

Heinous crimes. Good times in between. Cybernetically enhanced detective.

Faceless_Blotch · Horreur
Pas assez d’évaluations
9 Chs

Case 1-8 | II, Zealot

Lead: Male

Tags: Rape, Gorefuck

I walk up over the small mound in the ground and notice my lights are still on, and an officer was looking through my car. Fuck. I freeze.

"Hey you!" this officer shouts to me.

I hide the head behind my back. As if it's an old cartoon, I only wish that she didn't notice anything.

"You starting fires out here?" she pulls her gun and gestures me to approach. "Easy now. Nice and slow, get on the ground. Nice and flat over here, I don't want to see anything fishy."

I comply. I approach, and get to my knees.

"Down!" she calls out. "On the ground."

I remain kneeling.

"Gh," she grunts in frustration and runs up to kick me over.

I quickly dodge back and whack her with the whore's head.

Obvious shock, she falls back and drops the gun to the stones. She fails to realise what it is. She looks from the ground as I stand, holding the head by the hair. "AAHH!!!" she calls out.

"Sh, sh, sh, shut the fuck up," I drop the head and rush the officer. I pick her up by the shoulders and head-butt her.

She continues to call out.

I draw an arm back and fist her right in the nose. My arm juts back to reveal a great frown, bleeding from the mouth, the nose.

"HELP!" she calls.

I knock her on the head once more and she grows weaker.

"No," I hear her whine.

"Shhh, it's okay." I look to her car and look around. Fuck. I drop her and slip take the gun from the ground. I shut up my car and move on back to her, bloody face down in the side of the road. I grab the head and shove the gun into the neck, going up through the throat. I toss it in the front seat of the car and return my attention to the officer. "Come on, love."

"No, no," she continues to wheeze and beg with what little energy she has.

I pull her up and drag her to the car, her body completely limp. "You're dead, babe, there's no helping it."

"Please. No."

I drop her head, allowing her skull to crack on the road. "One second, sorry," I speak down to her. I step over her, pushing my boot down firmly on her chest. I open the back of her car and get back to her body, barely still awake. Barely still alive.

"... Hnn…"

I pull her up and drag her further. I throw her into the backseat of the car. I slam the door hard as fuck while her leg hangs out. It gashes her meat but bounces back quickly. I grin.

She cries.

"Shut up, bitch!" I shout at the top of my lungs. Fucked off, I move around to the other side of the car and pull open the door. I pull her by the head and lean down over her ear. "SHUT THE FUCK UP WHEN I TELL YOU TO!" I drag her by the dead and pull her hair loose, pulling it to hang out of the door.

"You fucking slut, you fucking listen to me, bitch." I slam the door on her hair and hear her cries grow louder.

"Ooh, bitch," my head grows hot and I move back to the other door. "Ooh, bitch. Now you've fucking done it." I pull out my cock and crawl over her. "You shut the fuck up. You shut the fuck up." I slap the dumb whore in the face and grab her throat. "You shut the fuck up." I squeeze her throat/ I squeeze it as hard as I can.

She makes a stupid fucking noise in response.

I mock her. I lean down and mock her. "I just cut the head of a slut, you think I give a fuck?" I bash her head in. As hard as I can, I bash her fucking head in. My knuckles bleed and blister which only pisses me off more.

"FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU DUMB BITCH! STOP THAT SHIT!" I pull the belt of the chair where her head lies and wrap the thing tightly around her throat. I let it go to slowly choke her while I make use of her unused body.

I spit up into her eye. "Mmm," I moan. "You've got nice tits." I pull her chest free and can't manage to get her bra off. "FUCK!" I scream down at her. "You're a tricky whore, aren't you? Slut." I draw my knife. "Ah, wait." I stab the knife between her ribs and jump out.

I hear her doing what she can to scream and struggle for life while I reach in the front to grab the bitch's head. I return to the officer and sigh. "I don't even feel like it any more." I drop the face against hers, wedged between her head and the seat.

No reaction.

"Huh?" Bitch is fucking dead. "Tsk." This one didn't last long. I shut the door and drop into the driver's seat. Better move before another comes.

I drive along for a while and get bored so I drive the car off into some bushes. Fuck. The vehicle speeds up and I crash into a tree. Fuck. I stay there for minutes. Many minutes. An hour?

I bust the door open and find her mouth hanging open. That gives me an idea. I tighten the belt around her neck, holding either side and tugging it to see it squeeze her neck.

I climb up and slip my cock into her throat. I spend an hour going at it and not cumming. I pull away and slap her face. I spit in her mouth. I drop my balls onto her open eyes.

I leave to the other side to grab my pants. Need to piss.

I move to her mouth again and fill her mouth with my juice. It overflows, travels up her nose, travels down her cheeks and gets into her hair, sliding down the side of the backseat. Fuck. Spoiled my newest bitch.

I burp and pull my knife from her body, and get to slitting off her neck from her torso. The belt whips back as her head comes loose, causing my other head to drop on the ground. "Ugh. Fucking annoying."

I wipe her head out onto the ground and it rolls to the other. I shut the door and put on my patns. I slip away the knife and grab both toys by the hair. I spit at the ground as I trudge upward of the hill, annoyed at having to work so far,

I stick to the side of the road, and hide them both behind my back when I hear cars nearing. This only happens a few times.

I walk and walk and walk back to my car. I drive home.

"I used both of those fuckholes all of last night. All of this morning. All of this lunch," I laugh. "They were good too."

"You're fucking sick," my captor insults me.

"I'm just doing what comes naturally, Branch."

He looks shocked. Surprised that I know his name.

"I'm not totally out of this world, kid. I read the paper, so I know where you're from. I know your bitchcunt, whorefuck, dogshit, fuckhole parents too," I laugh.

He readies himself to attack me again.

"You gonna kill me, kid?"

He stands down.

"I know you. I know your family. I know where you're from, I know what you're for." I chuckle. "I've had my fun," I tell him. "I don't care anymore. Sooner or later, the dragon will catch up with you."

A much larger and serious figure busts into this cell of mine. "Any last words?"

I look at him in question, and notice the gun he's holding from inside his coat. "Heh," I laugh.

"In my personal opinion:







