
Create an army of zombies to rule the apocalypse

Traveling through the post-apocalyptic, horror zombie-ridden world, Zhou Qiang activates the zombie-making system. Zhou Qiang activates the zombie manufacturing system. The zombie manufacturing system can create all kinds of zombies. When he creates an ordinary zombie, he is just a passerby among the zombies, unnoticeable! If you create a Growler, it will rampage through the city, causing panic among the survivors! Creating the King of Zombies, the survivors retreat a hundred kilometers as it dominates the zombies! All the way to the madness of manufacturing, unknowingly, Zhou Qiang realized that the zombies he created have become so numerous that they rule over a city, becoming the King of the End Times!

GiveBreathe · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Emergence of survivors

Zhou Qiang willed his mind into the burly zombie once more.

In terms of killing zombies, it was still a strong enough split under his own control.

Walkers that only take orders, they move stiffly and antiquatedly and are not very efficient.

Like a machine that has been started.

The burly zombie stood up under Zhou Qiang's control.

With that, the zombies that had just been there, likewise received Zhou Qiang's instructions.

Ten walkers, leaving the residential building.

This time Zhou Qiang's goal was to enter a neighborhood not far away.

There were quite a few walkers in the neighborhood, two or three hundred still.

Zhou Qiang made up his mind that the early stage was to pop more soldiers.

Without two or three hundred zombie minions, it's really weak in this city.

Actually, two or three hundred zombie minions is really nothing.

This was a post-apocalyptic city with tens of millions of zombies and an unknown number of mutated zombies.

Two or three hundred zombie minions, maybe a third or fifth order mutant zombie, and they were destroyed.

Encountered quite a few walkers along the way.

They treated Zhou Qiang's strange group of zombies as if they were nothing.

This saved Zhou Qiang a lot of trouble.

Arriving at the entrance of the neighborhood, Zhou Qiang had the zombie squad stop.

And he himself first controlled the burly walker to enter first.

The neighborhood, which consists of several high-rise residential buildings, has only a small, modest garden.

Zhou Qiang took a look and there were no mutant zombies.

There were just a few regular walkers strolling around the place, walking from one end to the other.

After observing it again and again, Zhou Qiang retreated again after making sure.

The next step was to wait for another squad of eight walkers armed with machetes to arrive.

It would take a bit of time to get here from the residential building where he was hiding.

About ten minutes or so later.

A group of eight walkers walking in a straight line appeared, armed with machetes and walking straight towards the neighborhood here.

Soon, eight walkers converge.

At the moment, Zhou Qiang had as many as eighteen zombies, including the doppelganger, that he could use in his hands.

"Three little walkers, alert."

This little walker can't help much, you can't count on them to kill walkers.

Upon Zhou Qiang's command, they quickly dispersed.

Under Zhou Qiang's command, they left in three directions and then stood on top of the cars on the street.

"Free Strike."

It's still the same command.

One by one, the zombies with machetes in their hands began to move.

Zhou Qiang didn't care about them and took the lead to go in himself.

A zombie came head-on, and Zhou Qiang controlled the burly zombie to slash it head-on, killing it.

[You gain 1 manufacturing point!

Open Door.


With a weapon in his hand and with Zhou Qiang, a human, at his command.

The batch of zombies that were created to come in, they broke out into a notable fight.

The entire garden was cleared of walkers within ten minutes or so.

"It's just a normal neighborhood, there shouldn't be much oil."

Zhou Qiang looked at the several high-rise residential buildings with little interest.

Most of the people who live here are commuters with monthly payments or small business owners.

It is simply unrealistic to expect them to have much gold jewelry in their homes.

Antiques and such, not to mention.

How many ordinary civilians have contraptions that they call antiques?

A house to house search might yield something, but it won't be as big as one might think.

Finding all this neighborhood may not be as much as messing with a gold store.

So, Chow wants manufacturing points, not money.

After emptying the zombies in the garden of this neighborhood, all that's left are the zombies in the residential buildings.

It's too inefficient to kill up one layer at a time.

"The conditions that zombies are most attracted to are sound, odor, and light sources ..."

Zhou Qiang pondered and had an idea.

Anyway, now that he was in a zombie diversion, he wouldn't be in danger.

Plus with the manufactured walkers, they don't have to worry about even if a walker comes out if they don't attack.

Make a noise to draw them out.

There were a number of cars parked in the garden of the neighborhood.

The cars had not been used for a long time and had a thick layer of ash on them.

Zhou Qiang walked up to one of them and raised the machete in his hand.


The machete slammed into the hood with a metallic clang.

"Ho ho~"

"Uh ..."

There was a roar from the walkers on the floor close to the one car, and it was obvious that they were irritated by the sound.

It's working.

Zhou Qiang continued, smashing down hard again.

It was louder this time.

On the floor, there was the sound of the walkers pounding, everywhere they knocked over objects.

And on some of the windows, a hideous zombie face was revealed.

They shattered the glass with their hands and climbed out of the window.

It's just that there's a security fence that keeps them out.

But it didn't stop them from looking frantic as they reached out their hands and grabbed at Zhou Qiang in the void, trying to squeeze out from this security net.

There was a fierce squeeze, and some of the walkers were injured, with a lot of rotting flesh squeezed off.

More zombies, on the other hand, were scurrying out of the doorway and rushing down the stairs towards Zhou Qiang's position.

Zhou Qiang issued a directive.

Fourteen walkers holding machetes guarded the entryway of the residential building.

The entry walls of the residential building were littered with a number of bloody handprints.

You can see what a tragic human tragedy happened here when the end times came.

The original entry door was made of glass and had a fingerprint lock.

But now the glass of the front door is broken and the door is lost.

"Uh ..."

A thick growl came from a somewhat obese zombie who was the first to rush out.

But it merely rushed out and was greeted by several machetes.

Without waiting for any resistance, its head fell apart in pieces and it collapsed on the spot.


There was another strange growling sound, and several walkers poured out right behind them.

These are just normal zombies, they're not too fast.

Under Zhou Qiang's control, the burly zombie met them and raised his sword.

When you don't have to worry about getting hurt and fear for your life, you can be very brave.

Especially now that he was manipulating the zombie doppelganger, Zhou Qiang was even more bold and aggressive.

Anyway, if you get hurt and die, it's not like you can hurt Zhou Qiang himself.

The flexibility of the burly zombie under Zhou Qiang's control was far from that of an ordinary zombie.

It's almost like one knife at a time.

The zombies that came out of this rush were cut down in a few shots.

Zhou Qiang left a walker behind and kept banging on the hood of this car, creating sounds to attract the walkers.

And with the rest of the walkers, he waited here in the entryway for the walkers upstairs to come down and kill one as they came.

A few moments later, the entry here was full of zombie corpses.

Right at this moment, Zhou Qiang suddenly sensed something like.

A strange wave came from one of the three little walkers.

Zhou Qiang, being the one who created the zombies, was able to sense the location and some special fluctuations of the zombies that were created.

These particular fluctuations refer mainly to the content of the instructions given by Zhou Qiang.

Commands like the one given to the three little walkers are to be on alert, and the presence of a survivor or a mutant walker will tip itself off.

Apparently, there is a situation now.

Zhou Qiang's heart fluttered.

Thought Transfer.

In an instant, Zhou Qiang's thoughts shifted from the burly zombie to a small zombie that was emitting fluctuations.

This little walker is none other than the little Lori walker.

The little loli zombie that became Zhou Qiang's doppelganger became flexible.

It stood on the roof of a car, its tiny body carrying a machete in a somewhat incongruous picture.

But that's not the point.

The point lies in the fact that several figures appeared in the streets in the distance.

With just a glance, Zhou Qiang confirmed that the figure that appeared was not a zombie, but a survivor.

Zhou Qiang didn't expect to meet a survivor so soon.

The figures were moving fast, and it was surprising that they didn't avoid the zombies on the streets here.

But any zombie that came close to them was instantly decimated.

In just a few moments, they had advanced tens of meters.