
Kill the Executioners, Part 2: The Breakout

Year: 1024

Darkness blanketed the skies above the massive concrete structure built into the side of a mountain that represented the base belonging to Night Raid.  Stars twinkled in the darkness above as well as the white, luminescent glow of the moon. It was quiet, eerily quiet and still.  A slight noise or sharp movement in the trees would alert any of the wildlife that wandered by. It was like time itself had stopped itself.

    Within the walls of the stronghold in a particularly large room were 5 females.  They were all gathered around sitting at a regular table. Najenda had been sitting at the head of the table with a dark and brooding expression on her face. Her singular amethyst iris communicated the stirring of one in deep thought.  To her left were Akame and Leone and on her right sat Mein and Chelsea.  On the opposite side of the room was a small fireplace with a small fire burning within. Above the mantle was the flag of Night Raid.  The walls in the room were occupied by bookshelves filled with various volumes that covered a wide range of topics.

    Save for the crackling of the burning embers within the fireplace and the calm yet tensed breathing of the women, there wasn't any other noise contained in the room or the whole building for that matter. Why? The news that a contact had delivered them just a mere hour or so ago was too shocking to warrant much of a boisterous reaction.

    The Capital would be hosting a major "spectacle" in less than two days.  The main feature of the event was the public execution of the members of Night Raid.  Hearing those words from the spy sent a feeling of needles stabbing Najenda along her spine. She decided to let Lubbock and Tatsumi infiltrate the stronghold of the city to attempt to find out any intelligence on Raizo's whereabouts and if there was a way of rescuing him. Instead, they were caught off guard, ambushed, and now captured too.  To make matters worse, the execution was to be carried out by Esdeath herself alongside Budou—the two strongest generals of the Imperial Army.  Najenda did not want to sit idly by and have her allies be executed but the fact that those two were going to be there made things difficult already.

    The mechanical-armed female grabbed a half-lit cigarette from the ashtray sitting on the table placing it between her lips. She took a small drag of the tobacco product followed by a brief exhale. A small cloud of smoke came from her mouth as the taste of the nicotine gave her a sense of relief. Pausing to gather herself, she slowly cast her gaze on her subordinates, no, her comrades. She tapped her cigarette on the ashtray and then sat it down before leaning on the table to speak.

    "Well, we all know the situation. The odds are certainly stacked against us but we can't leave things the way they are now can we?" she began in a calm tone though this was only to arrest her own tension and slightly agitated feelings.

    "Not at all, even though the smartest option would be to…no even then it wouldn't be smart," Chelsea responded.  Though she was advised to rest as much as she needed to, she insisted on participating in any strategy meetings, including this one.

    "You might as well say it since you decided to open your big mouth first," spoke a condescending Mein whose obvious attitude was only meant to cover up her genuine concern over the situation.

    "Since you insisted so nicely then, I shall. Given the situation presented before us, the popular and smarter option would be to let them be executed as is and try to move on; however, that's three members we cannot afford to lose.

    The first reason is that they are all teigu users. Teigu users are rare among the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army and are in very short supply.  This means we would be risking the loss of a lot of talent. Cross Tail and Incursio are valuable arms and not many could probably wield them with the proficiency that Lubbock and Tatsumi can.  In addition, Raizo's teigu is an extract type which means he is the best person suited for matching against Esdeath who is also an extract type. 

    The second reason is that it would make Night Raid look weak.  Yes, this lifestyle involves a lot of death but we are supposed to be the elite force of the rebellion. We are leading the charge so losing additional members would not help the cause at all.

The third reason is they are our friends and such people are damn near impossible to come by in these times. The bonds we share are irreplaceable. You all have shown me that," Chelsea explained. The other females in the room nodded strongly in agreement.

"No one gets left behind. Our precious comrades are not typical individuals that can be used as tools and tossed aside," Akame added while a fierce determination burned in her red irises. The normally emotionless girl never really showed such a face unless she was determined to get behind the idea of something that appealed to her greatly.

"Yeah," added a fired-up Leone as he pounded her right fist into the palm of her left hand, "Besides, I can't let the Empire kill my new boyfriend. I'll  give Yuki a good ass-whoopin' for betraying my man."

"Oh? Sounds like someone cares more for rescuing their new boy toy rather than breaking our friends out of prison," teased Mein as she crossed her arms giving the blond a skeptical eye.

"That's some choice talk you're throwing at me when you've been eyeing him up from the sidelines all this time," Leone taunted back winking at her with a devious smirk. Mein's face immediately flushed.

"What?! No… I was just being nicer to him since I had been giving him such a hard time! T-that doesn't mean I…l-like him or anything! Gosh Leone, why do you have to be such an idiot?!" exclaimed the twin-tailed female with a flustered tone; however, the trio of Najenda, Akame, and Leone knew that Mein had kindled something of an interest in the boy that was swept aside after Leone made the first move. Meanwhile Chelsea could not say anything about such a development, only a lonely-looking expression could be seen on her face for a brief moment before dispersing it completely.

