunder, hurry up! Helena, it's fast here, move!— He applauded us.

Matthew took my hand and forced me to run with him to the weapons closet, which he had shown me a few hours ago. He opened both doors with force and began to remove I do not know how many things. But in one of those things; He pulled out a gun belt and quickly strapped on. Then he pulled out three pistols and looked at me as he tucked one in its magazine holder and the other behind his back.

—Listen to me, get that gun. It is a Sig-Sauer P226, its length is twenty centimeters, caliber nine millimeters; ten millimeters; five like five millimeters and recoil-actuated reloading. You know how to shoot, don't be afraid. Save it—. He handed me the gun while he took a bulletproof vest out of the closet and put it on quickly, giving me no time for anything.

I swallowed dry.

—M-Matthew, I can't do this. What the fuck is going on? I don't...

He interrupted me.

—Agh, I knew what not to bring you, I'm an idiot, —he muttered to himself and then looked back at me—. I'm sorry Helena, but you have to come with me, calm down. Everything will be fine. Let's go—. He took me by the hand and we ran towards one of the vans in the place without being able to reproach him for anything.

We all quickly got in and closed the doors at the same time. The doors of the establishment opened and we sped out.

I was scared; head down, while the others organized; loading their weapons or putting together a plan between them. My hands started to shake when they started talking about what they were going to do. God, where am I?

—Hey, this we're going to do—. Matthew said, crouching down, keeping up with the others so he could explain his plan. And while doing it; he marked each step on the ground and they attended.

I wasn't paying attention, I still didn't fall for what was happening but I felt a look on me, and I don't know who it was. I looked up and was able to connect with Nicole's, serious. I looked at her without any expression like her.

—What is wrong with you? —She spoke badly, nodding— Are you afraid, little girl? It comes out through your pores that this is not your thing—. She told me amused and malicious in her tone of voice, while looking at her great perfect face; Her very light green eyes, her straight and pointed nose perhaps operated on, her full lips full of botox, and her shiny short straight hair with black bangs.

I narrowed my eyes.

—Why do you like me so bad? What do you know about me? —She stopped—. Exactly, nothing. Don't screw with me, and I don't screw with you. I answered him wrong. I didn't feel like getting into more bard when I was already in one greater than this.

His jaw clenched.

—Look, princess —She placed himself in front of me, face to face, and we stared at each other—. You don't belong here; Because you're scared from head to toe, I can feel it. And I still don't understand why the hell Matthew brought you. But we both know that this is not your place. They'll end up killing you, Helena. Here only the bravest survive and you — laughed —, you've already died. He gave me the last cynical smile and turned away from me as he saw Mateo approaching us.

I swallowed dry. You're right, this is not my place. I don't know if I'll survive tonight, god I'm about to cry


He called out to me and I ignored him, drowning in my thoughts.

—Len!— He took my shoulder and shook it a little to give him a ball.

I turned my head and looked at him.


He was surprised by my dryness.

—What did Nicole tell you? Come on, say it—. He insisted a lot.

I rolled my eyes.

—The logical thing told me: I won't survive tonight—. I replied.

He growled looking at her badly and then he looked back at me. He took me by the cheeks and caressed them carefully.

—That won't happen, I swear. We are about to arrive, stay by my side and do not move from my side, okay?

I nodded repeatedly wanting to cry. He took away the tears that were about to come out and planted a kiss on my forehead, delicate.

—In less than fifteen seconds we went out to attack! To your positions!

And from one moment to another, Wax; The boy with the Roman nose, blond, blue eyes and with a piercing in his right eyebrow, yanked open the door and they started shooting without an end. I screeched at the loud shots, and at that, Matthew grabbed my left elbow and lifted me up, hurriedly. The vast majority got out of the truck and the shooting continued to spiral out of control.

—4-20, Wax, cover me! —He yelled at Camillo and Valentino, and they agreed while continuing to attack the opposing team. He looked at me for a few milliseconds and said—, Helena, take out the fucking gun and start shooting now!— He ordered me furiously, trying to protect me at all costs.

With no alternative, I pulled out the gun he had given me a few minutes ago and tried to shoot them as best I could, avoiding the gaze of whether I killed, harmed or not. Meanwhile the shooting, Matthew grabbed one of my wrists and pulled me up to some barrels so he could cover us better.

