
Crystal Pack

CamrynRovner · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Finding The Truth

SnowFlake started walking FreezePaw back to camp but stopped at the edge of the forest and said, "Why don't you try and catch something for Frost?"

FreezePaw padded over to a bush which was moving as if something was in it. He shook the bush wig his paw causing a rabbit to run out the other side. SnowFlake watched as he chased it across the forest floor and then leaped on top of it crushing it's small body into ghe ground. He cracked it's spine and carried it back to her. She led the way back to camp and when they got there she said, "You are free to do as you would like, just don't leave the camp!"

"Okay." FreezePaw replied.

SnowFlake walked into the warriors den and lied down only to be waken up by Glacier. "Hi SnowFlake. SnowTuft told me you were wondering where I was yesterday. Well I was out hunting for Midnight."

SnowFlake asked, "Midnight?"

Glacier said, "Yes, Midnight, I like her alot. She is my mate now, she is really nice and so beautiful. Bye, SnowFlake!"

SnowFlake was angry after all she had been through trying to make him happy just so he would treat her like this. "Fine! Leave then! I'm better off and happier without a stupid peice of foxdung like you!" She was mad, more than she had ever been before. She had alot to worry about for someone who had just become the deputy. Her leader was on her last life. She has an apprentice now. She had never met her father. One of her sisters died in a fire. Her best friend was about to become a mentor. Not to mention she was expected of alot since she was the deputy of her pack. And now this.

SnowTuft walked over to her and said, "I'm sorry about Glacier. But to be honest, he didn't treat you right for what you have done for him. You're too good for him and you deserve better!"

"Since when do you care about how I feel?" SnowFlake asked.

SnowTuft said, "Since always, besides, I'm your father, it's my job."

SnowFlake became very confused and said, "My father? MOM!"

Ice came running when SnowFlake called and said, "Yes SnowFlake?"

SnowFlake looded at Ice and said, "SnowTuft calims to be my father..."

Ice said, "It's true. Winter!"

"Yes mom?" Winter asked as she turned the corner.

Ice said, "First of all, SnowTuft is your father, and your other sister is alive. Your other sister is actually part of this pack, it's Icey."

SnowFlake was even more confused, "Hold on, so my best friend is actually my sister?"

Icey said, "Yes, I wanted to tell you, but Ice wouldn't let me, I'm sorry."

"Don't ever lie to me again, any of you!" SnowFlake said.