

"Don't think all of this will not come to an end because when it ends, you won't believe what I will do to you! By the way, I still have that video of you and that bitch! Hahaha! Your days are numbered, Mark. Just enjoy your short-lived happiness. I will expose it to the media Mark and at that time, all your happiness and victory will end in ashes! Don't you dare try me, Mark? I will make sure I ruin everything and destroy you completely without even thinking about who you are to me! I will show the whole world about who you are you devil of a brother! I hate you, Mark! I can't believe that you are my biological brother at all" Jamilah exclaimed in anger while glaring at his brother angrily as she clenched her fists while biting her lower lip to suppress the tears that were threatening to roll down like a river.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha!" Mark broke into a long laugh while clapping his hands like a maniac making his sister open her eyes in confusion.

What was this evil man laughing about? Jamilah asked internally while glaring at him.

"You are naive little sister. I can't believe I have a naive sister like you! I thought you were smart than that or I was wrong? Do whatever you want because I don't care about status and reputation unlike you little sister,"

He gazed at his sister prayerfully and continued after being sure that his message was being received as he wanted it to be, "You did forget that things like that are not important in my life's diary and my mind. By the way, mum was almost killed by your precious dad yesterday because of you. And before I forget, your Alex is in critical condition because some people were sent but we still don't know by whom because he can't remember to finish him up"

He smiled again leisurely and took a step towards the door then turned around again with a broad smile than before and beamed happily, "oooh! My! Why should I forget something this crucial to my dear baby sister?"

He shook his head while clicking as if in disappointment then continued, "I heard that he was rescued by a little girl and he seemed crazy about her.  Although, I haven't seen the girl yet maybe she is for but now what I mean. Hahaha!" He clicked his fingers and rushed out of the room living his sister alone.

Jamilah was still processing all the information given by her brother because he talked about a lot of things at once.

She got up roughly as tears of betrayal cascaded down her cheeks and rushed out of the room following her brother because after all, she still didn't know the place so she had to follow to be able to exact her revenge on all those people.

"Alex is mine! And mine alone! He belongs to me alone!" She shouted like a maniac with gritted teeth and a murderous intent and followed her brother.


Author's remarks!

For those who have rated the book, I really appreciate it so much! God bless you guys. For those who still haven't done it please don't forget to rate with five stars because it always encourage me to work harder to make the story interesting.

Thank you guys. I love you all!
