
CROOKSHANKS-A Harry Potter Fanfiction

After being screamed at and abducted by a demon thing in the middle of the night, a teenager was now a cat. And to make matters worse, this cat just so happens to be adopted by an overly talkative, bossy, and bushy haired witch just a few minutes after. Now the new Crookshanks has to figure out how to work his now feline body, adapt to his annoyingly talkative family, figure out his new worlds magic system, meet some more characters, and most important of all- hope to god that its not one of those worlds where 90% of the good characters are actually evil. *Sigh*... who is he kidding, he was summoned there by some demon thing, of course they're all going to be evil. Comically evil. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Everything's AU and everyone's OOC. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Crookshanks will stay a cat because he actually likes being one. So if you're expecting romance or for him to turn human again, don't get your hopes up, I don't write bestiality. This is a mass crossover fanfic, including elements from Seven Deadly Sins, One Piece, One Punch Man, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and a few smaller crossovers. Also, fair warning now, this is my first attempt at comedy, so it will be rough at first, and get better over time. As such, suggestions and reviews would be appreciated.

Brutality · Livres et littérature
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17 Chs

Erotic Hand Holding is Erotic

"S-S-Sensei!" The cats apprentice stuttered as he entered the dojo, red faced.

'Huh?' Said cat asked groggily as he woke up.

Looking up he saw his disciple pacing the room, red faced and hyperventilating.

'Harry? What's wrong with you?' Crookshanks asked in a tired voice, still trying to wake up.

"Sensei! I need your wisdom. Please! It... it's Hermione!" Harry practically begged in a panicked voice.

Crookshanks was immediately alert, 'What happened?' He asked in a serious voice.

"I don't know what to do anymore sensei! She just won't stop! It's off and on all day everyday with her now. She even does it in public sensei! Public!" Harry ranted, the embarrassment in his voice almost tangible.

'Wait what?' The cat's serious attitude dropped immediately and confusion took it's place.

"Hell, sometimes she uses her clones and has them join in! I don't know if I can take it any longer Sensei. I mean, it's not like I don't enjoy it, it feels good and all, but there's only so much a man can take. I'm getting exhausted sensei." The disciple continued, his face somehow growing redder throughout.

'What the fuck? Wait... no, no way you talking about... NO! What the fuck!' Crookshanks stuttered as he stared at his disciple, eyes full of disbelief and confusion.

"I think we're moving to fast sensei. I like her sensei, but I've only gone on sixteen dates with her, and each was with a different Hermione! I don't even know if that counts as multiple dates with her or not. But at the same time I don't want to hurt her feelings. What if she starts expecting me to initiate it? I don't think I can do that without dying of embarrassment." He finished by covering his face with his hands, steam seeming to roll off of it, vividly reminding Crookshanks of an anime girl.

By this point Crookshanks was panicking a little. 'What do I do here? Did they actually do the deed? But it's only third year! Even in those Harmony fanfics where they were together by third year it at least took till fourth year for them to get hot and heavy with each other. How the hell did this even happen? It's only been a week since they started dating!'

'And Hermione of all people started it? It's not like I expected an anime protagonist like Harry to make the first move, but Hermione? Even with the weird confidence that her clones seem to have I didn't expect any of them to be this... proactive with their intentions.' He stopped that thought process as he watched Harry, who was now rolling around on the floor, steam still coming off of his face.

If it weren't for Harry's Shonen protagonist vibe the cat would have though that he was looking at a girl from a shitty romance anime.

'No, that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that I make sure that they're safe. Can't have little people running around my dojo when they're not even out of school yet. I... unfortunately already know that Master is aware of sex and such, but is Harry? I know for a fact that an abusive prick like Vernon isn't going to give him the talk, and I doubt Petunia would either, so does he know anything about it? Oh god, am I going to have to tell him?' The cat thought, dread filling his being at the last part.

'No, there's no backing away from this. As a warrior and teacher I cannot allow my student to suffer from my inaction. Even if the conversation might be the worst I ever have, I cannot let my disciple walk into this situation blindly.' Crookshanks told himself, slipping once again into his warrior ego, which had somehow become his minds defense mechanism for stressful situations.

