
Create an army of zombies to rule the apocalypse

Traveling through the post-apocalyptic, horror zombie-ridden world, Zhou Qiang activates the zombie-making system. Zhou Qiang activates the zombie manufacturing system. The zombie manufacturing system can create all kinds of zombies. When he creates an ordinary zombie, he is just a passerby among the zombies, unnoticeable! If you create a Growler, it will rampage through the city, causing panic among the survivors! Creating the King of Zombies, the survivors retreat a hundred kilometers as it dominates the zombies! All the way to the madness of manufacturing, unknowingly, Zhou Qiang realized that the zombies he created have become so numerous that they rule over a city, becoming the King of the End Times!

GiveBreathe · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Letting a zombie play dead

The zombies on the streets, too, gradually discovered the survivors.

In groups of three or five, they made a "ho-ho" sound and surrounded the survivors.

Within moments, dozens and hundreds of corpses had formed.

The noise that was created was described as vast.

But these survivors, it seemed, were not afraid of the small wave of corpses that had formed.

Only one of the incredibly strong survivors, who was wearing heavy armor and holding a huge battle shield, and in one hand was a large battle axe, was seen running quickly and furiously.

The armor was made of metal, and a metallic sound came from the collision that occurred as it ran wildly.

The battle shield was also made of an unknown metal and looked heavy.

It was this large battle axe, and looking at the thick axe body, one knew that it was definitely not light.

But all that weight was as nothing on the burly survivor's body.

Running wildly, he crashed ferociously into the corpses.

With a slap of the battle shield, the three zombies that rushed at the first position head-on were actually shattered by the huge force.

The battle shield was stained with rotting flesh and ebony liquid.

In the next second, he swung his tomahawk in a sweeping motion, skimming past the location of several zombie heads.

The battle axe under the impetus of the huge force was like chopping vegetables, shattering the heads of these zombies.

Countless pieces of debris splattered.

What a violent and brutal scene.


Zhou Qiang was dumbfounded.

Is this survivor that vicious?

And that was simply just an appetizer, the burly survivor was as good as in a zombie-less world, his battle axe kept swinging up and a piece of the zombie's head was cracked.

The opponent's combat skills were very high, and the angle of the battle axe was very gripping, all of which were directed at the zombie's head.

This wave of corpses, surprisingly, was penetrated by the other side in just two or three minutes.

Hordes of zombies fell into headless corpses.

"Hahaha, yeah!"

The other man's boozy voice rang out, not afraid that his voice would attract more walkers.

At that moment, another survivor in a riot suit stepped in.

He pulled three flying daggers from his own waist and swung his arm violently to throw them.

Three flashes of cold light.

On the heads of the three zombies, there was an extra flying knife with no hilt straight out.

Three walkers went down.

And this survivor, who threw the flying dagger, didn't even stop.

He's like a dancer.

As he walked, a handful of flying daggers flashed and were thrown, each one hitting the zombies precisely on the head.

Piece by piece, the zombies fell.

No one knows exactly how many flying daggers he has.

The combined strength of just two people made this group of zombies fall to the ground in a very short period of time.

By the time he got to the group of walkers, there wasn't a single one standing.

They killed the zombies as if they were chopping vegetables.

The one survivor who had thrown the flying daggers, he elegantly and calmly began to retrieve the flying daggers he had thrown, wiped the liquid on them with a piece of cloth, and inserted one back into his waist flying dagger holster.

"It's so vicious."

"It's atrocious."

Zhou Qiang saw the strength of the survivors for the first time.

Enough to describe it as horrible for now.

These survivors, who are very strong, make up this squad.

And the direction they were heading seemed to be where their own zombies were now?


Zhou Qiang was in a hurry.

As far as the zombies they controlled in their own hands, they were just a bunch of ordinary zombies, not enough for these survivors to stuff their teeth.

Clash with them, or meet them.

Dead end.

The only way to do that is to avoid meeting them face to face.

Especially now, with the little loli walker standing right on top of the car, it's too conspicuous, isn't it?

If this wasn't called conspicuous, the little loli zombie was still holding a machete in her hand, such a strange behavior, they could possibly capture the little loli zombie and study it properly.

These survivors are so sharp that they can only be avoided.

Without half a moment's hesitation, while they hadn't noticed the little loli walker yet, they slid off the top of the car under Zhou Qiang's control.

A roll ensued, and the little loli walker rolled under the car.

Very barely.

Luckily, the little loli walker was skinny and it was an SUV, or it wouldn't have been able to squeeze in.

"This should be safe now, right?"

Hiding under the car, the other side may not be able to detect it.

Even if they found out, they figured they wouldn't kill a small walker that didn't pose any threat.

By the way, press the machete underneath you.

This thing would be a problem if the survivors saw it.

Letting the little loli walker lie down and play dead, Zhou Qiang's thoughts immediately shifted to the burly walker in the neighborhood.

So some of these manufactured zombies, one by one, rushed towards the green belt, threw their machetes into the green belt, and then collapsed in a messy manner into a state of pretending to be dead.

The noise just now attracted a number of walkers down from upstairs.

With their presence, I'm sure the survivors won't care about these [dead] zombies lying on the ground.

"I'm such a resourceful little guy."

Zhou Qiang was happy.

After camouflaging himself, Zhou Qiang again shifted his thoughts to the little loli zombie.

At exactly this point in time, these few survivors were already appearing in Lori's hiding place.

They quickly walked past the SUV.

"That's six in all."

Zhou Qiang made a judgment call.

And at that moment, the sound of their exchange came out.

"Sure it's a growler in this neighborhood?"

"Sixth Brother, the intelligence can't be wrong, it's inside."

"The genetic fluid extracted from hunting this growler is worth at least a hundred kilograms of rice, or a hundred liters of pure water."

"I didn't think there would be a Growler on the edge of the city's outskirts, no doubt it was much easier to take it down."

The brief exchange was inaudible for a few moments due to the speed at which they were advancing.

But these few words are not a small amount of information.

Zhou Qiang's heart fluttered.


By that name, I know it's a mutant zombie.

Also, extracting genetic fluid?

What's this?

The gene liquid extracted was able to be exchanged for one hundred kilograms of rice and one hundred liters of pure water, which was definitely not a small value.

In a post-apocalyptic world, food and water come first.

Being able to trade for so many supplies shows that this Growler is very valuable.

One of the deeper meanings is that growlers are not usually found on the suburban fringes of the city, but deeper into the city.

The zombie manufacturing system has the structure of a zombie.

The lowest level at the moment was the ordinary zombies, and they were also the most numerous in the end times.

The next best thing is a first-order mutant zombie.

There are two types of mammoths and raptors.

The fact that the Growler didn't appear within the range of a First Order Mutant Walker meant that its rank was, at least, Second Order Mutant Walker and upwards.


This was already a few times that Zhou Qiang had exclaimed.

There was a second-order mutant or higher walker in the cell just now?

And he made a fool of himself making noise in the neighborhood to attract walkers.

Obviously, it's a death wish.

It was fortunate that the Growlers hadn't been drawn out, or else the squad of zombies he'd managed to create would have simply been reimbursed.


Even the Mammoth One Zhou Qiang couldn't deal with right now, let alone the more advanced Growler.

This belongs to the existence that absolutely cannot be messed with.

Luckily, these survivors showed up, otherwise Zhou Qiang would have been in bad luck.

Seeing that some of these survivors had entered the neighborhood, Zhou Qiang immediately pulled his thoughts out of the little loli walker and shifted them to the burly walker.

Zhou Qiang wanted to see how they dealt with the Growlers.

This growler, and what it looks like.