
Creation: The First

Follow Frey, a typical nobody in our present world. As he experience his daily life blast away, never to return the same. Technology fades as magical skills claims its place. Beeing the first to ever come in contact with mana, and thereby obtain a skill, he will get a headstart. To face the troubles awaiting in a changing world. He will journey to the far side of the earth, searching for his reason to live. Hi everyone. Author here. This is my first, Ever, attempt to write a story. I recently started reading webnovels and decided to try, and write my own. Im allso a big newbie using this platform to upload, so i will make changes to my uploads as i learn to navigate and use the tools. Feel free to make any comments on my story. Good, bad, technical or any ideas. I take it all as i hope it will make me a better writer :) Hope some of you will enjoy :)

XmishaX · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 11

When i woke up Chioma and Rolf were still sleeping. They were next to eachother. My stomach growling loudly as i stood up and stretched my arms. 

The cave was illuminated by green light coming from plants all over the cave. From the floor, the walls and top of the cave. They were sporradic, growing in groups. But the light was decent.

"Hey you two. Wake up! We need to move."

Chioma was the first to react. She looked at me, her face turning red again as she removed herself from Rolf and stood up.

"God i need water! And food!" She gathered her jacket, pushing Rolf in the process.

Rolf awoke and stood up. Clutching his arm. I could see it was troubling him.

"I know what we're all thinking. So, i'm just going to say it. If Magnus isen't dead allready, he will be before we get back to him." He turned toward the buffers edge, and started walking. "Come on now. Our only option is to see where this leads."

Magnus had been alone, bleeding and passed out, for who knows how long allready. And i didn't know if we would even make it back to him.

Chioma just followed Rolf. And i didn't say anything. Letting my uncle in peace about it.

The green barrier was first breached by Rolf. He went straight to it and stuck his hand through.

"I can't even feel it." Without any further notice, he just stepped through.

"It's fine. Come now. The air is so moist in here, we need to keep moving."

The cave tunnel was wide enough for us to walk side by side. I think there could even be five of us. And it was three or four meters to the top. So the light wasen't as bad as one would think.

We didn't walk for long, before the first creatures appeared.

"More goblins? Are you kidding me?" Chioma looked angry. "I hate those nasty green fucks!"

"Same Chioma, they are nasty. But u have your spear and Rolf have his fireball now. I think we can take them, there is only 3."

Rolf made us stop walking, before the goblins noticed us.

"I think its best if i start the fight. If i can use the fireball and get one of them first, there will only be 2 left."

He looked at me. "When i have fired the first one, i can only fire 1 more before my mana is gone. You have the highest stats Frey. Im sorry but i think it's best if you run in and get their attention. Then Chioma might be able to use the wooden spear at their back again."

I certainly didn't like the idea. But so far i had just reacted and tried to excape. This time it was different. We aimed to attack and kill them. Meybe i could make better use of my higher stats this way.

"No point in waiting around Rolf." I nodded to Chioma, "be ready, i'll go fast!"

The tunnel made a slight curve ahead, and a small pond had formed, dripping moist from stalacmites from above. The three goblins was sitting there next to the water, unknowingly beeing targeted.


It hit its mark. The goblin in the middle instantly burst into flame, making it screech and flail about. The other 2 goblins just looked at it in horror.

I didn't waste any time. The second the goblin was on fire, i started running towards them. I had no weapon. But i was running fast. My target was locked. 

I slammed directly into a goblin. Grabbing it by the neck and slammed it against the cave wall. It tried to raise its club to hit me. But i squeezed hard on its throat. Making it gurgle and drop the club.

I let go of its throat and it dropped to the floor. "Get it Chioma!" She finally caught up and pierced its head. The spear broke, but it had done its job, the goblin was dead.

The last goblin hissed and went for me. I twisted my body. Both dodging and grabbing the club on the floor. I turned around and made my best baseball hit ever. 

The head flew clean off. The body falling to the ground.

"Hahaha! I gues a surprise attack was the right call!" Rolf walked over, smiling big.

Chioma bend over the pond. Tasting the water. "It's clean. Let's drink before more goblins show up."

Rolf was allready moving to the pond. But the last goblin was in the way for me to be able to drink. So i had to move it.

When i grabbed the the goblins wrist, a tiny blue light emerged from its chest. Chioma and Rolf stopped drinking. We all just watched it, as it formed a small bubble, the size of a golfball.