Steeling himself, the feline warrior looked to his red faced disciple, who was sitting in a fetal position in a corner that was now humid from the steam. 'Okay Harry, I think I can help you, but you need to tell me how far she went. Don't give me to many details though, I don't need to know all that.'

"She... She held my hand!" Harry exclaimed, before looking back down and burring his face in his hands.

Crookshanks blinked, then blinked again. 'Pardon?'

"She held my hand sensei! Ever since last week's date's she's been just grabbing my hand whenever she wanted! At first I could ignore it because she only did it to lead me somewhere, but now she just does it! Even if all we're doing is sitting in the common room, or eating lunch!" Harry explained,

As Harry spoke he failed to notice his Sensei's change in expression. Crookshanks expression of disappointment was so intense that it could only be described as that of a homophobic father finding out his son was gay. The cat couldn't recall a single time in his life where he felt so disappointed in someone else.

"She did it right in front of Ron! RON! He seemed to be just as embarrassed as me! And she just didn't care! It was just inappropriate and improper. It was so..." Harry visibly shuddered recalling what happened.

Crookshanks narrowed his eyes, 'Don't you fucking dare.'

"LEWD!" Harry finished as he once again covered his tomato red and steaming face.

Crookshanks face morphed from disappointment to rage to annoyance to irritation before finally landing on a blank face.

'I'm going to go exercise.' The cat said in a monotone voice as he stood up and walked toward the door. His disciple didn't notice the dead expression in his eyes as he left.

Confused, Harry stared at the door for a second, not understanding why his master really left. It's not like a god actually needed to exercise, so why did he leave? Then it hit him.

'He must be to embarrassed to even talk to me about it! I can't believe that I just made Sensei imagine his own familiar doing such lewd things! What is wrong with me? I won't let this happen again!' Harry vowed as he went back to sulking in his own embarrassment.


'What have I created?' Crookshanks thought in anguish as he walked into the forbidden forest.

Months of training his disciple, strengthening his willpower and testing his fighting spirit, all for this? He was doing just fine for a while, he didn't blush and stammer just from sitting next to master, he didn't practically evaporate every time she hugged him, and he certainly didn't roll around on the floor like an anime girl just because he held her hand! What happened? Where did it all go wrong?

'Actually, now that I think about it, hasn't everyone's reactions to things become far more exaggerated then they should be?' Crookshanks questioned as he recalled all the times where people overreacted to things and everyone else acted like it was normal.

'Maybe it's because of the anime powers? Are they somehow changing the way the human mind works into that of an anime character just by being present?' The cat though about it for a second, before shaking his head. 'Nah, magic is strong here, but I doubt it's THAT strong. That would imply that Harry is reality warping just by training! There's no way that reality warping is that easy in this world.'

Crookshanks was pretty sure that there were only a few worlds where someone could reality warp by accident, and they all had toon force. This was a book world, not a cartoon one, so there's no way that Harry could reality warp! Right?

*Sigh*'Maybe I'm just imagining things. Or maybe I'm overthinking everything. Either way, this isn't the time to think about such things. I need to blow off some steam to think logically, so it's time to train!' The ginger-furred feline shook off his previous thoughts, making a mental note to investigate later when his mind was clear.

And so, the cat sensei refocused his mind, and began his training. He had a few theories he needed to test using his beast magic, and a few experiments to run through that might allow both him and his students to get a lot stronger.

He did all of this with the intent of becoming strong enough to make his students proud. He knew that they looked up to him, and he didn't even want to imagine their disappointment if they found out that he was actually weaker than them. He had grown to truly care about both of his students, and losing their trust had quickly become one of his biggest fears. So, in order to protect their trust in him, he trained, pushing himself so that he could become something that they could be proud of.

Little did the cat know, he had severely underestimated the ability of magic, and heavily overestimated it's limits.


Ginny couldn't believe it! Harry-HER Harry- had gone on a date with that mudblood! A date! They went out to Hogsmeade together, doing lewd things like holding hands the whole time!

Stomping angrily through the halls she searched for her target, an angry fire lit in her eyes as she did so, deterring anyone who might have been curious from asking questions.

