
Slay Your Regrets

Year 2025, 10th of November (Another World)

Time: 6PM

         On a busy night after the working day has ended, thousands of people were clamoring through the streets marching on their way home from a busy day at work.  Some were hitting up various restaurants while others were enjoying some recreational activities at local theaters or shopping centers.  The concrete jungle was home to all of these things and more as the multitudes just made their way around without any care in the world.  These people just moved along like it was a regular evening but that was most certainly about to change.

         The darkening sky that had been dotted with the shapes of the stars that were at least billions of light years away from the Earth were soon blanketed by storm clouds imminent of pouring rain onto the city below.  The echoes of low-rumbles of thunder soon overshadowed the cluster of various shouts and horns as people came to a stop to see what was going on.  As they beheld the ominous sight above, the clouds began to spiral as flashes of light seemed to split the heavens above.   Unsure of what was going on, all those who were present could only watch.

         The thunder escalated in volume as the intensity of the lightning grew brighter.  Drops of rain began to trickle down on the population below but the idea that this was a natural weather occurrence was all but forgotten.  Just as people began to scatter trying to avoid coming rainfall, a massive bolt of lightning came crashing down striking the middle of the massive intersection in which vehicles had been moving along.  Caught off guard from this dangerous moment in time, drivers swerved out of the way narrowly avoiding the small crater that formed in the ground but head-on collisions with other vehicles happened as a result.  A plume of smoke rose from the location as people began to scurry away due to fear but others stayed as the curiosity of human nature dictated in order to be nosy.  From the dust cloud, a silhouette appeared slowly rising up from the ground.

         "Dammit…I really need to work on my landings," spoke the visitor as the veil of dust soon lifted from around his location.  As he was gradually being revealed to the new world around him, arcs of purple lightning surrounded him but soon faded away.  To those who managed to see him, the shape of the male was that of someone in a black trench coat wearing a hood.  His identity was unknown but the red eyes of the male seemed to glow in the midst of his hooded self.

         "So…this is the Earth of Aniki's universe?" the man known as Raizo Arashi spoke looking around to take in the sights.  Everything around him was completely foreign to him yet it bore some similarity in a lesser fashion to the Golden City of Elysium.

         Tall skyscrapers of varying heights, glass-covered buildings and steel structures awaiting construction, clogged streets of iron and fiber-glass moving transports, dazzling lights of a myriad colors as well as billboards displaying multitudes of images of items that the Stormbringer could not even begin to fathom.  The boy tried to understand his surroundings as he stepped out of the hole in the road and stood in the intersection but his sight-seeing was soon cut short as a car came rushing right at him. A blaring noise resonated loudly as people screamed at the horror of what was about to happen.  With a loud crash, the worst possible scenario had occurred but not to anyone's expectations.  Instead of the male becoming roadkill, the car's entire front end was split in half as the boy stood there unscathed.  The driver of the vehicle popped open his door, shocked so badly by what just happened that pain didn't register.  The man began to cry out something but Raizo could only tilt his head unsure of what he was saying.

         "Am I…in some unknown country?" the Stormbringer asked.  The language that the driver was speaking was indeed different but only because of the fact that the person was from a different land; however, another factor played into this situation.  When the youth looked around trying to read any signs, he could hardly understand the language.  However, the youth failed to understand that he was in a world that was 1,000 years ahead of his own time which meant that things had evolved including the language.

         Sirens were wailing off in the distance growing louder and louder with each passing second. Soon enough, more vehicles showed up with flickering lights surrounding the area as a result.  Men and women in various uniforms appeared helping pedestrians and those that were injured while others surrounded the male with guns pointed at him.  In addition, the wind began to pick up as a mysterious flying vehicle circled the area shining a bright light down upon the youth's location.  Raizo shielded his face trying to protect his eyes from the invasive light being cast upon him.  He didn't understand what was going on but he knew what it meant when guns were pointed in his direction.  Given the intimidating stature of the individual whose appearance was now being displayed on a massive screen in the background via a live newscast, the people rushed out of the area screaming in bloody panic.

         "Dammit…" the boy cursed as the terrified screams began to play on him like the shrieks he heard from the people in the Shatterpoint timeline.  Once again he found himself in a situation in which he felt like a victim of circumstance.  The boy shakes his head in a panic and turns to take off running away from the situation.  Shots were fired towards the ground he had been standing upon in order to slow him down but not a single bullet could stop him.  And so, a chase began through the city.

         Raizo elected not to transform in order to make his escape from his pursuers.  He did not want to cause an even greater panic than he had already started.  Plus, the fact that this place felt crowded and narrow did not help either.  Therefore, the boy relied on his natural prowess and physical capabilities in order to outmaneuver whoever decided to follow after him.  The law enforcement got into their vehicles immediately before driving off after the man.  The entire situation was being captivated live on television and broadcasted throughout the entire city.  However, the live scenario would only last for a very brief period of time as the boy managed to escape.  Without having to transform once, Raizo ran faster than light to evade capture as well as depart from the prying eyes of the city folk.




         On the outskirts of the bustling metropolis was a lone private estate.  On its grounds sat a solitary mansion that gave off a grim appearance due to the fact that the structure sat isolated among an area where a small cemetery had sat.  At night, this place had the appearance of a haunted house but during the day, it sat like a monument of remembrance for the fallen. The storm that occurred in the city had stretched out to these very grounds so it didn't exactly take the edge off the already intimidating location. Despite its dark zeal, it was the home to three particular heroes.

         "Where'd this storm come from? Talk about not having a quiet evening at home for once," the man in the room spoke with a hefty sigh.  He sat in a reclining chair trying to relax.

         "Akaro, you do realize that if the signal goes out you're going up on the roof to fix it right?" added a woman with a deadpan expression.

         "Kimi, that's not even funny you know."

         "I wasn't joking."

         "Oh come on…"

         "Oi, I said 'if'."


         "Akaro, a little rain isn't going to kill you.  Stop being a baby over getting wet," another woman called out from the kitchen that had been overlooking the living room area from behind.  With her long black hair, her red eyes cast a slightly chastising look towards the man she identified as her husband.

         As the banter between the trio carried on with a second, the broadcast that was on the television was suddenly interrupted with a breaking news bulletin.  With the abrupt interruption, the three red-eyed individuals turned their attention towards the television as Akaro turned up the volume.