"It is nice to hear such loving feelings from you two girls about our missing compatriots, let's not get too distracted from the task at hand," Najenda said trying to bring back order into the room.

"So how are we going to proceed?" asked Akame fully focused.

"We are talking about going straight into the heart of the city plus fighting the two strongest opponents that the Empire has to offer," Mein analyzed in a dismal tone. The execution grounds for this particular event were to be set in a large arena. Ironically, this stage was the same place where Esdeath held her martial arts tournament and where she took Tatsumi the first time. To execute him there was almost poetic in some sick, twisted fashion.

"That is true but they are also the Revolutionary Army's top two targets. If we can at least eliminate one of them, we'll be able to achieve a major victory for the oncoming revolution.  Besides, we already have the strongest weapon perfect for the scenario," Najenda smirked as she turned her gaze toward Mein. Following her words, the other girls immediately followed the same behavior. 

"Me? But how?" Mein asked in a high-pitched and bewildered voice.

"Pumpkin, that's how," replied Najenda, "Pumpkin responds with more power if the user is in a pinch right? Well, imagine how much power you'll be able to conjure up if you were to take on the strongest beings in the Empire by yourself? In addition, imagine if all of the Jaegers are there as well. It's hard to imagine you losing at that point no?"

"That's true, Pumpkin would generate all the power Mein could ever hope for but wouldn't that be a great strain on her body?" Leone questioned as she pondered on the scenario.

"She wouldn't be alone for too long. This is what we shall do; Mein will go in first and hold off the enemy for at least 3 minutes. Akame, you'll go for Incursio which should be kept in the vault just under the grounds since technically the arena is built on top of the dungeons. Leone and I will bust in to back up Mein until you return and then we shall break out as a team. Chelsea, you'll be on the Manta the entire time to make sure we have a route of escape if you're up for it. But remember, our priorities are the rescue of our comrades first and the elimination of one of those two generals second. If it appears to be an unwinnable situation, we will retreat," Najenda explained.

"Are you sure you want to take to the frontlines in your condition, Boss? I mean, you did use Susanoo's trump card three times, right? It's a miracle you're still alive," Leone said.

"True, I don't know how much time left I have on this world and with you all but I'll be damned if I die before I live to see all my comrades together again.  Listen though, if the worst should happen to me…" 

Silence fell in the room once more as all eyes were directed toward her. She already knew what her next words were going to be but she only hoped that they were prepared for it.

"If the effects of using Susanoo's trump card catch up with me, I've already named who I want to be my successor as the leader of Night Raid," Najenda spoke sighing slightly in disappointment as she knew she would have to face facts at this point. Though she felt fine for the most part, she had lingering fatigue after Susanoo's passing. It was like she hardly had any energy left to keep her going and that all she wanted to do was sleep. The effects were apparent but no one knew what she felt like behind closed doors.  Realizing that she hadn't given the name, the woman took a moment to clear her throat before continuing her talk.

"Initially, I was going to declare Akame my successor. She has handled being in charge before and she's a long-time member of the team. In addition, she knows everyone inside and out; however, I didn't choose her to lead because she's an important field asset to the rebellion. The fact that she's a frontline fighter makes it difficult for her to be in my position. Leone, I would choose you but you blow off most of your responsibilities. Mein, your strong personality would scare more recruits than getting them to join us," she explained as she ran through the line-up. She tried to criticize the latter in a gentle tone so they wouldn't get upset but it seemed like the respective ladies understood what she meant. 

Leone smirked at her critique knowing it was true but she also didn't want to lead because it was easier for her to fight than to want to send her friends to a fight that could knowingly become their last. It was a similar case to Mein. Mein had a tough personality and was hard on people because she didn't want them to make stupid mistakes. In this life, the simplest screw-up could jeopardize an entire mission then someone winds up dead. She'd rather have people try to push themselves as hard as they can so they fall in line quickly or have them leave but this approach wasn't always good for everyone.  Reading their expressions, Najenda cast her one eye toward Chelsea and spoke once more.

"Therefore, if I come to my time and meet my fate, I want you all to follow Chelsea and heed her words as my own."

An awkward tension rose within the confines of the meeting room.  All eyes lay upon the red-headed female.  Feeling their gazes, the person in question merely gulped to swallow down the pressure she suddenly felt on her lungs before parting her rosy lips to speak.

"I'm not going to accept the position if the time comes. All I can say is that I will do my best to lead you all whenever the time arises and that I hope you all will support me," she stated though in a rather choked-up tone. It was like Najenda was on her deathbed saying this despite sitting before the ladies as well as anyone could see. In the back of Chelsea's mind, she prayed that Najenda would not leave this world anytime soon. Though she did possess the experience and capabilities of leading Night Raid, she believed that she wasn't ready for such a position.  A warm feeling was then patted against the back of the female.

"Hey, we're a family. We got your back. Even though you and I haven't seen eye to eye since day one, I'm not entirely opposed to the Boss' decision," expressed Mein in a sincere tone. This was quite a shock indeed because she absolutely hated the girl but only dealt with her since she was a fellow teammate. Such tender moments were rather rare when it came to Mein.

"That means a lot coming from you Mein. And here I was about to give you hard labor as my first order of business whenever I take charge too," Chelsea teased smiling. Mein's brow creased in irritation.

"Forget I said anything; die in a burning pit of fire bitch…"

The room filled with laughter as the pair acted among themselves like always. It seemed like that peace wasn't going to last for long but regardless, the pair trusted each other when it counted and that was all that mattered. Najenda cleared her throat once more to call order to the room.

"So we're all clear on what the plan is?" she asked to affirm everyone's understanding of the plan that she had proposed. Nods of confirmation were viewed by the female around the room.

"Good, we'll be moving out tomorrow as soon as possible since it will take about a day to get to the Capital from our current location. Be ready, we're bringing our boys home."

"Right!" the girls said with a fire burning passionately in their hearts all in one accord to bring their family home.

Around the same time of night in the depths of the Imperial Prison at the Capital were special chambers designed for torture and interrogation.  In one such room was Lubbock who was currently bound and stretched out in a Y-shape stripped bare of torso wear only left in trousers. Upon his pale white flesh glistened streams of sweat along with faint dabs of dark crimson liquid—it was the color of dried blood.  Across his frame were various cuts and bruises from where his tormenters used sharp and blunt objects to strike him in order to find out information about Night Raid.  

The room was lit with only candles lined on the sides of the room panting the chamber with a dark ambiance whose sole purpose was to create a feeling of despair.  Lubbock had been tortured off and on all day. To his right side was a table decorated with the objects that were used to batter his body coated with his blood sitting in a small pool of water to keep them clean.  He would be tormented for about 3 to 4 hours at a time then given a half-hour to an hour break before being tortured and questioned again.  Every time was the same tune: "Tell us everything you know about the rebel army and Night Raid"; "Where is Night Raid located?"; "Tell us and you'll be set free."  However, Lubbock did not yield at all.

"Still not talking I see," spoke the voice of a familiar man that had recently walked into the room.  He was the son of the Prime Minister, known as Syura. The dark-skinned male was only left with Lubbock to torture and play with since Tatsumi was protected by Esdeath and the one known as Raizo was under the jurisdiction of Aquilo. He had thought about ignoring them and just doing what he wanted to but, he knew that this would only create more friction between him and his father.

Grabbing a small dagger that was recently cleaned by the men in the room, he stepped before the weakened male aiming the blade at his neck before leaning it against his skin. Applying some force, the blade gradually split the skin of the poor male as he dragged it across carefully and painfully cutting him open. Syura held a sickened yet pleasured grin on his face as he did so.

"Come on you fucking weakling, tell me everything you know. You know you don't want to suffer and die a useless death. Just be of use for once in your miserable, pathetic life you piece of shit," he degraded Lubbock licking his lips as he was enjoying the sight of the youth writhing in pain. Blood seeped from the cut flowing down the body carefully dripping onto the floor. Lubbock could barely clench his bound hands into fists. His fingertips were already black and blue from being broken as well as from having his fingernails popped off one by one.

"Fuck you asshole," Lubbock uttered spitting a glob of blood and saliva on the cheek of the man before him. He cracked a smile before being swiftly back-handed by the angered man. Taking a cloth and wiping his face, Syura tossed the knife to the side and grabbed a pair of scissors yet they were not bladed. Instead, the ends that should be blades were some kind of item that could grasp a rounded object like an egg.

"You son of a bitch! You're gonna fucking regret that. I swear you will!" he grinned. He then took the tool and leaned toward the male aiming it straight for Lubbock's genitals. Finding his target, Syura clamped the youth's testicle with it then squeezed slowly to add pressure causing Lubbock to groan loudly. And then…Syura forcefully clamped it down crushing one side of the area. Words could not begin to describe the screaming that ensued.

"Well, what do ya know? The bastard had balls after all! Hahahahahahaha!" Syura laughed maniacally before tossing the tool to the side and turning to walk away. Lubbock had cried out so loud that he ran out of breath and fainted from the lack of oxygen flowing into his lungs

"I'll be back later after some sleep; this just made my damn night!"

