
The Perpetual Samsara (Part 1)

Blinking lights, flashing numbers, data analytics, and various other figures of information were displayed on a wide array of monitors decorating the complete command center of the ship. After what felt like would take months to repair, the full-scale remodel and restructuring of the interior following the invasion of the Abyss Order was complete. This new command center served as an expanded area to the main bridge which was now occupying two separate levels of the ship stacked on top of one another. The technological enhancements finely tuned by Alexis allowed this area and the bridge to raise or sink depending on what configuration was preferred at the time. Currently, this section was just running on stationary operations mode which allowed all of the main terminals and core communication functions to share the same sector.

The muscular man of great might - Genjuro Kazanari - acted as the third in command of operations while Shinji Ogawa stood close by as his direct attendant. Sakuya Fujitaka and Aoi Tomosato were busy working their stations whereas Semiramis and Alexis made sure things were in order before simultaneously getting up.

"They should be coming out of stasis by now. Genjuro, I leave the bridge to you. Come Semiramis, we better head to the labs now before the others get crazy," Alexis remarked with a subtle sigh.

"Very well, they have been rather anxious as of late," Semiramis nodded in agreement.

"So have you in your own way," added the Grand Archer which caused the infamous poisoner to blush.

"W-Well...at least I can maintain my composure when it counts."

"True enough, you do have a knack for being more mature."

The two shared a small chuckle and idle chatter as they exited the bridge to head to the newly remodeled laboratory. After two minutes or so of walking, they entered a new space where the young scientist, Elfnein, was working. Her lab was now almost half the size of the simulation chamber where the warriors aboard the vessel trained. Giant-sized tanks of luminescent green fluid were utilized to enhance and experiment on the relics for the gear users. Opposite of them were empty steel racks that had steel appendages and drill bits coming from the sides to help tune up the goku uniforms used by Ryuko and Satsuki. Various tables were laid out as well containing a variety of microscopes, beakers, and other devices that were typical of a computer lab and chemistry lab at the same time.

Chief among these technological monstrosities that littered this room in such an organized manner were two massive capsules emitting blue light. These were linked to a large database server farm hitched to the forefront of the room. Two rows of monitors showcasing various data figures including vitals and other graphs of information were on display which read: "Subject: Akaro" & "Subject: Raizo". A loud conflagration of whirring noises winded down as a voice over the loudspeaker stating 'Phase Shift Complete' echoed aloud. As Alexis and Semiramis stood in the background, the pods opened, enabling the brothers within to emerge from their chambers.

"Another successful operation, add that universe to the growing list of others you two have managed to save since developing this technology," Elfnein congratulated in a warm tone.

"Truly amazing that you were able to develop this system which essentially allows Akaro and Raizo to be shifted to alternate universes through a summoning mechanism like they are Heroic Spirits," Semiramis complimented Alexis crediting her for all the work.

"Not all the credit belongs to me, your extensive knowledge of summoning and other forms of arcane arts helped as well. It was a team effort. But this technology helps us stay grounded in one place while deploying our strongest forces to the worlds isolated by the Abyss Order. Thankfully both of them have such strong ties to the Throne of Heroes," Alexis remarked.

Just as the boys were waking up and catching their bearings, the doors opened and trouble soon followed suit as a host of women gleefully entered all but knocking down Alexis and Semiramis at the same time. Four of the women were wearing loose-fitting kimonos that were dyed in shades of white and colors of orange-yellow, blue, pink and lavender purple representing the adornments of Hibiki, Tsubasa, Shirabe and Miku respectively. A fifth woman wearing an off-shot version of her dark indigo and red vestments of Senketsu bearing the stamp of her last name, 'MATOI', on her back followed soon after. Each one of the ladies rushed over to Akaro's side with optimistic and forwardly affectionate expressions on their face as the hero came to.

"Welcome back, my King," Hibiki was the first to declare as she nuzzled against the man's right arm.

