

 "Aaah! Aghrr!" Alex was at his peak of breaking down.The pain was unbearable.

But why was he this sad with the way he insulted the girl? Why was he feeling like something had been removed from his body and heart when the girl ended the call because of his harsh words? 

Was he regretting it now? Instead of his mood being lifted up because at least he had revenge for this betrayal and instead of feeling better, he was feeling out of place even more.

Alex remembered that day when the girl was shy even to look at his face. He remembered when she hugged him by surprise, he remembered when they kissed, he also remembered the day when the girl cried in his hands, when she had smiled and her beautiful curves? The angelic voice that she had, her beautiful features. 

All of that made Alex feel more pain. It was like he would not going to experience all of that again. He was so sad and furious that he could feel his hands trembling.

He stayed there for some time then finally gathered himself up and staggered towards the door. After managing to open it, he walked in and sauntered toward his counter.

Alex had heard from people that alcohol could help a person relieve the pain of the heart and depression but he never agreed with that. He had not tasted it since he was born because he never believed that a liquid that would ruin one's life, could also relieve the pain. He had believed since he was born that every situation had its way of being fixed but this one was different. 

Alex was smart and intelligent but this one problem haunted his heart the most and he wasn't able to solve it as he always solved.

Hence, he had finally decided to taste the waters. 

He remembered all the girls on the campus that always tried to seek his attention but he never wanted any of them not to tolerate them. He never believed in school relationships.

He also remembered all the ladies who up to now were seeking his attention without giving up but he never bothered any of them now,  who would think that Alexander Walter would be introduced to alcohol all because of a woman? A poor girl in that matter.

He clenched his fists in anger and took the glass that was on the tray and grabbed the bottle of alcohol and walked toward his living room.

He sat on the couch and opened the bottle then poured himself. He tasted the liquid and was about to vomit because of the strange taste but he ignored all of that and just like that, he started to drink without a care in the world.



My world had fallen apart with the pain I was feeling right now.

All I could see and feel right now was pain, heartbreak and disbelief.

This thing had happened to me suddenly. I wasn't expecting it at all.

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears as I hold the phone near my heart. I couldn't believe that that was Alex, my Alex. The man that I had already fallen for.

Did he at least know something about this? Who would have told him? 

"What? That can't be! It can't be! Oooh my God! Please don't allow this thing to befall me!" I rose abruptly from the floor of the painful realization.

Yes! I was sure it was a plan finally. I might be naive but I thanked God I was smart. 

Yes, it might be a plan but who would want to ruin my relationship with Alex? 

So far no one knew about me and Alex except Nea in this foreign country. Or was it Jamilah? 

Yes! It might be her, "Ooh my goodness! That girl will ruin me. She has succeeded in doing it!" I jumped with pain.

I still couldn't believe my bad luck.

bad luck! Ooh no! That man couldn't call me those names without a reason.

'Poor, slut, dirty!' All those names were still echoing in my brain.

Alex would never call me such names.

Me? A prostitute? No! That was not my Alex. I need to call him too. 

Alex loved me. He couldn't utter those insults to me. 

I dialled his number again as my tummy started paining while tears were rushing down my eyes. I still was in disbelief.

I was sure Alex was not like that. He couldn't break me like this.

"Sorry, the person you are trying to reach, is not available. We...." I couldn't wait for it to end as I collapse on the floor in pain.

"No! Please hear me out! At least listen to me ones. No! You can't do this to me without listening to me!" I mumbled as more tears rushed down my cheeks while I could feel more pain down my spine.

What was the meaning of this? What did I do to deserve this? Or did I deserve it? Was I not careful to check on the drink that was offered to me? Or maybe it was alcohol?

No! It was juice. My eyes couldn't betray me. 

Why now? Why was I feeling like this? Why was I  always crying? Who would comfort me now? 

I asked myself those questions as I broke into a heavy sob on the floor.

I couldn't still admit everything at all. I felt betrayed and heartbroken.

The pain that I was feeling now was more than the pain I felt when Mr Samir's men operated by hand. It was more than when that maid who was sent by lady Camila in the mansion to supervise me while I was washing the house. It was more than the pain I felt when ma'am Beatrice broke my hand even more after squeezing it even more. 

I didn't know what I was feeling right now but my heart was blank. It was empty of anything.

I remembered earlier the way I ran to this house like a madwoman so that I would be able to talk to Alex about what happened only to be disappointed.

I was now sure that somebody was behind this but still, I wasn't sure who did it. 

Even though I was sure, who would listen to me? A poor girl like me with no background. Alex was right, I was poor, dirty and only a slut.

Why would he leave all those elegant ladies of his calibre and marry me? "Hahaha!" I laughed with pain because I knew I was joking.

Alex would never love me. No one would. 

I was sure now that the only person who would love me was my mother and father and of course my siblings.

Thinking of it, was I really in love with Alex or was I using him as he called it? Why were his words this painful? Why was I feeling this way?

I stood up at a bullet pace as I felt the urge of vomiting and ran towards the bathroom. The pain was too much, especially in my throat.

It was making me unable to even breathe. 

I leaned on the sink as my hands held each side of the sink and tried to puke but nothing came out.

Suddenly, I felt pain in my tummy, like something very sharp like a razor, had pierced directly into it. I wasn't able to take it anymore and broke on the floor while holding my tummy.

More tears were rushing down like a river. Unfortunately, no one was there to help me. No one at all.

I slither like a woman in labour with no hope at all.

"Mum! Where are you?" I called out because of the pain.

