
Transparent Feelings

"Yo bitch! How you've been!?" Kir greeted as she walks straight towards Leona

"Bitch! I'm fine. I got a lot of rest, thanks" the brunette girl replied as she took a seat

"By the way, how did you know my workmate Cassandra?" the girl added with a question

Kir was left with no words to say. She never told her friend about her sexuality, let alone that Cassandra is her girlfriend. It's not that Kir doesn't trust Leona, but she just can't simply talk about her real self in front of her friend, scared to be judge and thrown upon.

"What do you mean? Who's Cassandra?" the only reply that Kir uttered

She regretted what she just said. She knew very well that if Cassandra was there with them, the girl would be disappointed with her choice of answer.

"Bitch. She asked me why I came to work when you said that I fainted due to stress, which is pretty sweet because she's willing to take my shift just for me to have some rest. Do you think she hitting on me?"

"What?" Kir asked, dumbfounded at what she just heard

"Cassandra. You think she's hitting on me?"

"Why would you think that?"

"She told me she's not straight, the day we first met. I asked if she has any lover, and she answered no. So, maybe she likes me? She must like me right?"

"Wait wait wait wait. When did you first meet?"

"The 4th of July last year. Why? What's in it with you? You said you don't know her, right? You literally asked who's Cassandra"

Kir was disappointed to hear such a thing from her friend. She and Cassandra became lovers on the 3rd of July last year, that's why it doesn't make any sense for her to hear that Cassandra said she's available right after the day they become lovers. Kir has negative thoughts in her mind, was it just some stupid game Cassandra made?

"Hey! You okay there? I think I lost you just now" Leona asked, snapping the lady away from her thoughts

"Wha- ah, yeah I'm fine. What did you say again?" Kir asked

"I said, Cassandra texted me. She asked what time my class would end"

"Why would she asked that?"

"I don't know, still waiting for a reply" Kir said and just then, her phone vibrates

"Ooohh she said she'll be here after the class. She asked me to eat with her. Wanna join us?"

Kir didn't know what to reply to her friend. Why is her girlfriend wants to hang out with her friend? I she cheating on her?

"Sure" Kir blurted

She wants to know the answer to all of her questions. Like surely, the girl is just trying to get friendly since she's Kir's friend. But Kir just feel something a little off.

The door flew open and the teacher entered the room, ending the two's conversation. They were discussing about the Plant Property and Equipment. Just when they were about to have an activity, the door flew open once again

"Marcelo, good to see you." the professor said

The guy just bow down to greet his professor and then walk straight to his chair where Kir and Leona awaits

"Dude, you've been gone for a week. What happened to you?" Leona asked

"Got scouted to train as professional dancer before my father barged and bring me back to hell" he replied

The girl's knew very well what Marcelo truly wants in life. Dancing has always been his passion and he doesn't want to make it just his hobby but his profession.

"Don't worry. I'm sure someday you'll succeed" Leona said

"Don't give up man. Remember that you are still your own person. You decide for yourself" Kir added

"Thanks girls."

Right after their classes, they proceeded to meet Cassandra who's waiting for Leona at the back gate of the school. Loana also invited Marcelo to go with them since they will be having a meal and meeting another person might change Marcelo's bad mood. Meanwhile, Cassandra didn't even know what awaits her, for all she knows is that she will be having a meal with Leona, and Leona only.

Kir on the other hand, doesn't know what to say to her girlfriend. Nobody knows about her relationship with Cassandra. She doesn't even want to tag along but she needed answers. She wants to know if the girl she fell in love with is cheating on her.

Kir made sure to not stand too close to Leona so that she can see what her girlfriend would do first when she meets Leona.

"Cassandra" Leona called out, enough to catch the girl's attention

"Hey how are you" she said as she hugs the girl

"I'm fine, thank you for asking. How about you?"

Cassandra didn't bother to answer Leona. Her eyes are fixated at the beautiful woman behind Leona. She gave her a smile but instead of smiling back, Kir just looked away clenching her fist

"Are you mad?" Cassandra asked, concerned at her girlfriend's reaction

"Wha-no, no I'm not" Leona answered but her eyes is still fixed at her girlfriend's

"No, I'm not. Why would I be? You're just holding another girl right in front of me. There's nothing to be jealous about" Kir said still looking away.

Leona looked at her friend and back to Cassandra again.

"You're so cute when you're jealous, baby" Cassandra chuckles

"No, I'm not!" Kir boldly denied

Marcelo chuckle for he already know what's happening. Even if they don't directly say it, their eyes are way too obvious making their feelings become transparent

"Do you want me to kiss her?" Cassandra said, teasing her girlfriend to look for some reaction which she was happy that she got

"Don't you dare!" Kir hissed

"Why not?"

"You know why Cassandra!"

"Okay! What is happening with you people!?" the oblivious Leona asked, confused at the two's interactions

"See. This is why I tell you to make our relationship private and not just a secret. This way, I would be able to say who I'm in love with"

"You could just say you're unavailable. Why are you doing this?"

"If I say that I'm unavailable that will only leads to people asking me who's the lucky person. And what do you want me to answer to them? should I tell them that the lucky person is