With that, the insane individual walked out closing the door behind him satisfied with his handiwork while the broken body of the man was left hanging in agony; however, a small smirk could be seen still on his face.

The day of the execution had arrived.  Given the promotion as well as how fast news traveled across the city, thousands upon thousands of spectators came to witness this event. Many people didn't go for the sake of seeing the execution for enjoyment, no; most were attending out of pure curiosity. In addition, the wanted posters for various members of Night Raid had been plastered everywhere for the longest of times so civilians wanted to see what kind of people the assassins were up close and personal.

There were no fees for attendance or anything like that, people were ushered in and were allowed to sit anywhere until the stands were full.  The chatter of the spectators buzzed throughout the atmosphere in anticipation of what was going to happen.  Especially since the Emperor, as well as the Prime Minister, was in attendance seated in the booth overlooking the stage set in the middle of the massive arena. Amid the stage was a post that held one man bound in ropes awaiting to meet his fate. His face was familiar to the crowd.

"Hey, isn't that the kid who participated in that tournament back then?"

"Holy hell, he's a member of Night Raid?"

"He's just a kid though."

"You really can't judge a book by its cover."

"But, if he's one of those guys, how can they be terrorizing the Capital?"

As the ramblings had ensued, two figures were approaching the stage. One was a man of imposing stature clad in some sort of armor while the other had long, flowing blue hair and a simple uniform—Generals Esdeath and Budou.  Off to the far right of the arena in the shadows were Aquilo, Yuki, Ran, and Wave; Kurome was still in recovery from her injuries and was currently going through physical therapy so she could get back into the field.

"I can't believe Tatsumi was a member of Night Raid the whole time," spoke Wave clenching his fists tightly. He never would have suspected Tatsumi to be one of the murderous assassins given the time they spent together.

"Not everything is as it seems. It is quite tragic given the Captain's feelings for the boy but what's done is done," followed Ran in response.

"Something told me that he wasn't right from the beginning but oh well, he's meeting his fate now," Aquilo put bluntly.

"If only I could have gotten this information sooner, you all would have known but as Aquilo said, he is meeting his face now," Yuki surmised. Ran and Wave turned their gazes to the female still unsure of her presence given that they just met early this morning in the meeting before execution.

"Just remember what Esdeath said in the meeting earlier," Aquilo reminded everyone. The trio nodded in confirmation. They were tasked with keeping an eye out for Night Raid because Esdeath knew that the group would not go quietly as their members were executed publicly. Such a display would make any dissenters lose faith in the Revolutionary Army so in a way; the execution was a propaganda stunt.  If they show, Ran and Wave would be responsible for clearing out the people as quickly as possible while Aquilo and Yuki were to cut off access to the tunnel leading to the prison. Affirmed with their respective roles, they turned their attention back to the stage.

    Esdeath had her usual prideful and sadistic smirk on her face as she locked her pale, blue hues with the emerald irises belonging to Tatsumi. Budou, who had been walking alongside her, had kept his usual calm demeanor about him focusing on the task at hand. Tatsumi did not waver in his steel-like gaze upon the two officers approaching him. Not a single hint of fear took over his body like he was prepared to face his death.  Taking up positions on the left and right side of him, Esdeath withdrew her rapier from its sheath aiming the tip of the blade at the boy's throat.

    "Tatsumi, you are charged with high treason as well as espionage and other traitorous acts in the hopes of inciting rebellion and threatening the sanctity of the Empire. The punishment for these crimes is death, do you have any last words?" asked the ice-wielding general without any sense of remorse in her tone staring at the man whom she 'loved'.

    "My only regret is that I don't get to see the rest of this corrupt Empire fall," he stated in a fiery tone. Esdeath's sick smirk only spread wider upon her face not expecting anything less from the man she loved.

    "Staying firm in your beliefs to the very end I see; this is exactly why I chose you Tatsumi but alas, it is time to die," she sighed. In that very next instant, she pulled her blade away from the boy's throat preparing to strike. Budou stood by as backup in case somehow Tatsumi broke free but suddenly…


    The entire arena shook as a massive gaping hole appeared in the side of the arena by the sands where the people sat. Rubble from the impact crumbled to the ground and a small dust cloud formed as a result. Coming from the opening was a single person with hair bound in twin ponytails. She carried a large rifle in her hands that was smoking at the barrel. Tatsumi's face lit up in surprise at the realization of who it was.

    "Mein!" he called out happily. The female smirked as she walked toward the stage aiming the gun at the generals.

    "Jeez Tatsumi, you look pathetic all bound to that pole like that. Come on you idiot, it's time to go home," she said in her usual chastising tone. Esdeath and Budou took up positions to cut her off while the screams of the crowd could be heard in fear of what was going to happen. Realizing that this was the moment, Wave and Ran took off to assist the people in clearing out leaving Aquilo and Yuki to take up their positions. Something was off though, why would Night Raid only have one member attack? It was then that Aquilo spoke to his female companion.

    "Go down and make sure Syura still has the one called Lubbock and Raizo is secure in his cell," he ordered. Not even trying to retort, Yuki took off for the sublevels to do as she was commanded. Meanwhile back on the stage, the confrontation had begun.

    "Pretty gutsy move to attack this place all by yourself," Esdeath complimented aiming her blade toward Mein's direction.  The female marksman took note of the booth that overlooked the arena and crouched low to aim. She made it appear that she was aiming at the generals before her but the real target was the two important people above.

    "Yeah well, someone needs to take you out eventually. Especially you, psycho bitch," she insulted pulling the trigger.  Another beam of terror erupted from the mouth of the cannon rushing toward the pair of fighters though it seemed to realign and hurdle straight to the booth.  Onest saw this and grabbed the young ruler narrowly escaping an early demise and taking off to somewhere safe. Seeing this with her superior eyesight, Mein gritted her teeth.

    "Damn, I missed…"

    Esdeath and Budou turned and looked up in the direction the beam headed, seeing a massive hole in the VIP chamber before turning back toward Mein. Little did they know, she also incinerated a bit of Tatsumi's bindings allowing him to carefully take advantage and begin to worm his way free.

    "Impressive shot but as you said, you missed. Now then, time for you to die! You should have thought twice about attacking the Capital on your own!" Esdeath shouted losing herself in the moment as she was at last presented with entertainment.  Mein could only grin mocking the general for her folly.

    "Who said I was alone?"

    A gust of wind blew over the coliseum as a massive flying manta occupied the sky.  Two figures jumped off the flying beast while two other figures stayed atop it.  A large impact hit the stage as the silhouettes of Akame and Leone came into view.  The beast lowered itself toward the ground, Najenda stood atop the head of the beast puffing on a cigarette.

    "It's been a while hasn't it Esdeath?" she asked in a casual tone glaring at her former colleague eye to eye.  Using the distraction as an opportunity, Akame swiftly took off toward an opening that led beneath the arena. It had been unguarded thanks to Wave and Ran's dispersal.  Aquilo had made his way toward the battlefield when the reinforcements showed up therefore Akame's progress had been left unimpeded. Esdeath's smile had faded for only an instant when her eyes lay upon the figure of the eye-patch woman.

    "Yes, it has Najenda, way too long indeed. So all of Night Raid has come together to perish as a single group? Good, but disappointing. I was hoping to extend my fun with all of you a little longer," Esdeath spat out. Najenda could only shake her head at how insane her former ally has become. It was a tragedy really but it was to be expected of a person of her caliber. Budou sighed heavily in annoyance.

    "Regardless of your personal feelings Esdeath, this is a good opportunity to put down the most dangerous members of this pathetic rebellion right now," he criticized crouching in a battle stance and focusing his stare on the challenge before him.

    "Looks like it's time to get things started," smirked Leone, "Mein, you can take care of Esdeath while I handle the big guy right?" she asked pounding her lion-like fist into her hand readying herself for the fight to come.

    "Of course I can, I'm a genius sniper you silly fur-ball!"    Exclaimed Mein aiming with her rifle at Esdeath once more. Suddenly, a third presence casually walked on stage. Long, silver hair blew in the wind while he carried a golden spear over his shoulder free from the cloak that covered it.

    "Hope you don't mind if I join this little fray as a support, Generals," spoke the man glaring at Night Raid.

    "I suppose you could watch and cut off their escape while I'm hacking away their limbs Aquilo but do try to let me have my fun okay? That's an order," Esdeath addressed him as the youthful officer returned a curt nod.

    "So you're the bastard that captured Raizo eh? I've been waiting to give you a special kind of beating you'll never forget," Leone growled casting a hateful glare toward Aquilo like she was going to rip him apart.

    "You may get that chance if you try to escape but for now I'm just going to be spec…" Aquilo began before suddenly his words were cut off by Leone's fist hooking him clean in the jaw from the right side sending him flying toward the opposite side of the arena and straight into the wall back first. The resulting impact split the concrete into a spider web of cracks, and the young officer's body spread out like he was being crucified. So much force was put into that one attack that it would be a miracle if he was alive and it appeared that way as his body was not moving at all.

    "Now then," Leone started cracking her knuckles, "Whose next?"

    During the time that the massive commotion had been going on in the coliseum, Syura had been down in the depths of the prison.  It was back in the room where Lubbock was being pressed for information that he had entered resuming the torture that he performed some hours ago.  Lubbock's body had been severely bruised, cut up, and beaten and his spirit was basically crushed especially with his lower area damaged thanks to the psychotic individual. The son of the minister sighed leaning over to gaze at the male.

    "Man you're one sad sack of shit right now. You know all of this could end if you just go ahead and tell me what I want to know. Give me everything you know about Night Raid; their trump cards for their teigu, their location, anything that will bring them to their knees!" he demanded raising his voice in frustration. It was then that Lubbock slowly began to speak.

    "Alright…Alright, you win. I'll tell you everything, just please…let me down first?" he begged, tears slowly rolling down his face as he did so. Syura nodded toward a masked individual in the room permitting him to release the prisoner from his restraints.  With a prompt cutting action, Lubbock flopped down to the floor on his knees. He took a short moment to catch his breath before talking again.

    "Incursio has a trump card allowing its user to turn invisible for a few minutes. It depends on the endurance of the person wearing it though," he began slowly, "But…that's not the only teigu that has a trump card…" he mumbled. Raising an eyebrow, Syura leaned closer to hear Lubbock speak more clearly.  The youth smirked taking four fingers and shoving them in his mouth gagging as he did so. He then began to pull something out slowly, blood tracing the corners of his lips.

    He pulled out steel thread and tangled it around his hands leaning back and tossing it at Syura tying it around his throat. A look of exasperated surprise was caught upon the man's face. Lubbock winked as he gazed at his opponent.

    "You think I'd be that damn weak to sell out my comrades? Such a mistake has cost you your life," he boasted pulling on the strings tighter and tighter until Syura's choking ceased. Thoughts of how he wanted to take the crown and show his father passed through his mind before the light faded away resulting in Syura dying a horrible death. 

    Lubbock stood and turned taking out the other man in the room with his thread. After taking another deep breath, he clenched his fist in determination and opened the door making his way out of the torture chamber and heading toward the exit.

    "Now then, I wonder if Raizo is down here too," he silently pondered walking away from the torture chambers up the long hallway. He kept himself on guard even though for some odd reason, there didn't appear to be a single person down here. Lubbock's eyebrow rose from the peculiar situation. There's no way that the guards would all be gone leaving prisoners unguarded right? That's just absurd to think. Maybe they knew he broke out and were rallying for a counter-offensive? No, that makes no sense that they would go through such an elaborate effort. That's even more preposterous on their part. This doesn't feel right by any means.

    As he continued to walk, Lubbock came upon a room that was labeled "Armory". It was located between the entrance to the interrogation portion of the prison and the actual cells where prisoners were held. Curious that such a room was kept here instead of somewhere else. Then again, the guards are just as mental as the people who run the Empire so it makes sense. Maybe the soldiers wanted to pick up a few toys before their little interrogation sessions or something. It made sense. Lubbock reached for the doorknob turning it slightly and pulled. To his surprise, the entrance was unlocked.  The youth opened the door and walked inside.

    "Holy hell, good thing I decided to check out what was going on in here," Lubbock gasped. He found his iconic green trench coat as well as his goggles. In addition, he found the fabled swords that Raizo carried but seldom used along with his black and red samurai-like haori that was a representation of his fallen clan and a bonus of Incursio. Lubbock reached up and grabbed his jacket, putting it over his scarred torso and then putting his goggles in their usual position on his head. He then grabbed the pair of swords and wrapped them in the cloth that hung on the wall and Tatsumi's key to Incursio before exiting the weaponry further continuing his advance out of the area.

    Raizo had tried moving around in his prison cell, standing up and moving around. Each time he flexed, the sound of his chains rattled and clanged around. The noise visibly irritated him down to his very core but he tried to ignore it to the best of his ability. As he flexed his muscles, he felt that the pain from that arrow as well as the resulting side effects had completely faded away. Yuki was a good shot, she had managed to hit a nerve allowing for immediate as well as an extended effect of her ability on him but now it was gone.

    "Alright, time to see if I can get out of here since it's surprisingly quiet," he said. Raizo took his right index finger and aimed it at the keyhole on the left hand focusing for a small moment. A small bolt of electricity shot forth from the digit inside the lock causing the shackle to come undone. He repeated this for the other locks as well releasing him from bondage. Rubbing his wrists as well as his ankles, he let out a sigh of relief. His ruby hues glared with a flare of confidence now realizing he can make his escape. The moment he walked to his cell door, he heard the footsteps of someone approaching. He backed off and sat back on the bed waiting to see who it was when he spotted a green tint of hair coming into view.

    "Lubbock, is that you?" he asked in a shocked tone. The person stopped at his cell, grabbed the bars, and peered inside.

    "Raizo, holy shit it is you!" the man shouted in joy immediately getting to work on the lock by forming a steel wire key of sorts to fiddle around and pick the lock. In a matter of seconds, the door popped open allowing him to open it.

    "Glad to see you're okay man, here, I got this for you," he said tossing the shirt and wrapped swords to his comrade. Raizo stood up, catching and then unraveling the bundle. He would cloak his torso in the cloth and then tie his beloved blades at his waist.

