
Criminal in Wild

Since his parents were murdered, he has led the life of a simple Mafia Cartel dog washer. He has been enduring all kinds of humiliation and mistreatment for 5 years by the person who killed his family. Like a weak mouse hiding a trained cat, his life is meaningless and he is only trying to survive one more day. Days before his death he was given a chance and with a ring in his hands he decided to challenge and completely change the course of his life. From dog wash to a great boss. His path was nothing but wild.

Don_Santi · Politique et sciences sociales
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4 Chs



[Beep! Giving ZERO maximum authority Beep! The maximum authority granted Beep!]

[Umh…?] A weak but harmonious voice echoed deep in Sebastian Wild's mind.

"Umh ...?" About 30 minutes had passed and Sebastian Wild who was lying unconscious on the floor slowly woke up from the recently received trauma.

"A little while ago I was hearing some damn beeps in my head and someone talking to me. What the hell happened to me? " Sebastian Wild muttered as he searched for a rock to sit on and process what just happened.


"Hahaha! I am pathetic, I have been murdered three times without even having a chance to save myself, now I pass out in the middle of nowhere. " Sebastian Wild scoffed ridiculing himself.

"Not to mention that now I have gone crazy hearing voices. Hahaha! "

[Yes! You are pathetic. You do look like a Deadman!] the voice replied with a bit of mockery.

"There it is again, now the voice also mocks me…. Umh ...? "

"Damn! Who are you? Why am I listening to you? " Asked the exasperated man.

[I'm Zero, Deadman… or Sebastian Wild, Umh… what should I call you?] Zero replied.

"Sigh! Why do you keep calling me Deadman?" Sebastian Wild thought about his nervousness due to the strange situation.

[Understood. Nice to meet Deadman] Zero repeated mockingly.

"No! You can call me Sebastian. Now can you explain to me where you are and how the hell am I listening to you, I'm alone in the middle of the desert? " Sebastian Wild replied a little exasperated.

[Understood Sebastian. I am Zero, a conscious being that awakened in "Silverstar Seal" a space-time dimensional artifact created by the Lord of the Silver Stars and Lord of the North Silver Edge] Zero answered leaving the taunts aside and with a deep voice.

"Zero? Conscious being? Silverstar Seal? Silver Edge? "

"Is it a bloody joke?" Incredulous asked Sebastian Wild.

[Not! In terms that you can understand, I am the ring that you hold in your hands]

"In terms that you can understand? You're treating me like an idiot." Sebastian Wild kept arguing as he tried to process everything that was happening to him.

"DAMN! THE RING!" Sebastian Wild yelled as he dropped the ring to the ground.

[....] "Idiot", thought Zero.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, incredible things have been happening to me in the last few days that I still haven't been able to process." He apologized as he picked up the ring again and brushed off the dust and dirt.

[....] "At least he has manners"

"So you are the ring ... Did you have anything to do with my return after I died?"

[Yes] Zero replied devoid of emotion.

"Well then it would make a little more sense," Sebastian Wild replied as he thought. After all, having a ring speaking to you is not as strange as repeatedly returning from the dead.

"Can you explain to me what is happening? What are you doing here? How is it that a ring can speak? How can you bring me back from the dead? What can you do? .... and most importantly, Umh ... Zero, why the hell is this happening to me?" Sebastian Wild discharged all the questions and frustrations that he had at this moment, after all, there are no situations in the world that could describe what was happening to him.

[In terms you can understand?] Zero scoffed at him again.

"YES, DAMN!" "In terms that I can understand damn it ..."


The creator of the ring was called Silver Edge, a being from another dimension too powerful to give it a fair rating. On a whim, he wanted to try and create the best dimensional storage artifact ever. For this he used a 'Silver Star' which was a miniature silver sun, and endless precious materials, reducing them to a simple little ring.