"Akaro-sama, you loyal sheath is here for you," Tsubasa shamelessly declared whilst attaching herself to his left side.

"Jeez you two, have some self-restraint. Others are present, you know!" Miku regarded with a haughty puff of her cheeks while pressing her hands against her hips, though she was jealous that the former two got to him first.

"Akaro-senpai… headpats please," Shirabe carelessly demanded as she went to sit on the man's leg.

"Good grief, Miku has a point about showin' some form of restraint…" Ryuko sighed whilst ruffling her hair before the slightly taller Elfnein walked over nonchalantly with a small smirk upon her features.

"I think we all just miss our beloved, that's all," the scientist declared with a smile in turn.

On the other side, Raizo received much of the same treatment as he was reunited with the share of women that gave their affection to him. Wearing a crimson sweater and black frilled knee-high skirt with red stilettos, Chris approached Raizo from the left. In short black, denim shorts, a matching black top with a dark green jacket overtop and knee-high boots, Kirika approached from the right. Then Maria, wearing a silver turtle-neck sweater and blue jeans with black flats approached from the front as they quickly surrounded the male.

"Tch…you've been going on missions like crazy. You're done for now right? I want to spend more quality time with you…idiot," Chris remarked in her normal indirect affectionate way while tracing a single finger down the male's cheek.

"Kirika misses you like crazy, desu! You promised you'd let me teach you how to play more video games when you had time…mou," the enthusiastic, vivacious blonde remarked while laying her head on Raizo's thigh.

"Oi, look at me Raizo. Let me make sure you're okay. Being stuck in that machine for so long as to wear on you after some time. Goodness…well you look fine. Hold still, I'm not done getting lost in your eyes," Maria chimed in, playing that role of the doting mother-type, but at the same time, she seemed a little bolder.

"Ladies, restrain yourselves. Though I can appreciate the boldness you all display, they also have missions to carry out so that we may train," spoke the dignified voice of Satsuki Kiriyuin draped in a casual white shirt with blue track pants on as she was about to hit the gym.

"More like they need to restrain themselves to respect the pecking order…" criticized an understandably irritated Arcueid in her usual white sweater and indigo skirt as she rubbed her temples off to the side.

"As the first wife, I am supposed to be the one who greets my husband before the secondaries get their share…"

"You are really going to piss off Lady Akasha with such bold declarations one day, save yourself now. Granted, you find a way to irritate me on a daily basis," sighed a very exhausted Reina as she felt drained of trying to correct the True Ancestor's mannerisms.

"Hey…they need to respect the hierarchy, that's all," the True Ancestor shrugged.

"Look here, the only one who needs to respect the hierarchy is you, weren't you like the last to the show? No one cares about your stupid little blood contract, you immortal weirdo," Chris called out from the side.

"Oh boy…here we go," Semiramis sighed as she elected to slide in between the two as Arcueid immediately went in for rebuttal.

"Look here, you ignorant little child with breasts for brains…you are but a petulant fetus so you know not any form of decorum or respect. So in consideration of that fact, I will not twist your spine out of your body for your insolence…"

"Ladies…can…we not do this right now? Aniki and I just woke back up after a very long trip…" Raizo pleaded.

"Good to see you girls, how are the babies coming along?" Akaro took that cue to instantly cut through the humorous tension by bringing up a unique fact of his own in reference to the girls around him. Almost simultaneously, the blushing features of Hibiki, Miku, Shirabe, Tsubasa, Ryuko and Elfnein shuddered at the same time as each one of them placed their hands on their bellies feeling subtle bumps in their wombs.

"EHHHHH??!!!!" the 'Raizo Harem' side of the room collectively exclaimed as they walked over and took notice of the subtle bumps showing through the rather loose fitting robes that the girls were wearing. Even Raizo, who got up and stretched for a moment, came around to notice the new status of the females that shared his brother's affection.

"The reason why each of us haven't been training too much and have been wearing more relaxed clothes is that we're all expecting a child with Akaro-san," Elfnein began to explain.

