
Creation: The First

Follow Frey, a typical nobody in our present world. As he experience his daily life blast away, never to return the same. Technology fades as magical skills claims its place. Beeing the first to ever come in contact with mana, and thereby obtain a skill, he will get a headstart. To face the troubles awaiting in a changing world. He will journey to the far side of the earth, searching for his reason to live. Hi everyone. Author here. This is my first, Ever, attempt to write a story. I recently started reading webnovels and decided to try, and write my own. Im allso a big newbie using this platform to upload, so i will make changes to my uploads as i learn to navigate and use the tools. Feel free to make any comments on my story. Good, bad, technical or any ideas. I take it all as i hope it will make me a better writer :) Hope some of you will enjoy :)

XmishaX · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Chapter 12

A faint red glow covered Rolf's body for about 2 seconds.

"Wauw! This is a minor potion, but it works wonders!" Chioma smiled broadly.

We were all surprised how effective it was. "I guess minor wounds include a fractured arm. We were lucky it dropped." He stood up and flexed his formerly wounded arm.

I had inspected the minor healing potion, before i handed it to Chioma. It was capable of mending the body, restoring 30 health points. And sneaking a peak at Rolf's status, told me he only had 35 in health and nearly twice that in mana. So i wasen't surprised that his arm would be healed. Though it was still something else to witness it.

"It looks like i leveled up again. I have 5 unallocated attribute points now. But i have no skills to use, so i think ill hold on to them for now."

"I allso gained a level from that fight. I spend my points in intellect, so im able to fire 3 fireballs now, at full mana." 

It was nice to see my uncle beeing back to full health again. And smiling when he mentioned intellect and fireball. It was like he was living his dream.

Chioma waved her hand in the air. "How much mana does the intellect give?"

Rolf waved his own hand. Looking busy for a moment.

"I think they give 5 mana for each point. Atleast, that's how it looks from my own status."

"Then i'll put my points in intellect as well. I should be able to use my punch skill now."

With all that settled. Rolf back to fighting form, and the goblins looted. We were ready to continue.

"Chioma, i found a dagger on a goblin before. I think i saw another one, you should pick it up before we go."

We moved further inside the cave and reached a point where it split into two. 3 goblins were standing in the middle of the path.

We had no other choice but to fight. And frankly speaking. I think we were all starting to enjoy it.

Rolf finished one instantly with his fireball.

I charged and grabbed another, slitting its throat with my dagger.

Chioma was facing the third. "Try to use ur skill! Punch it in the face!" Rolf was cheering her on.

The goblin lunged at her with its club, its red eyes burned bright with fury, as its comrades had fallen so instantly.

She blocked the club with her dagger in the left hand. Formed a fist with her right, and sent it chrashing directly to the goblins face.

Just before the impact her fist was suddenly engulfed in shining blue light. The goblins head exploded from the force, casting green blood everywhere. The blue light was gone the moment it had impacted.

"Damn, remind me not to piss you off!" Rolf was laughing. Back to his usual self. 

"Yeah, my fist felt so powerfull. I felt like i could be breaking stone! But my mana is all empty now."

"Look at your status for me. Mine states that i have passive mana regeneration. Maybe you do too." Rolf was walking to the goblin he had killed. He bowed down to touch it and gain the loot while he spoke.

"I think its 0,4 every 5 seconds." She went to loot her own goblin, and i did the same.

"That's allmost 5 mana each minute. So it will take around 10 minutes for it to fully replenish. If my math is right." Rolf walked to stand in front of the pathways.

"I guess you'll have to use the dagger for now Chioma." I said. "Maybe we should not make use of it on a whim. But save it as our ace, as you can only use it once, and it's strong. Who knows what we will face in here."

Rolf nodded his head. They both agreed.

"Now were should we go? Right or Left?" Rolf pointed to the paths ahead.

"I dont think it matters. But when ure lost or in daubt, allways stick to the right-side wall, right?" Chioma clapped the wall like one would clap a pet.

Rolf smiled at her, i could see he admired her thinking.

"Let's go then." I said. Taking the lead.

We didnt walk for long, before the next group of goblins appeared. But something was different. One of them was taller, physically stronger and holding a spear.

"I think we should be carefull here. That one seems different." Rolf pointed to the spear holding goblin, surrounded by four normal scouts. "Can you inspect it Frey? I wouldn't be surprised if it can use skills."

