

Days went by and they finally changed to weeks. Weeks also ran like river waters and changed to several weeks but Blessing remained the same.

Her pain never changed and her hopes shattered.

Since the day Blessing and Alex broke up for reasons that Blessing still didn't know, there had been no talk about him. She had tried her best to follow what her new friend or neighbour advised her together with her lecturer.

Nowadays, she made sure to talk to her family back in Africa with her phone so that she wouldn't be lonely and thought about him, Alex.

Why should she not follow what her neighbour had advised her and the lady was a bit older than her with a child and a husband? Of course, she would follow her advice because the lady had experienced more pain than she thought she had experienced.

After all, she should follow the advice for the betterment of her heart, especially in this foreign country where she knew nobody about it it.

But she thanked God for her neighbour and her new friend back in school. At least she wasn't lonely after Nea decided to give her a cold shoulder.

Blessing came to realize that she would not stay in her sad world and that she needed to study to change her background.  That was the promise she had internally and she was not ready to break it.

At first, it was hard for her to agree and every day, she would seclude herself from this world and roam into her thoughts which finally she would break into a silent sob.

Not many came to realize this but of course, her former friend Nea, and the lecturers who were used to seeing the girl active now could see that she was in her world.

Yes, a former friend because Nea, refused to forgive Blessings a week ago when the girl tried to lower her ego and begged for her forgiveness.

Blessing could vividly remember that day. She tried to coarse her friend to forgive her but the girl made her life even tough leading to the wound in her heart broadening.

Now, Blessing had no friend in this school at all except that boy who she took as a friend from that day.

She remembered one of the lecturers and sighed.

The lady realized the change in her because she was not liked that since she joined this school.

She saw that the girl despite being new in this school and only starting knew what she was here for.

Therefore, when she started to see that the girl was always in her world and swaying in her studies especially when she asked her a question, she called her to know what was transpiring.

Blessing could still remember that raw moment clearly like everything happened justyesterday.

'Hay, meet me later in my office' That was what the lady lecturer said after finishing her class.

She was about to rush out of the class but halted and went where Blessing was and tapped her on her back returning her to the living world because the girl was already murmuring things subconsciously and the lady lecturer could see that.

At first, Blessing was flabbergasted because the whole thing baffled her but she managed to compose herself and nodded at what the woman requested of her. She wanted to answer back but her voice got stuck in her throat making her unable to speak.

What baffled her more was that she was sure the lady didn't know even her name, then why was she calling her? Ooh my! Blessing started to sweat, she was in trouble! 

That was what she thought internally.

She blinked her long and beautiful eyelashes which were filled with the tears that she had tried to suppress causing the lady to sigh and rushed out of the class.

Blessing being known in this school, it wasn't easy to know where the lady's office was. At that time, she remembered that she had been naive and always depended on Nea's silhouette but now the girl had no time for her. 

The girl neither talks nor cares about her. Nowadays, Nea would enter the class late probably so that Blessing wouldn't get time to talk to her and rushed out with the lecturer there was a day when she bumped into one of the lecturers but the gentleman didn't mind at all. Hence, it was hard for Blessing to talk or coarse her in to forgive her.

At first, it was hard for a girl like Blessing to be shown that gloomy side of Nea which she was not used to and this led to her not being able to eat or sleep at night with the thought of Alex and her friend's cold attitude from that fateful night which she would not forget.

But eventually, Blessing took her neighbour's advice and tried as hard as possible not to think about the painful experience which led to her being diagnosed with the internal disease, ulcers.

She came to realize that she didn't need Nea, after all, those years when she was alone, she managed, what of now that she had a nice neighbour? She thought with a smile.

Blessing could remember the day the doctor told her about that, the neighbour who helped her to the hospital, couldn't believe it at all and her eyes were already open in shock that they were about to rush out of her socket but the doctor said the disease was still on its early phases so if she would try and reduce the level of stress and stopped thinking about sad scenarios in her life, it would eventually be cured but if not, it would increase and end up being unmanageable.

