
Phantasmal Sonata Part 1

Goetia and the Demon Gods, Erebus and Nyx, Arayashiki, and Sakinah Vashti – a series of conflicts that occurred one after the other like it was some strange domino effect. The flames of war felt like they would rage on eternally; however, they stifled for just a moment of bliss. As a result, the Envoy of the Crimson Dragon could afford to rest and prepare for the challenges ahead.

In a world blotted out by gray storm clouds, rain violently poured outside slowly bathing the rocky, mountainous region of a lonely island full of fantastical creatures such as goblins, ogres, and hungry Oni. To the historically informed, the location was somewhat a replica of the mythical isle of Onigashima. Set apart from the rest of Cocytus by the infinite sea, the island was a kingdom in its own right. Atop of one of the highest peaks rested a hundred floor crimson pagoda next to the tea house and traditional outdoor hot springs. The primeval territory was usually overseen by the great warrior entitled as the Tiger of the West – Yaten Douji. Currently, Akaro was resting on the final floor of the structure in the general's absence.

A massive crimson futon is spread out across the softness of the carpet covered, wooden floors. The Envoy opened his crimson eyes after a fulfilling, rest-filled night. Peering to his left and then to his right, he could see the curvatures of his beloved—Akame, The Pirate Queen—Francis Drake, the Holy Maiden—Jeanne D'Arc, and the gentle science project that was Fran. Two of the women nuzzle closer against his sides while the mischievous Oni, Shuten Douji, laid on top of his naked frame. Relinquishing a soft smile, the man kissed each of the women before effortlessly wriggling himself out from under their grasp.

In a silent glow of dark crimson mist, Akaro's casual attire materialized consisting of a simple white t-shirt and black pants adorned by a tan jacket and dark brown boots. Now dressed, he proceeded to exit the pagoda by taking a subtle leap from the top of the spire and glided through the air towards the closest shoreline. Regardless of this place being a part of the greater realm that was Purgatory, this part of the island still retained a semblance of the normal world with clear, pristine blue waters gently washing along the coast.

"Taking in the morning scent of the oceanic breeze?" a deep, husky voice filled the Envoy's ears. He turned to see the face of a muscular man over 7 feet tall with long, charcoal silver hair and yellow eyes wearing a white and red, sleeveless gi on his body.

"Yeah, you could say that Yaten-san," Akaro nodded.

"Enjoy it while you can, not everyone has the luxury of such a peaceful sight down here. Also, Shugo should be coming soon to pick you up," the giant said whilst standing beside the Envoy.

"You know, with you and my little sister being involved with one another...you could become a figure of great authority in the ranks of the Oni."

"Heh, it would be rather unfair of me to rise up that ladder among your people. Besides, my grand entrance into Cocytus probably makes me someone least welcomed among the members of the government down here," Akaro explained as his mind drifted back to that point in time.

The lowest dimensional space lying beyond the veil of darkness in the outer reaches of Inferno—Purgatory—the land which the Dark Gods among other divine entities dared not to go. It was within this realm that the frozen tundras and hellish blizzard wastelands that the territory known as Cocytus resided in. Once does not simply pass through its threshold without being inflicted by madness—madness born from the weight of one's sins so unbearable that the might of the conceptual ideals of Hell could not even withstand.

Amidst the backdrops of torrential blizzards, freezing winds and an eternal vortex of stormy weather stood a massive creature facing a swirling black ocean filled with indescribable nightmares. The entity could not be described—no language in creation could be applied to the abysmal conflagration of shrieking and immemorial lunacy; such eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order. To understand it even at a basic level would require comprehension equivalent to living for an eternity.

A somewhat extravagant imagination rendered images of an octopus, a dragon and a human caricature that comprised the spirit of the monstrosity. A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque, scaly body with rudimentary wings; yet the general outline of the whole beast made it the truest center of all that was horror. This thing towered over the strange domain around it to such an extent that even the blackened heavens themselves had difficulty containing its size. Beyond the threshold guarded by this creature was a raven miasma that veiled the horizon in a strange, dreadful fog. All of this seemed trivial in the wake of the howling souls beneath the black waters of the abyss.