"It's been a long while since our nights with Akaro following that incursion with the Abyss Order, but each of us are pregnant," Hibiki followed up.

"And after having talked about it collectively, we are all going to move to Cocytus to live in the Ryu-jin Kingdom once the Abyss Order affairs are settled," Tsubasa concluded.

"It will be for the best, especially to raise a family," Shirabe nodded.

"I wanted to go back to school at some point, but honestly…settling down and becoming a mother might be for the best. Maybe now I can personally find some peace after the years of fighting," Ryuko shyly confessed.

"Well damn…never thought I'd see the day when the chief of all goofballs gets to settle down and start having children," Chris chuckled as she walked over and patted Hibiki on the shoulder with a vibe of warmth and pride.

"I'm truly happy for you, ya big idiot."

"Thanks Chris-chan, I'm not sure what this next chapter of my life will be like…but I'm excited. I don't know what I'm going to tell my Mom, but that is something to worry about another day," the God-Slaying Fist remarked.

"We'll deal with that in due time, but for now we just have to focus on what's before us," Miku reassured whilst joining the pair for their conversation.

"Now the Kazanari line will continue, I only wish my father was still alive to see the bloodline continue onward. However, I shall do my best to make sure the precious life cultivated within me grows up in a way that is unlike my own; not to be a sword wielded by anyone's ambition, but a seed of love and honor," Tsubasa remarked whilst stroking her belly.

"I'm sure you will do a fantastic job at that, Tsubasa-san. After all, you are no longer the cold, heartless blade that you were before," Maria complimented as the two of them shared a moment together.

"So…Shirabe…has a bun in the oven, desu? Does it hurt at all?" Kirika asked with great naivete as befitting her demeanor.

"No, Kiri-chan. In fact, it feels so warm. Here look.." the twin-tailed girl remarked thereby grabbing the blond's hand and pressing it to her belly. A subtle kick responded to Kirika's touch in that moment which caused the girl to gasp.

"It's alive, desu!"

"Of course it's alive, it's a baby," stifled a subtle laugh from Elfnein as she walked over to her fellow shorter companions.

"But nevertheless, these children within us are signs of a bright future to come and hopefully a new generation of warriors that will trailblaze a new path of truth, freedom and justice as we have done during our time. For now, we just have to safeguard that future by putting down the Abyss Order," the scientist concluded as the girls all collectively agreed.

"So…the reckless whirlwind of Honnoji is about to settle down and become a mother? The same wild child that never wanted to be contained, refused to bow down to any rules, and just carved a path of rebellion everywhere she went? My goodness, what reality have I found myself in?" Satsuki remarked as she pressed a singular hand against her forehead with a deep sigh.

"Oi, is it really that damn shocking that I'm pregnant, Onee-chan? Shouldn't you be happy for your little sister?" Ryuko raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over defiantly.

"Oh I'm happy for you, don't get me wrong, but I still can't help but to be confused over such a development. Honestly Matoi, I never thought you would be the type to want to wind up in such a predicament," the head of the Kiriyuin family shrugged ever so casually.

"Yeah well, guess I beat you to it. I mean hell…let's keep it honest, I figured you would have thought about settling down considering the family affairs," Ryuko said thus bringing up a counterpoint.

"Well…before I dismissed it, but now…" Satsuki's voice trailed off as her eyes danced towards Raizo's general position as she saw the young man talking with his older brother. Before she could muster up the courage to say anything, the unexpected proclamation broke.

"So if Akaro's batch of love interests are now about to bear children, perhaps it is high time for me to do the same with you, my beloved!" Arcueid boldly stated aloud which prompted war.

"Hang on a second, what the hell? You can't just monopolize my man like that, idiot!" Chris called out brimming with pride, never once stammering over her claim.

"You mean OUR man, Chris-senpai desu!" Kirika corrected in her usual adorable yet serious way.

