
Creating Games In Another World.

Being born in the year 2XXX, Kylian grew up as an avid fan of the video games of the past. After the arrival of quirks on the world, people seemingly lost intreast in games. He however decided he would change people. _*_ Heavily inspired by Game System In Marvel.

Sub_Sonicc · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs


Kylian was a French man, who had started living in Japan in his early years. He had been brought up in an average place, but he made the most of his circumstances.

He had spent most of his life outside. This way of living could be consided one of the major reason he had gained his dream.


A young boy of the age of 12 with brown hair and hazel eyes was walking in the streets of Mistafu. He was walking around aimlessly for some time before coming to a halt after seeing an elderly man.

The man was standing next to a weird machine, he was inviting people to come and play on the machine.

"Come play peckman for only a 100 yen, You can play for one round just for 100 hundred yen." The man spoke with enthusiasm.

'It wont hurt to try." The boy tought to himself. He came up to the man giving him a hundred yen.

"Alright kid you got move the stick to control the bird." The man opened the game and showed the boy how to play.

"What do you have to do." Kylian asked the man. "Well you have to run away from the hunters and gather all the seeds.' The man spoke.

Kylian grabbed the stick and started to play the game. After a minute or two the boy cleared the first round. 'Hey this is pretty fun' The boy tought to himself with a smile.

Adter a few minutes Kylian got trapped on the edge of the screen as a hunter came and touched.

"Oh Man." The spoke while looking at the screen. Defeat was writtenvon the screen. 'One more try won't hurt.' The boy tought before giving the mam another hundred yen.

Just like that the boy had spent most of his money on the game. "Well good luck next time kid." The man spoke.

Kylian left the place with a smile on his face. He walked on the streets not thinking about his surroundings. 'Man that was fun I hope I can play again.' The boy tought.

After a few minutes of walking he arrived at his home. He knocked on the door. A women came and unlocked the door. She had blue eyes and brown hair.

"Hello Kylian how was your day." The women spoke in a sweet voice.

"It was good mom." The boy spoke cheerfully.


After going to his room the boy booted up his computer and looked at the search on google.

"Peckman is a arcade game made in the Early ninties. It was very famous in the beginning of the Twentieth-century." The boy read slowly.

After a few minutes of searching the boy found out that in they early Twentieth-century there were Video Games that people played to entertain themselves. However after the arrival of quirks games were mostly forgotten.


That was the day that Kylian fell in love with video games.

Currently Kylian is 27 years old. He had tried to create a company to make games, however none were intreasted in his idea.

He was currently sitting on the couch of his small apartment thinking about all the times he had been rejected, the times when he had tought about killing himself.

'Oh God if you truly exist please I beg of you complete by dreams m, even if it's not me.' The man desperately tought to himself.

Unkown to him in the skies an omnipoteng being had heard his toughts.


Inside a bar in Los Angeles USA a young man was partying his heart out. Afterall today was his last day of University.

The man was Joshua Richards, he was studing for game designing, as he wished to be a creator ever since he was young.

The man was drinking a shot of vodka in his hands.

"Finally We're *hic* out of university." Joshua spoke to his friends. His face was completely red telling how drunk he was.

While speaking to his friends Joshua heard a lound noise from behind him. The last thing he saw was that a Truck destroying the wall and coming for him, funnily the truck passed trough the people in the bar. Except Joshua that is, who was hit head on by thr truck and died instantly.

When Joshua woke up he was coverd in darkness, he tried to get up but to his confusion nothing happend.

'Where am I ' He tought while trying to look around, suddenly his sight went to wear his chest should be, much to his horror there was nothing there.

'What the Hell, What's happening?' The man tought tryinv to move his arms. "Do not fear boy nothing is wrong." Joshua heard an elderly man's voice.

'What the hell do you mean nothing is worng I don't have a body.' he spoke, as soon as his eyes landed on the figure his eyes went wide.

"That is not how you speak to your elders." The man spoke in a powerful voice.

'Did you just read my mind' Joshua tought looking at the man.

"For your ignorance you do not deserve the knowlede, go and figure out your path on your own." The man spoke. Joshua's sight went dark again as he had only one tought. 'What the Fuck is going on.'


The next time that Joshua opened his eyes he was inside of a room sitting ona couch. looking around the man noticed that he still had his arms. 'I must've been real drunk last night.' The man tought to himself.

However by looking closely to his arm he noticed something. 'Was I always this skinny.' The man tought.

"Synchronisation complete." He heard a robotic voice from his front as he immediately looked in the direction.

He saw a blue holographic picture with something written on it.

"Welcome Host?"


Truck-kun has striked again.