
Chapter fourty-five

"Wow. You both are whipped," Felix says.

"Can't blame me. But yeah, it's like that. It's like being in love, but more intense.

You crave to be together all the time. And even if you are together it's not enough, you can't be close enough. Like, never. There have been, well...moments...at which I thought 'okay, now we're close enough', but you know what? Your brain lies to you. Non-stop. I can't go a second without thinking of that boy.

Everything he does makes my world light up. He's literal perfection for me and I can't ever get enough of him. Never get sick of him. Sure we did get mad, but even then you know the madness doesn't matter.

And after...ehm...yeah never mind...the point is, after an ehm certain point. When you feel each other's feelings. It only gets more intense. He wouldn't need to tell me when he's happy, mad or sad. Because I'd be too.

It's like my whole world's falling apart when he's sad or anything.

It doesn't matter how or what you just want to be there for and with them all the time. It's even frightening how far I know I'd go for that boy," Minho keeps rambling on, when he finally looks at Felix.

"Ehm, sorry, that was of no use to you."

Felix shook his head as if he woke up out of a trance, "No, please. That was a lot of use. Or something like that. I'm surprised y'all could keep it secret for so long."

"We couldn't really," Minho laughs.


"Yeah, my friends have known it since the second day at camp. And Changbin since Monday."

"Wait what? How?" Felix asks confused, "You told them? Does Jisung know? "

"Whoa, one question at a time. No, I didn't tell them and no Jisung doesn't know. And to answer your first question," Minho breathes, "What do you smell when you're with me?"

"Ehm, I don't know. I smell you?"

"And what else?" Minho insists.

"What else?"

"Or maybe I should ask, who else?"

Felix keeps silent for a beat too long, "Jisung."

"Bing bing bing," Minho says, "That's how they knew."

"They smelled Jisung on you? Or like, in you, I should say."

"No, of course not. They're not werewolves, so they can't smell it when someone's a claimed mate of a werewolf." Felix smiles proudly at this. "Why are you smiling?"

"It just makes me kind of proud. My lil Jisungie found his mate, who happens to be one of the most handsome people on campus. He did not only find him but made him whipped for him. Ánd he claimed him. As his. He did all that in his first two months.

And I don't know, it just sounds badass that he claimed you."

Minho looks puzzled at the younger, "You both are a peculiar duo."

Felix laughs at this, "Sorry sorry, you were explaining to me how your friends could not know about you and Jisung. Now tell me how they did know?"

"Okay," Minho gives in, "They can't smell Jisung in me since they are no werewolves. But they can smell me in Jisung."

Felix's eyes get bigger at this answer, "You bit my beta!" He yells.

"I swear to god! Why is it my fault every time!" Minho throws his hands in the air in surrender.

"Because you bit him! You basically said you did."

"And I won't deny that. I just say it's not my fault."

"Yeah, fucking right."

Good job, Minho thinks to himself, you made the boy mad again.

"Felix," Minho says while putting a hand on his shoulder, "Please listen. I did bite him, but only after he bit me. And only because your mother fucking best friend forced me to do it."

"He did?"

"Yes, and I'm not saying I didn't like it. God, I adored it. But he wanted me to do it. For the sake of my well-being and health. He sensed I was getting worse and figured that was the solution."

"So...you bit him?"

"Not really. I did and drank, but I didn't bite him like Changbin bit you. I would never. At least not if he doesn't want to."

"Do you," Felix asks uncertainly, "Do you love him?"

Minho looks almost scared at Felix, "I've been trying not to think too much about it. But I'm afraid.

Afraid because all I can think about is that friend of yours. Afraid because I've never put anyone before myself, and I now care about him and him only. Afraid because him being sad equals me feeling like dying or killing whoever or whatever did that.

Afraid because I won't ever be able to not love him anymore."

Felix was once again in utter awe as to what the older said, "Minho hyung. Has anyone ever told you how good of an actor you are?

You have this heartless-thoughshell-badboy-image going around, while you're so soft and caring and sweet. And I'm so-so sure Jisung loves you just as much if not more."

"Yeah, I do have that image. You better not tell anyone this and ruin it," Minho scoffs in return. But no matter how tough he acts, the blush on his face gives away everything. Such a good actor.

"Speaking of which, Jisung's alone at the party, I'll go to him. You'll be safe here. As long as you don't open the door or any window. Remember, ok?"

"Ok," Felix says. And just as Minho's about to leave the room he calls him. Resulting in the boy stopping by and grabbing the doorpost, "Mhm? Sup Felix?"

"Thank you. And take good care of my bestie."

"Don't worry about that," he answers smiling.

"And," he adds.


"Don't you dare try anything on my beta. Or I won't care about the fact that you're his fucking mate or a goddamn vampire and have your head."

Minho laughs at this, "I already thought you were his alpha. Does that make you mine too in a way? Don't you worry mister alpha sir, I wouldn't dare."

And with that Minho left for the party. But on his way there he sensed something was wrong. I should learn to control this telepathy thing. And fast.