"I'll try." I focused on it and the status appeared immediately above its head.

Goblin level 7

130 Health 50 Mana 140 Fatigue

Class: Warrior

Skill: Enrage

"You are right. This one is a warrior class. Three times as much health as the others. And yes, it have some kind of enrage skill."

Chioma looked worried, "do you think we can do it? There are 5 this time, and that one is far stronger."

Rolf had been scratching his beard for a while.

"So far we've had drops, coins and a potion. A portal that lead us to a dungeon-like cave. We have levels, systems, attributes and skills." He looked at us intensely. Letting us know he was serious.

"Even though it's so surreal to even say this so seriously, it could cost us our lives if i dont. We have to start thinking about this as if it where a game."

Chioma swung her dagger, back and forth in front of her.

"You know. I've allways wanted to take care of other people. Help them if i could. And right now we have someone to get to. Your friend. So i'll kill all these fuckers that have destroyed our world, if i have to."

She threw the dagger in the air, and grabbed it. "And no. You said it. Skills and everything. I'll trust your judgement Rolf. If u say it's like your games, then so be it."

Looking at my uncle, seeing how serious he was, my doubt vanished. "You know i've played games aswell. And this is all too strange to be a coincidence."

I walked to them, pulling my own dagger. "Tell us how to proceed Rolf. We need to finish this."

Chioma had crawled near the goblins. The big one was standing in the back. Yapping in their foul language while the others seemed to be hitting the dungeon wall. 

I didnt notice before, but near the wall, a different light emerged. The green moss or plants along the cave, gave a decent light. But this red area in the wall didnt shine bright, however it was clear that the goblins tried to get it out, but they clearly didnt know how to mine it.

Chioma was in position behind a small stone, barely able to cover behind it.

That was my sign. I threw a fist-size rock directly at the big guy.


It had turned in the last second, the stone hit the shoulder and broke the flesh. 

The big goblins eyes burned bright red as it screamed and pointed at me.

The 5 goblins charged with the big on in the lead. 

When they had all passed the stone where Chioma was hiding, she quickly grabbed the leg of the last one, and before it was able to react from the surprise, she had slit its throat.

3 small and 1 big left, i thought, as i ran directly at them, matching their charge.

Two fireballs flew past me. One goblin burned on the spot. Another barely evaded the fireball. It had fallen behind the others, leaveing Chioma to deal with it in peace.

The goblin warriors spear swung at me, but i was getting more used to my newfound strenght. I rolled out of the way, and lunged my dagger directly into a scouts chest, reaching its heart. 

Rolf was throwing stones at the big one, trying to lure it away from me as i evaded the club of the last scout. 

It worked. It ran towards Rolf, mad with fury. 

Chioma had appeared behind the goblin swinging at me. I ran at it, making it swing again. Only this time Chioma was fast to stab it in the back, as it had its focus on me. 

"Okay, any time now!"

Rolf was running towards us, with the big one closing in behind him.

The goblin couldn't see me running at it. As Rolf passed me i jumped into the air.

It was too late for it. My dagger sank into it's belly.

But it didn't die. It looked at me, grabbing my hand. Tilted its head back and let out a fierce roar!

I could feel its body grow stronger, the pressure on my wrist improving.

"Fuck it's getting enraged Rolf! I can't get free!"

But Rolf had anticipated this. A fireball hit it directly into the mouth, cutting its roar very short. A blue flash came up behind it. The griph on my wrist was gone, as the goblin warrior flew 3 meters before it crashed to the ground.

I didn't wait to see if it was dead, i ran to it and stabbed it directly trough the left eyeball.

*Level up*

"Fuck Rolf. Those are kinda tought huh!"

"That's right. It took all we had. But i think we overdid it. I mean, when we learn to work better together, i dont think we will have any problems. We killed 5 goblins in total, and we are all unscathed. I's a good beginning."

Chioma had looted the goblin next to her. "That's right. I think i can solo one if i hit it just right with my skill."

"Let's loot these and move on, we havent found any food yet, and im starving!" He turned to loot the goblins.

I looked at the warrior goblin and stretched my hand to loot it.

*Looted: Warriors Ring*

*Looted Minor Mana Potion"

*Unique Growth Skill: Looter has ranked up to E-Rank*