
Cultivation Chat Group

One day, Song Shuhang was suddenly added to a chat group with many seniors that suffered from chuuni disease. The people inside the group would call each other ‘Fellow Daoist’ and had all different kinds of titles: Palace Master, Cave Lord, True Monarch, Immortal Master, etc. Even the pet of the founder of the group that had run away from home was called ‘monster dog’. They would talk all day about pill refining, exploring ancient ruins, or share their experience on techniques. However, after lurking inside the group for a while, he discovered that not all was what it seemed...

Legend of the Paladin · Urbain
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2849 Chs

Experience the cruelty of death, youngster!

Translator: GodBrandy Éditeur: Kurisu

Through the dreamland, Song Shuhang was able to experience and memorize the steps that the Heavenly Emperor took to form his Golden Core Composition.

If Song Shuhang wanted, he could draw a similar [Heavenly City Composition] on his golden core when he returned to the main world.

After all, he had experienced the entire process of the Heavenly Emperor's cultivation from the First Stage to the Fifth Stage, as well as the knowledge that the Heavenly Emperor acquired and the practice he went through.

If he wanted to imitate the Heavenly Emperor, after he rid himself of the interference of his own experience and desire, he could guarantee that he could achieve an imitation at least 70% similar.

In addition, because of his rich experience, the hundreds of years of will tempering, and the precious encounters with death, his Heavenly City Composition would be even more gorgeous and complex.