
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantaisie
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470 Chs

What's To Come

Vincent studied the lady on the bed. She was one of the many members in the Neil Clan, but he was able to recognise her right away. Mainly because she was one of the few in their clan who kept a low-profile.

Unlike the rest of the clan who preferred to do things the legal way, Anthea Neil had taken a hobby in robbing the rich and donating to the poor. The poor being herself, of course.

Anthea Neil, currently twenty-two years old. She left the clan roughly five years ago but showed signs that she had doubts about the final test 'massacre'. Didn't show any signs of inserting herself back into clan life any time soon, but here she was, back within the clan compounds.

"Clan leader!" Thea greeted, scrambling off the bed in a rather undignified way. Her face burned, but she had no time to care about petty things like her dignity right now. Not when the clan was at stake.