
Danganronpa: Ultimate Crossover Chaos

Eighteen participants, all from various universes, all unaware of the Despair that lies in storage for them. Izuku Midoriya has always dreamed of becoming a hero one day, but that dream gets sidetracked when he wakes up to find himself with a group of seventeen other people, trapped within a strange school with him. With only a single person that he recognizes, Izuku doesn't know what lies in store for him in this twisted game. Because when a psychotic, murderous animatronic bear holds him and all the participants captive and forces them to play a game where life and death are on the line... Izuku will have more than just discovering his quirk to worry about. Forms of Media that will function within the crossover (maybe be subject to change later): Danganronpa V3, GTA III/The Lost and Damned, Darling In The Franxx, Doki Doki Literature Club, My Hero Academia, Arcane/League of Legends, Super Danganronpa Another 2, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Yandere Simulator, Undertale, Life Is Strange, Ace Attorney Disclaimer: None of the following characters, nor their respective franchises, belong to me. Just stating that for the sake of the disclaimer.

Christopher_Lehner · Jeux vidéo
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Prologue Part 1 - The Beginning


Alderney State Correctional Facility - Alderney, USA

"Well, here you are, you fork-tongued bastard! I've been looking for you!", Johnny exclaimed, aiming his pistol directly at Billy's face. The prison alarm was going off in the distance after Johnny's gang unleashed all hell on the prison gates. Dead prison guard bodies were everywhere, as helicopters prepared to send in reinforcements. The rest of the Lost MC were preparing to rendezvous at Johnny's location once they got through the rest of security.

Billy surprisingly didn't run away when faced by Johnny. He just stood there, in front of his correction facility home, waiting to accept the bullet Johnny was about to put in him. "Johnny boy, you've reached too far this time! Checkmate, dude!"

Johnny aimed his pistol towards Billy's forehead, yet Billy still didn't move a muscle. "Come on, man, get it over with. Do it!", he taunted.

"I'm doing it!", Johnny exclaimed, but he still hesitated to shoot for a moment. He wanted to see if Billy had any final words left to say for himself. After everything he did to the Lost: practically causing a civil war that tore apart the gang into two factions, stealing heroin and getting the Triads pissed off, and even willing to snitch out the Lost to the FIB to get himself out of prison.

Billy laughed as Johnny stood there. The thunder and heavy rain clouds around them added perfectly to the aesthetic of the situation. He looked at him in spite.

"What?! Are you waiting for a fucking speech or something?! Come on!" Billy angrily charged at Johnny, but before he could shoot back, Johnny's eyesight began to spiral out of control. A strange, TV-like static vision was all that the biker could see, until he finally lost consciousness.


Meanwhile, At The Entrance of UA High


The gigantic high school building stood majestically in Musutafu, Japan. Almost as if the school was standing over the center of the whole wide world. UA High School...I can't actually believe I'm standing in front of it right now. I've heard that only the best of the best of heroes can enter it. It's the hardest hero course to get into. It brings in students from all kinds of different elite fields. The place was built to train the next generation of heroes to maintain the peace and security for all across the nation.

There are two requirements that you need in order to enter. First, you have to have a quirk. Well, I mean, I used to not meet that qualification, but now, thanks to All Might, I might just have a shot of getting into UA. Second, you need to pass the UA exam to show what you're skilled at in order to enroll. For those that don't pass, they don't get a spot for enrollment.

And somehow, defying all possible odds, here I was, standing right in front of the gates to this glorious academy. I told you I could do it, Kacchan.

Oh, yeah. I should probably introduce myself right now. My name is Izuku Midoriya. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm average when it comes to my appearance - my vivid dark green hair, black uniform dress, white undershirt, yellow backpack and red shoes would probably make me look more ordinary. Then again, my attitude and personality are much more defining of who I am. You could say I'm pretty sensible and optimistic at times, and I'm definitely determined. "Make it just in time," Izuku said to himself as he walked near the entrance of the massive school.

If I'm being honest, I was pretty anxious before I got here. To prepare, I had to train for the past ten months with All Might, all so I could be prepared to inherit the quirk he was going to give to me. And he didn't go easy on me, either. It was intense and extremely exhausting, but the drive to becoming a hero was strong enough to keep me going. Finally, this is the moment of truth. To see if all of my hard training paid off or not.