         "We interrupt this broadcast to bring you this emergency report.  Police are currently engaged in a standoff with a mysterious stranger that seemingly showed up out of nowhere during a surprise weather event.  It was around six o'clock when the sudden weather event began but it was five minutes after the hour when a sudden flash of lightning crashed into Times Square causing a massive accident.  As you can see in this live footage, a lone person wearing a black trench coat had emerged from the place of impact.  Although this individual's face is obscured by a hood, we can see that the person in question has red eyes.  Moments after his appearance, the man was struck by a car but was completely unfazed by the action.  Police are currently on the scene now trying to apprehend the individual in question.  Wait, we are getting news that a hot pursuit has broken out from the stranger and police are in pursuit.  How…how can he move so fast?!"

         "Oh boy…" Akame said with a sigh as she placed one hand over her brow shaking her head.

         "Well…this was certainly unexpected," Kimiko remarked, raising an eyebrow over the news story.

         "Alright, seems like I got a tsun to catch," Akaro chimed, jumping up from his sofa as he walked to the door preparing to venture out into the storm.

         "Try not to scare him, he's already having enough problems coping with the time difference I imagine," cautioned the Red-Eyed Killer.

         "Yeah, yeah."

         "Only one acknowledgement will suffice."

         On the entrance of the massive, imposing metropolis were various monuments of individuals who fought long and hard for the liberation of the land by a once powerful and corrupt empire.  At the base of one of these monuments sat the lone Stormbringer while being drenched in the rainfall.  Raizo needed a moment to collect himself given the chaos that resulted in his unexpected arrival not too long ago.  He sighed heavily unsure of where he should go, but such things could be tackled after he managed to catch his breath.

         The youth leaned his back and head against the massive stone structure as his red eyes took note of the figure using the flashes of lightning as light.  He saw the familiar outline of a large structure and was astonished at the realization of the person's identity.  He backed away from the monument for a second and saw an engraving at the base.  Fortunately, he was able to read the sign and confirm his suspicions.

         "Tatsumi…" he mumbled to himself.  Given the idea of what a monument could mean, Raizo surmised that this was constructed in honor and remembrance of the youth.  As a result, the male knew that his former comrade-in-arms had become a hero in this world.  Thinking back to his own world, he had no clue what Tatsumi was doing now or what the rest of Night Raid was up to.

         "It's not like I could find out anyways," the former blood wolf spoke to himself.  He recalled the situation that led to the inevitable rip in his bond with the assassins due to his own design.  A sense of regret welled up in his heart as the rain battered his face.  Looking at the man from a certain angle, it was almost as if he was crying while staring at the statue.  However, he felt as if he was shedding tears almost every waking instant nowadays given recent events.  Out of nowhere, he felt a warm sensation patting him on the shoulder.  Turning around in surprise, he found himself facing a familiar face.

         "Yo, sup lil' bro?"

         "Aniki?!" Raizo gasped at the random appearance of Akaro.

         "Heh, look at you bein' all surprised and junk.  What? Did you think I wasn't gonna find ya? It's kinda hard not to when you give off an electrical current so strong that the power plants cry."

         "I…idiot, you don't have to say all that.  Wait…power plant?"

         "Ah don't worry about it; I'm just messing with ya.  Let's get out of here before we draw unnecessary attention."

         Merely following the suggestion with a nod, the Stormbringer takes off with his brother away from town.




         Akaro leads Raizo to the grim mansion that appeared like a haunted house.  Observing the structure, the visitor felt like it was completely the opposite of what his father's estate was like in Elysium.  He didn't want to judge but right now he felt even more depressed than he was before.  Regardless, the boy just followed after the Red-Eyed Hero without saying much of anything.  When he peered at the graves, he felt a peculiar sense of dread creep down his spine but he didn't see anyone's names.  Akaro peered back at the boy, noticing how he was feeling uneasy.  He reached out and touched his shoulder telling him non-verbally to not worry about it and to just keep walking. Soon enough, they walk inside the house.

         "I'm back and I got the package with me," Akaro announced as he stepped through the doorway. With Raizo following suit, the boy stepped inside the threshold and was taken back by the layout of the home.  As soon as he stepped inside, there was a small clearing away from the door that led to a sitting area.  It was arranged with a large sectional with a wooden coffee table set up in front of it then a reclining chair adjacent to it.  On the far wall facing it was a fireplace which had a small burning ember going then above it was a massive mounted television.  The other side of the room had a number of shelves that held various books and picture frames.  All of these things had some form of familiarity compared to what the youth had seen in the old hideout belonging to Night Raid but the electronics were things Raizo did not know about.

         A familiar face comes around the corner as she sees the two similarly looking males standing at the door.  With her dark, chestnut colored hair and red eyes, the young woman in a t-shirt and gray sweats had a glass of water in her hand tilting her head.  Raizo flipped his hood back and ruffled his black and white hair as his eyes made contact for a moment.  He hesitated at that moment to speak but waved slightly nonetheless.

         "Well look who decided to take a trip through the cosmos," Kimi said in a slightly playful yet calm tone.

         "Heh, hello to you too Kimi-nee," the Stormbringer responded meekly.

         "Oi, why don't you hang up your jacket so you can dry off?" Akaro suggested.

         "Yeah thanks."

         Akaro gives him some space so the youth can take off his coat.  Raizo first unhooks Vajra with the Gemini scabbard and takes it off his back and leans it against the wall.  Then he unzips his coat and takes it off, hanging it on the nearby rack.  When that finishes, he unlatches the other scabbard that is attached to his waist which holds the sleeping blade, Morana.  He takes it off and sets it beside Vajra.  When he turns to face his two siblings, they are both looking at him strangely.  Following their eyesight, he looks at his left arm and sees the black gauntlet.

         "So uh…what is that?" Akaro asked first.

         "Oh um, it's called the Janus armor but it took the shape of a gauntlet apparently," Raizo stated.

         "Where'd you get that from?"

         "Ah, my niece made it for me."

         "And the fancy scabbards?" Kimi questioned.

         "My niece also made those for me.  The one for Vajra was specifically requested by Mom."

         "Okay, wait…you went to Elysium didn't you?" his brother inquired nervously.

         "Yeah? Completely by accident though," the Stormbringer responded. Kimiko then glared at Akaro with a bit of annoyance.

         "You never told him about the dangers of the front gate, did you?"


         "So you basically exposed our little brother to his psycho aunt, Jibril?"

         Suddenly Akame came walking in mixing something in a bowl as she was dressed in white like a chef preparing dinner.  Overhearing this conversation, the woman immediately delivered her decisive judgment.

         "Akaro, you had one job."

         "Oi, I didn't actually think that Raichu here would wind up in Elysium anytime soon."

         Kimiko merely reacted with a deadpan stare which only caused the older male to panic slightly.

         "Hey…Raichu is here now so we're good right?" he began before turning to the youth, "I mean, it wasn't that bad right lil' bro?"

         "Tch…tell that to my dignity," Raizo remarked, clutching his shoulders.

         "Oh…so…she um…"

         "Akame, your husband doesn't get anything for dinner right?"

         "Yeah that sounds about right, Kimi. We can split the extras."

         "Babe, that's not fair at all! Come on!"

         "Not fair?  I nearly got molested at the front gate of Heaven. That's a contradiction in itself brother!"

         Raizo then took one look at the fact of the woman and had a major flashback.  In his mind was the face of the woman who nearly killed him on top of a mountain back in his world who held the same dark expression as her.  As a result, the Stormbringer felt a bit of static surrounding his body spawned from his fear.  Feeling it, the atmosphere changed.

         "Oi, you okay?" Akaro asked seriously.  Raizo shook his head to snap back into reality.

         "Y…yeah…I guess I'm just tired from the trip."

         "You're probably just hungry, come and sit down at the dining room table.  Dinner is almost ready," Akame invited while heading back to the kitchen to finish preparing.

         Taking up the offer, Raizo did just that but he first kicked off his shoes and sat them by the door so he didn't track in any mud. As he walked gradually across the hardwood floors, Kimiko called out something to him.

         "Aren't you gonna take the hand off?"

         "Oh yeah…come to think of it, I didn't ask Alexis how to do that."

         The former blood wolf then tries to pull the glove off but it doesn't budge so he begins to look for something to get it off.  He tried to flex his muscle in the armor but it didn't work nor did spreading his hand wide.  He waved his hand over it and a number of other methods but nothing worked.  The boy sighed in slight irritation then he just casually grabbed his wrist and tugged nonchalantly.  It was then that the armor shrunk down and slid right off of him becoming like a leather glove.

         "Oh…well…then.  It was a vest when I first got it but now it's a glove? Huh, well that works I guess," he remarked before sitting the glove inside his jacket pocket.  Joining his family, the youth follows his older sister and they all go to sit down in the dining room. 

         The large wooden table with a brown, marble top had sat on the far right on the other side of the opening area.  Though there was a view of the television in the living room, there was yet another one on the opposite wall which had been conveniently put on the same station.  The table was big enough for about eight people but was currently arranged for four people.  Atop of it sat a myriad of dishes that Akame had already set out as she was going along.  She had sesame chicken, garlic chicken, beef & broccoli, beef stew, teriyaki steak, and other meat based dishes.  Seeing the food so far made Raizo chuckle a bit.

         "Even in another universe, Akame is still Akame."

         The woman in Raizo's mind just walked in bringing the last of the meat dishes which was of course the largest and sitting in the center of the table.  Akaro went and brought in beverages for everyone before the quartet then sat down to eat.

         "Let's eat!" the Red-Eyed Hero spoke excitedly and as such, the family began to eat.

         What then ensued was merely silence as the quartet ate peacefully. There wasn't a single ounce of conversation between them which created an awkward air around them.  It wasn't until the news came on once again for the nightly broadcast did a conversation ensued.  The topic of discussion was of course what occurred when Raizo first showed up spontaneously out of nowhere.  In this, Kimiko broke the long standing silence with a little bit of humor aimed at the Stormbringer.

         "So how's it feel to be a major news story of the evening?" she asked. Raizo had finished the last bite on his plate before he replied.

         "Eh?" he responded. The typically silent one pointed her hand at the television in which the boy caught on.  However, he was stuck on the device itself.  He could see the projection of people who currently were not in the room and saw the recap of events that had already passed. For him, he had no idea what this meant so of course he was about to show his ignorance about the modern world.

         "I…don't get it.  Why is this thing covering my events of the past? And what's up with the people inside it? Are they trapped in some alternate reality that's observing us right now? What's with the text? I can hardly understand some of the words…"

         "Oh boy…Kimi, he doesn't know about our world's technology. This is all going to be weird for him," Akaro said, shaking his head.  The girl shot him back a deadpan glare of disapproval over his sentiment.  The Red-Eyed Hero merely shrugged his soldiers.

         "That's a television, Raizo.  In our world it is a form of entertainment that allows us to view a variety of programs that depict elements of comedy, action, drama, tragedy, and so forth.  With the news, they cover topics that are captured on camera so when you showed up in the city, you were caught on camera and they are reporting about it," Akame explained.

         "I see…so I'm in trouble then and wanted by the law?"

         "Well…you just had a little incident. If it gets too bad then one of us can make a phone call.  Don't worry about it," Akaro adds with a dismissive tone.

         "If you say so Aniki.  Does the television show something called anime?"

         "Wait, you know what that is?" Kimiko asked with a raised eyebrow.

         "Yeah, Mom told me about it."

         "Hestia knows about anime?  What the hell?" Akaro asked with astonishment.

         "No, that's Mother.  I'm talking about Lucy…she's Mom."

         "Great. Calling it now… Lucy's gonna turn our Raizo into an otaku," Kimiko commented.

         "Let's not force a millennia worth of human history onto the tsundere in one night.  He's trying to enjoy his meal that I worked hard to cook." Akame reckoned.

         "One more thing, what were those iron chariot things that made the weird noise and had the gag-inducing odor?"

         "Ah those are called vehicles," Akaro promptly answered. "Anyways, so what brings you our way?" 

         "I need your help dealing with something.  It's nothing reality breaking or world changing but… it's still something I need help with.  I need to clear things up with the Revolutionary Army and for that to happen, I may have to go on trial again. But I need you guys there with me to testify on my behalf," the boy confessed.  Looking over their faces, he felt like he would have to go into detail over things so sure enough, that's what he did.

         "I came to this decision after I fought Aquilo in a one on one death battle."

         "So… he's dead then?" Akaro asked.

         "I'm surprised he didn't kill himself after I embarrassed him last time," Kimiko remarked.

         "One less relic from a tired regime to me," Akame followed.

         "I defeated him but… I elected not to kill him.  I just couldn't do it.  It didn't feel like something I could go through with.  I mean… I beat him within an inch of his life, but I didn't deal the finishing blow. How could I?  Revenge isn't something I seek anymore and I don't even care about the man suffering for his betrayal.  I only held that feeling out of an obligation to the honor of my clan but… I'm not that person anymore. My debt was paid to the Blood Wolves when I defeated him but his life is not mine to take.  The Silver Fox has committed so many crimes that it should be the people who decide what to do with him and the best way to do that is if the Revolutionary Army deals with him but I can't face them after what Fujitora did.  Though, my actions only jeopardized my case even more.  However, Aquilo revealed to me that Fujitora was the one who planned for the Blood Wolves to be killed so having a traitor in their midst, the rebellion is at risk.  So please, will you come with me to make things right? I know you guys have your own Earth to consider but…"

         "Hey, we're family right?  You're asking us for our help so we'll obviously be there for you," Akaro swiftly interrupted.  Raizo nodded in relief over this but the trio knew there was something else.  They were perceptive and they wanted to see if the Stormbringer would reveal what he did.  But he didn't.

         "Why don't we go talk in private, Raizo? We haven't had a bro talk in a while."

         "Sure thing Aniki," Raizo agreed, giving his older sisters a nervous look.  When met with a mere nod, the Crimson Harbinger got up from his seat and followed the Red-Eyed Hero down the hallway to the other side of the house.  The area they stand in currently is a large room that is set like a foyer; however, the entire room has glass-encased shelves which are filled with various trophies and awards signifying the accomplishments of his family in this world.  From awards of heroism to trophies given as rewards for winning tournaments, the youth couldn't help but be astonished by the shiny display.  Cutting off the boy's fascinated atmosphere, Akaro got to the point.

         "I noticed you didn't make a mention of that thing."

         "What thing?"

         "Come on now Raizo, I know you went back in time and changed the past.  Hell, we all know thanks to that letter."

         "You actually got that?"

         "Of course we did, who the hell do you think we are?"

         "...you just had to…"

         "Yep, plus it doesn't help that you're radiating an emotionally unstable aura.  So talk to me, what happened?"

         "I can show you," Raizo said, reaching out and touching Akaro's shoulder.  Immediately upon contact, the Crimson Harbinger revealed his experience with the Shatterpoint timeline to his older brother with every detail he could remember.  After a few brief moments, Raizo backs away leaving Akaro silent for a second.

         "Shatterpoint eh?" the Red-Eyed Hero remarked.

         "So what did you learn from all this?"

         Raizo exhaled a quick puff of air before answering.

         "Some things you just can't change.  I thought that things would be different if I altered the fate of the Blood Wolves but instead, the world was much worse.  I mean, at this point I feel like my clan being killed was the best thing that ever happened in my universe.  There was only more suffering and hardship with my mother in power than the empire; but the things I did in that world line… how can I live with myself over it?  How can I just go on in life dismissing Shatterpoint as just an alternate timeline so the lives I took mean nothing?  People who had families were fighting for the sake of being free from my mother's tyranny and they died in vain.  How can I ignore this with no remorse?  Even now all I hear are their cries ringing out.  I don't deserve to live without answering for my sins…I just…"

         "Raizo…" Akaro called out, interrupting the ranting male.


         "Let's see you grit those teeth!" he shouted out.  Akaro balled up his fist and swung faster than Raizo was prepared for hitting the youth in the jaw and knocking him into the ground.  The Crimson Harbinger was stunned for a small instant before voicing his protest.

         "What the hell was that for dammit?!"

         "To wake your dumbass up from being a little emo edgelord because that is not the Raizo I know.  The little brother I know has a little bit of edge to him but he's come a long way.  He's gone from being a vengeance-driven prick to a young man that is growing out of the shadows.  Lemme tell ya something kiddo… if you were expecting to find happiness in an alternate timeline then you were being naïve as all hell. We only let you change the timeline so you could realize that it wasn't what you wanted.

         I get it, you're in pain and that reality that you had to see was cruel but actions have consequences.  You needed to see that first hand, and sorry to say it but I believe it did you justice.  Now you have learned a very valuable lesson:  the past is something you just can't change.  You have to learn from things as they are and move on.  If you dwell too much in what has already happened then you're just going to miss out on your future.  Trust your big bro on this; I've been where you are and thought about doing the same damn thing you did but I had people around me—family."

         "Heh… that's exactly what Mercer said," Raizo replied, getting up steadily.  Akaro folded his arms before continuing.

         "Well he's right you know.  Believing in the power within oneself can only get us so far.  The people willing to stay by our side in our darkest hour are the ones that should be cherished for eternity."

         "If only I knew who they were…"

         "Do I have to punch your ass again?  You have me, Akame, Kimiko, and now the Mercer family! Your family!"

         "Oh don't give me that.  Yes, you guys are here for me but where are you? HERE!  I had to travel to an entirely different universe just to speak to you guys.  As for the Mercers… well news flash, Akaro… I found Elysium by accident!  I can't always depend on you or anyone else aforementioned.  You all have your duties as guardians and as for me?  I'm just some punk kid lost in the wilderness.

         I don't know what I should do anymore… I'm weak!  Don't you see that?  There's not a single person in my world that I can turn to.  Night Raid mostly hates me, my mother is blinded by her ambitions, and the Sapphire Phoenix crew doesn't know me for shit!  So who can I rely on?"

         "Adena," the man replied plainly.  The abruptness of the answer caused the former blood wolf to calm down right then and there.  Seeing him speechless, Akaro continued.

         "You have Adena Zao-Long.  She's one of the few people that can see past all of your flaws, to see the real you.  Heh, it's kinda funny actually.  I've only met the girl once and spent only a limited amount of time as per the time it took to settle the Pandora War and I can already tell—that girl truly loves you.  And not because of some politically arranged marriage, no, that love is genuine.  Sure she has some room to grow, but she's always there for you."

         "Well…it's not like you're wrong.  After all, she did stop something disastrous on my part."

         "Let me guess, you almost took your own life."

         "Is it that obvious?"

         Akaro paused for a moment as his eyes stared deep into the Red-Eyed Harbinger's.  For a second, the hero's crimson hues filled with pain as he felt empathy for the naïve younger sibling.

         "Yeah… it is little brother.  You're hurting me man.  Do you really think so little of yourself?"

         "That's an understatement.  I'm not gonna lie to you, there's a part of me that wishes you would have just killed me a long time ago."

         "It's not your time yet, Raichu.  Not even close.  Right now, you're hurt and I understand that, but let me tell you something else. If you're ever in any trouble or suffering in any way, you just call out to me with all your heart.  No universe or timeline or god will stop me from being there for you."

         The Stormbringer casts his eyes down as he lets a small smile crease his lips but then he takes a small breath.

         "I'm sorry…" he said in sadness but Akaro shakes his head side to side.

         "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to but regardless, it's okay," the man states before walking over and wrapping one arm around the distraught male and embracing him.

         "You'll be fine Raichu, just take the time to relax."

         "Thanks Aniki. Also, Dad wanted me to tell you something."

         "Hm? What did your ol'man tell ya?" he asked letting the boy go.

         "He said something about time drawing near and you needed to stop messing around.  That's it."

         "Heh, I see.  Looks like it is almost that time.  Well come on Raichu, let's get back to the ladies before they start getting curious about what we are talking about."


