
Crashing Into Her


I wake up in the middle of my sleep. Was it a dream? Was it real? I wake up and stand on my bed to check if any dogs are laying under my bed. There are none thankfully. That was such a bad dream Oh My God. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to think about it. I woke up from my bed, my head hit the fan.. Ahh! That was so bad. That was horrifying. I get down from my bed and walk in to the living room. I reach my fridge and grab a water bottle. I drink huge gulps of water and take a couple deep breaths. Brushing my thoughts away, I turn on my TV and go to Netflix. I go through my watch list and decide to watch Heartstopper. This show always makes me feel better. It's the episode where Nick brings the sweetest present for Charlie and they kiss. And I cry. God I'm alone. Their kisses always make me cry. Nick & Charlie are the cutest couple to exist. After about three episodes, I decide that I should try to sleep again. I turn off the TV, go to my bedroom and curl up under my comforter. I wish I had someone to cuddle with whenever I felt alone.

Oh Hi! I am Oliver. I'm 28, I'm bisexual and I'm alone. I live in LA and I work in Louis Vuitton as the Showroom Couture Manager. It is so hard to work in fashion. I love my job but when you're horny and alone, dressing people all day and making them look good plus not being allowed to flirt at work makes you want to hang yourself or in other words, takes a huge toll on you.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Before I can form thoughts in my head, sleep consumes me.

I wake up to the sound of the alarm. The time is ten am. Today's a Saturday and I'm catching up with my friends. We haven't met in six months. I get out my bed, brush my teeth and hit the shower. I take a nice long shower and get out. It's a brunch date. I pick a White tank top and Burgundy pants. I pair it with a Black Overcoat. It's perfect. I look at the time and it's thirty-five minutes past eleven. We're meeting at twelve pm. I put on my Black Louis Vuitton Sneakers, glide on my sunnies, take my wallet and start. I decided to take the metro today because it's been a while since I took public transport. I reach the station and see that the train to my stop will come in twenty-three minutes. So, I plug in my AirPods and start listening to music. I put on West Coast by Lana Del Rey. This is one of the best songs to exist. I stand there vibing by myself.

As I lift my head, I see a woman come down. She might just be the most perfect woman in existence. She's so beautiful Oh My God. She's a Taylor Swift song come to life. She has sharp features, a strong jawline and has the most amazing face. And it's complimented wonderfully by her body. She's not too lean and has the best curves I've ever seen. Her black bodycon dress hugs her in all the right places. Her hair is wavy and brown. It falls on her shoulders like a poet's dream.

She looks at me. I look at her. She keeps looking at me. I keep looking at her. I look down. I've been staring. I feel so weird. I pretend to be busy in my phone. I look at her from the corner of my eye and she goes down to the enquiry counter. She asks for something. How I wish I could read lips. The lady at the counter shakes her head. The woman comes back walking and stands in front of me facing her back to me. I can't help but look at her up and down. She is so perfect. I'm not a pervert, yet here I am behaving like one. I'm so alone.

The chorus of West Coast comes on and as Lana's voice takes me to the heavens, she delicately turns to me. She waves at me and says "Hi". I lift my head and take one AirPod away. I say "Hey" and she fidgets with her fingers.

She takes a breath. "I'm kinda stuck. Can you help me?"

My heart races in my chest. Heat rushes into my cheeks. God, Oliver! Get a hold over yourself. I'm a person. I can talk to a person "Yeah, sure."

Charlotte says :

I need to get to Brentwood. Does the Brentwood train stop in this station?

I smile. "Um, I actually don't take the train often. But as far as I know. the Brentwood train does stop here. I think it's the next train to stop."

She smiles. "Thanks."

She extends her hand to me. "I'm Charlotte."

That has to be the prettiest name I've ever heard. "Charlotte" "Charlotte" I love the way that rolls off of my tongue.