The wicked, the sinful, the repulsive, the murderer—such lowly commoners were not the kind that inhabited the waters of this Abyss. For beneath the blanket of these cruel, dark depths resided only those judged to be irredeemable by Heaven and unwelcome in Hell; that is the path to Purgatory. The creature overlooking the ocean was their custodian, a monster that ensures these damned souls will linger in the dark waters eternally.

Charybdis was the colloquial name given to this region. Any who sought to enter this terrible place from beyond its boundaries would have to no doubt journey through the thick miasma encircling the territory and ultimately be welcomed by the atrocity known as Cthulhu, the Keeper of the Abyss. For once in what felt like an eternity, someone brazen enough would enter this frozen hellscape willingly. Amid the dark borders strode a flame of unsullied luminescence.

Cthulhu's gaze focused on the dark fog in that instant, "Which of Inferno's Demons dares to enter the threshold of Purgatory?"

The sheer utterance of those bellowing words shook the entirety of Charybdis. Still, the light persisted in its glorious approach subjugating the very darkness of the Abyss. Having transcended the miasma in a few seconds, the glowing, flaming light pierced through the veil of madness and emerged onto the storming domain. The voracity of the radiance gradually faded thus uncovering the figure of red-eyed male with long, messy dark hair. His dominant crimson gaze seemed to overwhelm even the Great Old One that guarded the realm. Taken aback, the Guardian spoke.

"What does an Envoy in service of the All-Mother want in the realm of the banished? The renowned Akaro Hajime for that matter," the massive creature stated as the world around them trembled.

As for the fabled Red-Eyed Hero, he seemed to relax his stern eyes before stretching out his arms in a casual posture whilst strolling across the dark waters.

"Well it's a bit of a long story if I'm being totally honest, but the really short version is that I'm here on a training voyage of my own volition and to learn more about the Ryu-jin. So how about it? Gonna let me pass, Oh Great Old Squidward?" the Envoy asserted loud and clear so that the Keeper of the Abyss could listen to him.

Silence passed between them for a brief moment as those words reverberated in the elder's mind. Such a response, albeit respectable for its boldness, was quite troublesome at this current juncture.

"Apologies Akaro, but in the absence of our great queen and in the wake of the destruction caused by the war against Sakinah, Cocytus' borders are closed to any and all visitors."

A playful sigh escaped from the Crimson Hero's breath.

"Alright then. How about ya just look the other way and I'll tell your queen to let you off the hook with just a light spanking?" he calmly proposed with a grin.

The Keeper of the Abyss set his many eyes upon the figure before him almost offended by the suggestion.

"The laws of Cocytus are absolute, I'm afraid. If you wish to enter, you will need the blessing of the Sovereign to proceed."

Nevertheless, Akaro continued his stride across the dark waters.

"A word of warning, Crimson Envoy, if you proceed with your advent, then I will have no choice but to brand you an outlaw that has invaded our kingdom in its time of struggle," the guardian proclaimed as the pressure around his very being had begun to crush the space around himself. The ocean rattled, the wind blustered at absurd speeds, and the small isles within the region broke down.

Akaro only chuckled, "A good for nothing, outlaw, invader huh? Nah I don't think so, Squidward. I'm much more of the old Robin Hood type."

After making his remark, the brave warrior came to a standstill over a hundred feet away from Cthulhu only to cross his arms. Steadfast, he remained unfazed by the oppressive horrors in this region as his feet remained firmly fixed on the calamitous waters' surface. Casting a sharp gaze upon the invader, the Guardian's haunting speech echoed once again.

"If you insist on this foolish venture, then I'll have you sleep inside these waters until our queen returns…" the Great Old One relented his final decision. In tandem with that declaration, a large, scaly tentacle wrapped around Akaro's ankles only to rapidly pull him into the dark below.

The depths of the Abyss was an uncaring, ominous place. The core of the hero was greeted by a cold sensation that stole his breath away and froze his muscles. Beneath the icy surface, the man could only perceive a pitch-black void where the very worst of life lingered. The insanity manifested from Cthulhu's very presence was epitomized and thrived in amplitude as its resonance spread through the seas. The damned souls therein only amplified the harsh reality of his terror.

Nightmares transcendental of human terminology relentlessly invaded Akaro's conscious mind. Only poetry or madness could do justice to the horrors seen by the Envoy as he was pulled further down the black abyss. This was the same torture that the Stormbringer encountered during his own time in the dark. All around howling souls could be heard drowning in sorrow and agony. There were vocal qualities peculiar to men and beasts alike, the overlapping of their screams was especially terrifying. Yet Akaro did not falter. The Envoy of the Crimson Luster started to spontaneously emit the outline of a stellar flame that infectiously spread across the infinitely sprawling shadows.

Closing his eyes, he called forth the fabled Svarog—his trusted blade—and held it out to the side whilst channeling the density of his energy into it. The emanating aura funneled into the crimson steel edge of the sword as the man began to chant within his mind:

"Not the victorious Hunter,

Nor the renowned Red-Eyed Killer.

More than anything, just a restless soul.

Once the tool of one seeking to rule,

A weapon meant for end times.

Yet what I sought was no such thing.

What I sought was the freedom of choice,

To break from the father's rule and ascend beyond destiny,

To become human.

Heir to nothing, a Limit-Breaker with no power of his own.

I have abandoned a thousand blades,

Left behind a legacy of crimson.

This is the life I've chosen,

Crimson Dragon Flash!"

A singular, 180-degree horizontal swing was all it took. Beyond the boundaries of time and space, the conventional means of cause and effect, words could not describe the destructive beauty of it all. A strength that could eclipse all of existence was released from the blade. The arc of divine crimson energy took the form of a luminous crimson dragon as it swirled around the Envoy only to then fly across and divide the dark waters. In but a moment's notice, the dark ocean of damned souls went from its natural liquid state to a gaseous form. Moreover, the isles and glaciers that populated the domain were pulverized by the raw pressure. A seemingly unending cloud of smoke and vapor covered the domain of the Great Old One; however, by the time dust cleared, Cthulhu managed to get a glimpse of Akaro. The Envoy was simply standing on the deep ocean floor casually holding his blade over his shoulder with a dominant smirk on his face.

"You won't escape this domain!" the howling voice of the Eldritch Horror threatened to break apart whatever remained of Charybdis in the aftermath of the Crimson Dragon's advent. Without delay, the creature lunged its colossal arms and claws at the Envoy.

Akaro sighed as he watched the creature move.

"Time for a nap, Squidward," he asserted. With his stern gaze dead set upon the tentacle amalgamation of terror, a stellar flame-like radiance had oozed from his eyes. This crimson luminescence grew in intensity and scorching heat until finally…

"Fire Stance: Baba Yaga's Gaze!" Akaro declared within the confines of his mind as a torrent of concentrated flaming lasers were unleashed from his eyes. The beams instantaneously expanded greatly and consumed the entirety of Cthulhu's being, setting him ablaze. The Great Old One let out a painful, bloodcurdling scream only to ultimately collapse back first onto the ground.

Akaro jumped to the head of the now crispy, pitch-black beast, "Sorry about that. You're not going to die, Squidward. I made sure to hold back enough to only damage your skin-er-...scales?"

Two streaks of blinding light filled with dense forms of energy, colossal in scope compared to the fallen Keeper appeared and struck the open area of dry land. The light faded away to reveal the sight of the imposing Oni General of the Western Territories, Yaten-douji, and the sensual Yakshini whom was the General of the Southern Territories, Garuda. The muscular giant crossed his arms taking note of Akaro's current position with a smirk underneath his mask. As for the curvy beauty, she merely tugged on the edge of her hat and sighed.

"Seems like the stubborn ol' Octopus gave you a hard time instead of sending you to us right away, apologies Young Envoy," the Tiger of the West stated before yielding a soft chuckle.

"He can be a little...rough around the edges, yes?" Garuda nodded, "However, Great Envoy, I implore you to lower the weapon so that we may resolve this calmly. You are not opposed to this, yes?"

"Ah what the hell, not like I was wanting to fight ye olde Squidward anyway. Besides, someone with such bountiful assets and pretty smile asking me to hold on a bit sounds like the start of a good date after all," winked the confident male towards the sorceress as he tucked his blade over his back to sheathe it.

"My, my, I appreciate an eye that understands art when he sees it," she chuckled softly with a subtle blush.

"That's an understatement my dear, trust me," Akaro smirked slyly.

"Ahem...well before we have any more cause for concern, why don't you come with me to my territory? I can provide you with proper residency until Her Highness returns and provides you with her blessing," Yaten-douji suggested as a diplomatic solution.

"Sounds like a good idea; however, how big is the space you have reserved for me? Because you see...I uh, didn't exactly come alone," Akaro said just as another massive energy source burst through the veil inside Cocytus.

Just then, a massive crimson, black and gold treasure galleon emerged onto the scene as the visages of five more individuals were present. The Golden Hind, captained by none other than Francis Drake, alongside Jeanne D'Arc, Fran, Shuten-douji, and lastly, the wife of the Crimson Envoy—Akame arrived on the scene as well.

"Ahoy Onii-chan!" the voice of Shuten emerged as she waved down to Yaten-douji below.

"Goodness, so many unexpected guests. My, my...guess I'll work on healing our wounded guardian and cleaning up Charybdis. You can handle the rest as far as our visitors are concerned, no?" Garuda remarked towards her fellow Cardinal.

"Right...well, before anything else winds up getting out of hand. Have your party follow me, Akaro-kun. At least the return of my little sister to the homeland should ease some of the anxiety in the air," Yaten-douji shook his head.


"I must admit, seeing my little sister again was completely unexpected. Honestly, I owe you a debt of gratitude for reuniting her with our people. In my eyes, that more than makes up for your sudden entry into our realm. I lift this cup up to your honor, Akaro-kun," Yaten-douji stated whilst raising his giant, golden sadazuki cup filled with the finest blend of sake to his lips.

The two had settled down in a small beachfront hut that the Tiger of the West owned when he needed to get away from the affairs of the island to share a drink.

"Ah no worries, I'm glad there was some good out of my unwelcome interruption," Akaro raised a crimson cup as well in due fashion. As the two were sharing that time together, a gust of wind blew over them. The silhouette of a gigantic winged entity overshadowed the area for a split second before revealing itself as it landed on the shoreline.

The creature was a giant golden dragon with crimson eyes whom was serving as the transport of none other than the Dragon of the East—Ashura Gozen. The fearsome general with long magenta hair wearing her infamous, dark violet armor stepped down from the serpentine monstrosity for a brief moment.

"Yo boys, enjoying a drink without me eh? Damn Yatty-kun, ya brought the good blend too and couldn't wait? I'm hurt."

"Ahaha sorry Shugo-chan, but you are coming from across the realm and it may could have been noon by the time we would have been able to have a cup. Besides, we both know this is only breakfast you need to start the day," Yaten-douji laughed heartily.

"Uh-huh, sure. Well ya owe me a round next time."

In the meantime, Akaro was taken back by the sight of such a legendary figure as he unconsciously proceeded to walk towards it.

"He's a marvel, right? This is my longtime friend, Kohryu. He's one of the ancient male Ryu-jin who's lived long enough to father entire generations of our people thus becoming a Greater Dragon. Wondrous, awe-inspiring, and a powerful testament to our race, no?" Ashura Gozen bragged.