"Indeed, as the eldest of the Symphogears…I'm often referred to as the mother of the group. If it's with Raizo-san…I would not mind actually becoming one. Perhaps we should arrange another long night except without the condoms this time," Maria proposed.

"How can you all call yourselves his women if you never even let him finish inside?" the Princess of the Moon raised an eyebrow in response.

"I'm going to stop you there, Arcueid, because as a Heroic Spirit…you and I can never truly bear Raizo's children even if we both have a desire to do so," Semiramis blurted out. The brief silence caused the Wise Queen of Assyria to blush.

"I'm a True Ancestor who just so happened to be bound to the Throne of Heroes, I am very much alive…immortal in fact. Trust me, I can carry a kid or two. My darling just has to put one in me first~"

"D-Don't I get a say in all of this?" Raizo raised a hand nervously, but the discussion was already gone.

"So you learned about condoms, eh? To think, you've been getting it in for so long and never knew about 'em! Guess you should count yourself lucky that your trysts in the past didn't bear any unexpected fruit," Akaro tagged his little brother on the back with a smirk on his face while the ladies continued their shameless debating.

"Yeah…I guess so. I mean, how can you be so casual about fathering so many children?" the Stormbringer asked with a slight tilt of his head.

"It's my job now, perks of becoming the God-King; plus you know my antics with the ladies. I'm just used to it at this rate. Gotta maintain a good work ethic!"

"Right…that's a very Aniki way of thinking…heh."

"Aw come on now, lil' bro. You'll be in the same boat as me at some point! I mean I see your harem is growing everyday. Maria, Kirika, Chris, Satsuki, Arcueid…hell even Rei-chan are all vying for you! Plus the ladies back home as well! Time to start thinking about settling down and having a little nest of Raichus."

"Perhaps…but…I can't right now," Raizo said whilst casting a glance towards the floor.

"At least…not until Nee-sama says otherwise…"

Before Akaro would have a chance to inquire the meaning behind his little brother's cryptic messaging, Reina elected to step up to interrupt the foray of enthusiastic musings amongst the women with a subtle clapping of the hands.

"All right ladies, that is enough with the petty arguments. It is time for us to focus on the more important matters at hand," she began, which quieted down the girls almost instantaneously.

"The Last Word is back to full functionality thanks to everyone's combined efforts over the past few months. With that being said, now that Akaro and Raizo are back from their mission we can focus on the planned voyage to Cocytus."

"As much as I would like to think that Aniki and I were successful in our efforts, many worlds that I visited during my last excursion were destroyed by the Abyss Order," Raizo sighed heavily while scratching the back of his head for a brief moment.

"We did what we could. We managed to help Dante at least and save his world from trouble thanks to this nifty pod technology courtesy of Elfnein-chan. However, there's really no way of knowing how things have been going down in Cocytus during our time away."

"With so much outer darkness interference, it is hard for me to get a draw on the happenings in my realm; however, I can open us a doorway that will facilitate the journey there. Given my strength now, I am confident that the path will be large enough for the Last Word to pass through," the Sovereign of Purgatory declared with soothing confidence.

"Welp y'all heard my big sis, time to get ready to move out. Ryuko-chan, Satsuki-chan, if y'all got any affairs to handle then I recommend doing so before we depart; no telling when we'll be able to bring y'all back to this world," Akaro expressed while the Gear users were already filing out of the room to prepare themselves for the potential fight to come.

"I'll be sure to shoot Mako a text or something. I know I'm overdue for a check-in given all the crazy shit that's been happening," Ryuko said with a subtle sigh.

"I already have Soroi-san working on a plan to handle any affairs regarding my company. Aside from that, I believe I am all set; but I believe a proper farewell is in order," Satsuki nodded in agreement over Akaro's suggestion.

"Hey Raizo…can we discuss something regarding mana? Um…the Last Word repairs have been rather tiresome as of late so…" Semiramis blushed while trying to make a move on her chosen lover.

