

"Yes mum, where is it?" Lydia exclaimed.

Diana froze. She could see that her daughters were very smart and she had already underestimated them.

What was she to say now? She had already lied a lot for today and she was lying to her dear daughters.

Lisa and Lydia made faces. They could feel that their mum was hiding something from them because of how she had been behaving since they were at home. What was that? 

Lydia got up from beside the grave and sauntered towards her mum.

"Mum! Are you hiding something from us?" She asked sternly glaring directly into her mom's corneas.

She wanted to know the truth about all of this weird behaviour of her dearest mother. She was second tired of all of this herself.

"I-I.You.Know love.." 

"Please mum! Stop it already! You are making us scared. What is the problem with you? Each time we talk about our father your expression changes abruptly to sadness and nervousness. What is the problem mum? You always tell us to tell you what is troubling us but now, you don't want to tell us what is disturbing you. Who will you tell if not us? We are your family for crying out loud mum!" Lydia exclaimed while crying her heart out. 

She couldn't understand her mum at all.

What happened next scared the girls even more.

Diana ran to her daughter and embraced her in a tight hug that the girl was starting to breathe uncomfortably. But what made Lydia more worried was the way her mum was crying on her shoulder.

Her mum had never done this before. What was troubling her this time?

Lisa was aghast as she gazed at her mother and her sister.

She was lost for words at her mum's actions. 

Since the time they came to their senses as adults, their mum had never cried loudly instead, her tears would cascade down her cheeks without raising any voice but now, she couldn't understand what made her dearest mum be like this at all. She couldn't guess either.

She frowned lightly and sauntered towards them and tapped her mother's back as the older woman cried her heart out.

They stayed like that for some time then finally, she was able to calm down and broke the hug.

"Mum! Are you feeling better now?" Lisa asked the lady who was wiping her puffy eyes to gain a slight nod from her.

"Thank you all my babies. You know what Lydia, I have never heard you speak like what you did just now, before. I will always be grateful to have both of you as my daughters!" Diana said while taking each hand of her daughters and pulling them to her shoulder each one to her side.

The girls were just gazing at their mother awkwardly.

Their mother was behaving like they were going to disappear into thin air.

Lydia who was on the right side raised her head to ask a question but something attracted her attention and she pulled herself from her mother's arm at a bullet pace.