    "Well then, looks like getting out of here will be a lot easier if there are the two of us now eh?" The former blood wolf spoke with a smirk of joy glad to see one of his friends again.

    "Yeah, it seems like the security is gone which has me both relaxed and nervous at the same time," Lubbock spoke cautiously. He looked down at the way he came from and the way ahead. It seemed like there wasn't anyone around even now so they could make their escape without delay. 

    "Come on, let's get out of here," he motioned signaling Raizo to follow him taking the lead and heading further up the hallway. Raizo nodded in agreement and followed him.  Raizo saw a blade on Lubbock's back which made him ask.

    "Hey Lubbock, since when did you become a swordsman?"

    "Oh, this? Don't be ridiculous man; this is the key to Incursio. The Empire must have taken Tatsumi elsewhere so we're gonna bust him out and give it back to him. Then escape the Capital as a team assuming the rest of Night Raid hasn't come for us already," he explained.

    "The rest of Night Raid? You mean, you all were planning to bust me out?" Raizo asked bewildered as to why they would do such a thing for him.

    "No one gets left behind bro. You may not think this way but you're our family. Even if we're assassins sacrificing our lives for a greater cause, you don't leave family behind."

    "Is that…so?" Raizo commented before his awareness drifted off thinking of how he acted towards them. He never really thought much of this so-called cause that Night Raid was fighting for or the rebellion itself. All he cared about was revenge for the loss of his own family. Though he still had a score to settle with Aquilo and Yuki, maybe it was time that he moved forward with his life reconsidering the blessing of having new people in his life such as those from Night Raid.  He took a moment to smile speaking an inaudible word of gratitude for them.  This light-hearted thinking was immediately cut short as a choking noise was heard before him when Lubbock stopped before him after coming to an intersection.

    "Guhh…" Lubbock uttered before collapsing, his blood gushing everywhere.

    "Lubbock!" Raizo shouted rushing up to his companion and catching him in his arms. He examined his friend seeing that an arrow was lodged in his neck. It was a fatal blow.  This arrow could only belong to one person. Raizo adjusted his gaze staring up the stairs on his left side to see the silhouette of a woman standing there holding a bow before taking off.

    "Yuki!!!!" he roared in anger but just when he was about to rush after her, he fixed his stare upon Lubbock unable to do anything while the man was dying. Anger was replaced by sorrow upon the sight of watching him bleed and suffer. Though he was in pure agony the green-haired individual reached up and grabbed Raizo's shoulder before staring into his eyes.

    "L….Live…on…" he stuttered saying his last words and nodding at the man holding him to affirm his convictions. His thoughts then swam back reflecting upon the one he had always cared for, the one he almost had an obsessive love over.

"Najenda, I wish it was your arms holding me in my final moments. My only regret is that I never got a chance to tell you how I truly felt. I'm sorry but it looks like I'll be moving on now. I'll be waiting for you alongside Bulat, Sheele, and Susanoo."

Lubbock coughed a few more times before the light faded from his eyes.

    Raizo slowly grabbed the key to Incursio gently taking it off his comrade's body and strapping it on his own back. He would then pick up the corpse itself trying his best to avoid having tears roll down his face, the anguish in his heart trying to take over him. It was like 5 years ago all over again when Assana had died in his arms--the pain of losing someone close to you never being one that could be taken lightly.  That pain receded and became a burning fire of rage in his heart; something he could make use of in the coming battle.

    He would carry Lubbock's body with him up the stairs and out into a large clearing. His crimson hues peered around the area looking for Yuki, but she wasn't anywhere to be found. Gritting his teeth, Raizo's dark red eyes seemingly began to glow a pale white color.

    "Yuki, I swear…..I swear I WILL KILL YOU TRAITOR!" he shouted. It was amid his furious cry that another presence had joined him. Turning to look, it was the familiar face of Akame who could only stare blankly upon seeing the male carry the lifeless body of a longtime friend.

    "It…no…it can't be," she said rushing up to Raizo's side. Though she was in a combat mode, the glint of sadness had reflected in those red hues of hers before she stared up into the seemingly radiant eyes of her other comrade. Arcing bolts of electricity swirled around Raizo's body, a signal that his teigu was going active.

    "Raizo…I know you don't want to leave Lubbock's body behind but…we have to get out of here," she advised in a calm manner.

    "He deserves a proper burial, not to be left here," he growled in anger feeling that she was right. He didn't want to face that fact but she was telling the truth. Carrying Lubbock's corpse for such a selfless yet selfish reason would only hamper progress. Her hand tapped his shoulder softly.