"Oi, Semi-chan, I know for a fact you are not trying to get one over on me…" Arcueid raised an eyebrow of suspicion which put the two women at odds.

"Ugh…I literally just woke up from a huge battle, can we not right now?" Raizo sighed as he just got up from his position and proceeded to walk out.

"HEY, GET BACK HERE!" Semiramis and Arcueid shouted out in unison.

"Being a male in the Mercer family really is troublesome in its own right. Poor Uncle Raizo…" Alexis remarked whilst following after to hopefully mitigate any potential complications.

"Akaro, can I speak with you for a moment?" Reina requested with a subtle tone conveying concern.

"Sure, what's up?" the Red-Eyed Hero responded with a raised eyebrow. The Sovereign motioned him to follow her out of Elfnein's lab thereby taking a short stroll with the man down the hall away from prying ears. 

"I never truly had a chance to inquire how you have been feeling after recent events. Are you okay?" Reina expressed in a soft tone with a small head tilt and a raised eyebrow.

"About as well as I can be. Having a homicidal maniac bent on raping, pillaging and murdering as our older brother was, and still is, a shock; but the end result was a necessary means to an end. His story needed a conclusion and ultimately, I was the author of his fate. Metaphorically speaking," Akaro flashed a small smile at the end.

"I see what you did there," Reina responded positively in kind, "It was a shock for me as well regarding Cain. Then again, finding out that you are my little brother is still something I am processing to this very moment. Nevertheless I am overjoyed to know that fact. As far as Cain goes…"

"He's free…and hopefully he will find a path forward in a more positive light if he ever reincarnates," Akaro cut in to finish his sister's thought.

"But anyway, how about you, Rei-chan? I see you and lil' Raichu are getting along much better. You've been glowing a lot lately. I can tell you and he got to uhh…cement the bond between you, right? Heh…did that little bit of Ryu-jin kick in on ya?" Akaro nudged Reina's shoulder with a slick grin on his face.

"Tch…I do not know what it is you are insinuating. B-Besides…you should not be making light of your older sister, foolish God-King..mou…"

"Man, he really did inherit the tsun-tsun genes from you. Come on, Onee-chan, get all the fun in while ya can. Never know when you'll wind up with a bun in the oven, right? Have another generation of tsun born between the both of you so I can be the crazy uncle I was always meant to be!" Akaro further encouraged which only made the Sovereign of Cocytus blush deeper.

"That is…something I have not discussed with him..b-but the prospect is not zero I suppose," she mused.

"Speaking of which…I was teasing Raizo about that idea earlier, but he was making a hint that he might not be able to have any or something. You know anything about that?"

"I read Raizo's fate. He will father many children; however, Lady Akasha deemed it that she would bear his firstborn before any other maidens he develops relationships with. So…temporarily, he is unable to um…how would you say it? Sow seeds in the fields?"

"Heh…yeah…that sounds like something little Kimi would do. I swear, she can be so stingy. Then again, this is the same woman who apparently rewrote the same boy's virginity. She does not hold back her affection for him."

"Well…you are not wrong on that account either."

A small chuckle between the two was shared for a span of few joyful seconds before wafting into a small stint of silence. Then something else came to mind for the Sovereign leading to her next subject.

"I heard from our mother that you have officially inherited the title of God-King from her completely. Normally a new ruler needs to be inaugurated by me in a trial by combat. Something that Ashura Gozen gave me special permission to do as a courtesy of liberating the Ryu-jin from Tartarus," Reina folded her arms over with a slightly smug expression. The Crimson Envoy smiled in turn.

"Well if that's how it's gotta be then how about you and I have a quick bout before we head off to Cocytus, Onee-chan," he added to play along with the topic.

Reina could not even keep a straight face before shaking her head, "As if such a thing is necessary at this point, little brother. I have witnessed your valiant struggle against the Abyss Order, and the extraordinary manner in which you fought Cain. Then there was that wretched future where I witnessed the depths you would plunge to so you could safeguard our world if Raizo were to ever succumb to darkness. 