I hate my life. I'm 27, I work in a marketing firm and I'm alone. And the first date I had in months, ended with me being stood up. My best friend from school shifted to Manhattan a couple years ago. She's coming down to Brentwood to meet her aunt and uncle. And right now, I'm on my way to their home. I've never been to Brentwood. So, I figured taking a metro would be the best option. I should've known better. I come down to the station and see a guy standing by a pole. He might be the most perfect guy I've ever seen. He's so handsome and dreamy. His features are delicate but sharp and that jawline could cut throats. He's not too tall, looks to be just above six foot. He's clean shaven which brings out his features perfectly. He is hot but cute. Ah! He's so dreamy. And his hair is wavy and dark. His outfit looks really cool. A well-dressed guy with features like that!? I can assure you he's taken. He looks to be busy in his phone. I can't help but stare.

I lift my head to look into his eyes. He looks at me. He keeps looking at me, I keep looking at him. He looks down. He gets busy in his phone. I go to the counter to ask them if the train stops at Brentwood and the lady only knows about some stops in which Brentwood is not there. I'm just that lucky. I don't know what to do.

Should I ask the guy? Will he know? Can I trust a random guy? He doesn't look weird but you can't judge a person based off of their looks.

I decide to do it.

I go up to him and say "Hi". He smiles and waves back at me. He has the most gorgeous smile I swear. I ask him about the train and he's not sure of it, but he does give me the information I need. I extend my hand. "I'm Charlotte"

He looks at me in amusement and extends his hand to me. "I'm Oliver. Nice to meet you, I guess."

"Oliver" That has to the name of a Greek God. Even if it isn't, it has to be the sexiest name I've ever heard. His voice is not too deep but it hits me in places.


I say my name and she smiles at me. "Nice to meet you, too. Thanks for the help!"

I smile back. "It's no problem."

She takes her hand away. "Um. Where are you going?"

I say :

I'm going to Spring Hill. I'm pretty sure it's the stop before Brentwood.

She smiles. "Um. Would you mind staying beside me until your stop? This is my first time going this far and I'm kind of nervous."

I smile. "Yeah, sure. Why are you going to Brentwood anyway?"

She says in a chirpy tone :

My best friend's coming down. It's been really long since I met him.

I chuckle. "I'm going to catch up with old friends too. Wow!"

She smiles. "Where do you work?"

Before I can answer, the train comes by. We both board the train and Charlotte comes and sits beside me. I say :

Yeah. I work in Louis Vuitton.

Her eyes go wide. I let out a chuckle. "Wow! That is so cool. Please don't judge my outfit. It's been so long since I went shopping."


Fuck, I shouldn't have said that. But, I can't help it. I feel so intimidated around people like him. And, he works in fashion. I'm pretty sure his mind is running crazy thinking about how this dress is ugly in every fashion-related term. He says :

No. Your outfit is actually really nice. That's a beautiful dress and it fits you well. That is all that matters. Until a piece of clothing fits you and you feel good wearing it, you're fashionable. You look gorgeous. Do you feel confident?

I nod and he smiles. "Then, you don't have to worry about anything else. People always have this misconception about fashion. They think buying expensive clothes from luxury brands makes them fashionable. But, trust me, every luxury brand has bad designs. It totally depends on your taste. But, until what you're wearing looks good and you're confident wearing it, it's perfectly fine."

I smile. "Thank you. Thank you so much. That really opened my mind. Would you mind assessing me and telling me what colors will work best for me?


Charlotte is absolutely gorgeous. She would look good wearing just about anything. Her dusky skin will compliment every color and every design. I say :

As far as I go, you would look beautiful in all colors. But, if you want specific colors, I think you would look stunning in bright colors. Like purple, green, yellow, red and like that.

She says :

Thank you. I'm learning so much today, Oliver. It's been a long time since I shopped. Would it be okay if I came down to Louis Vuitton and purchased some good pieces under your guidance?

You're telling me I get to dress her!? This feels like a fucking dream.

I smile and say :

Absolutely. That'd be great. Um, where do you work?

"I work in Delante. It's a marketing firm."

"Very nice."

She asks :

I don't know if I should really ask this, but are you single?

I smile. "I am, actually."


You're kidding!