
Crimson Instinct

[COMPLETED] It's a race against time. But the challenge gets even harder as there is a certain difficulty that they both have to overcome. With Bai Li facing his own inner demons, will their quest for truth spiral out of control? Will he get his honour back? Who is the enemy hiding in the shadows that Xin Lei and Bai Li would have to fight? Along this journey to find their answers, will it also spark the flames of love between them? *** Amidst the booming crack of ear-piercing gunshots, Xin Lei bumped into the ex-army officer, Major Bai Li, who recently got a dishonorable discharge. He was the only hope for her who could help her in digging the truth behind not only that syndicate chasing after her life but also to find about her father and brother who have mysteriously disappeared. Together, they set out to search for the truth, but it shapes into something much darker and sinister as they learn about the case Xin Lei's father was working on - to prove a father innocent of his little daughter's disappearance, plunging them into one of the dangerous worlds, hidden from everybody. --- Scene Excerpt --- My foot was stuck in the pit and I pushed Bai Li away from me who was trying to get me out. There was no time. The sounds of sirens were growing closer and closer. How can I let the police catch him? But my strength wasn't enough. I tugged his shirt. I begged him. 'Please go.' Bai Li grabbed my arms. "Don't push me away, Xin Lei. Soldiers never leave anyone behind. It's either we are caught together or we escape together." Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. "Whatever it is, sticking together is the only option I give you." #WSA2020. Theme - Sweets love. --- Discord - https://discord.gg/CbhNys444r Follow me on Insta - enthu_reader7 --- My other novels : 1. Because I simply love you 2. Because I cannot hurt you 3. The Mafia King's First Love **Novel cover is commissioned. Credit goes to Chainslock**

enthu_reader · Urbain
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273 Chs

A choking first meeting

*Bai Li*

'I'm not any hero.'

"Major Bai Li!"

The man standing before me roared in anger, and I heard the sound of him loudly banging his hand on the desk, and the faint noise of him gritting his teeth in irritation. I sensed deep anger from within him.

I stood my ground, undeterred.

"Do you know what crime you have committed!?" General Song Xiaosheng asked the question, which he shortly answered himself.

"You killed a civilian on duty. Do you understand the gravity of this situation?"

"General Song Xiaosheng." I said, "I have said this before, and I will say it again. I had full confidence in my shot. It was Rodey I meant to shoot, not the civilian."

"And so how did the civilian appear out of nowhere instead of Rodey? The man died with the bullet you fired and you still deny it!?"

From my right, I heard the voice of my commander, Major General Shi Jianguo. "General, that may be the case, but this needs a proper investigation. We all know about Major Bai Li's excellent marksmanship. Something had definitely gone wrong."

A man who talks sensible and practical things. Thumbs up to my commander.

"It was Rodey." I said with absolute finality. "But, somebody else was there too who pushed him out of my bullet's harm and dragged an innocent man in it."

Personally, that is a critical jab to my pride. I couldn't detect the presence of another man hiding in the shadows.

"No excuses! Not only a civilian got killed by a member of the armed forces, but we also lost the trail of the gang behind the mysterious disappearances of so many victims. It was so difficult to get hold of Rodey, but now we have nothing! I want answers! If word got out of these two blunders, then how will I answer the authorities!"

Then I sensed him coming near me as his footsteps grew closer. "We will do that during Bai Li's court-martial. Get ready, Major Bai Li. The blood of an innocent civilian is on your hands. I hope you are ready to face the consequences."

I heard him stomping his way out. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, Bai Li. I trust you. There is something fishy about this whole thing." Major General said.

I shrugged. "Well, tell that to the esteemed General who seems hell-bent in wanting to prove me guilty."

I heard a sigh. "We will conduct a detailed investigation to dig out the truth. Until then, you know what to do. Not a word about this to anyone."

Well, I couldn't exactly advertise a failed mission either, so yes, I was cool with it.

I felt a head nudging at my leg. I bent down and ruffled Cocoa's fur. "I'm fine. Are you with me?"

Cocoa responded by licking my cheek. I smiled. "Good boy."


Rodey walked into a bar and nodded to the bartender. He had a certain charm in him that attracted women. Like how a woman at the corner was sending meaningful glances at him. He glanced back at her and then went on to climb the stairway.

Rodey opened the door to a room situated at the farthest corner. He saw a fat man with a big belly with two female escorts at his side.

"Close call aye, Rodey?" He smirked.

Rodey sat on the couch and poured a whiskey for himself. "It was alright. What about the woman?"

"My men are on it. Soon, they will catch her."

"They better do. She is a loose end."

"I know."

"What about the next request?"

"We have got quite a few. Sally is working on segregating them."

"And the payments?"

"Already got them."

"Good. Don't entertain any client without the full payment. I don't want to deal with the shit like last time." He lit a cigarette.

"Don't worry. We have tightened the rules now. And it seems to work."

Rodey crushed the half remaining cigarette and walked out. He saw the same woman. He grabbed her chin and kissed her hard. The woman clutched his hair and returned the kiss with the same passion. They entered a room, and soon, clothes were crumpled on the floor with the loud moans her echoing throughout.

An hour later, Rodey stepped out and said to the bartender. "Deal with it."

The bartender sighed. He entered the room and, as usual, saw a woman lying naked on the bed, a hole in between her brows.

*Xin Lei*, ---

Two days later.

"There! That woman over there!"

'Shit! They found me!' I quickly climbed out of my bedroom window, clutched onto a pipe, and started going down. I heard those men's footsteps growing closer and closer.

The pipe ended up in a small alley. I finally jumped on the ground and ran for my life without looking back.


The loud sound of a gunshot ricketed close to my left ear, but it hit the electric pole instead. It gave a weird sensation as I felt my ear ringing with the almost-close impact.

'Thank God!'

"Don't let her get away!" I heard their orders loud and clear.

'Damn bastards!'

The adrenaline in me was in full swing. I was breathing raggedly. I don't know where I was heading, but I wanted to be out of their sight.

Soon, I saw the end of the alley opening into a street, one way going to the left and the other to the right.

I dashed towards the right. I was thinking of my next move when I bumped into a broad chest.

I panicked as I thought he might be one of the goons, but when I saw him, I felt relieved.

'Finally, some help.'

But apparently, my savior didn't think so.

He suddenly grabbed my neck and squeezed it. I coughed as I choked on my breath.

"Who are you?"

Welcome my dearest readers!

As you all know, this novel is entering in the Webnovel Spirity Award 2020 - SWEET LOVE theme.

Please encourage me with all your support! :)

My other novel: Because I simply love you.



This novel is written in both first and third person. So as to not confuse you regarding the POV, I will mention the names between asterisks whose POV it would be.

--- will denote change in scene.

Please do review^^

Happy reading!

enthu_readercreators' thoughts