         As the two men make their way back to the other side of the house where they were before, Akame meets them halfway at an intersection midway there.  She had changed out of her chef clothes and was currently in a black and white shrine maiden's outfit, an appearance akin to someone who trains in a dojo.

         "Mind if I borrow him for a while?" she asks her husband.

         "Ah he's all yours," Akaro responds before walking past her.

         "Follow me, Raizo," she instructs. The youth meekly nods in affirmation.



Time: 8:00 P.M.


         Akame and Raizo are currently standing within a large open space that can fit at least 50 people.  As the Stormbringer looks around, he can see along the ways various weapons of hung on the walls.  Many fine pieces of steel were arranged from ages that were highlights of this world's human history.  Upon the forward wall was a massive wall scroll about 60 by 42 inches.  In a language familiar to the boy, it read: "There is no bond stronger than family."

         No words had passed between the two since the woman told the youth to follow her to this area.  Akame was generally the silent type so normally it makes sense but it was strange because she didn't ask the young man how he was adjusting to their world or any filler conversational topics like that.  On Raizo's part, he didn't exactly know how to speak to the woman at the moment.  After all, seeing her face only made him nervous considering what happened on that mountain back on his world.  Raizo cast his eyes down on the wooden floor unsure of what was about to transpire between the two.

         "Heads up," Akame spoke grabbing two practice swords from the shelf at the front of the room before tossing one over to the silent male.  Caught off guard, Raizo looks up in time just to catch seeing the woman take a stance before him.

         "Aka-sensei?" he asked unsure of what her meaning was behind this action.  She merely stood before the male holding the wooden blade with one hand.  Her eyes already held focus.

         "Come," she answered frankly without saying anything more. 

Taking the hint, Raizo had a feeling that she wanted to test him or something to that effect.  He glances at the blade getting a feel for it in his hand.  It was heavy on the back end where the weight was mostly concentrated from the workmanship while significantly lighter going up the blade, perfect for practice; however, he could feel a slight warp about midway up the spine of the weapon.  It was probably from repeated use in practice sessions but there was something else about it.  Holding the weapon, he felt a lingering weight in his hand.  As he examined the craft closer, his eyes doubled over as he saw stains of red sliding down over his hands followed by a brief shriek in his ears. Raizo shook his head to snap back to reality.

"Is there a problem?" Akame asked but the boy quickly motioned no.

"Sorry, I just got lost in a thought."

"I see. Well come on then, we haven't sparred in a while."

"Understood, Aka-sensei."

Raizo readies himself in a respective stance arcing the blade over his chest with the tip of the wooden edge aimed downward having both hands on the hilt of the weapon.  Red eyes stare at red eyes as silence washes over the massive space.  Both of them calm their breathing to a point where they are sharing the same wavelength.  Their focus on each other was impeccable.  Without a single movement, they share the exact same mindset of eyeing the other's precise movement.  After a minute passes, Raizo moves in the blink of an eye directly at her.

A loud echo rings out as the wooden blades collide with each other.  Raizo and Akame are locked in a deadlock but the imposing sensei just looks bored. Seeing this, the Stormbringer panics and immediately steps back from her before calculating what he should do next.  What was the point of this right now?  What was his teacher after? This was all just pointless.  As if compelled by his anxiety, he closes his distance sweeping his blade upward from down below but Akame's blade comes from overhead.  As the wooden blades strike, Akame effectively bats Raizo's attack away.  The display of swordsmanship between the pair was akin to a child trying to fight an adult.  When there was a moment of respite among them, Akame exhaled slightly.

"How disappointing," the Red-Eyed Killer of this universe stated coldly.  She waved her blade taunting the boy to attack once again.

"Tch," the Crimson Harbinger uttered, gritting his teeth a bit. He wasn't sure what he could do against her.  Why was she forcing him to do this?  It was insufferable dealing with this embarrassment.  Trying to match her expectations, Raizo attempts to counter by firmly placing his right foot down and stepping forward with his left to swing down upon Akame.  He was merely going through the motions at this point to do something but the woman just bats him away.


The Stormbringer locks eyes with the Angel of Death as she goes in with that calm fury on her face.  Seeing that face, the boy's mind flashes back to that mountain again and he sees the hateful expression of the Akame look-a-like.  In real time, he felt fear seize him causing his footing to slip.  Akame then strikes the boy in his abdomen then on his forearm and back of his shoulder causing the male to go down and drop his weapon.  She stands over him with her blade aimed down at his throat.  As he looks up at her, he feels his whole body tremble with fear as small beads of sweat dot his brow.  There, he felt like someone was squeezing his heart.

"Sloppy, very sloppy Raizo; this isn't like you at all," Akame began to lecture pulling the sword away, "Your mind was hardly focused from the moment you grabbed your sword.  In addition, you practically yielded once our fight began to intensify.  Truly your skills are more refined and disciplined than this."

"Forgive me…Aka-sensei," the youth deferred, bowing his head in shame.  He gathers himself together to stand up then bow once more apologetically.  After that, his eyes meet with hers again and they convey the truth.

"That look…you're afraid.  You've had that look the moment you saw my face when you arrived.  Surely I do not intimidate you that much."

"It's not that…it's…"

"It's what Raizo?  Are you referring to your little adventure through time with that letter?  I'm sure Akaro has given you enough heat over that.  Trust me, I can relate to how you feel."

"That's not it sensei."

"Then what is it, Raizo?"

"It was after the time alteration was reversed.  I saw you…or rather; someone with your face and she almost killed me.  She just radiated hatred and a thirst for ending my life over the events of my time traveling escapade."

"Raizo, you know I would never do anything to harm you.  After all, you're my little brother too.  Perhaps my other self in your world was angry at you for some reason."

"No, it wasn't her.  As strong as she is, she did not have nearly as much power as this mystery woman I saw.  She was truly filled with hatred saying that I stole everything from her with Shatterpoint."

"I see…have you told Akaro about this?"

"No, I figured you would want to know first but I was just so terrified of you.  I'm so ashamed."

Akame sighs softly before tossing the fake blade away.  She walks closer to her student and embraces him in a warm and gentle hug patting him on the top of his head softly.  Not expecting this, Raizo hesitates but he returns the embrace by hugging his sensei back.  Relief overtakes the pain the boy feels in that instant as he exhales a slow breath of relief.  After a few seconds, they let go of one another.

"Come with me, I want to show you something," the elder sister instructs, leading the boy to do just that.

The pair head down a hallway that is past the front wall where the slogan was mounted and come to a room with a series of mementos arranged like trophies.  Raizo recognizes some of these items belonging to the different clans of the Conclave.  From the banners that represented each order to different scrolls and artifacts that belonged to each clan.  In the middle of all of these items was a display decorated like a small shrine.  On top of it was a black urn that generated the smallest electrical current around it.  The young demigod felt a stirring in his heart like lightning had surged within him because he knew that the urn contained the content that was Indra's Judgment.

"I don't understand, Aka-sensei," Raizo remarked.  He was confused as to why the woman would show him the remnants of the clans he was familiar with in his world and why she would do this in the first place.  Akame then began to explain.

"In this world, I put an end to the Conclave because this era after the peace we fought so hard for was won and they refused to disband.  Every clan was represented by their own ideals and ambitions that became a darkness that could not be reasoned with.  They were lost souls caught in dogmatic traditions so they had to be eradicated.  Having the urn containing Indra's Judgment serves as both a trophy and a reminder—some souls can't be saved.  For the good of the many, the few needed to be disposed of."

"I see…"

The Stormbringer becomes caught up in thought at that point.  He recalls back to what led to the change in his world for the Shatterpoint timeline.  The Blood Wolves survived…the Conclave lived on and what happened as a result?  Mass tyranny and chaos, innocent lives lost, people suffering throughout the land, all of this because he altered one life-changing event.  Comparing it to the current world he knows, regardless of the civil war that wages on there was at least a semblance of peace currently present.  Comparing the two different world lines, the Blood Wolves being massacred was the least of all evils.

"Aka-sensei, even though I'm from a different world I was a member of the Blood Wolves.  If I understand what you're saying correctly then my world is better off without their influence.  So why am I alive?  Am I not a threat to the social order as well?"

"Well you have the power of Indra's Judgment within you and to my recollection; you could only embrace it initially by experiencing the insurmountable feeling of loss and sorrow no?"

"That's right."

"Then there you have it.  Raizo, you may have been raised to be a cold-hearted killer but your experiences have changed you into a different person.  Your capacity for understanding loss has eventually brought you to a point where you recognized that no one else should suffer the way you have.  You've saved more lives than you have taken so whether you believe it or not, you are a hero.  You've shown that potential for change and that's why I do not think you're a threat at all."

Raizo never really thought of it that way as Akame explained it to him.  He didn't realize that losing his clan would change his morals over time.  After all, he cast himself to a path of vengeance but at some point he just distanced himself for it.  The Stormbringer gained a lot despite his immense loss; it's just been taking him an extended period of time to realize what he truly has.  Akame then continued her lesson.

"A heavy heart weighs the blade.  Whatever it is that's holding you back, you have to break those chains because living in fear will deter you from being able to fight for what really matters.  Do you understand little brother?"

"Yes Aka-sensei."

"Good.  Now then, I'm sure you're tired after your journey so let me take you to where Kimiko is.  You can relax with her while I get a room ready for you."


"No need to be nervous, come on."




Time: 9:30 P.M.


         On the far side of the house past the kitchen sat an isolated area that contained multiple shelves filled with various books and small desks for people to sit at to read or study vast amounts of information.  Within this room, Kimiko sat in her pajamas reading a stack of books that was a romance novel series.  The story was about a guy who wasn't honest with his feelings and a girl that was trying her best to prove herself to be worthy of him.  The man felt like he wasn't worthy of her despite feeling as though she was perfect for him but he held a poor outlook on himself.  As for the woman, she saw the good in the man and tried to get him to see it but it was a difficult task.

         "Hey Kimi, can you keep Raizo occupied for a little while so I can prepare a room for him?" Akame interrupts walking into the room with the boy in question following behind.  The silent, dark brunette had just finished the page she was on when she looked up from the book.

         "Ah sure thing.  Come on in, little tsun," she chuckles.  The Stormbringer reluctantly steps inside.

         "Tch…I don't know what you're talking about…" he muttered.

         "Heh, sure you don't."

         As Akame walks out of the room, Kimi motions her stubborn younger sibling to sit down beside her at the table. Doing just that, he sits down but immediately has his eyes cast down onto the wooden surface. When he looks up at her, she yields a small smile but the boy's face is torn up with anxiety.

         "Oi, why are you so squirmy?" she asks with a head tilt.

         "Er…well…" Raizo stammers unsure how to answer that. A sly smirk creeps upon the girl as she decided to tease him.

         "Aww, is the little tsun nervous around his big sis?"

         "K…Kimi-! D…don't be stupid…"

         "Priceless response."

         "Tch…stop making fun of me."

         "Well when you make a face like that, it's hard not to tease you a little."

         The lightning-user merely sighs heavily, shaking his head as the two share a happy moment; however, Kimiko's face quickly shifts to a more serious expression.  Seeing that shift, Raizo felt a sense of dread come over him.

         "So, how did your exploitation of the timeline go?" she asked mercilessly.  The boy felt like his heart damn near skip a beat.

         "It was…mind numbing to say the least."

         "Oh? So what hurts more:  experiencing life within a false world or breaking your promise to me?  After all, you did vow that you would protect your world."


         Kimiko continues swiftly cutting Raizo off.

         "I mean, it's not like you basically tossed us away in favor of your own desires right?"


         "Well? I'm sure you don't care about any of that right?"

         "I do!"

         "Really? Because it seems to me that you're still being the same selfish person."

         No words were uttered from the male in response.  His eyes stared at the wooden surface of the table once again as if his soul was taken from him while balling his fists tightly.  The sensations of anger, self-loathing, pain and regret spiral inside him like a hurricane sweeping up his heart amid the torment.  Kimiko merely observed the boy knowing exactly what she was doing—testing him to see his reaction to her chastising.  She knew that he would come to her to apologize from the moment she saw his eyes upon walking through the door but she wanted to know his level of sincerity; hence why she did this in order to see how broken he truly was.  Was it out of amusement or hatred? No.  Raizo had difficulty conveying his emotions so she displayed a small form of antagonism to gauge a genuine response.

'Selfish', that word echoed in Raizo's mind over and over.  It was a word that had been haunting him for the longest time.  From his separation with Night Raid all the way up until this moment, it repeatedly came up within his subconscious.  No matter how much he tried to escape that label, he felt it to be true and maybe that was all he'll ever be. He's made so many rash decisions because of his selfishness and he felt like so many have suffered as a result.  Shatterpoint was supposed to correct this in his mind but it only damaged him more.  The blood that stained his hands, the guilt of facing his family now, these factors only drove the knife in his heart as felt like he was wasting away.

         "Raizo?" Kimiko called out to the boy concerned over his silence.  Light came back to the Stormbringer as he spoke.