Unmistakably, there is an ineffable essence within you. Just as the Crimson Dragon radiates with unmatched brilliance among its kin, you, dear brother, have metamorphosed into the strongest man; a hero free from the necessity of karma and pre-deterministic fate; a beacon guided only by the highest truth. I have no need to test you any longer for I have seen enough to know that you would win."

Akaro was rendered speechless. He was humbled and flattered by the praise showered upon him by the woman who conquered her own death to seize the mantle of the Primordial Goddess of Fate. She, the one who served for eons as the Blade of Akasha, the Almighty Specter of Death, the Queen of Cocytus, Sovereign of Purgatory, a pillar of virtue and might that few could ever hope to meet the expectations of was essentially singing his praises. For a short while now, Sakinah and this very same woman were the benchmarks that both himself and Team AKARA strived toward since that fateful battle against Legion and Arayashiki. To hear her admit that she would lose to him was beyond astonishing for the fabled hero. Nevertheless, he knew that by the look in her eyes, the depths of her sincerity rang true.

"I never thought I'd ever reach a point where I'm completely speechless by someone; been a hot minute since that occurred. Reina, thank you for your kind words. You honor me and..honestly I got nothing for a counter," he smiled while rubbing the back of his head.

Just then while interrupting the tender moment between the siblings, an ever-enthusiastic and rather vivacious presence burst onto the scene. A sudden force enraptured both Akaro and Reina as a pair of strong arms brought them both together before smashing them against a rather bountiful, soft surface. This presence was none other than their mother, Akatsuki, carrying an unashamed grin upon her face as she held her children in the awkward hug.

"Look at my kids bonding together, game recognizing game! Heh, best believe that you're strong my fearsome son. So strong that I had to limit ya most of your life!" she declared before relinquishing her grip of the two.

"Eh? Uh…hold up, what exactly do you mean by that, Mom?" Akaro raised an eyebrow while stretching his neck a bit.

"Well ya see once upon a time when you were just a little bundle of joy I carried around, I could sense the wealth of potential within you from your then dormant draconic heritage. I placed a seal on ya to keep that true potential under wraps and hidden away from people like Hirce while simultaneously forcing ya to face struggle and learn humility. Last thing I needed was another son to go completely power hungry maniac mode with the genepool to succeed me for the mantle of the God-King.

And besides, one crazy Primordial-Human was almost enough to end all of the Gods when she went nuts so I didn't wanna have to deal with unknown chaos that an even greater hybrid could cause," the Aspect of the Crimson Dragon explained nonchalantly.

"I see…" Reina thought aloud upon absorbing that information before drawing her own conclusion.

"So you were being an irresponsible mother who could not be present to protect her s–.."

An audible thud echoed in the hallway as Akatsuki promptly smacked her daughter on the back of the head.

"Ow!" the Sovereign cried as she winced in pain rubbing the afflicted area.

"Oi, you may be old, but never forget that I'll always be older than you and I'm your mother. Put some respect on my name, kiddo," disciplined the dark-skinned female with a slight smirk, though she was being serious at the same time.

"Honestly, I'm grateful that you did that," Akaro commented after taking the time to process that information.

"As much hell as I've been through, especially in my early years, all of my struggles and tribulations have formed me into the man that I am today. The darkness and despair I've waded through forged me into someone so many people admire. If I was unable to be this person and live up to the role set before me… then who knows what everyone close to me would be like or where they would have wound up. So…thank you for making that decision. I hope I can live up to your expectations and those that continue to believe in me. Actually…nah, I know I will because that's just who I am."

"Damn right, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, if you weren't who I envisioned ya to be…then obviously you would have failed my little ritual awhile back~" Akatsuki playfully winked at her son recalling their unique bonding experience after he recovered from his battle with Cain.

"Well if there's still any doubt, I'm more than willing to go again," Akaro smirked in kind.

