
Dagon- A Brothers of Hell Novel

Dagon has lived a lonely existence. Hell had nothing to offer him but the shame and ridicule of his father, so he has spent his life in the shadows collecting the bounty on the heads of whatever demons that manage to escape from hell. He didn't need or want anyone, he was just fine on his own. Until her. Alayna, still whirling from the sudden end of her relationship after an eight year engagement, finds herself in the clutches of a sinister creature, hell bent on feeding on her, when a stranger saves her from deaths door. She would thank him if he wasn't such an arrogant bastard. Determined that Alayna is more than human, Dagon kidnaps her and takes her into hell as his prisoner until he can find out what exactly she is.

Rayna_Crimson · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

The sound of trickling water woke me from an awful nightmare. I wasn't aware that I had even fallen asleep. My eyes feel heavy and swollen as I fight to open them. I am greeted by damp air and darkness when I finally wrench my eyes open. I try to adjust to the darkness and take in my surroundings when my heart begins to pound against my ribs. Where am I?

I brace myself on the wall of stone behind me and reluctantly pull myself to my feet. I wrap my arms around myself to fight off the chill and that is when I realize I am in nothing but my bra and barely there panties. My body begins to tremble violently as the events from the night replayed in my mind. It wasn't a nightmare. It was real. I was attacked by, by. What was that thing?

I can't stop the flood pouring from my eyes as I recount what happened. I was fighting with Connor after I caught him screwing his assistant. A part of me always knew he didn't love me. I was his woman for appearances only. He had other women to satisfy his other desires. He had my heart in his palm and he beat and bruised it until there was nothing left of it. His final word was his hand around my neck as he threatened my life should I ever try to leave him. He knew he had power over me because if it had not been for him and his family, I would have wound up in an orphanage or foster home somewhere. I am indebted to him. That's a fact he likes to remind me of daily.

When that creature attacked me, I was at my lowest and thinking of just ending it all. I thought I wanted to die until my life was actually in danger. I would probably be dead if not for the man who saved me.

Images of my savior played behind my eyes. He had dark hair pulled tightly back into a low ponytail. His black leather jacket sat atop a set of very wide shoulders that stretched into a pair of muscular arms. My fingers traced my lips at the memory of his full lips on mine. Just the memory made my body warm chasing away the chill. His kiss made butterflies bloom from my belly, fluttering just under my skin. I can imagine myself tracing every dip and curve of his muscled physique with my tongue. Whoa! Calm down Alayna. You don't even know this man. The sound of someone clearing their throat snapped me out of my thoughts. I turn around in circles looking for the source of the intrusion.

He sat in the corner, completely relaxed with one leg over the other, staring at me. His eyes roamed my body, darkening from their caramel brown to almost black before he squeezed them closed. When he opened them again, they were back to their beautiful caramel color.

"W-Who are you?" I ask, trying and failing to keep my nervousness from my voice. It went against my better judgement, but I took a step toward him. He had saved my life so I don't think he wants to kill me, but there are other things you can do to a person that hurt. Looking at him though, I felt safe. Nervous, but safe.

He seemed to be sizing me up before he spoke, "What are you?"

His question confused me. What does he mean by what am I? Did he mean to ask who am I?

"M-My name is Alayna. I-I'm a, a. I'm nothing."

It was the truth. I was nothing. I was a forced homebody. Forced to be seen and not heard, especially when Connor needed a trophy wife on his arm for big work events.

The man stood from his seat in the corner and slowly, seductively walked toward me until he stood mere inches from me. One hard breath and my breasts would brush against the wall of muscle that is his chest. I had to tilt my head back fully to be able to look at his face. His once caramel eyes returned to a smoldering black.

"I will ask you one more time and bear in mind that I am not known for my patience. What are you?"

The way he loomed over me with a menacing look on his face, made my knees feel like jelly. I should be scared. I should run, but I am rooted to the spot. He is trying to scare me, but I have never felt more protected. I fight the urge to reach my hand out to stroke his hardened features.

"I don't understand your question. What am I? I am Alayna. I am a woman, but nothing more."

He analyzed my words silently for a moment before he stated, "That is not nothing."

His hands gripped my arm and pulled me as he led me to the darker corner of the room. I heard metal screech and he gently nudged me forward into the darkness. Another screech of metal and a loud sound of a lock engaging sent a chill down my spine. I turned to face him, staring out through the metal bars that were now my prison.

