
Dagon- A Brothers of Hell Novel

Dagon has lived a lonely existence. Hell had nothing to offer him but the shame and ridicule of his father, so he has spent his life in the shadows collecting the bounty on the heads of whatever demons that manage to escape from hell. He didn't need or want anyone, he was just fine on his own. Until her. Alayna, still whirling from the sudden end of her relationship after an eight year engagement, finds herself in the clutches of a sinister creature, hell bent on feeding on her, when a stranger saves her from deaths door. She would thank him if he wasn't such an arrogant bastard. Determined that Alayna is more than human, Dagon kidnaps her and takes her into hell as his prisoner until he can find out what exactly she is.

Rayna_Crimson · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter One

I hate New York City. I can understand the appeal for people who liked to socialize and to be constantly surrounded by others. I prefer the quiet solitude that the rural life has to offer. The city is full of life, life of all kinds and it's my job to make sure my kind follow our laws. My Father may be a prick, but he knows it is in his best interest to keep the balance between good and evil, therefore he sends me to collect his subjects that try to flee to the surface to feed on the unsuspecting and naïve humans. He could surely do this job himself and a lot faster, but the Devil himself cannot be bothered with such inconveniences, so he sent me, his least favorite son.

I scan the alleys as I walk down the bustling street, looking for any sign of my bounty. Xanthus had escaped hell a week ago and so far, has managed to evade me. When multiple calls of distressed women being molested by an unseen force started popping up in New York City, I knew I would find him here. He is a lust demon after all and the city is full of horny humans, ripe for the picking.

Xanthus is a lower level demon, born to the Greek Goddess Aphrodite and my Uncle Hates. According to our Father, Aphrodite and Hates' affair had been quite the scandal. A Goddess with the likes of a demon Lord. Things like that are not forbidden, but they are highly frowned upon. Nine months later when Aphrodite gave birth to Xanthus she was cast away from her family and sought shelter from Hates. He too cast her away, but only after taking her son.

A slight movement to my right caught my attention. I quickly turn down the alley, staying as close to the brick wall as possible, so I would not be seen. I peek my head around the corner, careful not to fully expose myself.

There stands the most beautiful human I have ever seen. She was talking to a guy in the alley, clearly upset with the conversation. I quickly scan the surrounding alley looking for Xanthus. I wasn't worried about the girl seeing me. Humans can't see Demons unless we allow them to and even that only works if you are an upper level demon like myself. The only exception for the humans is witches. Witches can see us.

I don't see Xanthus anywhere. I recognized him as he slithered his way down here so I know he is hiding around here somewhere, but all I can really focus on is the woman in front of me.

She is angry at the man in front of her and the emotion looks out of place on such a beautiful woman. A woman such as this should be held and cherished, worshipped and adored, naked and well sated by her man. Anything less than that is simply wrong.

I feel my brows raise as she lands a slap across the man's face. Serves him right. I have half a mind to saunter over there now and make him pay for the tears threatening her eyes. My blood begins to boil as the man grabs her by the neck and slams her into the brick wall, stepping closer so she was pinned to the wall by his body. He leaned in to whisper something in her ear and I watched as she broke. The man released her neck causing her to collapse to the cold and damp ground and stormed away.

She begins to cry, wiping the tears away as they fall with the back of her hand. I fight the urge to go to her. I want to kiss those tears away before drawing her luscious heart shaped mouth to my own. Damn it, what is happening to me? Focus. I can't let some human girl distract me. I have a job to do.

I feel Xanthus before I actually see him. I see him in my periphery, hunched low with his eyes focused ahead. I am fairly sure that I could sneak up on him with as focused as he is on his target. I have never seen the crazed look he wore on a demon before. Xanthus' eyes were focused on the human girl, his snake like body trembling as he fought to contain himself.

Xanthus looks frantic and starved at the woman in front of him, like he would die if he didn't get to her. I feel my stomach constrict at the thought of Xanthus' slimy hands on her. I have no right or reason for the protective feeling in my gut, but I know deep down that if Xanthus puts one hand on her, I will kill him. It doesn't matter that Father wants him alive.

Xanthus creeps into view, ever so slowly stalking the woman in front of him. Just as I stepped out of hiding Xanthus shot forward, catching the attention of his target. I watch stunned as the woman jumps to her feet screaming as Xanthus lunged at her. She could see him. I didn't sense any magic so surely, she can't be a witch.

I watch stunned, knowing I need to stop him, but unable to process it all enough to move. I shake my head, clearing my mind enough to step into action. I release my daggers from their sheaths on my belt and stalk toward the crazed demon and hysteric woman.

Xanthus was on top of her as she flailed and fought to get free of his serpentine grip on her dress. The black fabric that had once covered her luscious curves was now torn from her body and lay in rags around her. I have to make my move quick.

I draw my hand back, holding steady to the hilt of my dagger and with a swift move I release the dagger and send it flying forward, satisfied when it embeds itself into Xanthus' skull. His body stilled as if on a delay before he collapsed on top of his victim. With a puff of black smoke, his lifeless body vanished before my eyes, leaving his victim laying there panting.

My eyes rake over her body, watching the rise and fall of her breasts still moderately contained within the sheer coverage of her bra, with the same ragged rhythm of her breathing. I fight the urge to run my hand along the supple curves of her breasts. The thought of drawing her twin peaks into my mouth, rolling her nipples between my teeth caused my pants to tighten uncomfortably on my cock.

I hold my hand out offering it to her as she stares up at me clearly still reeling from the attack. I can't blame her. She was just attacked by a demon, a hideous looking demon that would have undoubtedly taken her in every way imaginable and then left her for dead. The thought caused my stomach to turn.

"I will not hurt you," I say as I offer her my hand.

Her eyes fall from my eyes to my hand. She must be in shock. I lean down, sitting on my heels, and run my thumb just under her eyes, wiping away the stream of tears that just keep coming. My eyes meet hers and I am trapped.

The grey blue of her eyes calls to me, asking me to dive in and spend eternity within their depths. I have never seen eyes as striking as the pair fearfully staring at me now.

"What are you?" I hear myself whisper as I feel my face lower to hers, as if it moved of its own accord until my lips met hers.

A warmth ignited in the pit of my stomach, sending white hot flames all over me and making every nerve ending in my body come alive. I break the kiss and immediately I feel deprived. I watch as her eyes widen in confusion, staring at the mouth that just claimed hers.

Her eyes fluttered closed and her head lulled back. She just fainted. I tuck one arm behind her neck and the other behind her knees and lift her from the dirty ground and nestle her safely against my chest. With the thought of home in mind, I feel the shadows come forth, enveloping us before the world falls away and we are standing in the caves I call my home.