
Like A Dream

How could a guy like this possibly be single? He's the most gorgeous looking guy and is super sweet and has a great fashion sense. What could possibly be wrong with him? Women would kill for a guy like him. Oh, he might not be straight. I take a gulp. "If you don't mind me asking, are you straight?"

He smiles and says :

I'm not really comfortable talking about my sexuality. But I'm bi.

"Oh. Sorry"

He smiles and I melt in his presence. He's like a dream He commands the room in the most unexpected way. He's not dominant or demanding. He commands the room in a way that's sweet and noticeable. I hope that makes sense. It probably doesn't. "I'm sorry but I just can't believe that you are single. Any specific reason?"

He lets out the cutest giggle. "I got out of a relationship two months ago. So, I'm not dating."

I say :

Makes sense.


Charlotte seems a little too interested in my love life. I ask :

Are you single?

She nods. "Wow! I cannot believe that a woman like you is single. Are you straight?"

"Thank you. Yes, I am straight."

She literally is the most perfect woman. And her personality is great. Guys would kill for a woman like this. How in the hell is she single?

She says :

It's been a little over six months since I had a relationship and I had a date a couple days ago. The guy stood me up.

Wow! What an asshole. "I'm sorry, that must suck."

She shrugs and asks :

Have you ever been stood up?

I shake my head and she says :

Great. Good for you.

We look around. The metro sure is interesting. It's a mixing pot of all kinds of people. I find a pregnant woman. She's so cute. I look at her belly and it's just so wholesome. She looks at me and smiles. I smile back. I turn my head to see Charlotte looking at me. She smiles at me. "Oliver, you are the sweetest person I've ever met."

I blush. "Thank you so much Charlotte. You are one of the sweetest people I've met too.

She smiles at me. She has the prettiest smile. It makes my heart flutter. I keep looking into her eyes. She keeps looking into my eyes. I keep looking. She keeps looking. She keeps looking. I keep looking. What should I do? In movies, people usually kiss after staring at each other like this. I can't do that now. This is not a movie. Not a romance one, at least. Not yet. The train comes to a halt making us tilt our heads away. That was weird. I felt something but I can't put it into words. There was something between us.


God I feel weird. That was so awkward. There was such a different air around us. I felt something between us. That was weird. I push my hair behind my ear and ask :

How much time left for your stop?

He looks at his phone. "It's the next stop. Coming up in about five minutes."

I immediately ask :

Give me your number. I'd love to talk with you and I'll come down to your store.

He smiles. "Yeah, this is my number."

He gives me his number and I send a text to him.

"Thank you so much for all the help Oliver. I'm so glad I found you. I didn't know who to trust and you were really nice. I owe you one. I really do."

He smiles in all his glory. "No problem at all. Glad I could help. Do not forget to give me a call when you reach. Be safe okay. Very nice meeting you. The stop's here. Bye. I'm excited for you to come down to the store. Bye."

I smile and wave at him. He goes away. He was so sweet. He's just so perfect and dreamy. I would've spent more time with him if it wasn't for Nick, my best friend.


She waves at me and I come out of the train. I wish we stayed together a little longer. If it wasn't for Monica, George and Lily, I would've went along with her. I keep walking and find the exit. The cafe we're meeting up at is two hundred meters from here. I keep walking and find the cafe. It's a small cute place. I see my friends sitting in the corner. I go up to them and say :

Hey guys. Been a while. How are y'all?

They all smile at me and Monica says :

Well, among professional deadlines, my mom forcing me to find a stable relationship and my own anxiety, I'm fine.

I let out a laugh and say :

Same here. Exactly same.

Everyone agrees with us and I say :

I guess it's a universal thing then. Lily, your recent reels have been so good. I'm jealous of all the travelling you're doing.

Lily lets out a giggle and says :

Well, thank you. My boyfriend is a travel photographer and he takes me to the most amazing places.

I say :

That's so romantic. Damn, I'm so happy for you. Mon, how's your relationship going?

Monica sighs and says :

It's fine. There's just no excitement, you know. It's so flat. The sex is good. But, other than that, it's just not it.

I laugh and say :

Well, I don't quite know how to react to that. But, glad to know you're getting good dick. Anyways, have y'all ordered?

George says :

No, we waited for you.

I call the waiter and we give our orders. The waiter goes away and George asks me :

How've you been? I can't believe how you're still single. You were the hot guy in our college and you only got hotter. Do LA girls have no taste or what?

