

"If my purpose is to be a war weapon, I'll gladly be so. Why do you bother teaching me about humanity?" A lost child brought upon this world by the greed of humankind. "What am I exactly made out of? Humans arrogantly claim that they created an artificial human like me inside a lab, but... They aren't capable of creating me. Their technology can't create true life." Was it purely by human effort that a miracle like him was possible? "So the multiverse really does exist... I can satisfy my hunger for knowledge, and the mysteries behind my existence might finally be solved..." Is he really ready to bear the weight he is destined to bear? "These damn humans, they just want to use me for war! They don't care about me, they don't even see me as a human! For them, I am just a tool to be used and disposed of on their whims!" What happens when something which isn't supposed to exist, does? What will happen to the esoteric strings of fate when a being outside of its chains roams free? And what happens if this supposed being possesses talents and abilities considered impossible by the world itself? It's just Chaos. Discord- https://discord.gg/GkVmSkr8

Audatic · Fantaisie
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92 Chs

He is a human?

Inside an unknown realm where there were only a few entities, a certain god said,

"Now, my apostles, we will do a case study to understand some aspects of fate. The topic I have chosen is the story of Havien, so be sure to pay complete attention." An elderly voice sounded out to the other children-like entities.

"Woah, we are going to study Havien? It would be more like an epic rather than a case study." One of the 'apostles' said.

"Haha, that, you're right, little one. This story has gone beyond the understanding of even the most supreme of gods as to how all this really became possible. But, that's why this is the best case to study fate." The elderly god laughed and said.

"So now, long long ago, in a planet almost devoid of supernatural powers, the mundane humans pulled off a miracle..."


"Nice to meet you, Dr. Crimsonwhite. Thank you for accepting our offer to work here."

"It's a pleasure. If I'm being honest, at first, when you offered a pay of million dollars a month, I thought this was some kind of scam."

"Haha, we're sorry about that. This matter involves some confidential secrets of the UN, so we were unable to give out further details in advance."

"So now can you tell me?"

"Of course."

In an office room, two old people in suits were talking. One was Aster Crimsonwhite, a world-class psychologist who specializes in dealing with soldiers who have suffered from the traumas of war and people who have difficulties fitting into society. One day, he got a letter delivered to him offering him a job contract of 7 years with 12 million USD a year for conditioning a person to fit into society and teaching him human interaction. At first, he thought it was some kind of scam, but being the ever-so-curious person he is, he gave a positive reply.

And here he is, sitting with a real bigshot of the UN, drinking tea and talking about his job.

"Well, let me warn you in advance that from now on, whatever you hear, is top-class confidential information of the UN. If even a single word of this leaks out, you will be 'cleaned up' by our special forces. This is your last chance to turn around." The bigshot said in a serious, and subtly threatening tone.

Aster gulped. By now, he knows that he is involved in some messy situation. Even if he refuses now, he will be watched by the UN for his whole life, and maybe 'cleaned up' to 'tie up loose ends'. But more than that, it's in his bones to take risks. This person has lived his entire life being adventurous and taking risks, why won't he take one now? Plus, a contract of 84 million dollars sounds nice.

"I accept."

"Very well then. Havien, enter the room."

*Creak* the door opened. From the door came a really pretty seven-year-old boy with black hair and black eyes. Everything about him looked perfect. From his stunning and carefully crafted face to his deep eyes. It looked like he got the most perfect and peerless genes which can exist in this world.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Crimsonwhite. My name is Havien." The boy introduced himself in an emotionless tone.

"Nice to meet you too." Aster replied back. There was now an awkward silence between him and Havien. Havien was still looking at him with a blank face. Then Aster looked towards the bigshot for more answers, to which he replied,

"Well, how are your first impressions?"

"Wow, what can I say now? For a second I really thought this was a real kid. Kudos to the Sanctum's scientists for creating such a realistic robot. I'm impressed."