         "You're right…I am selfish.  I broke my promise to you and tossed you guys away because I couldn't face my own reality.  I spent my whole life choosing and I've always chosen wrong.  Why? Because I only cared about what benefitted me.  I dedicated so much of my life to what was lost instead of what I gained that I destroyed my own priorities.  There is no excuse for my actions because at the end of the day, I did a cowardly thing—I ran.  I took the words of some psychopathic god to heart and drove myself to a false delusion that life would be better for everyone if my own problems were fixed.  Yeah, that turned out really great.

         My family took over an empire; my mother became a tyrant while the man I always knew as father became the leader of a rebellion.  Innocent people were persecuted and killed, all for one woman's ambition realized by the arrogance of her son.  I killed so many people, more people than ever while trying to be some semblance of a hero. I really am just a murdering, selfish bastard.  It's funny…if it had not been for Adena, this conversation would not be happening.  If I succeeded in taking my own life, I would be spending eternity in my rightful place in Hell.  It's just where I belong."

         "Rai…" Kimiko began but Raizo interrupted her, shaking his head.

         "You don't have to say anything else.  You're right…you're always right.  I'm a failure.  I failed my friends, my family, my universe and most of all…I failed you.  I'm destined for failure so I should just do everyone a favor and disappear.  Life would be better for it."

         Kimiko jumped up from her seat and lunged over the table, slapping Raizo across the face from the left side before sending the male barreling to the ground.  This was the third time he was hit by one of his siblings tonight.  The imposing woman stood over him with a pained look on her face.

         "You don't get to say that to me.  Not at all!  You're making me sound like I've never made mistakes in my life!  Like Akaro and Akame, I have my own fair share of sins so stop putting me on this goddamn pedestal thinking that I have never done something wrong before!  I've been in your shoes before Raizo; I know your heart.  In fact, I feel it beating in my chest now more than ever.  It kills me inside to see you feeling this pain.  Then to hear that you almost killed yourself…why would you go that far?  You say that the world would be better off without you but think about whom all would be left behind!  Your family is here for you, always and forever.  Stop trying to shoulder everything by yourself when you have people you can count on!"  Kimiko ranted, crouching down to meet the boy at eye-level so that he could see the power behind her words firsthand.

         "Why? Why do I matter so much to you all?" the broken male asked to begin, "What have I done for you aside from cause you more trouble?  How can any of you say that you love someone like me?  I'm nothing but a tool, that's what I was raised to be.  Once I've served my purpose, it doesn't matter if I'm discarded.  So why do you all keep me around when I'm not worth loving at all?!"

         "Because you're worth far more to us than you give yourself credit for.  You've touched us and gave us something to look forward to seeing grow and mature.  You may not realize it but you're a living testimony of change.  You have your obstacles and you may stumble and fall but we're right here with you to help you along the way.  Akaro and Akame helped me grow into who I am today and even though I still have a few moments in which I still learn from them, it's your turn.  Different universe or not, we're with you. I'm with you in one way or another.  Plus you have Adena who is eager to stand right by your side.

         Don't ever think that we won't love you because of something you did.  Sure you may fall short but it's okay because we've all had those moments and been in a dark place; you just have to realize that there are people waiting with their hands held out to pull you back up.  So you are worthy of loving Raizo, you just have to learn how to love yourself too."

         "I'm so sorry Kimi-nee for breaking my promise…I'm sorry for everything I've done…" the boy apologized, feeling himself about to cry.  Kimiko grabs the boy and pulls him to her, hugging him close.

         "Shush, it's okay my little brother. I know it's not your fault but don't you ever try to take your own life again.

         "Yes nee-chan."

         "Come on; let me take you to get cleaned up so you can get some rest.  You've had a long day."




Time: 3:00 A.M.


         Hours later after his private chats with each of his siblings, Raizo had taken a shower to cleanse him of the negativity that bogged him down for the day and took refuge in one of the rooms upstairs that Akame prepared for him.  So as to not overwhelm him with things he didn't know anything about, Akame had Raizo stay in a room that only had a nice queen-sized bed with a bookshelf and two end tables with lamps on them.  Currently, the boy was trying his best to sleep but that was easier said than done.

         Peaceful dreams soon turn to nightmares as the mind of the boy is plagued by the mistakes of Shatterpoint and such.  All of that negativity filled his mind causing him to sweat at the brow.  Everything that had been attacking him lately just boiled over once more forcing him to wake up from his sleep and curl into a ball with tears streaming down his face.

         "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!  Forgive me please!" he calls out with a heavy heart.  Just when he finally had settled himself with the words of his siblings, he just became an emotional mess once more.  Suddenly, something calls out to him.

         "Shh, quiet now."

         "Wh…who's there?" he asked, not trying to look around.

         "It's okay."

         "I…I didn't mean to cause all of this…I swear!"

         "Be at peace," the voice says into his ear.  Arms wrap around him gently which fills his heart with a sense of security thanks to the loving voice.

         "That voice…Kimi-nee?" he asks, uncurling himself and peering up to the source of the voice but he finds a female that seems different from the girl he knows.  Her hair is considerably longer and her eyes have a mystical twilight pattern of blue and purple.  Seeing this, the boy cannot help but tremble in fear.

         "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you," she says gently with a small smile.

         "Kimi? You…look different."

         "Well, I'm not exactly Kimiko. I am but I'm not at the same time. You could say that I'm a part of her; well she's a part of me.  Regardless, I suppose this is our first time seeing each other face to face Raizo but I know everything there is to know about you.  After all, I am the Goddess-Above-All."

         "Y...you mean…"

         Raizo then recalls the story that Indra told him of his past from long ago as well as the words that the Architect said to him in regards to this person during the Pandora War.


         "That's right," she nods suddenly, hugging the boy tighter, "It's nice to meet you face to face at last little one."

         "Th…the honor is mine," he stuttered trying to be respectful.

         "No need to be so formal.  Just because I'm your creator doesn't mean that you need to treat me differently?"


         "Well I did create everything that exists so of course I'm the origin of your existence… And besides this fact, you are one of my direct descendants."

         "W…what the…"

         "Don't worry about it for now.  It isn't important.  What is important is my concern over your well-being."

         "My…well-being?" Raizo tilts his head confusedly as Akasha lets go of him for a minute.  The supreme being nodded before continuing.

         "Yes. I know what you've done Raizo because I was able to watch you firsthand.  I saw everything you experience in Shatterpoint and the events leading after it, including your attempted suicide.  Your mind is all but broken, your spirit fleeting, and your heart is in disarray.  Even with all the words that your family has spoken to you, you're still in chaos.  So I wanted to talk to you myself."


         "This awakening of mine is only temporary… Kimiko has not yet fully come to terms with who she truly is. Nevertheless… Tell me, how are you feeling right now?"