I blush and Monica says :

Exactly. A girl who's in her right mind would kill for a guy like you.

I blurt out :

You guys! Thanks for the compliments, but let's not make this about me. We met after six months.

Lily says :

See, he won't even allow us to talk about him. Monica's boyfriend's biggest kink is Monica talking about him. It just doesn't make sense how you're so perfect and yet, single.

Monica joins her and says :

I agree. You definitely have a woman in your life. You're just hiding it from us.

I smile and say :

First off, I don't have any woman in my life. If I did, you guys would be the first to know. Although, there's something you guys should know. I took the metro down here. A woman came by to our stop and she asked me for help. I did help her and she's so gorgeous. Her name's Charlotte. I travelled with her in the train.

Monica and Lily look at me in amusement. Lily says :

Charlotte is the prettiest name. How does she look?

I take my phone out and show them Charlotte's Whatsapp profile picture. They gasp and say :

God! She's so beautiful.

George says :

Oliver, you both would look wonderful together. I look at them in confusion and they nod. I blush hard. I ask :

Y'all think I should ask her out?

Monica says;

Yeah, absolutely.

I say :

Well, she's coming down to my showroom. Guess I'll ask her then.

George says :

This is so exciting! I can't even imagine how good your kids will look.

My eyes widen. I say :

Shut up George. I met her an hour ago. Maybe I have a little crush on her, that's all.

Everyone stays silent for a second and Lily asks :

Thinking about how many kids you want with her?

I blush hard and nod my head. I say :

Okay. Okay. Maybe I have a huge crush on her.

Monica nudges my shoulder and goes :

Look at you all flustered.

I smile and the waiter comes with our food.


I walk down the station and open my phone to see the location. It's a ten minute walk from here. I start walking and find the house. It's an apartment. I go to their flat and ring the bell. The door opens revealing Nick. I throw my arms around him and hug him tight. He hugs me and ruffles my hair. I hit him on the head. This is the exact same way we greet each other every time we meet. He smiles and says :

I missed you bitch.

I smile back. "I missed you more."

We break our hug and Nick looks at me up and down. "Look at you all dressed up. You look so hot."

I shrug. "And yet, no bitches."

Nick chuckles. "Oh shut up. LA is tasteless."

I smile. "Where are your aunt and uncle?"

"I have a surprise for you."

"What? What surprise?"

He asks :

How's this place?

I look around. It's quite a huge place and it's very well furnished. The windows add a nice touch and it's a very nice place overall. "It's a very nice place. Why?"

He smiles. "My aunt and uncle don't live here. I got transferred here and bought this place."

My eyes go wide. I squeal in excitement. "What! You're kidding!"

He shakes his head and says :

No, I'm not.

I hug him tight and let out screams of joy. "I'm so happy for you bitch. I'm happy for me. Wow! This is amazing."

"I know bitch. I know."

"So, is this place close to your work?"

He nods. "It's a very nice place bitch. And it's close to work. Ah! It's perfect. Oh My God, this is huge. I need to fucking sit."

He smiles. "Yes, make yourself comfortable."

He points at the couch. I sit down and oh my god is it comfortable. I kick my shoes off and lay on the couch. "Bitch, I can live on this couch. It's so comfortable. Are you fucking kidding me!

He laughs. "Knew you'd like it."

I ask him :

Now, tell me what has happened in these six months.

He lets out a huge sigh. A layer of despair overtakes him all of a sudden. "Tag and I broke up."

I immediately wake up. I take his hand "Nick, look at me. Really?"

He nods and his eyes start getting watery. I take his head and bury it in my neck. I try to hold in a cry but sobs come storming out of me. "How? Y'all were perfect for each other."

He starts crying. "He cheated on me."

I hug him tighter. "No way!"

He nods his head and we stay there sobbing. I turn his head toward me. "Why didn't you tell me? You know I would come over."

He lets out a sob. "I know. I should've told you. I feel guilty. I'm so sorry Char. I'm sorry."

He places his head in my hands and keeps saying "sorry"

I lift him and kiss the top of his head. "It's okay sweetie. I'm here. I'm here for you."

He keeps sobbing. "I have something that might cheer you up."

He lifts his head. "What?"

I smile. "I met a guy."

His eyes immediately get lit with excitement. "I need every single detail!"