There's an elegant clock over in front of the building, stating that it's 7:10 AM. I was so wound up that I almost didn't arrive in time. Looks like I just made it. Standing around here isn't exactly productive...I should take a look around the school.

I was so worried about the exam that I didn't even get a chance to test out my new power. I may have swallowed that hair, but I don't feel like anything great has happened to me yet, Izuku thought.

"Stupid Deku...", a voice he was all too familiar with said to him. Izuku turned around to see his friend Bakugo right behind him. He had very spiky blonde hair, red eyes, and a VERY hostile attitude. "Get out of my way now before I set you on fire," he told him calmly, yet sternly.

"Oh, hey! Good morning! Um, let's just do our best out there, okay?! Good luck!", Izuku said nervously. Bakugo just walked past and ignored him. Ever since that day I helped rescue him from that sludge monster, Kacchan has been taking it easier on me. I guess I was just scared out of habit. You see, even though Bakugo was Izuku's friend, he still tended to be very aggressive and hurtful towards Izuku. The nickname he chose for Izuku was Deku, and he used it as a way to insult him wherever they went. But Izuku didn't mind the nickname, and Bakugo didn't mind Deku calling him "Kacchan", either.

But I'm not defenseless anymore. Yeah, I have to remember all of the work I put in. Thanks to All Might, I'm actually going to become a hero!

Izuku prepared to set foot into the next exciting new phase of his life, before he tripped on his shoelace and fell. He felt as if time was slowing down as he began to fall to the ground.

"Or I'll just die..."

Right before he was about to accept his face hitting the firm concrete below him, he felt a soft hand touch his back. He waited for the impact, but nothing happened. It was like he was floating in the air. What... Why haven't I hit the ground yet? When he opened his eyes again, he saw that he was indeed floating in the air now, inches above the pavement below him. This instant realization caused him to freak out, and started nervously panicking.

"Ha! Are you okay?", the girl next to him asked. Once Izuku got a good look at her, he stopped panicking. Oh, she must've done something to stop my fall. No wonder I was floating in the air, he thought. The kind girl decided to help get Izuku back on his feet. She giggled slightly. She had very curly hazelnut brown hair, with a noticeable blush in her cheeks, and brown eyes. Izuku could tell she had a very amiable vibe. She put her hands together before speaking.

"I stopped you with my quirk. I'm sorry I didn't ask first, but... I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you," the girl told him. "I'm Ururaka, by the way. Uraraka Ochako. Nice to meet ya!"

Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God! A GIRL IS TALKING TO ME! Izuku had no idea what to do next. He was standing there, still as stone, paralyzed and blushing.

"Isn't this all, like, way nerve-wracking?", Uraraka told him. Immediately, Izuku snapped out of it and tried his best to respond. He was nervously shaking when he spoke.

"Uh... uh... I, uh... yeah, yes! Very nerve-wracking! I've been preparing all night to make sure I'll be ready!" He noticed that he forgot to introduce himself to the cute girl who just helped him. "Oh, s-sorry! My name's Izuku Midoriya! Pleasure to meet you!", he said anxiously.

"Thanks! Well, I guess I'll see you inside. Bye, Izuku!", Uraraka told him, before heading into the UA gates.

WOAH! I JUST TALKED TO A GIRL ALL BY MYSELF! He couldn't tell, but he was laughing hysterically. I can't believe I actually did that! And she wasn't even weirded out by me, either! Maybe this day won't be as bad as I thought after all!

Izuku noticed that the world around him was becoming distorted beyond reality, while he experienced a major headache. He was wondering what the hell was going on, but before he could get any definitive answers, his vision was fading to black. He had lost consciousness.




Ugh...where...where the hell am I? Izuku's face felt practically numb as he tried to open his eyes, his vision starting to come back to him. What happened last night? For some reason I...I-I just can't remember it. I was at UA high, heading to the exam, then I bumped into Kacchan, then Ochako stopped my fall... but that's where my memory starts to cut to static.

Izuku found himself sitting at a desk, covered completely in dust. He looked at the room around him and saw that the classroom was in very bad shape. Several chairs and desks were knocked over, the teacher's desk looked like it had been destroyed by a machine gun, and the floors looked like they hadn't been cleaned since the 90s. On top of that, the lights above him were very dim, and where there should've been windows, there were gigantic metal sheets, firmly bolted to the wall. It was sealed efficiently, too, as he couldn't see a ray of sunlight coming out of them.