Blessing at first, couldn't believe that she could get such a disease after she did succeed in conquering each type of disease despite her having a hell of a life in the past why now? She wasn't ready to take medicine daily like her mum who used to have a heart attack. But now, her mother's illnesses were manageable. She promised to take good care of herself so that she would conquer the disease.

The neighbour saw her worries and anger in her big brown eyes and tried to comfort her and told her that all should be well.

The only thing she was to do was to follow the doctor's instructions and tried as much as possible not to think about anything that would make her sad. The neighbour went as far as offering an assistant by suggesting to the girl to always come to her house during lunchtime and she would be cooking lunch so that she wouldn't skip her meals. What a nice soul? Thought Blessing to herself.

At first, Blessing found it hard to believe remembering what her friend Nea told her about not trusting anyone but she finally decided to give it a try. After all, she wouldn't be lonely after all the cold attitudes Nea was showing her and finally, she was surprised to learn that her neighbour was kind and nice like her aunt Becky and Diana.

Her thoughts roam back to the lecturer who summoned her.

At first, she was scared as goosebumps already formed on her flawless skin but she managed to compose herself and tried to walk towards the university's many offices, 'Which one is her office now?' Blessing said to no one in particular without knowing that there was someone who had been following and admiring her actions and movements since she came to this school.

'Prof Riadh?' The young man who had been following her all this while, one month now since she joined this school, asked courageously.

Bblessing was taken aback by that and she jumped out of her wits by the sudden voice.

She wasn't expecting any reply. Why would she accept it and she had just talked to herself? She didn't know that her voice betrayed her again like that day when she was with Alex, she smiled sadly at the thought of her handsome Alex and sighed while gazing in the direction of the sound.

One thing about Blessing, she would never give up very easily.

She was ready to be called all those names by Alex but she had promised herself to wait for him. One day, just one day, Blessing knew that Alex would come back wanting her explanation.

She was ready to wait as much as the guy was ready. Then boomed, what if he got married? Blessing froze and sadness and shock showed in her beautiful eyes making the intruder beside her smile like a mad person.

After all, the young man who was Blessing's schoolmate but not her classmate, but her secret admirer or the person who liked her but was shy to say it especially the fact that the man was shy and wore glasses.

'I am sorry to intrude on your privacy, but can I please help you?' The young man asked who had the features of an American guy but he was very shy.

The guy gazed at the floor while his face was already red in embarrassment making Blessing chuckle a little but then composed herself.

'I have never seen a shy guy, have I?' Blessing asked herself with a smile on her beautiful face. It was really funny. 

The guy couldn't hide his amazement. The girl just smiled? Ooh my! She was the epitome of beauty! The guy was mesmerised by Blessing's smile that was unable to gaze at anything else but her beautiful face. 

 He had thick blonde hair which was combed nicely behind his head and blue eyes like Lara which could be seen behind the glasses he was wearing. His glasses were not huge like Nea's father's but sizeable which made him handsome wearing them but not as handsome as her Alex. Blessing thought to herself.

What made her laugh more, was the mouth of the guy. He had a thin mouth shaped like a love flower to be specific, like a lady's mouth. His face was very pale with a sharp nose and chin. He had thick eyebrows which destroyed his beautiful features. He was not short nor tall but in between not like Alex who was tall and had a masculine body with dark hair.

A week ago, he realized the girl had been sad and always sat alone at the student's centres because he had been stalking her. 

She would be sighing alone as she had been in deep thoughts. She looked gloomy and unhappy with everything around her.

What happened to her? The young man could feel his heart aching by the situation his secret admirer was in.

Sometimes, the girl could cry alone without anyone to console her or at least tell her that everything gonna be alright.

What was wrong with her? The guy used to ask himself those questions without anybody's knowledge.