The worst part was that - if the Hogwarts rumor mill was to be believed - her beloved had gone on MULTIPLE dates with the harlot! That's right! That bitch had forced herself onto her future-husbands innocence MULTIPLE times. This couldn't be allowed stand!

Ginny would have stopped it from happening in the first place, but she had been preoccupied with her daily ritual of rolling around naked in her beloved's bed sheets while he was out. No one could blame her for not being in the common room at the time! It obviously wasn't HER fault that her future-husband's scent was so infatuating.

But she would correct this injustice! She refused to allow her HERO to be violated by that slut any longer!

Arriving in one of Hogwarts many court yards, Ginny's eyes landed on the harpy's form as the brown-haired bitch read one of her books like the know-it-all harlot she is. Her scowl turned into a crazed smile as the redhead ducked behind a bush and took out her wand.

'Just a few more moments my love, and I'll have freed you from this harpy's grasp. Just one cutting curse to the neck and she's gone! Believe it!' The crazy redhead thought as she pulled out her wand. Just the thought of how grateful her basically-already-husband would be when he found out that she had freed him from the chains of this whore! It was enough to make her entire body quiver in anticipation, so much so that she lost focus and nearly dropped her wand.

She shook her head. 'Now isn't the time Ginny, you can have your fun with Harry later after you're done dealing with the bitch. I'm sure he won't mind sleeping in the same bed once he realizes just how much he loves me, maybe he'll even want to do more! Like...' And just like that she lost focus again, her face going as red as her hair as she covered it with her hands.

The image of his fingers slowly sliding into her, his rough finger tips as they slid across her skin, bringing her endless pleasure. His strong grip as he held onto her as firmly as he held his sword. Their skin seemingly melding together as they became one, joining together at a single point. Sweat glistening as their body heat built up from the sheer intensity of their contact.

'...hold my hand.' The very thought caused her to squeal at such a high pitch that it was imperceptible to the human ear.

Then she fainted, the blood rushing to her head becoming too much for her to bear.

A few minutes later, Hermione finished reading and left to get lunch.


'Alright, you lost focus and screwed things up last time. But that's okay, it won't happen again.' Ginny thought to herself as she ate her pumpkin tart menacingly, her eyes boring holes into the back of her worst enemies head.

The cowardly bitch had ran away the second Ginny was out of it. But it didn't matter, because this time Ginny had a plan!

Before she came to lunch she had asked the house elves to add a potion to the harlots drink as a prank, little did they know that it was actually a potion of liquid torture. She had learned it from a sixth year potions text book she found that had a bunch of students notes in it. It was supposed to cause pain on the level of a cruciatus curse by rapidly contracting and relaxing every single muscle fiber in the body past their limits, causing a pain ten times worse than giving birth to course through the drinkers entire body, ultimately killing them as the muscles in their heart and lungs are torn to shreds, their tendons are snapped, and their bones are crushed.

It was the perfect plan! And the best part was that she couldn't accidentally screw it up by losing focus, she could just sit back and watch as the hussy that keeps tormenting her husband-to-be falls to the ground, screaming in pain as she dies. The thought brought a smile to her face, one that-combined with her crazy eyes-caused the people eating around her to slowly scoot away.

Her smile widened as she saw the mudblood reach for her goblet. Her anticipation grew and she leaned forward. Unfortunately for her, it was at that exact moment that the great hall's doors slammed open with tremendous force, causing everything to shake.



Ginny fell forward face first into a bowl of pumpkin pudding. When she pulled it out with a pop from the suction, her face and hair was covered in the orange pudding. The students around her started snicker, but stopped immediately when she turned her crazy eyes and scowling face toward them. The redhead then turned her attention to the dead man that dared ruin her perfect appearance in a place where her beloved might have been able see her.

"Rejoice! For you have been blessed with the presence of Lord Neville Longbottom! You are all honored to once again eat a meal in the same hall as I." The comically muscular thirteen year old announced as he always did whenever he entered the great hall, though it still never ceased to bewilder the students.