How did I get here?! This can't be UA, can it? I didn't even get to take the exam yet! This must be some other school, but I don't know why everything here looks so abandoned, Izuku thought. I need to find a way out of this place. He had no idea where to go next, and the only exit he could see was an open door near the end of the room. He also noticed that in the top left corner of the room, there was some kind of security camera watching him, too. The red light coming from the camera made Izuku think that someone was watching his every move.

Wait...could this actually be the exam? No, that wouldn't make sense. This wasn't like anything I studied for. Maybe the staff is trying to pull a surprise on us or something? But why would they need to knock me out unconscious for that? And where's Kacchan? Izuku had no idea where to go next, so he decided to leave the classroom to explore the area some more.

He exited the abandoned classroom and made his way to the hallways. They were in much better shape than the classroom. The floors looked surprisingly clean, most of the ceiling lights were fixed and operational, and the walls seemed to be covered in a luxurious orange type of plaster. Why is it so tidy in the halls but so messy in the rooms? I don't recognize anything here. I don't think this is UA High. Maybe it's the training grounds they use for the exam? I guess I still have to keep looking. I should probably keep my guard up in case I find anyone else.

He walked down the hallway to see if there was anything he could find. Nothing too special so far. Just some more abandoned classrooms and posters of heroes like All Might, Midnight, Hawks and a few more on the walls, but not much else. A short while later, he came across some kind of trophy case, filled with many awards that the school must've won. Weird. None of these say anything about UA High. Izuku began to wonder if this really was some kind of exam anymore, or if he was in a completely different situation.

"Hello?! Is anyone else out here?!", he cried out down the long hallways. No replies came. This had him on edge considering that he was alone in a building he had no idea about, unaware of how he ended up in this situation. No luck so far. I'll have to cover some ground first if I'm going to get any answers, Izuku thought.

As he went around the corner, he heard faint footsteps getting closer to him. On the other side of the corner, a boy approached Izuku cautiously. He might be from the UA exam, too, Izuku thought.

"And that makes sixteen so far," the stranger said to him, in a soothing voice. He was wearing a dark blue and light blue horizontally-striped shirt, wearing some kind of item attached to a necklace. He had several ear piercings on his left ear, and his lightish-green hair was very wavy. Izuku jumped back at the surprising presence of the boy.

"WAAH! Who the heck are you?!", Izuku screeched.

"Hey, relax. Did you get kidnapped, too?", the stranger asked. "Well, you seem to be doing alright. So that's good. Situation could be better, though."

"Kidnapped? What are you talking about? I don't remember being kidnapped," Izuku told him.

"Really? That's strange. How did you get here, then?"

"I don't know! One moment I was getting ready to set foot on UA grounds, the next I woke up here without a clue!", Izuku said.

"So, you're the same, too? You have no idea how you got here? I guess that's a recurring theme with everyone else," the mysterious student said.

"Wha- Who is everyone?!"

"I asked the others, too. They said they don't remember anything, either. Looks like we're all on equal footing. Maybe we all got a weird case of amnesia or something. Or it could be group brainwashing, or hypnosis...in any case, I hope we remember soon."

"Please slow down and explain all of this to me! Or at the very least, could we introduce ourselves, just for some clarity," Izuku told him.

"Oh, that's right. I never told you my name, did I? My name is Rantaro Amami. I promise, I'm not a bad guy. Nice to meet you," Rantaro told him.

"Nice to meet you, too! I'm Izuku Midoriya!" The two boys shook hands before continuing their conversation.

"Now then, were you taking the UA entrance exam as well?", Izuku asked.

"I'm sorry, what? I don't remember trying out for any school before I got kidnapped. Not counting Hope's Peak," Rantaro responded.

"So you're not... wait, you said there were others here, right? Where are they?"

"I think they're all together at the gymnasium at the moment. Now that I found you, that makes sixteen of us so far, myself included. Perhaps I can take you there and help you introduce yourself to the others," Rantaro told him.

"Sixteen? There are sixteen other people here? What? What's going on here?"

"I think this might be all of us. If this is what I think it is, anyway. But that's a topic for another time. Right now, we should probably try to figure out what we're all doing here, and what to do to find an escape from this place," Rantaro said.

"Yeah, I think you're right. Lead the way, Rantaro. You seem to clearly know your way around here much better," Izuku told him. The two boys decided to head off to where the gymnasium was, and hopefully to get some answers about where the hell any of them were.