Akaro got closer to the golden beast as he reached out a hand. Kohryu responded by leaning in slowly thus allowing the Envoy to caress his chin.

"You said he's a Greater Dragon? What does that mean?" the man inquired.

"That title means refers to a stage in which the males transcend their mortal coils and evolve into great deities of the lifeblood. Though it means he cannot walk the lands of our people as a man again, he freer than ever before to fly the skies and protect his children from any threats."

"I see…"

"Uh-huh. Alright now, enough fanboying. Get that ass up on the dragon's back. I'm hijackin' ya and takin' ya home. You had your fun with the Oni," Ashura teased while jabbing Akaro in his side.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it...but one more thing," he said before turning his attention to the Oni General, "Gonna have to finish our drinking another time, Yaten-san. Do me a favor and tell the ladies that I'm off on a personal journey for a short while, will ya?"

"Of course, kyoudai, fret not. Your lovers will be safe here," the muscular general raised his cup once more.

"Heh, calling him brother in the native tongue I see. You do realize he'll be mine before long right?" Ashura Gozen sneered.

"Haha Shugo-chan, you are quite amusing, but as long as he holds the heart of my dear sister then he may as well be my little brother!"

Shaking her head, the Ryu-jin leader takes Akaro's hand and escorts him up onto Kohryu's back. As the Envoy sat down, the woman does not hesitate to plop right behind the man so that she could take advantage of pressing her ample bosom against his back.

"Yip yip, Kohryu!" she cried out as the golden entity spread his wings before releasing a mighty flap that hoisted him up into the air.

As the dragon soared through the cloudy skies towards the land of the Ryu-jin in the east, Ashura Gozen wrapped her arms sensually around the man whilst cementing the presence of her curvature against his broad back. She leans her chin against his shoulder with a warm smile upon her features whilst tracing her tongue against her lips.

"So my sweet, why have you come all the way down here to Cocytus? I mean, if it really is to see my lovely self then I suppose you do have impeccable timing for sensing that time of season~" she teased with a sultry tone; however, Akaro was not biting that bait oddly enough.

"I need to understand what it means...to be the heir to the Crimson Dragon," the Envoy spoke thus showcasing a rare moment of seriousness upon his face. He cast his gaze downward at the stigmata of the deity coiled around his arm. A strange feeling gripped his heart, one mixed with weakness from the fear of a greater unknown and a desire for answers.

"I see...then I swear by my title as the Dragon of the East that I will take you to where you need to go," the ferocious Ryu-jin queen responded thus shaking aside her own flirtatious platitudes. With that atmosphere over them, their journey to the eastern territories was wrought with silence.

After mere moments that were thought to have lasted for hours on end, the golden dragon carrying the Draconian General and the Crimson Envoy arrived in the lands of the Ryu-jin. Unlike the forbidden island paradise that was home to the Oni in the west, the draconian races of the east lived together in a city surrounded by colossal forestry. Buildings and small homes compiled of wood, concrete and stone were scattered about as if mimicking the architectural design of Reina's castle. The centerfold of the city was the gigantic spire that was constructed to be a sister castle to the Sovereign's home colored in shades of green and tan as the visage of the Crimson Dragon of yore was coursing along its surface.

Kohryu flew to the top of the spire and landed on the roof which let Akaro and Ashura Gozen dismount safely. Quickly, the Ryu-jin queen walked past the hero thus nudging him to follow after her before he could get wrapped up in sightseeing. Without delay, the red-eyed male did just that. They entered the rooftop elevator access and quickly descended the tower all the way down to the base level, then to the subfloors. Once the mechanism stopped, the doors prompted for a security scan via palm and retina. Stepping forward, Ashura completed the verification before the threshold opened up.

The Dragon of the East led the Red-Eyed Envoy down a series of hallways that twisted and turned in a myriad of directions like traversing the back of a serpent. The pair then came to another doorway that unveiled itself like someone pulling back the curtains in a dark room. Past the entrance was a crimson ocean that flowed into a star-filled horizon.