What would I do now? No one was here to save me. That pain was too harsh on me. Would I survive?.

To top it all off, my mind was filled With Alex's face and his charming dimples. Even though I tried to suppress the thought about him and all of that, still it wasn't leaving my heart alone instead, it continued to torture me even more. And when I remembered him, the pain increased even more in my tummy.

"Mummy, where are you?" I called again with no answer at all.

Would I die here alone? Who would help me now?

No! I couldn't die at this time until I got back my happiness. And that was my Alex and me becoming a doctor.

No! No! I couldn't die at this time.

At least I could have died those two times that I tried to end my life. Now that at least I had a future, there was no sense of me dying at all.

What about my family if I die? But why was the pain in my tummy not ending?

I cried harder as I tried to stand up from the floor because of the pain in my tummy.

"Anybody home? Hello! Anyone?" I could hear a voice.

Who was that? If I could remember well, I didn't Have anyone apart from Nea. My heart started beating by that fact as sweat was already drenching my whole body. 

What was the meaning of this? Pain and fear at the same time? This was not fair at all but of course, the world was cruel, especially to me.

"Anybody home?" The person's voice was coming closer. 

There was nothing I could do now. If the person wanted to kill me, then he wouldn't need to knock. 

That thought gave me the courage and I called out in pain, "I-I am... In here!" I managed to shout as I crawled closer to the bathroom door.

"Ooh my goodness! What is wrong with you?" The lady halted at the place after opening the bathroom door and seeing me on the floor in that situation.

So it was her? Melin, my neighbour who I never talked to.

It wasn't my fault though. Nea warned me against talking to people anyhow especially neighbours because she said some were evil so I followed her and now, I could see the importance of having a neighbour.

"Please help me.." I murmured as the lady covered her mouth in shock because of the scene in front of her.

"Okay, let me take you to the hospital!" 

"No!" I exclaimed in shock. What was the essence of my going to the hospital? I wasn't sick and I was sure that this pain was because of what I was feeling in my heart and it would end eventually.

"No! You are Blessing, right?" She asked. For real, I could not see her face well because of the pain in my stomach. I wasn't sure what she looked like but her voice made me conclude that she was a nice person.

I nodded to what she asked finally.

"You need to go to the hospital. You look pale and in pain. I can't just leave you here like this. I was just coming to borrow your phone so that I can talk to my husband because my phone is not working and the man is not home at this time so I was worried about him. Sorry to barge into your house without your permission though" She stated as she helped me to my feet from the ground.

"No! It's fine. I believe that it is God who sent you to help me" I whispered as I held her shoulder while she helped me walk towards the living room.

"What is wrong with you? What happened to you?" The woman asked in shock.

"I-I..." I trailed. I couldn't say anything as more tears rushed down my cheeks. I felt weak and broken that I wasn't able to say anything.

"Okay, dear. It's fine. Don't worry. I have a car. I will take you to the hospital. Your situation is not good at all" She insisted making me nod my head as I closed my eyes.

"Wait! Why is your dress like this?" She asked in a little shock.

I couldn't answer her question at all. What was I to say? That I allowed a man to play with my body? That I had caused all of this by myself? I cried even harder.

The woman seeing my hesitation didn't ask anything at all, instead, she asked, "Where is your bedroom? Maybe I can help you to change your dress and please stop crying. You will make me cry too"

"There," I pointed in the opposite direction.

She didn't say anything instead, she took me by my waist and helped me inside the room.



"Hello! How was it?" A lady who was wearing a long coat with a mask on her face asked the person on the other end as she hold her phone leisurely.

She looked happy as she sway her body while on phone.

"Hello! Everything went well! Hahaha! You are the description of evil" The person answered back with a laugh.

"Hahaha? You know me. I can do anything for what I want. Let us see if she will be happy again. I will destroy every child of his. Sigh, how happy I am to find out before them the truth about her? Hahaha! I need to go and celebrate" The lady stated happily as if someone had gifted her a candy.

"Hahaha! I know you never disappoint but I pity the girl?" 

"Why? Are you my friend or hers? How dare you?" The lady exclaimed already in anger.

"No! I am your friend. I am sorry, okay? But she is not responsible for that and she doesn't deserve it. I mean her real father deserves the pain not her. She doesn't even know who she is" The person who had a manly voice tried to reason out.

"I don't care. It is not my fault that she didn't know her family since young. As long as she is related to him, she will suffer! Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha! I still picture how my brother will react if he finds out about his blood daughter who he thought died a long time ago. I will have to continue to keep this a secret though. After all, he hates his daughter without knowing hahaha! Sounds funny" The lady laughed maliciously. She was enjoying all of this.

"Anyway, how did you know all of this? And how did you know about the girl who you sent to do all of this?" The man asked in shock in his tone of voice.

"Hahaha! This is very interesting but I won't tell you. I have my ways. I don't trust you too much you know?" The lady stated excitedly.

"Please tell me. You know I can't say anything to anyone!" The man tried to woo the lady to tell him about all of it.

"You know what? If you want to kill a snake, you must look for all the ways. In simple terms, if you want to make a person suffer, use all her enemies, especially those she knows nothing about!" The lady exclaimed with a serious tone suddenly that the man wondered how she was able to change her volume in a bullet pace.

"But I think you should at least spare her because she has suffered a lot already and she is your.."

"Shut up! That is why I won't tell you anything about this. You will find it in your dreams, sigh!" And with that, the phone ended.


Author's note.

Who do you think did all of this? And who do you think the stranger is talking about?

Tune in for more! Don't forget to put five stars!

God bless you!