

"Go home now before I report you for harassment and don't forget to say hi to Dean, my brother in law!" She shouted back while rushing onto the plane making Alex sigh in relief.

He was happy beyond imagination. "Wow! So she also loves me and takes me as her husband? Wow! She is not angry too, thank God! I am lucky to have such an understanding girl! Hahaha!" He jumped like a little boy who had been gifted a packet full of candy by his dirty thoughts while gazing at her until she disappeared inside the middle plane.

"I love you so much Blessing. You will always be in my heart" And with that, he strolled towards the exit to his car with a heavy heart because he still wanted to be with her but she had to go.



"Just sit there while Alex is on his way to the airport trying to run and hide the girl that took him away from you!" Jamilah read the message loudly which was sent by an unknown number.

She gazed at the phone several times as she sat on her bed. She then got up, took her car keys and rushed out of the room

"Princess? Where are you going? Remember your dad said that you should report to him anytime you want to leave the house" An elegant maid ran towards the girl trying to stop her but she was pushed mercilessly causing her to slide down the stairs but Jamilah did not mind and rushed outside the mansion in her car.



"You are enjoying but Alex is running out of the country with Blessing probably he wants to hide her from you!" Mark read the message on his phone from an unknown sender and he suddenly changed his expression in a bullet pace.

"Darling! What is it? A why...."

"All of you get out!" He shouted in a thunderous voice shocking the three prostitutes who were running their hands all over his shirtless body seductively.

They immediately rushed out of the room and left him alone.

"No one will take Blessing out of my reach! Not even you Alex. I must stop them" He declared courageously then took his shirt and wore it and rushed out of the bar room.



"So that is what our investors want! We have to find an experience architecture for our huge hotel project" The man in front of him stated.

"Triiiiiing!" Mr Walter's phone beamed.

"Excuse me" He excused himself and took his phone from the table and opened the message which came through his image phone that was used only when he was in the office hence he needed to see what it was.

"Your son is head-on marrying the girl that he is helping her escape from Jamilah and her dad. They are now at the airport! Hurry up or else the girl will run away and you will never see her and Alex may end up marrying her without your knowledge!" He wiped his eyes several times while gritting his teeth angrily.

"What is wrong sir?" The assistant asked shocked by his boss's change of expression.

"Just deal with everything!" The middle-aged man said while taking his coat ready to walk away.

"But sir this project is very crucial to our...."

"Do as I say! Am I the boss or is it you?" He exclaimed angrily making the man froze and faced the ground while shutting his mouth like it had been glued.

Mr Walter got off his seat and rushed outside the office towards the elevator.



He was laying leisurely as his eyes were closed probably, in deep thoughts. His life was playing games on him especially the fact that his wife moved out of the house.

It always gave him headaches.

"Triiiiiiing!" The phone inside the front pocket of his shirt beamed and making him come from his wonderland and took it out.

"You can't believe it, Alex is tasting your patience. Imagine he has decided to educate that brat and as we speak, he is already at the airport taking the girl to another country. If that girl studies and her eyes finally open, your game will be over. Do something before you are unable to manage the situation. Remember your daughter should be married to Alex or else people will laugh at you and say that you were trying to separate the love birds by using your power!" The message made him more furious than he was.

"Take me to the airport right away!" He shouted at his chauffer that the man jumped out of his wits.

"Y-yes, sir!" He answered as his heart beat like a church speaker and drove off from the place where his boss used to come when he was angry and wanted some time alone to think.



"Mission accomplished!" A lady who was wearing a huge black coat with a black cape that was hiding her face beamed maliciously as she gazed at the messages that she had managed to send to different destinations with a smile.

"Let's see if all of you are smart than I am" She stated then his expression turned gloomy suddenly, "I don't know why you have to interfere in this war Blessing but you will make my work easier. You managed to add yourself to my black book. Poor girl! Sorry, I don't have any grudge against you but I have to use you to achieve my plans" She clenched her fist in anger that it turned pale as a sheet.

She strolled the massages to be sure until she was satisfied and walked towards her car elegantly.



Alex was talking on a phone when he saw a familiar figure. He had been talking on the phone since the time he walked out of the airport. The phone call was very crucial so he couldn't ignore it so here he was, shocked but the figure which was moving towards the entrance of the airport.

He hung up his phone and rushed toward the person.