At the time of its creation, great disturbances occurred in the dimension due to the creation of this treasure. Accidentally and due to unknown factors the 'Silverstar Seal' tore apart a dimensional plane for itself, something inconceivable since only a Primordial Sovereign himself could give an object a dimensional plane and eons had passed since one was seen.

Even more incredible was the birth of a conscious being within the ring. This was even more difficult than a Sovereign wielding his power. The birth of consciousness or some object gaining consciousness was extremely difficult. And that this happened with the creation of a ring was simply something never seen before.

The ring generated infinite envy from its enemies, after all, it was a unique artifact that would unleash a great battle anywhere they put it, and that was what happened, all its friends and enemies joined in an unprecedented fight to determine the winner of the ring. As the battle raged, the Silverstar Seal was sent flying into a chaotic rift, in which he wandered for an indefinite amount of time in the chaotic sea.

Wandering the chaotic sea, unable to find a way to escape, and constantly losing energy, the artifact faced infinite wear and tear to the point of disappearing from existence itself.

In his last moments in the chaotic sea, he was lucky to find another chaotic rift, one even bigger than the one he had entered, and with his last reserve of energy, he pushed himself to enter it with the hope of being able to survive.

"Umh… so it is. I never thought there would be such powerful beings. It seems more like Hollywood stuff. " Sebastian Wild muttered as he listened to Zero's story, then asked, "But then how did you get here?"

[Sigh! Due to the excess energy used to get out of the chaotic sea, I went into hibernation. I don't know exactly how long I wandered or how I got here] Zero said weakly, in his voice you could see a bit of fatigue.

"What happens now? How did you wake up?"

[When you found me, my auxiliary and emergency systems were activated looking for a host and a way to survive] Zero replied as he continued: [With so little power at their disposal, the auxiliary systems activated the survival protocols and integrated into you using your Life Force as a source to find a possible solution]

"I understand, I understand. So when I took you off the ground, your survival protocols were activated and they integrated into me using…. my Life Force… Use… Life Force…. THEY USED MY LIFE FORCE! WHAT THE FUCK! " Sebastian Wild yelled annoyed. It's not like anyone would like to have their things used, minus their 'Life Force'.

[They turned your Life Force into energy. They converted what would be in your time measurement system, 10 years of your life force to integrate us and to wake me up] Zero answered calmly.

"10 YEARS!" Sebastian Wild screamed.

"Sigh! Well, it's only 10 years. I don't even know if I'll make it out alive for the next 3 days. " He murmured to him while he kept thinking about all these strange things.

[About that…]


[I used 33 more years of your Life Force to bring you three different futures, in which we will lose our lives in three days]

"33 YEARS!" Sebastian Wild paled.

[After all, I'm already integrated into you, if you die the same thing would happen to me] Zero said regretfully, after all ... of all the idiots in the world...

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Sebastian Wild roared in disbelief.

"So how much Life Force am I supposed to have left?"

[About 11 years]

"Only 11 years?"

"Sigh! 11 years will be then, for now, the most important thing is to avoid death in the next few days" Sebastian Wild sighed and said after a while, after all, it was not something he could control.

"Zero since you are a conscious super dimensional ring or whatever, what else can you do? Apart from bringing me back from the dead "

[I am a conscious being that is linked to a dimensional artifact] he began to explain Zero. [Also there will no longer be a way in the future to bring you back from death, the energy use will increase for each day that passes since the current temporary anchor is the moment you touched the ring, this means that we can't have enough energy to bring us back unless we can establish a new temporary anchor ... something that is impossible in this dimension]

"Understood, but then what more skills do you have?"

[I don't know at all since I don't have enough energy to investigate. The only ability I have at the moment would be to open the space dimension, but that would require a minimum payment of life force]

"Pay more Life Force? What exactly does this space dimension do? " Sebastian Wild asked, leaving aside the question of paying with more years of his life.

[It would be a place isolated from space and time within the ring. Because this is a highly particular dimensional artifact, you could save or retrieve any object, plant, animal, being, or existence within the ring. You could also adjust the shape of the space and the passage of time.]