"...*Sigh* So this is the impression he gives off to a psychologist. Well, at least you are half right. He is the masterpiece creation of the Sanctum. But, he's a real boy." The bigshot replied with a voice tinged with helplessness.

"... Excuse me? He is a human?" Aster asked, baffled. He looked like he just found out that the world he lives in is a matrix. He was unable to hide his shock and surprise. He then looked back at the boy and looked at him for a few more seconds.

"Ain't no way. He looks too perfect. Plus he has these blank, lifeless eyes. Even the coldest of people have some emotions."

Hearing this, the bigshot made a bitter smile, he asked,

"Do you want to hear his backstory?"

Aster nodded. The bigshot continued,

"Well, 60 years ago, do you remember how a meteorite crashed on Earth?"

"Well, I remember my father told me about it." Aster replied, confused why he was suddenly talking about this.

"It was designated as a totally normal meteorite to the public. But the truth is, we discovered that the meteorite possessed strange and esoteric properties. No matter how we tried, we couldn't even properly determine the element it was made out of. At first glance, it looked like carbon, but further studies showed that it had a unique structure of nucleons much more complex and mysterious that it couldn't be even properly categorized in the atomic table. We named it meteorium.

After countless trials and errors, we dug further into the surface of the meteorite, and out of it came two even more mysterious and weird substances which one was a crimson-red chaotic mixture while the other was shiny radiant white. While the meteorite refused to fit into the atomic table, these things refused to fit into the laws of physics. They somehow were unaffected by gravity and existed in a dual nature of matter and energy.

With further studies, we found out that these substances are a kind of an elixir, when introduced to a newborn lifeform, the creature will show excellent health conditions and abilities beyond that of others of its kind. But it had a fatal drawback..."

"What was it?"

"Reduced life expectancy. No matter how healthy the species was, it only lived up to 10-20% of its expected lifespan. Such a fatal drawback prevented people in power to get greedy for it and the UN stashed it somewhere in the name of further studies. That is, until now."

"...Wait, so you mean to say that you introduced these substances into this child? Why?"

"Close, but not quite. Do you remember how there are some terrorists who are rampaging around a bit too much? The UN ordered the creation of biological 'weapon' to end this once and for all. Now, in the year 2115, the medical world has advanced so much that we are one step away from artificially creating human life. Well, the Sanctum completed that last step with the help of the elixirs and named it 'Havien', the combination of words 'heaven' and 'hell'."

"..." Aster could only stay silent at this shocking and mind-boggling story. That child is an artificial human. He realized that he has now stepped into some really messy shit. For the first time, he cursed his adventure-loving self. Still, there was no way they will allow him to turn around now.

"Dr. Crimsonwhite, your job is to teach Havien proper human interaction and shape his personality for his ability to lead future soldiers to war against the terrorists. You will be provided up to 1 billion dollars for his growth for the next seven years. You are free to travel anywhere you wish on the condition that the above-mentioned things do not go out in public. We will not interfere with your methods and restrict your movement." The bigshot concluded his long speech.

Aster went silent for a minute or so. The bigshot assumed he was thinking this offer through. After a while, he let out a deep sigh.

"Human interaction, war, personality 'shaping'. Tell me, did you send him to school?" Aster asked in a deep, and serious voice.

The bigshot went silent. He was no fool, he had a hint at what Aster was getting at, but still, he replied truthfully,

"School? There was no need to. We have successfully taught him all high school level studies and Ph.D. levels in Quantum Mechanics, Semiconductors, and Weapon Engineering."

".....ha...haha...hahaha...HAHAHAHAA. What the fuck? Weapons Engineering? You did not send a seven-year-old child to school but taught him how to make weapons?" Aster said in a mocking voice.

"Fine, I accept this job. I just have one small condition."

"What is it?"

"For the next seven years, stay away from him, you fucking inhuman monsters."

Hello! This story, I'm sure will enthrall you as you read further. The first few chapters might be rough (not that much that it's unreadable, it has perfect grammar, but the writing style was not stable) but I can assure you that it improved very early.

Please give it a try and tell me your opinions.

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