"Wait, wait…hold on, I am not so dense as to not understand those remarks. You mean you and Akaro…did…that?!" Reina's eyes widened in astonishment and confusion.

"But…we are…and you two are…"

"Oi…hold up…hold it. Nope, nuh-uh…you are literally stepping into pot calling the kettle black mode right now. First off, genetics…Akaro gets the ridiculous libido from me among other select interests. I know that for sure. Second, if I recall correctly, I sent ya on an assignment to deal with the little tsun. And given that glow you've been showing lately, you've definitely gotten something…plus I can sense a little bit of some Ryu-jin nature circulating within ya too," Akatsuki teased her daughter with a sly grin.

"Also Rei-chan…considering the circumstances surrounding the mantle of God-King…it just made sense to me so…" Akaro shrugged indifferently.

"Well…okay…fair but…" Reina was conceding before moving onto another point when Akatsuki interrupted.

"Nope, no buts. Plus, I could say that Raizo is technically like…your 7th generation great grandson or something like that…and again…you two have been. I mean…you still are. I know you've been sneaking around when he is between missions. My daughter's Ryu-jin level libido has awakened…I'm so proud."

"MOTHER, STOP!" Reina cried out with a flustered tone of voice which led Akaro to burst into laughter. In a swift step, the Sovereign reached out and chopped her brother on the head then proceeded to go for her mother as well; but she could just barely manage to flick Akatsuki's nose.

"No need to be all feisty. And besides…if Akaro wasn't meant for the mantle, I probably would've had to do somethin' to ya to takeover instead sooo…"

"Hold on…Mom x Daughter play…what are you cookin' here?" Akaro pondered for a second.

"Something that would probably make the little tsun freeze up. Priceless expression moment," grinned the ever-teasing Aspect.

"Both of you knock it off! We have more pressing matters to attend to, dammit!"

"All right, all right, mama will stop for now. But we do need to have a girl talk soon, I do have some genuine advice I wanna give ya to use on that little tsun. He's so adorable with that dishonesty. I can literally smell the pent up horniness in his body. Kid's got those Mercer genes on lock so ya need to tap into a whole ass arsenal of techniques to thoroughly attend to him…" Akatsuki suggested.

"That is it…I am going to the bridge," Reina sighed before walking away.

"Hey, don't walk away while mom is talking, Rei-chan!" Akatsuki pleaded as she gave chase with Akaro in tow.

The bridge of the Last Word was gradually filling up with its current occupants as the vessel was being prepared to make the jump to Cocytus. The complete team of S.O.N.G, Satsuki, Ryuko, Arcueid, Musashi, Semiramis, Alexis, and Raizo were rejoined by Akatsuki, Akaro, and Reina signaling the time to depart. Before the final jump, Raizo and Alexis were engaged in a rare conversation with one another.

"We hardly ever get a chance to talk one on one. How are you feeling as of late?" Alexis began with a small head tilt towards her uncle.

"Honestly? I don't know…I'm feeling stonewalled on what to do from here. The threats we face are evolving…beyond the threshold of what Sakinah was capable of. Those around me are showing growth to compensate, but as for me? I'm lost. I feel like I don't understand myself as well as I should and it frustrates me to no end," the young crusader replied.

"I see…you have a wide variety of potential within you coming from various sources: Relepagus, Indra, potentially Sakinah from what I've heard, and the Mercer bloodline. At least…from what we can surmise so far. But try not to understand everything at once. You already seized the mantle of Thunder Deva from Indra and effectively replaced Relepagus as the Primordial God of Thunder. Maybe it's time for you to understand your heritage as a Mercer."

"True…well, Aniki always brings up something about Projection Magic that runs through the family genepool. You're the Primordial Blacksmith so…what does it mean for you?"

"Before I answer that question, allow me to explain the principle behind the art. Projection is a step away from creation altogether. It is the art of bringing one's mental blueprint of something into reality. Your father focused on the practical side of Projection magic–to rapidly forge hollow phantasms for the purpose of overwhelming his opponents with a huge arsenal," Alexis began.

