
Criminal in Wild

Since his parents were murdered, he has led the life of a simple Mafia Cartel dog washer. He has been enduring all kinds of humiliation and mistreatment for 5 years by the person who killed his family. Like a weak mouse hiding a trained cat, his life is meaningless and he is only trying to survive one more day. Days before his death he was given a chance and with a ring in his hands he decided to challenge and completely change the course of his life. From dog wash to a great boss. His path was nothing but wild.

Don_Santi · Realistic
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4 Chs

The old man

"Now what?" Sebastian Wild wondered as the morning sun shone down on him.

"Umh ...? How will we avoid what will happen in the next three days?" Sebastian continued. "After all, the ability of the 'Silverstar Seal' will not be of much help in the face of the traps that have been set for us. Not to mention that he would not do anything against the armed wing of the Cortez Cartel. "

"What do you think Zero?" Sebastian asked.

[I don't know Deadman, in my view, our chances of survival are very slim] Zero replied mockingly.

"Hey, stop the 'Deadman' thing"

"Sigh ...!" Sebastian sighed as he continued. "It's true Zero, we don't have many options. Before deciding what to do we should talk to the old man, before that, thinking about how to solve the problem is a chimera. "

"The first thing we have to do is go back and rest a little, Vicente Cortez's subordinates must be aware of everything we do and if we go there directly it will seem strange to them" Sebastian decided.

[It's up to you. By the way, since I can't use my scanners to learn about some materials in this world, you should save everything you can to the storage dimension. Everything you save I can study it and see if it can help us to develop the dimension] Zero said calmly.

"Understood! Zero will help you in whatever way I can "Sebastian responded excitedly.

And so, as he headed towards Casa Vieja, Sebastian would collect whatever he could and send it to the dimension for Zero to investigate.

"Well here we are" An hour later Sebastian arrived at his house, or well, in the place where he slept and towards his needs since calling it a pigsty was more appropriate. It was a small 2-square-meter room in the worst place in town and the most observed in Casa Vieja.

Next to the door, a dark-haired man sat with a radio in his hand. They called him El Guacho, he was the person who had to be aware of Sebastian all the time and therefore perhaps the second most unfortunate person in Casa Vieja.

"Tell the boss, Deadman has already arrived at his house and he will probably go to sleep as usual," El Guacho said while he spoke on the radio.

"Understood. Keep looking at that place as always. "A voice came from behind the radio.

"Okay!" El Guacho said in a tired tone and then continued "Hey Deadman, when are you going to die? After all, having to be aware of you at all times will drive me crazy one day "

"I don't know ... When will your boss give the order?" Sebastian replied who had returned to his usual zombie state.

"Nobody knows. Although it will be at any moment "El Guacho replied as a sinister light passed through his eyes. After all, he had already received orders to execute Sebastian in a couple of days. After this, he could officially enter the Cartel and stop being an observer.

"Umh ... Whatever!" Sebastian replied without emotion as he entered the small room.

"You'll see what awaits you" Sebastian heard a murmur before finishing closing the door.

"Hmph ... you'll see what awaits you" Sebastian murmured as his eyes shone again.

After closing the door and relaxing his body a bit, Sebastian started getting ready to take a shower. As he took off his clothes, his body tanned due to the strong sun of the border area began to show little by little.

His height was 1.85, the muscles of his body were well defined and perfectly sized to suit his height. A couple of small visible scars on her back and one on her chest hinted at the difficult times that had taken so much of his life.

When he finished showering, he went over to a small mirror to finish washing up. He wasn't a person to suffer from any particular cleaning disorder, but he would rather be clean than dirt.

As he finished cleaning himself, a young but mature face was shown in the mirror. Despite his 20 years, his face reflected an incomparable maturity one that people of his age should not have. His deep black eyes shone as if it were the sun itself, it was a look that although vigilant and thoughtful had an unmatched conviction.

His hair was short and jet black, he seemed a bit affected by the constant desert sun and dehydration.

His features and his eyebrows were sharp and well defined, not the kind that would stand out to the naked eye, but the kind that a person wouldn't forget if he looked deeply at them.

Sebastian had a unique appeal and an aura that somehow generated interest.

[Umh…] As all this was going a small and unnoticeable murmur came from deep within the ring.

"Well, I should sleep a couple of hours before going to the old man's mansion" Sebastian said as he finished drying himself and lay down on the small bed in the room.

"By the way Zero of what we saved way here, there is something that works?" Sebastian asked before going to bed.

[No, none. All those things were various types of common rocks and some dead plant fibers so they are useless] Zero replied.

"Okay, it shouldn't be that easy. If it were we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place "Sebastian said as he continued" We should get some rest, we'll risk our lives in a couple of days and I feel like I haven't slept in weeks "

[I am a conscious being within a ring, I have no bodily need so I do not need to rest] I reply Zero

"So you never eat? Do you sleep? Don't you even go to the bathroom? " Sebastian asked interested.