The adrenaline was one hundred percent, she was shaking a lot, but when it was time to attack, it disappeared for a few moments. I heard Matthew curse, ducking abruptly, and I did the same to prevent what had happened.

—What happened?— I asked as I kept pulling the trigger, firing.

He huffed.

—I ran out of bullets, shit—... And within seconds of saying that to me, due to my bad luck, I was also out of bullets, damn it.

—Damn!— I got upset.

—What happened to you now?— He asked me, placing the charger and with the heel of his palm he gave it a light blow, then he stretched the upper part of the slide, pulled it towards his chest and released it, going forward with all his strength .

He continued firing.

—I ran out of bullets.

—Here—. He took out his other gun from the magazine holder and handed it to me.

I listened to her and grabbed her, attacking again. Everything was going very "fine" until we saw how Taiu (long dark hair, eyes just as dark as his hair, big beard and wide nose) was shot in the left arm. From the scare, I was shocked and didn't keep shooting. And then I realized that this was fucking crazy and I had no idea what I was doing; And why the hell was he doing it? I assumed that to survive or I don't know anymore. My eyes began to crystallize and my tears began to overflow.

I want to go home.

Matthew shifted his gaze to Taiu and cursed loudly. About to say something to me, he saw me crying and was worried. He stopped shooting like me and crouched a little more at my height.

—No, Len, no. Now no Please. I need you with me, without you I can't do this. Everything is going to be fine... I'll get you out of here soon—. He caressed my cheeks, wiping my tears away.

—Do you promise me?

I watch at my eyes.

—I'll protect you and get you out of here, I promise you —He left me a short kiss on the lips to give me strength and he succeeded. As we parted, he turned his gaze away from Taiu and they nodded. He saw me again—. Listen to me, Lenna. It is the signal. We have to get to that tugboat and get it out of port right now. Taiu knows how to handle it, but we have to help him get there. Then we will come back here and go. Did you understand?— He asked me.

I swallowed dry.

—Okay, make it quick.

He nodded to me.

It really was the perfect time, everyone was focused on the shooting war, it was time to go there, so much so that the others were distracted by the shots. Taiu approached us and quickly ducked down. On the count of three, we ducked out to the tugboat, which no one was watching. All right. Carefully we got into it and walked to the cabin. But first, Mateo noticed if he found what he was looking for, and yes; the weapons, and the drugs he was looking for were there in some wooden boxes with a red stripe that said "fragile" marked on them.

—Come on, Taiu are you okay? Can you handle it?— Matthew asked a little low, analyzing his deep wound.

He looked at it.

—If I don't, we'll probably all end up dead, Matt.

I almost fainted upon hearing that. Anyway, we continued advancing to the booth and Taiu opened the door, giving it a strong kick and we could visualize two gangsters. Those two gang members approached us aggressively and Matthew threw the first punch at one of them. Then Taiu followed him as best he could. Meanwhile, I started the tugboat between so much fighting and I felt like they hugged me by the neck with force, leaving me breathless. Suddenly Matthew, with the butt of his pistol, struck him hard on the head and knocked him unconscious on the ground. I smiled at him, but that smile faded when I saw another guy approaching him from behind, unexpectedly.

—Matthew, behind you!— I yelled at him.

He quickly turned on his heel and grabbed the man by the head, shoving him up to a glass window. His head went through the window, shattering, and he threw him into the water. He turned around again and looked at me again with his ragged breathing from the agitation caused by fighting with that guy.

—Thanks...— I answered softly, surprised. I never believed that Matthew was trained or I don't know.

He nodded fearfully at what he had just seen and then shifted his eyes to Taiu.

—Taiu, get this tug out as soon as possible. Take him to the other end of the port and call us. I "ll guide you.

—Yes of course. You guys go now. I'll be fine, get out of here—. He kicked us out as he approached the helm and tapped a few buttons.

Matthew held out his hand and I accepted it. He pulled me up off the ground and we ran to the exit. Luckily there was no one. As we went outside we could see that the gangsters were fleeing one by one.

But not for us, but for the police. It was something obvious that was going to happen.