"This is the Ryu-jin lifeblood, the crimson samsara from which the endless cycle of life and death is weaved. Everything that we are as the children of the Crimson Dragon is stored here; no matter where we are--the past, the present, or the infinite future--our history is but drops in the ocean of crimson. If what you seek is answers, then you will have to journey into that vast unknown," Shugo explained.

Akaro's thoughts seemingly paused for a moment as he processed that information; however, he solidified himself with his determination. Just as he was about to walk ahead, the noble draconic queen rushes to his side and grabs hold of his face to give him a kiss on the lips. Unexpectedly, the two shared a lengthy moment where their tongues wrestled against one another before parting ways. After that, the Red-Eyed Hero forged ahead toward his destiny.

He took a small step into the ocean of red. Walking on the waters of the realm gradually, each step created a ripple onto the infinite surface like a droplet into a river. As the crimson pool made contact with his skin from the soles of his feet, the lifeblood became one with his mind showing the totality of his life. It manifested onto the widespread canvas of an all-enveloping space inside the transcendental realm of mind and matter. Time became meaningless as he continued to march onward until he disappeared from sight as if drawn in by a force beyond reckoning.

The boy who was made into a weapon; the ordinary man who walked the streets of the Capital as no more than a delivery boy; the misguided assassin of Night Raid; the Red-Eyed Hero who could save others, but not himself; the Red Knight drawn forward by his failures only to find meaning in love; the old mentor and brother to the lost; the Envoy of something far greater than himself; and the future God-King who forever walked ahead into the unreachable horizon. All of his life, no, his very identity within his mortal self collectively walked creating the gentle waves cascading through the lifeblood.

"Life blooms like a flower, my son."

From the depths, from the skies, all around him...a feminine voice echoed:

"This world is ever-changing.

I have grown accustomed to parting and despair.

I have lost touch with time.

I struggle in the samsara only in hope of achieving…

My mission."

The echo of those words reached Akaro deep within himself as he came to a stop. The Envoy took a second before following to call of the lifeblood and the very core of his instincts to take a meditative stance. Like the Great Buddha recorded in Human History, Akaro closed his eyes to take in the wisdom of the crimson abyss. In his mind's eye he saw the struggles of others. A golden dot of unparalleled luminescence appeared in the center of his forehead just above the eyes. The waters of the lifeblood flowed into him like thin streams of knowledge which merged with him and gave rise to a stage of consciousness far removed from the form defined, logic-driven level of conventional human analysis.

The tales of the Cardinal Four before Reina, their unending and vicious struggles against the former ruler of Purgatory. Ashura's life from the day of her birth to the present, her love for her sisters, even Kohryu's history contained every sensation he had ever experienced throughout his lifetime. The lifeblood was like a force that wholly permeates all of existence -- a force of higher consciousness and the proof of every existence, the ultimate proof that sentience simply is. This was the Samsara of lives where all reincarnations dwelled in a beautiful crimson requiem that forged a light that gods of yore could never know.

In that domain of infinite enlightenment, the mind of the Envoy was privy to the lost history of one whom he had seen before -- Akatsuki Tenbatsu, the Aspect of the Crimson Dragon. In his vision, the imposing female was still a young woman inhabiting a utopic, verdant garden full of life. "Eva", a man called out to her. She would come to his embrace. The name 'Adamah' was used to refer to him. This vision then shifted to that of a serpent whispering in the ears of the woman.

"Eat from the fruit...there is much more to this world than what that demiurge has shown you both. Awaken...Eva."

Akaro then saw a mother, an older Eva, observing one of her sons who had a keen resemblance to the Envoy himself; however, he had noticeably sharper fang-like teeth and a more robust build. This individual was violently smashing in the head of his brother into raw meat.