"Please. Please don't lock me in here. I can't handle small spaces. Please," I begged, damn near hyperventilating. He doesn't know, I told myself.

He stood in front of me, each of his hands wrapped around a bar, "I don't trust you not to run. You can't leave here until I get answers and I have things to do," he said, a hint of sympathy in his voice.

I lay down on the cold floor, drew my knees to my chest, and squeezed my eyes shut. The sobs were uncontrollable. The last time I had been locked in a small space, Connor had left me there for a week.

He had decided that he wanted to have me, after we had attended his Firm's Christmas party. He wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist and carried me up the stairs, his mouth claiming mine. His kiss was nothing like my captors. Connors kiss was messy and wet. At the time I considered it a compliment or a sign that he just wanted me that badly in the moment. Hmmph, turns out he is just a really bad kisser.

Once he opened the door to his room, I stilled. This room, his room looked like a medieval torture chamber. Whips, chains, riding crops, and other forms of cuffs lined the walls. In the middle of the room sat a cage. It was designed to look like an antique bird cage of sorts. In that bird cage, four chains adorned the metal poles that made up the wall. Each chain had a metal cuff on the end.

"What is that for," I asked.

Connor still held me against his waist as he walked with me passed the giant cage until we came to a stop in front of another of his contraptions. He placed me on my feet and spun me around, so I face his intimidating equipment. I felt his hands roam slowly down my shoulder to the middle of my back. He undid the clasp of my bra, causing my breast to fall free with an eager flop. He dropped to his knees in front of me, his hands on my waist. I felt his fingers hook my panties and yank them down to my feet. I remember being so happy and aroused, thinking that Connor actually wanted me.

"Have you ever sucked a cock before, Alayna?" Connor asked as he worked my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, causing a small moan to escape my lips.

"No," was my heady reply.

He turned my body back around, so I was facing him before he dropped back to his knees in front of me. His hands slowly made a trail up my legs until they met at the apex of my thighs. His smile mischievous and he lifted my one leg over his shoulder and buried his face between my thighs.

His tongue slipped between my folds, finding my precious numb and stroking it with just the tip, slowly circling my clit. He has never done anything like this with me before. He blatantly refused to touch me before. What had changed. The warmth building in my gut had me grinding against his face, calling his name and begging for release.

I had my head tilted back against the wall when I felt his hand grip my hair at the base of my neck and pull.

"Selfish, selfish girl," Connor chuckled, "You think you deserve to come?"

His hand in my hair pulled me closer to his face, "You are pathetic. No one will ever want to make you come," he sneered, "but I am a giver Alayna. If you please me and do everything I say, I will be sure to give you what you need." He ran a finger through my slit, pressing hard on my mound, ripping a scream from my lips.

"I will do anything for you," I replied and sadly at the time I meant it, "all you need is ask."

Pain erupted through my skull as my head was slammed into the wall.

"I don't ask for anything. You will just take your orders and follow them as they are given," he screamed in my face, "now, get on your knees."

I dropped to my knees with no hesitation. Connor like this scared me. He undid the button on his black dress pants and allowed his pants to fall to his ankles as he toed his way out of his shoes. He stepped out of his boxer briefs and looked down upon me. His dick was an average link, although a little on the thinner side. I had never seen a dick in real life, only in movies or magazines, but I know that compared to those he looked relatively inadequate.

"Have you never seen a cock before, Alayna?" he asked while stroking himself.

I shook my head. He took my face in both of his hands and smiled, "Open your dirty mouth."

His assault was immediate. As soon as I opened my mouth he slammed his dick in my mouth as far as it would go, holding my face against his pelvis as I struggled for air. He slowly pulled it out, causing me to choke and then slammed it back in. With each stroke he held me longer, depriving me of air. I was convinced he was trying to kill me.

"Make me come with your dirty mouth, Alayna. Make me come like the worthless whore that you are!"

Tears burned my eyes and he slammed himself in and out of my mouth, the lack of oxygen making the room swim.

"Oh no you don't!" I heard him say right before his palm slapped my face, Wake up!"

The sound of metal scraping and two arms wrapped around me tore me from my memories. I am shaking all over. The memories of that night haunt my nightmares. I look up to find the eyes of my captor, looking down on me with eyes full of mixed emotions. Concern and was that a hint of anger? What had I done to anger him?

He carried me over to a plush bed, pulled the covers back, and sat me down gently and moved to walk away. I grabbed his hand, stilling him immediately. He glanced at me over his shoulder inquisitively.

"Please, don't leave me here again."