The black-haired man squeezed my hand tighter and the mermaids became more and more present. We started jumping a few things to get to the bridge and we did. Then we ran as fast as possible until we reached the truck that was waiting only for us, and in that, out of the corner of my eye, I could visualize a kind of strange black mask from the nape of the neck to her chin, covering her entire head; He drew his gun and pointed it at Matthew. I panic.

—Do not! I yelled and Matthew looked at me oddly. I lunged at him and threw him to the ground, quickly drawing my gun behind my back and pointing that stranger with hatred. I fired first without hesitation and it rubbed on his fucking arm. I tried to shoot a second time but when I pulled the trigger I had run out of bullets again — Shit! — I screamed again when I realized it. He was almost going to shoot us, but when he saw the police arrive and that he was a few meters from us, he decided to disappear — Son of a bitch! — I insulted.

Matthew looked at me stunned by what I had just done.


—Fuck, you're dynamite—. He said, still looking into my eyes, stunned by what I did. I saved his life.

I swallowed dry. Although I reacted instinctively to everything.

—Guys come on, the fucking mother! — Camillo (his lifelong best friend, dark-eyed, brown with barely blond highlights, with a beard only on the chin, a straight nose and a thin face) yelled at us, furious. Matthew and I reacted and got off the floor. We ran to the truck again and they helped us get into it.

They closed the door and the driver sped away from the port, losing the police.

My chest was still rising and falling from the adrenaline I went through. I'm still in shock from everything that happened, like everyone else. But little by little, the boys began to talk and congratulate each other. No one had been hurt except Taiu. Although later they called him on the radio and everything was going well. Mission accomplished.


A few long minutes ago we had arrived at the shelter and got out of the truck after losing the police. We took down the things we had used in the shooting and put them in the big closet.

—Wow, you have potential huh.

I heard a voice behind me and I could see what Peter was. I smiled a little awkwardly at him, I still don't believe in what happened nor will I ever believe.

—Thanks i think.

Matthew approached us.

—You were right to bring her in, son —she congratulated him—. Your girlfriend is divine. He stroked her hair, and Matthew and I looked at each other quickly.

—No, it's just...— We tried to explain that there was nothing between us, but he interrupted us.

—I'm talking! —We shut up—. You didn't answer me well, Lenna —I looked at him confused—... Welcome to the team—. He welcomed me, extending his right hand.

I hesitated to accept it. I don't want to be part of this, what I did a few minutes ago was only for personal defense so as not to die and not look bad. But when I was almost going to say no, Matthew warned me with his gaze not to refuse. It seemed pleading.

So I backed off.

—Thanks, Peter—. It's a pleasure.

I ended up accepting his hand and then he withdrew, saying goodbye.

I glared at Matthew.

—Take me home now.


I was treating Matthew's wounds from the blows he had in the trailer with those guys. We had arrived at my house an hour or so ago. And I was upset with him, I almost died because of him. Besides that he hid everything that happened to me from me.

—Will you still not speak to me?— She asked, staring at me as she watched her lower lip heal, concentrated.

I ignored it.

—Helena... —I pressed the alcohol swab hard against his lip and he screeched angrily. He got up from the toilet abruptly and looked at me—. Why the fuck did you fucking do that?— He raised his voice, furious.

I got up from the floor and gave him a bad look.

—Because, why?! I risked my life for you, I almost died for you! Ha, what a good way to take care of me huh! You are insane!

—Sorry! I knew I shouldn't have taken you for any reason, goddamn it! All these years taking care of you and I took a risk in less than an hour. Sorry, Len. But I needed to tell you the truth, that's what I am—. He said, crestfallen.

I sighed seeing it wrong. I walked over to him and he looked up. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his body. Feeling its heat made me feel very good. In seconds I separated from him and took his cheeks.

—You're worth a lot more than that, Matt.

He grabbed my hands and caressed them as they continued on his cheeks.

—You think so?— His eyes lit up.

—Yes. Nobody is born bad, they make one bad. I assure. And you have a heart of gold, I know you do —He smiled at me—. But I don't know if I can bear you having that life —He frowned out that smile and turned serious—. Sorry, Matthew. But it's not my thing. I can no longer see you with different eyes, I am disappointed. Agh. Just... Go away, Matt. I need to be alone.

He understood me.

—I knew I shouldn't tell you—. He muttered under his breath taking his things and withdrew from my bathroom.