Then it burst and 3 metallic things dropped to the ground. But before they even stopped moving, they suddenly flew towards me. Turned back to blue light, and disappeared into my body.

"Looted: 3 copper."

The message flashed for my eyes, for just a second.

"What the hell! I think my skill took those coins!"

Rolf stood up. "Check ur status!" 

I did, and indeed. By the currency line, i now had 3C. 0S. 0G. 0T.

"There are 2 corpses more. Try touching them." I asked them.

Rolf looked deep in thought.

"Frey, say what you will. You too Chioma. But im a master gamer. Im certain this is loot. We must be inside some kind of dungeon. And when we touch those goblins. Loot will appear for us." 

He went to one of the goblins. "Let's test it."

He touched the goblin and the same thing happened. A blue light formed slightly above the goblin, only to burst and drop 2 more coins. But they didnt move.

"I guess they flew into you Frey, becouse of your skill. Nut I'll have to pick them up myself."

Chioma touched the last goblin, and 2 more coins dropped. She put them in her pocket.

"I dont know what they are for. But money is money i guess." She smiled to us.

Rolf had his hands in the air. Still looking thoughtfull. Then he grabbed the 2 coins from the floor. Opened his hand, so the coins were fully visible on his palm. 

He stretched his hand. And where the status screen should be, the coins disappeared.

"HAHAHA! It IS a friggin game!" He laughed loudly! "I just put those 2 very real coins into my status. And now it says 2C. on mine aswell!"

He kept laughing for a few seconds, before we all got quiet.

A high pinched screech, nearby. Running feets.

4 goblins appeared infront of us. 

"FUCK!" Chioma yelled, grabbing a club from a dead goblin, since her spear was broken.

"Rolf get behind us! Get a fireball ready!"

I went in front of them. My club was ready. Chioma joined me on my right, equally ready.

"Gnag Gu knug!" They attacked at once.

Chioma started flailing her club, landing a blow on the nearest goblin. But her back was wide open and a goblin jumped into the air, wielding a dagger, pointing directly at the back of her neck.

"LOOK OUT CHIOMA!" I yelled. 

But a ball of fire flew past me, hitting the goblin mid-air. It fell down and burst into flame.


Beeing distracted, another goblin had seen its chance and landed a solid blow on my head. 

I didnt have time to react. It hurt, but i felt i would survive. 

"Friggin nasty creature!" I charged it, wanting to kill it!

It danced away from two of my blows. I have to concentrate. If only i knew how strong it was. Thinking about my skill and looking at the goblin. A status appeared above its head.

Goblin Level 4

Health 45. Mana 10. Fatigue 60.

Class: Scout

Skill: Tracking

Amazing! I could see information about my enemies!

I felt a surge inside me. I knew i would win. My attributes must be way higher than this goblin. If Rolf is right, and it's similar to a game. I have to start accepting that. So far we have had trouble with them, becouse they aren't supposed to exist. And they look vile and nasty. 

But not anymore. Now i knew how weak they actually are.

The goblin sensed my hesitation. With a victory cry it jumped forward.

But i was ready, hitting it hard at the chest with my club. The force so powerfull that the club broke, shaking my hands.

A loud crack noise came from the goblin as it spewed blood from its mouth and slammed against the cavewall. It was dead.

Another goblin scout came rushing me immidiately. But i was getting used to fight them now. This one was only level 3, nut it had a dagger.

It tried to stab me, but i avoided it, grabbing its arm with both hands. I broke its arm. Picked up the dagger and slammed it into the side of its head. 

It was dead before it touched the ground.

*Level up*

I turned around. Chioma and Rolf had taken care of the last goblin. But Rolf was sitting down and Chioma was looking at his arm.

"What happened?" I ran to them.

"He saved me, but the goblin got his wounded arm. I think he will loose it." She was soundlessly crying. Just tears falling down her cheeks.

Not knowing what to do. I gathered the goblins, removing them from the path. As i touched them, more coins automatically flew into me.

I reached for the last goblin. But when i touched it, no coins dropped. Instead, a tiny little vial, the size and lenght of my little finger, with red fluid inside, dropped to the floor. Before flowing into me.

"Rolf! You're so lucky you pathetic crybaby!" I ran back to him, my spirit so high i even made them smile aswell.

"I looted something. And then checked my inventory. Your theory Have to be somewhat true! Its a minor healing potion!"

I withdrew the vial and handed it to Chioma.

"Drink now Rolf!" She had put it against his lips, and he swallowed it in a single gulp.