[I don't have those kinds of needs, I'll be conscious as long as I have energy] Zero said [Not to mention that all the knowledge I have is instinctive responses. Unless I can observe and understand it, I won't be able to do anything but stay in the dimension]

"Sigh! We are one for which, I don't know which of us is worse "Sebastian said as he shook his head sadly.

[As long as we find a way to recover the energy of the ring we could recover some ability in the ring that can help us] Zero said without any apparent tone of voice.

"Okay, okay. We will do it step by step Zero "Sebastian answered with slight hope.

[That's right, Deadman] Zero replied in a mocking tone.

"Deadman ... Hey! If everything you do is instinctive, why do you keep making fun of me? " Sebastian growled slightly.

[Instinct, Deadman] Zero said feeling a little warm. If she could understand this feeling a little better, it would be a bit of joy.

"Deadman ... Hahaha! Anyway, we both are. "Sebastian smiled as he relaxed a bit. Minutes later he fell asleep.


Hours later the sound of the door woke Sebastian from a small but regenerating sleep.

"Yeah?" Sebastian asked.

"Hey! Lunchtime Deadman, come out quickly I want to go eat "El Guacho's voice was heard with some impatience behind the door.

"I'll go right away" Sebastian replied as he prepared to leave his 'home'.

"By the way today I will go to the old man's mansion for lunch" Sebastian continued.

"The old man? Understood, enjoy it hahaha!" Let's go "El Guacho said while he laughed a little. After all, they would be Deadman's last meals.

"Umh ... I hope the old man believes me ..." Sebastian thought as he got into a car with El Guacho heading to the old man's mansion.

"Umh ... Why are there so many men around?" Minutes later, and approaching the old man's mansion, Sebastian could observe a large number of armed men in the surroundings. "I think they are already preparing against the old man."


"Hey, Deadman! I'll come for you in 3 hours, the others will take care of you this time "El Guacho said as he urged Sebastián to get out of the car.

"Yes ..." Sebastian nodded who was still in deep thought as he observed the surroundings and prepared to enter the old man's mansion.

"Hey! Who are you?" At the moment before entering the property a thick voice asked.


"Oh Deadman, what did you come for?" The voice asked again as it realized who he was.

"I came to have lunch with the old man" Sebastian answered without any discomfort.

"Okay, let me warn" The man replied as he activated his radio and warned about Sebastian's arrival. Moments later he replied, "Come in."

As he entered the mansion Sebastian was still pensive observing the security settings in the surroundings. It wasn't until he heard a voice with a deep old tinge that he wandered away from his thoughts.

"Kid! What a surprise! You haven't visited this old man in a long time! " Said a deep voice coming from the common area in the mansion.

"Sorry old man, I've had some things to do" Sebastian replied with a slight smile on his face. A smile that he would only show to the person in front of him in this town.

"Pff! Anything to do? If it weren't because you're afraid of getting me into trouble, you'd come every day" The old man said with a sarcastic tone.

"Something like that" Sebastian replied.

"Hahaha! Come let's have lunch, I think you haven't had a decent meal for a long time "The old man said as he laughed slightly and went to the dining room.

"Okay" Sebastian said calmly as he escorted the old man to his side.

The man next to Sebastian looked to be around 60 years old, his hair was silvery white, very much in line with his age. He was a bit short due to age taking its toll, but the aura and dangerousness he exuded was something out of the ordinary. After all, a person who lived as long in a profession as his was anything but harmless.

This old man was called Ernesto Vargas, one of the most important men on the border for the Cortez Cartel since he had under his control a couple of underground tunnels that connected the two countries. Not counting the tactical importance of the tunnels, these passages generated a little more than 50 million a month for the Cartel, due to the transport of drugs, weapons, and people. Hence the importance that the Cartel gave to this Man.

That same importance was what had saved the lives of Sebastian and his little sister since it was this old man who protected him from Vicente's hands. For Vicente, this old man was untouchable and had lived in his shadow for the last 10 years. That is why when the old man protected that pair of children who were the children of his best friend and spoke directly with the cartel boss to ask for his permission, Vicente could not do anything to any of those involved, after all, something was at stake more than the death of a couple of kids.

"Kid! tell me, what is it that brings you here?" Ernesto said as he went to the dining room of the mansion.

"We should eat first, I think it might cut your appetite" Sebastian replied.

"Umh ... You've already made me quite curious, speak up Kid!" Ernesto replied as he looked at the man next to him.

"It is safe?" Sebastian asked in a tone that only the old man could hear.

"Umh ..." Ernesto stopped suddenly as he looked at the caution Sebastian was taking. He immediately changed direction and headed to another location that was on the top floor. His mood changed immediately since because of Sebastian's caution, what they had to talk about was very important. "Come let's go to my office"

"Okay, old man" Sebastian nodded.

Moments later they reached a large office in the mansion and closed the door, being completely alone.

"Now explain to me Kid, what is it that you are so cautious about?" Ernesto asked in a serious tone.

"The day of our death!" Sebastian replied in an even harsher tone.

"Umh ...?" Ernesto frowned as he looked deeply at Sebastian.