         "I feel so lost honestly.  I understand what my family is trying to say to me but I just hurt so much inside.  This pain is greater than how I felt when the Blood Wolves were slaughtered.  It's just so suffocating.  Just breathing hurts me and I'm trying my best not to lose it.  I want to be strong, I want to overcome this but the blood on my hands just keeps me weighed down.  I don't want to harm innocent people; I don't want to be a monster anymore.  But what I did and the words I've heard…it's just like I belong in darkness."

         "That's not true.  You aren't a monster, you never were.  Your deeds may have been considered monstrous and your decisions less than helpful; however, that doesn't make you a monster.  The things you've done, the choices you made were all stepping stones on a path that you believed you had to follow.  For the first part of your life, you were an assassin trained to do your duty with no questions asked.  Then you became someone who thirsted for vengeance to honor the memory of the people you lost.  After that, you became someone who tried to fight for others despite the fact that you didn't believe in the cause yourself.  Now you're a man who seeks to cleanse the darkness that is corroding the world, saving many in the process.

         Yes, your past has been dark but even during those times, you felt like you didn't have a choice; that your path was set in stone.  Why? Because you didn't have someone to guide you the right way so how can anyone blame you for that?  You can't find a way to a treasure trove without a map to show you how to get there.  You've been alone for so long that you're confused on how to handle the light that is being shown to you.  You're only making some mistakes, humans do that.  Everyone stumbles and falls when they first learn to walk; crawling is all a child knows how to do until someone teaches them how to stand on their own two feet and take those first steps."

         "But…those people I killed…"

         "They were lives lost in a False World created by your own means.  Sure the experience may be real for you, but one thing you have to realize is this:  when the catalyst that led to the creation of that world was removed, so was the reality of it.  In other words, the lives that were lost in that world line never happened.  Objectively speaking… you don't have to feel responsible for something that never happened.  You feel the consequences of such actions but if anything, think of it as an aberration.  Yes it hurts, but you should not let it destroy you.  You just have to find the strength to move on.

         The process isn't easy to do, but you are destined for great things.  Even though you have come by unfortunate circumstances, there is always a way to overcome these hardships.  Don't believe in the garbage that was created by some fake reality or the words of a foolish child stuck in a myriad of delusions; believe in the path that you feel deep down in your heart—the one that's the truth of your universe.  Believe in the Raizo that believes in you.  He's there, I know he is.  After all, I believe in him too."

         The heartbroken Stormbringer turns his face away from the wise and benevolent deity hearing the sincerity of her words erase every ounce of doubt.  As his heart becomes coated in that serene feeling, he adjusts his body and wraps his arms around her hugging her.  Akasha merely chuckles returning the gesture and pats his head softly.

         "Even if your eyes cannot see me, I am always with you Raizo Arashi.  All you have to do is call out to me and I will answer.  My adorable young man, never forget that you are loved."

         "Thank you, Akasha-neesama," he smiles looking up to her.

         "You're welcome, now sleep in peace."

         Hearing those words, Raizo does just that but he didn't realize that the woman never let go.  As opposed to leaving him when slumber overtook him, she stayed and fell asleep beside him holding him close for the rest of the night.




Year 2025, 11th of November

Time: 9:00 A.M.


         Dawn has broken as the daylight leaks inside the room where the Stormbringer is resting.  As he gradually opens his eyes, the boy feels this mysterious warmth around him.  When his vision clears, he sees the face of a sleeping Kimiko beside him, noticing her arms around him.  This feeling and realization causes him to turn slightly pink in the cheeks making his heart quake.  He recalled what happened hours before but he didn't realize that he'd be waking up with the girl.  Raizo attempted to move but she had him firmly grasped and was pressed closely to him.

         "Mm…good morning," she speaks catching him off guard.

         "M…morning, Kimi-nee," he responded trying to keep calm.

         "Looks like I came in here for a pillow last night."


         "Or was it for something else?"

         "Kimi-nee! Don't jump to conclusions…jeez."

         "Heh, a morning dose of tsun."


         Kimiko lets go of Raizo rubbing her eyes before sitting up in the bed and stretching her arms out.  The Stormbringer merely stretches his legs under the covers trying not to overthink of how this situation looks.  Just then, there is a knock at the door before it opens with Akaro and Akame appearing.

         "Oi Raichu, time to get…oh…" Akaro was about to say.  Akame was seen grabbing his arm.

         "Can't you let the boy sleep? Seriously…oh…"

         Raizo turns over and sees the pair standing in the doorway and looks over to Kimi who appeared like she had a very long night.  The youngest of the group blushes deeply.

         "This…isn't what it looks like guys."

         "Oho, look at you two.  So Kimi, ya look like ya got good workout.  Was the tsun that good or…"

         "Akaro, shut up dammit," Akame sighed heavily pulling on the man's ear.

         "Ow, babe come on…this is an important topic of discussion."

         "You always say things that are unnecessary.  You forget that our tsundere brother has a redhead back home."

         "Aniki, Aka-sensei, stop making this situation sound any more awkward than it already seems."

         "Gosh you're all so talkative.  You all belong to me anyways, or have you already forgotten what I did to the two of you?  Just stop debating or else the vector manipulation party will start again.  Anyways, let's get some pancakes going before we leave.  I'm starving," Kimiko bluntly disrupts the conversation causing everyone to go silent.

         "I'll be in the kitchen.  Raizo, I sat your clothes and weapons in the bathroom so you could get ready," Akame spoke, ignoring the comment before leaving the room.

         "Damn Kimi…did you have to go that far? Heh, you're gonna confuse the kid," Akaro chuckled.

         "I'm just stating the facts," Kimi said nonchalantly before getting up to walk out of the room.

         "I…I don't understand…Kimi-nee, what does that mean?!" Raizo asked sounding flustered.

         "You'll understand stood enough, now get ready so we can eat," she replied before walking out.

         With that, the quartet got themselves together preparing for the journey ahead.  They sat down and had breakfast as a family with a much happier atmosphere compared to the dismal air they had last night while eating dinner.  Soon as the meal was over, they geared up and were ready to go.  Standing outside of the home, all eyes were on the Stormbringer as he took the center stage to lead the way.

         "You ready lil' bro?" Akaro asked with a smile.

         "Of course he is, you can feel the determination emanating from him," Kimiko nodded in approval.

         "He has us with him after all," Akame added.

         "Yeah, time to get this done," Raizo says.  The boy ensues taking up his Heart of the Storm transformation and the sky opens up above them.  With a beam of crimson light, the red-eyed siblings burst into the sky heading to the Stormbringer's universe.  The road to redemption was officially laid before Raizo and with his family behind him; he was focused on seeing this through to the end.