Ginny's face scrunched up in disgust as she looked at the supposed wizard. She says supposed because there's no way a real wizard would go through the hassle of exercising like some lowly muggle! She reached for her wand, intending to silently trip the arrogant brat, but was stopped as he suddenly disappeared.

Blinking rapidly, she hurriedly swung her head around to find him, and her eyes landed on the hussy once again, because next to her stood the giant of a man who had appeared once again.

"Lady Hermione, I have once again come to request that you take a seat at the head table with me! It is unbefitting of one favored by Sensei to be looked down upon by others." The two and half meter tall thirteen year old asked the slut, as he often did whenever he saw her eating at the Gryffindor table.

"No, no thank you Neville. Again, I am completely fine where I am." Hermione replied simply without looking up from her book, having already gotten used to him asking the question daily. She had tried to ask who this 'Sensei' was and why she was favored by him, but Neville had simply told her that he couldn't say.

"Very well. I shall ask you again next time. For now I will instead grace you with my presence for the rest of your meal, and sit here." Neville said as he sat next to her, something he only did once in a while depending on the amount of teachers at the staff table. If there was more than one than he would sit at the staff table, as he couldn't allow so many people to be seated above him.

He reached out, grabbing Hermione's goblet, not knowing - or caring - who's it was. Hermione also didn't really mind as she was to focused on her book to notice.

Ginny's heart froze for a second before it started beating in pure rage. She was about to hex the dumbass to oblivion, but she was to late as he had already downed it before she even had her wand all the way out.

His hand slowly lowered the goblet back to the table as he looked curiously at his arm, which seemed to inflate slightly. Then, out of nowhere, his arm became twice as big as it had been, then it became half as big, than twice as big, than half once again, and the cycle continued across his entire body for a solid ten seconds before stopping. He simply stared at his arm in confusion, seemingly unaffected by the strange event, before he had a face of realization.

"Ah, I see. A muscle training potion! I didn't know such a thing existed. Interesting, perhaps I should go to the elves for the recipe. I'm sure that Sensei would be interested in using it on Harry. A pity my muscles are so used to sudden inflation and deflation, otherwise this would have done wonders for my physical training." He said to himself as the people who watched the strange event take place scooted away, not wanting to catch the crazy.

At least, the people on the front side of the table did, as the people in the back, near the second years, had just ran away instead, scared of the redheaded girl who was holding a crushed metal goblet in her hand as she stared at the Wielder of Sunshine; pure, unyielding rage in her eyes.


'This time! This time for sure!' Ginny thought as she hid in the corner. Her target was currently in history class, and as such nobody was awake to notice the red head huddled under a dusty table in the corner.

Ginny had picked this time to strike specifically because of the ghost drawling on in the background. See, if the ghosts speech kept interrupting her thought process, then she wouldn't be able to get distracted thinking about her love for too long, which means that she wouldn't have to worry about passing out and the mudblood running away again! It was the perfect plan!

The best part though? This was one of the optional classes that you would only have to show up for if you wanted extra credit, so neither her husband-to-be or that giant bastard were around. So no distractions!

Now, how was she going to kill her target? Simple!

She was going to stab her!

Normally Ginny wouldn't stoop to such muggle methods, however after the failed poisoning, she didn't want to risk potions again. And since there was a ghost in the classroom, she couldn't use ranged spells without the ghost sensing the magic.

So instead she was going to use the banishing charm on a curved sword she managed to steal from Padma's trunk. She would turn the edge of the blade toward her victim and banish it toward her neck, slicing it off. And since the banishment charm didn't actually manifest as physical magic like most spells, and instead just created a lot of forward momentum and applied it to the object, the ghost wouldn't be able to sense it!

She was a genius!

Deciding to put her plan into action before something happens, she aimed the blade at her targets neck. Unnoticed by her, she was just a few centimeters off, meaning that when she banished the blade it would pass just over Hermione's head, close enough to just barely cut off a few hairs but nothing else.

And it was just moments before she banished it that a ginger-furred cat popped into existence on his master head.

'Hell yes! It worked.' The cat celebrated the success of his newly invented ability, doing a little happy dance on Hermione's head and humming a merry tune.