"From that day forward, the flower known as Eva died...I reincarnated myself into one who could reach through nirvana and understand what lies beyond the mortal self…"

"Akatsuki Tenbatsu…" Akaro spoke her name. Almost like it was fated, there she was meditating in front of him as soon as he opened his eyes. The luminance of the dot on his forehead transferred to his two eyes in the form of a golden hue.

"You are the mother of humanity...and yet your children caused you nothing but suffering."

"Akaro, what is life if not suffering?" she smiled softly.

"Suffering is the primal truth of this samsara which the Monad put us upon. It is the path to the origin of change, the impetus behind creation. It is the Edge of Atman's eminence!" Akatsuki proclaimed. Her words echoed in the greatness of the lifeblood causing it to emit a brighter crimson luster.

"But I...am not the king that the Ryu-jin want me to be. Even when I tried my best, it still wasn't enough for someone like Sakinah...let alone what is to come."

"Where the children of Eva failed, the child of the new dawn will succeed. I know the great king you can become...but I know you'll exceed even those expectations."

"Wait...what did you say…"

Once more the luminance of the great lifeblood enveloped the Envoy's sight thus returning him to the lonely sight of the endless crimson ocean. The Aspect of the Crimson Dragon was no longer present, but Akaro knew what he had to do. As he stood, the Red-Eyed Envoy utilized the golden eyes clad in truth to open the way towards it. The voices of all his selves, all that he was within the lifeblood echoed within himself and across the infinite space of the ruby red abyss.

"I will uphold your legacy…"

"I will protect the weak…"

"I will teach them the path of true strength…"

"I will lead them to victory…"

"I will show them...human potential."

The golden eyes of the legendary hero bloomed in enlightenment. The meaning of his existence was made clear in that perfect vision of truth.

"You always know the way…my love," a young, feminine voice full of energy reached him. From the ocean emerged a voluptuous entity. This woman sported a traditional kimono accented in deep crimson and black adorned by several illustrations of ornate flowers, specifically the lotus. Moreover, she wore long stygian stockings underneath. Her facial expression radiated pure bliss as her long hair styled in a hime cut, would seem to access the deep radiating crimson of her optics.


"Samantabhadra...I am she who guards and embodies this great lifeblood," she answered as if already aware of his question.

"All is one within the lifeblood of Brahman. Time flows across the world and there is always a long way tracing back to our roots. Yet we are all within the ocean for we art the world and the world art us," she mused elegantly only to then envelop her arms around the Envoy.

"You always know which path is right and which is wrong. Now find your way back home, my king. Grasp the Universe that cannot be restricted by forms…" the great Samantabhadra whispered in his ears only to then lock her sultry lips against his. The two would ignite in a flame of lapis radiance that then turns crimson. Akaro felt the inner depths of the lifeblood and the infinite wisdom dwelling within the Samantabhadra being imprinted onto his mortal self. The visage of the girl faded away leaving in its place a bright item devoid of true form other than the vague resemblance of a tarot card.

Akaro grasped the item within his hand -- its luster enveloped his body in a fragment of pure light. The past that was, the present that is, the futures that can be...all were as one in that moment. Akaro traversed the red ocean as drops of water began to rain upon the lifeblood thus creating more ripples in its surface. The edge of Atman...even in this incomplete state of enlightenment, he could still sense the oneness yet equal infinitude in the vast abyss, in the Supreme Akasha.

"Though the skies are dark with rolling storms, I shall set the heavens ablaze with my blade for I've vowed, on my life, to bring you home. I will end this wretched story the way we've always wanted."

Alas, the hero hath returned home.

When stepping out of the waters of crimson, Akaro's eyes began to shine again with the golden hue that at first started from an illustrious dot on the center of his forehead. The hero's vision appeared to see through the veil of reality, a golden outline surrounding any life forms could be discerned by him. No sounds escaped him anymore and no shadow evaded his sight. Moreover, the eyes of the Crimson Dragon seemed to be able to "see" the essence and color of words; thus revealing the underlying truths and falsehoods of any he interacted with.