"Like how Gilgamesh used his treasures from the Gate of Babylon to overwhelm his opponents?" Raizo stated a clear example.

"Yes, in terms of execution, that is an excellent picture to have. But the treasures from the Gate of Babylon are actual Noble Phantasms that he stored in his great treasury, not copies. They are all genuine originals."


"Now for me, I have an affinity for forging new things so understanding the world around me comes to me by instinct alone. So not only do I possess the means to recreate divine weaponry by seeing it once, I can create unique tools like Svarog, the Morana blade, the God Breaker revolver, and even the Last Word itself. These are all Primordial Tools made from nothing but my imagination."

"Interesting…so you can create perfect originals as well as completely new armaments without any foundation at all; just your own understanding. So basically, it's like everything you make is original?"

"Exactly. You're getting the hang of it already, Uncle. So in short, projection is just the medium through which creation and imagination intersect. It is not always something that will necessarily be used for battle or create just weapons or tools. It can be used for anything. For example, the Mercer Household is constantly repaired using Projection magic that is made permanent. And my father, Lucian, is able to use projection to forge dreams and abstract realms which are made tangible through it.

In summary, one could understand the limitless potential of Projection as a reflection of the All-Mother's power to create. What one is able to create through it is ultimately tied to the character of the person who wields the magic."

Raizo took those words to heart, casting a glance towards the steel flooring of the ship. He pondered over the subject matter of the combination and recalled how he used it so far.

"In my past battles, I suppose I've used projection magic that gave birth to Cosmic Foundry which could be defined as an alternate dimension made of hollow phantasms of lightning. Then recently I started creating weapons based on ones I've seen such as that time I recreated a version of Excalibur to fight against a corrupt King Artoria, or…even something as recent as recreating Satsuki's Junketsu. Of course, they aren't perfect replications…but inspirations of the original that are altered," Raizo expressed with a slight sigh.

"Then perhaps your foundation of projection comes from learning from others and creating your own path from the pieces you gathered. In that sense, you would be a Jack-of-All-Trades and a Master of None instead of a pure blacksmith like me," Alexis answered.

"But…if that's the case, then…does that mean I can never truly use our family's magic because I have no real talent for it?"

"No Uncle…it means that you have untapped potential that you need to let free. Instead of trying to bind your powers in a set definition that narrows down what you can do, let your powers be free. Manifest them for what they are and what feels natural for you as opposed to seeking out what someone can define for you. I'm sure you've heard this before, Uncle…but the potential you hold is terrifyingly brilliant and limitless. You just have to remove your own limiters and let yourself be free. Bask in the infinite light of possibility and pursue the idea that you so actively seek. Who knows…you might just pull something off that even I can't replicate," the Grand Archer chuckled in kind.

"Duly noted," Raizo nodded. It was then that the various computers within the room all illuminated the same soft blue light as the engines of the vessel began to whir.

"Okay everyone, please get to your stations and secure yourselves in your seats. It is time to depart," Semiramis kindly expressed as she locked herself in her throne.

"Time to create the gate then," Reina said as she stepped towards the forward bulkhead of the bridge holding out a singular hand while an indigo and violet hue overtook her forearm. A projection of flame taking the shape of the original Morana blade in its resting state appeared as she turned its edge like a key. 

Outside the window of the bridge opened a gigantic gate of pale luminescent flames burning against the makings of a colossal archway of ice surrounded by a hellish blizzard. The door imploded like glass to create a portal that was allowing entry to the heart of Cocytus. Off to the side, two girls peered towards the window seeing the distance of the world being left behind.

"So long, Soroi-san…thank you for everything, I pray we meet again soon," Satsuki murmured.

"Goodbye Mako, thank you for always being my friend through the best and worst of times," Ryuko mumbled to herself.

In a swift shift of light, the vessel disappeared within the embrace of the portal before the gateway closed behind them.