Startled by the sudden weight and movement on her head, Hermione looked up from her notes. The sight her eyes beheld was one of a mud-covered, ginger-furred, lynx-like cat jumping on her head while bopping its own head back and forth, creating some deep, demonic yowling sound as it did so. So nothing out of the ordinary for her.

"Crookshanks? When did you get here? And why are you dancing?" Hermione whispered to her pet, her voice to low for the ghost teacher to notice because of the snores blocking it out. Though, he probably wouldn't have noticed anyway since he was always on some sort of autopilot mode whenever he taught.

Stopping abruptly, the cat looked down, his eyes meeting Hermione's as he now stood on her forehead.

'Well, if you must know, I just learned how to teleport! Isn't it awesome! Turns out that if you stretch out your magic core enough by shaping the magic in it into a thin line, you can sling shot it toward whichever direction you're facing it. And for whatever reason your body follows it! Since magic moves in the fifth dimension - something else I recently found out - when it's in the core and not physically manifested, it forced my body to move through the same dimension with it, making it take literally zero time to move somewhere since it moves through the dimension above time!' Crookshanks explained, but his master didn't understand a word. She just smiled indulgingly as she listened to her cat talk about his day, similar to how a mother would listen to the incoherent babbling of a toddler.

'Oh! I forgot to mention the best part, I can do it from any distance! There are obviously limitations, but those are mostly self-placed. The main limit being that I won't use it unless it's a short distance movement or there's someone in the location I want to move to who's magic core I can sense. This is because I don't want to accidentally miss my target location and slingshot myself into space. Anyway, I've taken to calling this move flash step and flash teleport, the former will be used for any movement I make within a place that I can see directly, and the latter for long distance movement using someone's magic core as an anchor. What do you think?' Crookshanks asked his master giddily after he finished his Granger-rant.

"That's great Crookshanks!" Hermione replied, not knowing what he said but assuming that it was something he was happy about since he was dancing.

'I know! I'm so great!' Crookshanks preened at the praise, not thinking about the fact that his master had just replied to him (even though she didn't), his ego inflating to much from the praise to think properly. Turns out the lesson he had on humility almost a year ago now was already wearing off.

Ginny meanwhile, not really caring about the cat that suddenly appeared, banished the sword - deciding that she could think about strange, teleporting cats after the man-stealing bitch was out of the picture.

She smiled as the sword flew across the room at the speed of a bullet, presumably about to hit her targets neck. But it missed!

She was about to frown, before the unthinkable happened.

The cat, who had still been staring into his masters eyes as he babbled to her, suddenly snapped his head toward the blade, before opening his mouth and biting the blade just as it reached him, shattering it and causing it's pieces to fly everywhere. The cat's face was shadowed over during the entire split-second event in such a way that Ginny would have been terrified out of her wits by the sight of it alone, if not for the fact that his attention was immediately turned away from her after.

'Huh. That was weird. Anyway, praise me more master!' Crookshanks said happily as he turned his attention back to his stupefied master, immediately forgetting about the blade.

Flabbergasted, and unsure of what to do at the casual display of power from a cat, Ginny hesitantly made her way out of the classroom, convinced that the cat would appear behind her and literally bite her head off if she ran away to fast.


"No, I'm serious! A sword just came flying at us and exploded! In the middle of History of Magic! I thought I was crazy at first because Crookshanks didn't react, but I have a piece of it right here." Hermione told Hermione as she showed Hermione a piece of metal.

"I just don't believe that someone would have the audacity to throw an exploding sword across the room in the middle of class. Not even the Weasley Twins are that bold." Hermione told Hermione.

In the Gryffindor common room, Hermione, Hermione, and Hermione had a heated conversation over whether or not Hermione is actually crazy or not. Hermione suggested that Hermione had been put under an illusion and then compelled to transfigure something into a broken piece of metal. Hermione however, suggested that maybe Hermione had been obliviated of some event and then given a piece of broken metal to go along with the story that replaced her actual memory.

While Hermione was talking to herself, Crookshanks was sitting on her head, contemplating whether clones were really better than time travel or not.