"Mystic Eyes of Truth it is then.." he reckoned. The full capabilities of his sight eluded him. Upon his return, Akaro was welcomed by one of the female Ryu-jin guards.

"My Lord, you have been within the confines of the lifeblood for a few weeks on your side of the world. Half a year has passed in Cocytus since your departure. Your return would put Lady Gozen at ease. I implore you to seek her out immediately," she reported.

"No worries. Thanks for letting me know."

Akaro silently set off on his own without even asking for direction or an escort. Focusing on Ashura's presence within the palace, the male eventually finds her personal bodyguard looming outside of the throne room.

"My Lord, Lady Gozen is down in the Armory. She felt your presence a short while ago and ordered us to escort you there as soon as possible," one of the guards said. Relinquishing only a curt nod, the Envoy was taken to the place where the woman was waiting.

Inside a massive vault filled with weapons forged from different time periods of the Ryu-jin's existence along with other ancient relics, Ashura Gozen waited for her love interest as she stood next to a certain pedestal. Now reunited, the guards departed thus leaving the two alone inside the storied treasury.

"Good to see you've returned to me, my love. Did you find the answers you sought?" Shugo inquired casually.

"Indeed, more than what I was anticipating actually. I owe you a great deal of gratitude."

"Think nothing of it, the time was going to eventually come anyway. I can sense the awakening within you...I figured something was going to happen to that end. Hence why I wanted you to come down here for this," she pointed in reference to the item of the pedestal.

"If the prophecy is truly correct and you are the one we are seeking, then this trial will prove it. This is a relic known as the Hallowed Gear Dragon God, a piece of armor that will prove if someone is worthy of becoming the king of the Ryu-jin. Reach out for it and invoke your will."

The item was a black and golden, spiked gauntlet and shoulder guard that was enveloped by a golden aura spewing out pressure capable of eradicating someone's conceptual existence. Akaro tried to get close but was instantly repelled backwards. On the second try, the strength of his new Mystic Eyes bent the pressure around the golden aura; however, the doubt in his heart started pushing him back. Just as he felt the desire to give up, the fiery aura of the Crimson Dragon swelled up inside of him as Akatsuki's words blared in subconsciousness.

"The impetus behind creation...unbound by forms...that is the Edge of Atman's eminence!" Akaro proclaimed in tandem with her words whilst traversing the great boundary.

"We art the world and the world art us…" he focused and fortified his mind with teachings imparted upon him whilst walking up the stream of energy. The tantalizing glow and pressure arced around the hero with each step he took; his eyes of truth influencing the unlimited wheel of luster. In a brilliant display of gleaming light, Akaro seized the artifact as it bound itself to his right arm and rightfully earned the mantle of the Ryu-jin King candidate as a result.

"By the lifeblood...he did it," Ashura Gozen gasped in utter shock.

"But I can smell the lingering doubts in his heart that clouds his conviction and future role as king...something isn't right...nevertheless, he managed to do this much."

Escaping from her own train of thought, she walked over to the man and opened her arms to hug him from behind.

"Congratulations my love, you are one step closer to reaching your destiny. My people will celebrate this tonight."

"Yeah...I bet they will, but first things first...I did have a promise to keep, right?" Akaro said as he turned around and grabbed Shugo's wrists.

"Oh? How brazen of you to grab me like this," she mused.

"If I'm going to be king, is it not right for me to take my queen?" he returned before using his weight to push her back against the nearest wall raising her arms above her head and leaning against her body.

"I suppose keeping you waiting until tonight is out of the question...very well, why don't you show me what you can do? I have quite the voracious appetite~" she said.

As the two began to kiss, Akaro reached up and tore away her armor to expose her bountiful breasts all the way down to her precious spot which was already wet with anticipation. He used the same hand to undo his pants just at the crotch in order to pull out his hidden blade which was hardened by anticipation.

"Time to formally make you mine…" he declared.