
Cultivation Chat Group

One day, Song Shuhang was suddenly added to a chat group with many seniors that suffered from chuuni disease. The people inside the group would call each other ‘Fellow Daoist’ and had all different kinds of titles: Palace Master, Cave Lord, True Monarch, Immortal Master, etc. Even the pet of the founder of the group that had run away from home was called ‘monster dog’. They would talk all day about pill refining, exploring ancient ruins, or share their experience on techniques. However, after lurking inside the group for a while, he discovered that not all was what it seemed...

Legend of the Paladin · Urbain
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2849 Chs

The truth about Tyrannical Scholar

Translator: GodBrandy Éditeur: Kurisu

Song Shuhang murmured, "I keep on getting the feeling that there's someone targeting me... I don't really mind if the scholarly daoist names were taken, but even 'Divine Sword Song One' was occupied. Finally, the option 'Scholarly Sage' appeared, yet in the end, it actually became 'Tyrannical Scholar'?"

He kept on getting the feeling that the demon name 'Divine Sword Song One' had definitely been stolen by someone, and there was a chance that it was someone he was familiar with who rushed to take this demon name to shatter his fantasy of having the words Divine Sword in his name.

There are always people out to harm me...