'On one hand, I hate any and all forms of time manipulation. Playing with time, no matter the reason, is never a good thing. But on the other,' Crookshanks trailed off as he looked over the arguing clones. 'They've become five times more talkative since she started conversing with her clones. I swear it's like being back at the Grangers house all over again!'

"But the way you describe it, the explosion makes no sense! The pieces shouldn't have had the trajectories you calculated if it were a simple explosion charm. No, based off the math, the only way the piece could have gone flying in the directions they did is if some insanely fast creature popped into existence out of nowhere, bit down on it hard enough to simultaneously stop it in it's tracks AND shatter it, than disappeared out of sight before you noticed! No living thing ever recorded is that fast! Magic or not!" Hermione told Hermione after looking over the notes Hermione had supplied.

"Right," Hermione butted back in. "The fastest magical thing ever recorded was the Sonorous charm, because it's magic can move at the speed of sound to increase volume. Other than that, no magical creature or spell is capable of moving at those speeds. Whatever supposedly did this would have to have been moving at over five thousand kilometers per hour at least, which is over four times the speed of the Sonorous charm!"

Crookshanks preened at the unintentional praise his Master gave his speed. Before his head could become any bigger however, he spotted his first disciple walking through the portrait door.

Harry, upon seeing the three Hermione's, blushed and was about to try and sneak past. but unfortunately for him, they noticed him immediately.

"""Harry!""" They all shouted in unison and rushed him.

He contemplated running, but upon seeing his sensei's narrowed eyes, he decided that running away might be bad for his health.

So, remembering his earlier promise to himself, he tried his best to keep a straight face so as to not make his sensei imagine things he didn't have to. He even tried to keep it up when two Hermione's grabbed his hands at the same time, but still couldn't help but let out an embarrassed whimper.

"Um... Hey, Hermione... s? Wha- what did you need?" He stammered despite his efforts not to.

The felines increased glare-intensity told him that he hadn't tried hard enough. He hoped sensei wouldn't make him jump off a cliff again.

"When I was sitting in History of Magic earlier a sword flew at us out of nowhere and exploded! It was crazy! I calculated that whatever destroyed the sword must have been moving at over four times the speed of sound! The crazy part is that based off of the trajectory it was aimed directly at Crookshanks - who was on my head at the time. I swear when I figure out who tried to kill my cat they will know pain!" Hermione exclaimed passionately toward the end.

Harry's widened for a brief second as he looked at his sensei, before they narrowed dangerously.

'So someone attempted to attack Hermione and Sensei? Sensei stopped it obviously, Mach four being barely a snails pace for one such as himself, even I can move that fast if I really pushed myself; but who would attack them? More importantly, who is stupid enough to attack an actual god?' Harry thoughts rushed through his head at a mile a minute, before settling on one conclusion. 'Of course! Only a god would dare attack another god! This must be one of those weaker gods that Sensei took pity on, maybe after revenge for being "looked down on" by him? Ungrateful bastards.'

Contemplating what he should do to help, he realized that there wasn't much he COULD do with his meager strength. 'I'll have to train five times as hard if I want to help Sensei. As his first disciple I must defend his honor!'

And so Harry decided that he was going to get stronger, hunt down that god, and beat the shit out of it.

"I will help you find whoever did this," Harry looked Hermione in the eye. "Whoever attempted to kill you and Se-Crookshanks will be brought to justice." She smiled at him gratefully, something that would have made him blush in a normal situation, but right now he was concerned with other things. "But not before I make them feel real pain."

That last part was supposed to be quite, but as the Gryffindor common room was completely silent (a result of Harry unintentionally releasing a tiny bit of his Haki again), everyone heard it.

Especially a redheaded girl who was sitting in a chair in the corner, pretending to read a book.

Ginny shuddered as she heard her loves 'whisper'. 'Oh, he's so violent! I can't wait! He can be as rough with me as he wants to!'

Before any more weird images could be conjured in her head, she saw a blue poltergeist enter the room. Immediately she did her best to banish the strange and probably-mental-illness-induced thoughts of her future-husband abusing her, from her mind so she could focus. She had one more plan to kill the bookworm before she would give up (for now), and she knew that there was no way this one would fail!