"Shit! Like the magic bag from that wizarding movie. This sounds great. " Exclaimed Sebastian Wild in surprise.

"How much would the Life Force pay be then?" He asked impatiently.

[10 years, but…] Zero replied as he calculated.

"10 YEARS! I imagined it. Anything else? "

[It would be a dimension of 10 square meters and time would be frozen. So you could only save or retrieve objects, you could not enter anything that contains 'life', as they would die]

"Sigh! It doesn't matter anyway ... If I give you another 10 years of my life, I will only have less than a year left and I will die, and if everything you have told me is true, you will also die, so there is no point in talking about this "Sebastian Wild replied while shook his head.

[Well that's not quite correct]

"Umh ...?"

[If we can find something with which to develop the space dimension, I should be able to extract some life force from it and give you back the years of life you have lost. I should also be able to create a self-sufficient environment from which I can recover my full energy] Zero said as he reflected.

"Damn! This is serious. Could we recover my life force and replenish your energy? " Sebastian Wild exclaimed in disbelief.

[Although it would be extremely slow, it should be possible.]

"FUCK! That would be fucking awesome "He kept shouting in disbelief. Sebastian Wild took a moment to angrily order: "Zero let's open that damn dimension, after all, if it weren't for you in three days I would die full of regrets and without any glory"

[Understood! ... By the way, this should hurt a bit] Zero responded excitedly, she didn't know if it was because she would have a little hope to survive or if it was because of the pain that she was going to cause to the Deadman.

"Umh ...? Hurt me a little…. AAAHHH! " Sebastian Wild didn't finish speaking before letting out a bloodcurdling scream. This time his luck was good, the stress caused by the whole situation and his already weak body didn't last long and he immediately fainted.

[Hey! … Deadman… you should wake up by now Hey!]

Sebastian Wild heard Zero as he woke up again.

"Shit, don't call me Deadman," He replied weakly as he tried to stand up.

His body was too weak, if you saw him closely it would look like a flower about to wither.

"You're done? How does it work?"

[Yes, I already managed to open the dimension a little] Zero answered while explaining: [To look at the dimension you just have to close your eyes and focus on a visible cubic space that you will see in your mind. It will take you a bit to get used to, but when you do, you will not have to close your eyes, you will only have to send a little of your consciousness to the room and you will already be connected with the dimension]

"I understand" Sebastian Wild answered attentively to the explanation as he closed his eyes and visualized a cubic space in his mind. "Wow! there it is"

[To store things in the dimension you must have contact with them while you think about storing them, I will take care of carrying them, but you must bear in mind that with our current strength you cannot store things either very heavy or very large since we would need to use more than your Life Force ... something we don't have] Zero said heavily as She continued [And to recover something you just have to think about the object you want to recover and I will take it to the place you want in your body range]

When Zero finished his explanation, Sebastian Wild started to reach out to grab a fist-sized stone that was only a few meters away.

"Zero carries this stone!" Sebastian Wild said excitedly as he held the stone.

[Ok!] Zero replied as he made the stone disappear in Sebastian Wild's hands and carried it into the cubic space in the ring.

"Shit!" Sebastian Wild exclaimed as he watched the stone disappear from his hands. He immediately closed his eyes and searched the cubic space.

"There it is, there it is!" He shouted excitedly as he looked at a small stone that was lodged in a corner of the cubic space.

"Now return it to my hand!"

"AHAHAHAHAHA! Here it is again! AHAHAHAHAHA! " He jumped as he yelled excitedly.

[....] "Seriously, this is what surprises you the most" Zero thought as he watched the idiot jump from one side to the other saving and removing dimension stones.

[....] "Will I have to deal with this idiot? It was better when he was just a Deadman. Umh ... integrating with this idiot ... was it a curse or a blessing?" Zero cursed silently.

"Hey, Zero! This ... THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING! " Sebastian Wild yelled as a deep, sinister light shone in his eyes.