    "I know…which is why we should cremate him here or at least try to. See that small bale of hay there? Why don't we set the body down over there and set it on fire? Besides, the fire will burn this damn place to the ground too," she recommended. Shaking his head in agreement, Raizo did just that before backing away. Akame had adjusted her head to scan the room for a torch but Raizo simply snapped his fingers sending a bolt of lightning at the bale and promptly ignited. The flames would slowly engulf Lubbock's body.

    "Akame…no one else dies today unless it's one of them," he uttered, "I won't lose another member of my family…not while I'm alive…"

    "I understand but we need to get back quickly," she said.  With that being said, the pair of assassins took off after they said their goodbyes to the fallen hero going forth to rejoin the others that had been fighting above.

    Yuki had made it back to the coliseum area. During the time she was away, the two generals and Night Raid had begun their battle.  Esdeath was busy with Mein. Massive gaping holes along the architecture of the area, scorch marks along the ground along with trails of ice had been produced as a result of their battle. Conversely, Leone and Budou had been in a major fistfight which resulted in bruising and scratch marks on both parties. The manta in which the assassins came on had been hovering safely away from the area while Najenda had been trying to get over to Tatsumi. The young man was nearly out of the bindings but he was wound tight despite the bindings being burned by an earlier volley fired by Pumpkin.

    The female archer fixed her gaze over to where her male companion was. Aquilo had been dealt a heavy blow and was still knocked out. Seeing his apparently lifeless body, she broke her neck trying to rush there when suddenly, the clear skies grew dark and the rumbling of thunder occurred in the sky. The struggle between both parties had paused in that instant. Esdeath turned her icy glare to Budou.

    "Getting ready to use that teigu of yours at last?" she asked knowing that her fellow general's ability had to do with the lightning affinity. The stern man shook his head back and forth.

    "No, this isn't me at all."

    A flicker of something came out of the darkness flying straight at Tatsumi's bound body. It was the key to his teigu. The impact was so great that the bindings around him shattered allowing him to break free in that instant.  Not wasting time, the youth stood and grasped his teigu dashing away from the post toward the side where his comrades were. Another flash appeared in the sky followed by a bolt of electricity that struck Yuki right where she was standing paralyzing her instantly but not killing her. It was like the weather held back but in reality, it was due to the skill of someone.

    From the darkness came two individuals—Akame and Raizo.  They walked side by side gradually taking the stage beside their comrades. During this time, Aquilo slowly regained consciousness seeing the event taking place. He gasped as he saw Yuki lying there a mere 10 feet away from him. He shook off his pain and stumbled over to her to check on her.

    "I didn't kill her…not yet because she has a whole world of pain awaiting her for what she did to Lubbock; in fact, you all are going to die this day," Raizo spat in anger, electricity surging around his body. All eyes were turned to him as the words escaped his lips. Akame drew her blade from the sheath posing in a stance to fight. Mein reloaded Pumpkin, Leone stood in a battle stance as well. Tatsumi armed himself with Incursio activating the armor.

    A luminescent glow came from him different than before and when the light faded, his armor had changed. The new armor was all plated silver and he appeared more like a dragon than anything except without wings. His eyes were shining red and he had a tail on his armor. The structure of the spear changed shape as well turning from a bell shape to a large arrowhead. Esdeath and Budou stood side by side.

    "Looks like the party can officially begin now. Good to have you back Raizo," Leone smirked standing beside her man. Akame and Tatsumi took to the side where Esdeath was standing along with Mein while Raizo and Leone were facing Budou. Aquilo realized that he would have to enter the fray as well so he went to stand with his superior officers as well.

    "Hey Raizo, you don't mind if I kick your former friend's ass some more right?" asked Leone. Raizo shook his head.

    "Not at all, he's not even who I want right now. I'd rather take on the bitch who tried to kick me earlier but it appears that the old man has the same element I do. I'm curious as to who is better," the blood wolf smirked.

    "I'll provide suppressing fire on all parties. I don't want to risk overloading Pumpkin before the final stage of our little plan," Mein added.

    "Alright, then Tatsumi and I will take on Esdeath for a while," Akame affirmed. Najenda then called out from behind.

    "Before we retreat, remember that Budou is the prime target of this mission before we retreat!" she ordered. Everyone on Night Raid's side shouted in approval.

    "So I'm the target eh? That is a good idea. It's a good chance for me to go all out," Budou smiled battle ready for this moment.

    "I guess I'll play with the kitty for a bit. I do owe her for that sucker punch earlier; however, Raizo, I am still gonna try to take you out…" the Silver Fox boldly stated. Raizo sighed.

    "Assuming you can reach my level during this fight, but enough talk. Let's end this!" Thunder and lightning sounded off like cannon fire and fireworks above. Raizo drew his twin blades. The ultimate battle between the strongest of the Capital and Night Raid was going to truly begin.