Her plan required her to sacrifice a bit of her brothers prank products that she stole as payment, but it would all be worth it in the end. You see, her plan was to have Peeves release a poisonous mist into the Common room that had been keyed to only effect the Man-Stealing-Bitch by using some of her hair. Now, even Peeves wouldn't try to kill a student with his pranks, so she had to get a little creative by using a modified dung bomb to store the poison so she could properly lie about it. But anyhow, she had convinced him to do it (even though it was kind of hard when she was acting all suspicious by wearing a cloak to hide her identity while she talked to him), and now she would finally see the result of her perfect pla-

"Piss off Peeves, I'm not in the mood." Harry said calmly.

Peeves, who was slowly creeping up behind the conversing Harry and clones, froze. He wasn't even in Potters line of site, and he didn't make any noise! How did he know he was there?

The Hermione's turned to look at him, surprised and suspicious by the poltergeists stealthy appearance. She was about to ask what he was doing there, but was interrupted by the specter snarking back to Harry's comment.

"Or what Potty? Unless you can make me leave, I've got a job to d-"


A crack was heard from Peeves's face as a backhanded bitch-slap from Harry met his jaw. The next instant Peeves was out of the room; having been slapped so hard that he flew through the walls of multiple rooms. Luckily he was a ghost so he literally flew through them, meaning Harry didn't have to pay for any property damage.

Everyone who was staring at Harry before, looked incredulous - including the Hermione's. Crookshanks though, was the only one to notice the black, metal-looking substance that briefly covered his disciples arm before it receded. The cat nodded in approval.

"Should've just listened to me." Harry muttered under his breath and went back to thinking about how he could increase his training enough to beat up a god. Maybe he should ask Sensei if he and Neville could finally spar; that should help them take the next step in their training as weights are starting to become ineffective and inefficient for their current level of strength.

The rest of the common room continued to stare at Harry for a few seconds after they heard his muttering, before collectively deciding that they didn't want to be anywhere near Harry anymore, and all rushed up to their dorm rooms as stealthily as possible; which obviously wasn't that stealthy as over a dozen children scrambled through two door ways and up two flights of stairs.

The Hermione's, Ginny and Crookshanks were the only one's left in the room with Harry.

Ginny had passed out again, this time at witnessing the violence Harry dished out and thinking weird thoughts because of it.

Crookshanks though, was a little proud of his disciple. Such a casual use of his Haki meant that he had to be doing something right with his teaching methods. Maybe it wasn't bad as he thou-

"""Harry!""" The Hermione's, with stars in their eyes, surrounded him, getting all up in his personal space.

"How did you do that?" "Was that a spell, can you teach it to me?" "How did Peeves's bones make a cracking sound if he doesn't have any?" They all asked the same time, grabbing onto his hands again, the middle Hermione's face being just an inch away from Harry's.

Harry, who was thinking about something else and didn't have time to mentally prepare himself as he did when he first entered the room, was overwhelmed, and passed out with a Skyrim spinning death animation.

'How the fuck did you even do that?' Crookshanks complained as he watched his disciple ragdoll on the ground.

Okay, maybe it was as bad as he thought.


And I'm back! For now. Sorry for being gone for seven months straight. I don't really have an excuse for it, I just kind of lost motivation. For whatever reason I can easily write the first 10,000-20,000 words of a book no problem, but going past that I have to force myself. The only reason I made it to 40,000 words on this fanfic before I stopped is because I genuinely had fun writing it. But even with that I still couldn't force myself to sit down and write. Hell, just this chapter alone took a month of off and on writing to get done!

So, while I still do plan on continuing this, don't expect consistent uploads. I have a really shitty track record for my upload schedule, and I still don't know how to sit down and make myself do the work without also making myself hate it. So the next chapter might next week, or next month, or maybe in December. I don't know.

So if anyone has any advice for forcing myself to work that WON'T make me hate writing, because I really love writing this fanfic and don't want to lose that, it would be much appreciated.

Anyway, leave lots of comments, those are normally what motivate me. Thanks for reading.